How Much Credit Should Obama Get For The Recovery?

What we need is a "Jobs Bill".

What liberal turds call a "jobs bill" is the last thing we need. We already had $900 billion worth of that.

You complain about jobs in one breath, and claim we don't need a jobs bill in the next. It's almost as if you want the economy to suck.

You do understand that the House has passed about a dozen "Jobs" bills, and the Senate has refuse to even look at them..........

I mean you do know this, right?
Yes, unemployment would be at 5.2% and GDP would be growing at a health pace !


Listening has taken a stop in ...


I hope you know I was joking.

Your point was well made and I was using a little sarcasm to help it along.

My bad. Sorry.

Sometimes it's difficult to tell humor apart from what Democrats are actually claiming.

Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News

Market was 7000 when President Obama entered office. It's 12.2K as of Friday, 10/28/2011. That's called a "recovery".

Reality. It's good for ya.

How long do we have to listen to this drivel ?

The market dived and came back. It has done that several times after a major rupture.

It still isn't what it was at eight years ago and many are concerned it is getting ready to tank again.

The type of investor and the nature of investment in the market has changed dramatically in the last four years too.

They are almost unrelated anymore.

If we were in a recovery, President Obama would not be seeking his 2nd so called stimulus in the form of a jobs bill and housing prices would be recovering. As it is, many people are still underwater and jobs are still being lost.

I am not happy about it and I don't blame President is a host of factors.

But this kind of spin is what we are going to have to endure for the next election cycle.

The level of disinformation will reach new heights.

I can hardly wait (for it to be over).

And whoever gets elected is going to have a real mess on their hands. I watched Robert Gibbs on C-Span the other day talking factually instead of spinning up the administration. He said, the American People...not President Obama...are going to have to decide what they want in the way of services and how much they are willing to pay for them. He also discussed how this economy is going to continue to evolve and how we are going to have to decide (as a people) how we are going to respond to those changes. It was refreshing.

What part of the DOW started at 7K and ended at 12K, don't you understand?

I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

However much credit he gets should be directly proportionate to how much blame he was given.
Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News

Market was 7000 when President Obama entered office. It's 12.2K as of Friday, 10/28/2011. That's called a "recovery".

Reality. It's good for ya.

How long do we have to listen to this drivel ?

The market dived and came back. It has done that several times after a major rupture.

It still isn't what it was at eight years ago and many are concerned it is getting ready to tank again.

The type of investor and the nature of investment in the market has changed dramatically in the last four years too.

They are almost unrelated anymore.

If we were in a recovery, President Obama would not be seeking his 2nd so called stimulus in the form of a jobs bill and housing prices would be recovering. As it is, many people are still underwater and jobs are still being lost.

I am not happy about it and I don't blame President is a host of factors.

But this kind of spin is what we are going to have to endure for the next election cycle.

The level of disinformation will reach new heights.

I can hardly wait (for it to be over).

And whoever gets elected is going to have a real mess on their hands. I watched Robert Gibbs on C-Span the other day talking factually instead of spinning up the administration. He said, the American People...not President Obama...are going to have to decide what they want in the way of services and how much they are willing to pay for them. He also discussed how this economy is going to continue to evolve and how we are going to have to decide (as a people) how we are going to respond to those changes. It was refreshing.

What part of the DOW started at 7K and ended at 12K, don't you understand?


you are smart enough to know what is driving the dow.
Cetainly not confidence and certainly not economic growth.
Shouldn't the appropriate credit be proportional to the length, breadth, and strength of said recovery, which BTW hasn't happened yet?
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

What "recovery"


Amazing how none of the conservatives/Republicans on this board know we're in an economic recovery. Where do you get your news?

From my P&L...... Sales of new services and software has been flat for nearly three years. ... not to mention existing clients are taking way longer to pay. That speaks volumes more than any talking head or newspaper.
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I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

What "recovery?"

The one FOX News isn't telling you about?

Apart from your TALK BEING EXTREMELY CHEAP,your analysis is also of an uneducated nature,after your beloved Repubsickans brought you to the edge,all you do is whinge when you are faced with the facts,I note with some mirth that I noticed your silence was deafening during the W Bush years....but how typical that you proffer your critique at this moment in time,you need to get a life.

You say that three of your friends have recently been retrenched but surprisingly don't say WHY OR WHAT INDUSTRY THEY WERE IT.

Its this lack of information,these open ended one liners is why you have little or no credibility,its time to lift your game.


I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

Speaking of the current economy as "the recovery" is a tad premature, don't you think?

We're informed that there are leading indicators suggesting the economy is in recovery.

But until that happy news actually effects the economy of the most Americans?

Calling this disasterous economic time "the recovery" is a serious political mistake.

Three people I know just got let go from professional jobs. I'd say the recovery is out there ain't here.
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Gee Boop,what's all this re your avie,recently had a BOOB JOB OR WHAT!!!!!!!!steve:lol::lol:
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

However much credit he gets should be directly proportionate to how much blame he was given.
I usually don't either blame or credit presidents for the economic situation. Mainly what happens is beyond their control. But this time I think it may be a little different. Obama's taken some steps some other presidents would be afraid to go. He's taken some political risks, in other words, which appear to be paying off. Should he get more than normal credit for the recovery?

What recovery??? I have not seen one.
I am happy to report that October was my best month so far this year. Sales were up and fuel costs down. BTW, the previous best month was September.

My business serves various fabriction sectors.......wood products, metal products and plastics fabricators. These sectors have been hit hard. Another up month and I'll be placing some stock orders......something I have not been able to do for almost two years. I'll also be buying some nice X-mas gifts.

Please root for a continued recovery.....regardless of who is in the WH. My daughter wants a new Mazda...........


Amazing how none of the conservatives/Republicans on this board know we're in an economic recovery. Where do you get your news?

From the people who report on the 2nd stimulus disguised as a jobs bill.

If we are in a recovery, why aren't things looking better in ters of unemployment.

And BTW: with the DOW dumping 300 pts today, it is still about 500 pts below where it was 8 1/2 years ago. That sounds like a recovery to me.

I am happy to report that October was my best month so far this year. Sales were up and fuel costs down. BTW, the previous best month was September.

My business serves various fabriction sectors.......wood products, metal products and plastics fabricators. These sectors have been hit hard. Another up month and I'll be placing some stock orders......something I have not been able to do for almost two years. I'll also be buying some nice X-mas gifts.

Please root for a continued recovery.....regardless of who is in the WH. My daughter wants a new Mazda...........

I am happy for you. I am sure these have been difficult times and I tip my hat to the small businessperson who has stuck it out.

It is what America is made of.

My overbloated company is sitting on a pile of cash and investing in China and India. We did spend 400 million domestically about a year ago on an acquasition. But, in general, I think the POV of the board is not the domestic United States.
I am happy to report that October was my best month so far this year. Sales were up and fuel costs down. BTW, the previous best month was September.

My business serves various fabriction sectors.......wood products, metal products and plastics fabricators. These sectors have been hit hard. Another up month and I'll be placing some stock orders......something I have not been able to do for almost two years. I'll also be buying some nice X-mas gifts.

Please root for a continued recovery.....regardless of who is in the WH. My daughter wants a new Mazda...........

I am happy for you. I am sure these have been difficult times and I tip my hat to the small businessperson who has stuck it out.

It is what America is made of.

My overbloated company is sitting on a pile of cash and investing in China and India. We did spend 400 million domestically about a year ago on an acquasition. But, in general, I think the POV of the board is not the domestic United States.

Thanks for the kind words. I did have to shut down my second I can't say i was able to "stick it out" completely.

Too bad about your firm. Would love to see them have a change of heart.

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