Zone1 How much do you want holiness?


Not all who wander are lost
Oct 21, 2014
Holiness is defined as being devoted or consecrated to God. Do you want this? Why or why not.
Holiness is defined as being devoted or consecrated to God. Do you want this? Why or why not.
It would be interesting to hear what other people's perspective is on holiness. As a kid it was very hierarchical to me. As in lesser beings interacting with superiors. A sense of perfection and reverence and fear all rolled into one. As I got older I realized this was actually a barrier that probably doesn't exist. That only served to create distance between God and I. Now I think the best way to describe holy is like a relationship with your best friend. Personal, honest, appreciative, love.
It would be interesting to hear what other people's perspective is on holiness. As a kid it was very hierarchical to me. As in lesser beings interacting with superiors. A sense of perfection and reverence and fear all rolled into one. As I got older I realized this was actually a barrier that probably doesn't exist. That only served to create distance between God and I. Now I think the best way to describe holy is like a relationship with your best friend. Personal, honest, appreciative, love.
I started out much the same as you. Priests and sisters were holy because they dedicated their lives to God. Then, fifth grade if I am remembering correctly, a very lovely nun taught us that not all are called to dedicate their lives as a priest or sister. God calls people to dedicate their lives to him in all manner of activities. The aim is to bring love into all that we do, whether it is being a priest praying the Mass or a kid playing kickball out on the playground.

It was also noted that St. Therese, also known as The Little Flower, brought love into mopping the floor. I have to admire that, because that is not something I've ever been able to do. The closest I come is to love when it is finished. Still something for which to aim. (The wise nun thought of times like this, said if we can't come to love doing something, we can always offer it up. We don't hear much about "Offering it up" these days...)
Holiness is defined as being devoted or consecrated to God. Do you want this? Why or why not.
I assume you mean devotion via a specific religion that defines God a certain way. For me no but I understand the importance of this with other people.
I assume you mean devotion via a specific religion that defines god a certain way. For me no but I understand the importance of this with other people.
No., In fact, far from devotion via specific religion. And no to defining God a certain way. For atheists (or agnostics) the definition could well be, are you devoted or consecrated to goodness or loving others.

For a number of reasons I don't accept the common meaning of those who do not claim Jesus as Lord and Savior are already condemned (meaning condemned to hell). In the first place that makes no sense. One of the goals of salvation is reunite the Twelve Tribes. Does it even make sense to let salvation and reunification come via the Tribe of Judah and then toss them out? That certainly wasn't God's plan, so maybe we need to take a very close look at what John meant and intended when he wrote that particular verse.
No., In fact, far from devotion via specific religion. And no to defining God a certain way. For atheists (or agnostics) the definition could well be, are you devoted or consecrated to goodness or loving others.

For a number of reasons I don't accept the common meaning of those who do not claim Jesus as Lord and Savior are already condemned (meaning condemned to hell). In the first place that makes no sense. One of the goals of salvation is reunite the Twelve Tribes. Does it even make sense to let salvation and reunification come via the Tribe of Judah and then toss them out? That certainly wasn't God's plan, so maybe we need to take a very close look at what John meant and intended when he wrote that particular verse.
I appreciate your perspectives on God and Christianity. Most of the Christians I know in my own family and friends have a quite rigid model of God and the afterlife that has never made sense to me. Most of what I read in this forum sounds like my family :)
No., In fact, far from devotion via specific religion. And no to defining God a certain way. For atheists (or agnostics) the definition could well be, are you devoted or consecrated to goodness or loving others.

For a number of reasons I don't accept the common meaning of those who do not claim Jesus as Lord and Savior are already condemned (meaning condemned to hell). In the first place that makes no sense. One of the goals of salvation is reunite the Twelve Tribes. Does it even make sense to let salvation and reunification come via the Tribe of Judah and then toss them out? That certainly wasn't God's plan, so maybe we need to take a very close look at what John meant and intended when he wrote that particular verse.

"I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."--John 14:6

Folks, I would believe the words of He who conquered death over a mealy-mouthed** 'holiness' hawker. Any day and every day.

**by that I mean, you will not come out and say you're not Christian. Which you are not. The bolded section above reveals that you have cobbled together some kind of self-righteousness, but it's not Christian.
Most of the Christians I know in my own family and friends have a quite rigid model of God and the afterlife that has never made sense to me. Most of what I read in this forum sounds like my family :)
Absolutely! The family of God is a family of explorers. Explorers are ever eager to share their discoveries, what they have seen, what they have learned, and what they have experienced. Then there is always the speculation on what is around the corner awaiting discovery.

In the meantime, whether visiting family or a religion forum, can it be compared to a discussion of which has more beauty--a violet or a seashell. The violet or the seashell are distractions from a better point--that is where each finds beauty and the beauty that one sees.

"Never made sense to me" could well be the motto of us both.
"I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."--John 14:6
John starts out by introducing Jesus as the Word of God. No one comes to God except through the Word of God. The beautiful part of this is that the Word, even a Word, of God can reach the heart in silence and work quietly, nurturing the seed, preparing the soil, providing the son/sun that lights the way to the Father.
**by that I mean, you will not come out and say you're not Christian. Which you are not. The bolded section above reveals that you have cobbled together some kind of self-righteousness, but it's not Christian.
I have a dream I hope will come true...that there might be a thread where there is no place for "you". There is no reason to make this--or any thread--about me or anyone else who posts any thread. I don't find myself that interesting and quite unworthy as a topic.

Reflecting on holiness, where one finds it, and where it leads...that I find worthy of insight and discussion.

Alan Greenspan offers this insight about communication:

“ I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”

As a kid it was very hierarchical to me. As in lesser beings interacting with superiors. A sense of perfection and reverence and fear all rolled into one. As I got older I realized this was actually a barrier that probably doesn't exist. That only served to create distance between God and I.
spot on ding.....
“ I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”
which could be the modus operandi of religion Meri

things celestial do not translate well into the terrestrial realm

which could be the modus operandi of religion Meri

things celestial do not translate well into the terrestrial realm

That is pure wisdom and so very insightful. Thank you, sparky, for sharing.
Holiness is defined as being devoted or consecrated to God. Do you want this? Why or why not.

holiness is being without sin and refutiates the forgeries and fallacies of the christian bible and the bibles of all three desert religions of - servitude and denial.

liberation theology, self determination as taught by jesus is the path to judgement and admission as a free spirit to the everlasting.

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