How much can change in a year is amazing

We as a country decided to take a medical problem & make it political. divide the country into waring camps.
No, the Democrats used this medical problem to corrupt our elections. Or do you think that Blacks are simply too stupid to participate in a regular election process?
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No, the Democrats used this medical problem to corrupt our elections. Or do you think that Blacks are simply too stupid to participate in a regular election process?
What are you trying to say? what does black voters have to do with the political choices that our waring political party leaders decided about a medical problem that ingulfed the whole world?
Except every other country had less economic damage and less Covid Deaths because they did the things Trump DIDN'T do. Contain the virus, take proper measures to prevent it's spread. Trump lied about how serious it was and undermined attempts to contain it.
Dims are the ones who shut down the country, douchebag.

We had black people rioting in the streets because you had a president who openly encouraged police brutality, before AND after George Floyd was murdered.

What utter bullshit. When did Trump encourage police brutality? Please provide one example.

And until those demonstrators are convicted of something (most never will be) they are entitled to bail.

So all the Jan 6 protestors were entitled to bail?

Trump didn't have an ex-president encouraging people to keep spreading the disease and not take the vaccine.

Trump never told anyone not to take the vaccine, you lying turd.

Masks and vaccinations NEVER should have been a political or cultural issue.. until Trump made them so.

Again, Trump never told anyone not to take the vaccine, you lying turd.

It's been proven that wearing masks has no effect on limiting the spread of the disease.

Everything you say is a flat out lie, Joe.
Not at all... but you keep trying to excuse Trump's negligence and incompetence.

National Emergencies was his job. He failed miserably.
We lived in peace until the swamp, elites, globalists and the Progs with the RINOS/Neo Cons sabotaged him enough to the abyss with the help of the media and entertainers. Now we see what you wanted in power. Consummate bullshit artists.
What are you trying to say? what does black voters have to do with the political choices that our waring political party leaders decided about a medical problem that ingulfed the whole world?
I am trying to say exactly what I said, but I will connect the dots if that will help:

Covid 19 was a medical problem that was used as an excuse to fundamentally alter our 2020 election process by virtually eliminating any means of verifying that eligible voters actually cast their own ballots. Now that the medical rationale for these changes is fading away, it is being replaced with the argument that Minority (i.e., Black) voters are being disadvantaged by having to comply with the same election rules as everyone else. Why is that?
Don't forget the Russian situation is the worst since the cold war.

Fucking Democracks. Reagan cleaned-up after that hot mess, then you assholes appoint Biden and now look.
Sheep Dip and Fish Tank Cleaner

Please post a list of actual names of people who did that?
I know way more people that you do from way more walks of life of and 99% of the people who refuse the VAX are Blacks who live in the slums.





Lol, he has always said to get the jab. But I didn't, I can agree to disagree.

Well, honestly, then he's not doing a good job of leading, is he? If his followers are refusing to get the jab he got.





Well, honestly, then he's not doing a good job of leading, is he? If his followers are refusing to get the jab he got.
Thanks for proving Biden sucks.
On the other hand, all these people are alive for the harmless Omicron.
Dims are the cause of every one of those things.
So somebody else was in charge. You see, I know a Democrat wasn't in charge, because he would have taken responsibility


What utter bullshit. When did Trump encourage police brutality? Please provide one example.

Funny, what I remember about a year ago

Riots in the streets.
Spike in Crime
Mass death from Covid
15% unemployment
Gee I dunno.Riots were in the 2020 Summer of Love.
Where the RNC at their July Convention made a huge deal over
Contrary a month later in August at the DNC Convention not a
word was muttered about Violence.
Plus Masses let alone going to Church was Disallowed for around
2 years pal.
Under Trump Being normal and acting normal and expecting normal
was The Rule. As soon as word got around this Biden clown was
to be our next Potus,all hell broke loose.And it's only gotten worse each week.
So somebody else was in charge. You see, I know a Democrat wasn't in charge, because he would have taken responsibility

View attachment 604095

Trump simply isn't responsible. He took no action that would have caused any of those things.

You simply can't stop lying, can you Joe?
So somebody else was in charge. You see, I know a Democrat wasn't in charge, because he would have taken responsibility

View attachment 604095

Because Old Senile Joe said so.He was going to UNITE the country.
Be the grown-up in the room.Actually Build Back Better is an
Agenda 2020 { now Agenda 2030 } New World Order doctrine.
To tackle poverty,empower woman and address climate change.
By Reducing the Populations.
Klaus Schwab opened his big german trap in explaining it.
The Head of the World Economic Forum, and one of Bilderberg's biggest
Gee I dunno.Riots were in the 2020 Summer of Love.
Where the RNC at their July Convention made a huge deal over
Contrary a month later in August at the DNC Convention not a
word was muttered about Violence.

I think you are a bit confused, as the Democratic convention happened BEFORE The Republican one.

Yes, I am sure that it was a big deal at the Republican convention, because scaring stupid white people has been the GOP brand since 1968.

Plus Masses let alone going to Church was Disallowed for around
2 years pal.

You talk like that is a bad thing. (Not that it actually happened, but we could always wish.)

Under Trump Being normal and acting normal and expecting normal
was The Rule. As soon as word got around this Biden clown was
to be our next Potus,all hell broke loose.And it's only gotten worse each week.


I'm not seeing any riots.

Or closed stores.

We've recovered 6 million of the 10 million jobs Trump lost. In fact, we have a labor shortage right now.
Trump simply isn't responsible. He took no action that would have caused any of those things.

You simply can't stop lying, can you Joe?
Perversely worse than any distortion.It proves where you are.
Not on earth.Somewhere in the Democrat clouds.Where not enough
Oxygen is present.
I guess felling so light in the head comes naturally to some.
I think you are a bit confused, as the Democratic convention happened BEFORE The Republican one.

Yes, I am sure that it was a big deal at the Republican convention, because scaring stupid white people has been the GOP brand since 1968.

You talk like that is a bad thing. (Not that it actually happened, but we could always wish.)


I'm not seeing any riots.

Or closed stores.

We've recovered 6 million of the 10 million jobs Trump lost. In fact, we have a labor shortage right now.
I stand { sit } corrected.The RNC was a week after the DNC convention.
I coulda swore the RNC was in July.I remember The Young Turks had a l
little side stand set up at the Cleveland site.Alex Jones along with Roger Stone
went past it and all hell broke loose.Movie guy { Ben Mankiewicz } of Turner
Classic Movies was next to Cenk Uygur and foul mouthed political slut
Anna Kasparian was behind some video camera calling out Jones as some
Fat Fuch a few times.The Young Turks went after Roger Stone about something
they were convinced he said or did recently.Stone kept his distance as Jones
made himself at home and attempted to sit down next to Uygur and
Mankiwwicz.It dint last long.Probably because the Little Political Slut
Kasparian is a real work.Takes practially nothing to wind her up.
The Biggest leftie propagandist in California and beyond.
I stand { sit } corrected.The RNC was a week after the DNC convention.
I coulda swore the RNC was in July.I remember The Young Turks had a l
little side stand set up at the Cleveland site.Alex Jones along with Roger Stone
went past it and all hell broke loose.Movie guy { Ben Mankiewicz } of Turner
Classic Movies was next to Cenk Uygur and foul mouthed political slut
Anna Kasparian was behind some video camera calling out Jones as some
Fat Fuch a few times.The Young Turks went after Roger Stone about something
they were convinced he said or did recently.Stone kept his distance as Jones
made himself at home and attempted to sit down next to Uygur and
Mankiwwicz.It dint last long.Probably because the Little Political Slut
Kasparian is a real work.Takes practially nothing to wind her up.
The Biggest leftie propagandist in California and beyond.

Your crazy rant aside, the way that it works is the challenging party has it's convention before the incumbent party... and it's worked that way for as long as I remember.

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