How Much Should A Teacher Get Paid?

2/3 of there eighth graders cant read to good. The fact that the freeloaders even have a job is confounding. and yes, the teachers in Wisconsin are over paid for that reason alone.

Wisconsin Students Rank #2 in composite SAT Scores (Link)


Wisconsin Students Rank #3 in ACT Composite Scores (Link).

Yet the "freeloaders" are producing some of the highest test results in the nation.


I'm going to break you idiots of using blogs as your sources if it kills me.

According to the College Board, as cited in USA Today, only about 6% of graduating students in Wisconsin even take the SAT, which skews their state's overall ranking. This is why the College Board advises against ranking states by score, since the more students who take the test in a state, the lower the score is.

If this is your argument, it just proves you are part of the problem, forcing schools to put ALL students in college prep classes when it is obvious that many need trade schools.
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What's the first rule of the market? Rationing through price. Do we really want to ration our educational system by price?

Why not? It seems to work for every other job out there, many of which are - sorry to voice such heresy - more important than teachers.

By the way, the first rule of economics, and thus of the market, is "There's no such thing as a free lunch".

So by ration you mean lay off 1/2 the teachers and double the class room sizes, and cut the pay and benefits in 1/2 to the remaining teachers, while demanding the lil brats grades increase two levels in the first year or else. Have I got that right?

If I were you, I would never even bother asking the question, "Have I got that right?" You are clearly constitutionally incapable of getting ANYTHING right.

And remember what I told you about your inability to understand and answer my points not being a license to invent points you WANT me to make and shoving them into my mouth.
The problem with education is and has been that parents aren't willing to do what needs to be done to make sure their kids get educated. They depend on teachers to take the 9 months a year maybe 1 hr a day to force feed education. But the truth is most parents do not do what needs to be done to get their kids educated.
So what a person gets paid for being in a room of kids and presenting them with what they need to be productive members of our society is more a matter of what will the market bare, just like in other jobs.

Like in Wisc if people want 21 kids per class and they will need an amount of teacher equal to the divide.
Same way for Cops, if you want one officer for each say 250 people then you divide the amount you have to spend by the how many people your officer is responsible for, and if that isn't enough to pay the going rate you will need to hire less officers and have them responsible for more people. same for teachers, if you don't have the money then you can't expect that the only recourse should be working for less, it could/should be done by less workers with bigger classes. Now this might not suite parents but thats life.
That's all you've got?

You can't expand any further?

LMAO!......Thanks for further proving my point!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Ah, I see you don't know what "Drinll n' Kill" means in the education field. :lol::lol::lol:
So, explain!

What, you can't go beyond a one line lil' comment?

If you're going to attempt to debate, DEBATE!

Drill n' Kill refers to worksheets, worksheets and more worksheets. Multiple choice, memorization, and tests, tests, tests.
The problem with education is and has been that parents aren't willing to do what needs to be done to make sure their kids get educated. They depend on teachers to take the 9 months a year maybe 1 hr a day to force feed education. But the truth is most parents do not do what needs to be done to get their kids educated.
So what a person gets paid for being in a room of kids and presenting them with what they need to be productive members of our society is more a matter of what will the market bare, just like in other jobs.

Like in Wisc if people want 21 kids per class and they will need an amount of teacher equal to the divide.
Same way for Cops, if you want one officer for each say 250 people then you divide the amount you have to spend by the how many people your officer is responsible for, and if that isn't enough to pay the going rate you will need to hire less officers and have them responsible for more people. same for teachers, if you don't have the money then you can't expect that the only recourse should be working for less, it could/should be done by less workers with bigger classes. Now this might not suite parents but thats life.
You're painting with an awfully wide brush there, Iowa.

Are you really going to go with the "Most parents" claim?

Do you have verifiable facts on that claim?.......Got links to prove it?

Surely, the quality of teachers has absolutely nothing to do with anything, eh?

Because all we are hearing from MOST of their supporters is that the teachers should not be held acountable for anything regarding the failings of our public school system. In fact, Most are claiming it's all the parents fault, and the teachers abilities should not be called into question for any reason.
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Ah, I see you don't know what "Drinll n' Kill" means in the education field. :lol::lol::lol:
So, explain!

What, you can't go beyond a one line lil' comment?

If you're going to attempt to debate, DEBATE!

Drill n' Kill refers to worksheets, worksheets and more worksheets. Multiple choice, memorization, and tests, tests, tests.
Ya' see how easy that is?......I don't work in the education system. Nor do most in the debate. Now I know what you meant, and so does everybody else.......It helps with the debate......THANKS!
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2/3 of there eighth graders cant read to good. The fact that the freeloaders even have a job is confounding. and yes, the teachers in Wisconsin are over paid for that reason alone.

Wisconsin Students Rank #2 in composite SAT Scores (Link)


Wisconsin Students Rank #3 in ACT Composite Scores (Link).

Yet the "freeloaders" are producing some of the highest test results in the nation.


I'm going to break you idiots of using blogs as your sources if it kills me.

According to the College Board, as cited in USA Today, only about 6% of graduating students in Wisconsin even take the SAT, which skews their state's overall ranking. This is why the College Board advises against ranking states by score, since the more students who take the test in a state, the lower the score is.

Minnesota Office of Higher Education (a cabinet-level state agency) is not a "blog".

Which is why you look at both of the major college exams, the SAT and ACT.

Do you have something to show that the numbers provided are wrong for the Minnesota Office of Higher Education for the ACT scores or the "Best and Worst" site in reference to the SAT?

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What ever happened to the private sector "mantra" that you need to pay top dollar, supplemented by generous bonuses, to ensure that you attract and retain the brightest and the best?

If the public is disatisfied with the quality of education in America, perhaps it stems from the fact that teacher's salaries have always been too low to attract the best applicants.

We will never know because despite all the self-serving rhetoric, children, child care and public education have never been important priorities in America!
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What ever happened to the private sector "mantra" that you need to pay top dollar, supplemented by generous bonuses, to ensure that you attract and retain the brightest and the best?

If the public is disatisfied with the quality of education in America, perhaps it stems from the fact that teacher's salaries have always been too low to attract the best applicants.

Even those they do attract don't stay long. 33% gone in 3 years, 50% gone in 5 years.
What ever happened to the private sector "mantra" that you need to pay top dollar, supplemented by generous bonuses, to ensure that you attract and retain the brightest and the best?

If the public is disatisfied with the quality of education in America, perhaps it stems from the fact that teacher's salaries have always been too low to attract the best applicants.

We will never know because despite all the self-serving rhetoric, children and piblic education have never been real priorities in America!

A lot of money per student goes the education dept. You need to figure out where all that money goes.
What ever happened to the private sector "mantra" that you need to pay top dollar, supplemented by generous bonuses, to ensure that you attract and retain the brightest and the best?

If the public is disatisfied with the quality of education in America, perhaps it stems from the fact that teacher's salaries have always been too low to attract the best applicants.

We will never know because despite all the self-serving rhetoric, children, child care and public education have never been important priorities in America!
So, lets just take a look at the teachers in Wisconsin. 45-75 g's on average, with benefits that most private sector employees would kill for. Particularly since the taxpayers foot the majority of the benefits bill, on top of their salary's.......How much is enough for these teachers?
Wisconsin Students Rank #2 in composite SAT Scores (Link)


Wisconsin Students Rank #3 in ACT Composite Scores (Link).

Yet the "freeloaders" are producing some of the highest test results in the nation.


I'm going to break you idiots of using blogs as your sources if it kills me.

According to the College Board, as cited in USA Today, only about 6% of graduating students in Wisconsin even take the SAT, which skews their state's overall ranking. This is why the College Board advises against ranking states by score, since the more students who take the test in a state, the lower the score is.

Minnesota Office of Higher Education (a cabinet-level state agency) is not a "blog".

Which is why you look at both of the major college exams, the SAT and ACT.

Do you have something to show that the numbers provided are wrong for the Minnesota Office of Higher Education for the ACT scores or the "Best and Worst" site in reference to the SAT?


You had TWO sources cited there, bucko, so don't come over all outraged defending one and ignoring the other which DOES meet the criteria of my criticism.

And while we're at it, don't pretend that you can just say, "Okay, fuck the SAT, look at the ACT" without ever acknowledging that your assertion about the SAT was so much horseshit from every angle.

You deal with the criticism already on the table before trying to move the discussion to something else.
What ever happened to the private sector "mantra" that you need to pay top dollar, supplemented by generous bonuses, to ensure that you attract and retain the brightest and the best?

If the public is disatisfied with the quality of education in America, perhaps it stems from the fact that teacher's salaries have always been too low to attract the best applicants.

We will never know because despite all the self-serving rhetoric, children and piblic education have never been real priorities in America!

A lot of money per student goes the education dept. You need to figure out where all that money goes.
Obviously, a good chunk that should be going into the classrooms is going into unsustainable benefits and pensions for teachers...The union and the teachers just refuse to admit it.
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What ever happened to the private sector "mantra" that you need to pay top dollar, supplemented by generous bonuses, to ensure that you attract and retain the brightest and the best?

Oh, it still applies, Sparky. What you fail to take into account is that "top dollar" is a sliding scale, differing from industry to industry, job to job, and teachers happen to be civil servants who don't directly generate revenue. That DOES affect what their "top dollar" happens to be.

If the public is disatisfied with the quality of education in America, perhaps it stems from the fact that teacher's salaries have always been too low to attract the best applicants.

Bullshit. On average, nationally speaking and when you factor in ALL pertinent data, teachers are compensated just fine comparative to other professionals requiring similar years of education and certification.

Now, obviously, that's going to vary depending on where a teacher works, but that ALSO is comparable to every other profession in the country: the best people get their pick of jobs, the people who barely eked out a college diploma take what's left.

We will never know because despite all the self-serving rhetoric, children, child care and public education have never been important priorities in America!

Again, bullshit. What is it with you people that you think there's some arbitrary Board of Importance out there, pulling salaries out of their asses according to "what really matters in America"? Children are very important to most people, but like it or not, child care is NOT a highly-skilled job requiring a lot of education and training, nor is there any shortage of people capable of doing it. And again, like it or not, TEACHING is also not a job requiring a rare skill set or having a shortage of people capable of doing it. The harder you are to replace, the more you get paid. Doesn't really matter how "important" the job is if lots of people can do it.
Its true a teaching degree is probably one of the easiest degrees to get. Its a great degree to get if thats what a person wants to do because thats whats most important, doing what a person wants to do. At the same, you are right, the market place determines pay based on how many people are able or qualified to do that job.
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Its true a teaching degree is probably one of the easiest degrees to get. Its a great degree to get if thats what a person wants to do because thats whats most important, doing what a person wants to do. At the same you are right the market place determines pay based on how many people are able or qualified to that job.
Ya' know, there's an ad on many of the threads up here pertaining to this issue that offers an "online teaching degree" so, YOU'RE RIGHT!
What ever happened to the private sector "mantra" that you need to pay top dollar, supplemented by generous bonuses, to ensure that you attract and retain the brightest and the best?

If the public is disatisfied with the quality of education in America, perhaps it stems from the fact that teacher's salaries have always been too low to attract the best applicants.

We will never know because despite all the self-serving rhetoric, children, child care and public education have never been important priorities in America!

My kids teacher is fine with her salary and benefits. My kids (as well as the other kids at the school) can read two grades higher then the ones at the public school down the road. And my Children and there education is important to me and that is why I dont want them in public schools . Didn't they try and do some kind of voucher system so folks who couldn't afford to do that could ?
Its true a teaching degree is probably one of the easiest degrees to get. Its a great degree to get if thats what a person wants to do because thats whats most important, doing what a person wants to do. At the same, you are right, the market place determines pay based on how many people are able or qualified to do that job.
In fact, there's TWO ads on top of this page:

BECOME A TEACHER ONLINE......Earn your teaching license or certificate online. Find a school.....FindThe RightSchool.Com/Education

And, this one is a real kick in the proverbial ass:

BECOME A TEACHER......Be the inspiration for "CHANGE''. M.A. in education in ONE
And should there be a cap on how much that can get paid?

How much is a teacher worth in your opinion?

I really can't call it, but they should be paid more than those politicians who are trying to take away their collective bargaining rights. They do more for children and the American people than politicians. Teachers don't just teach any more, they're surrogate parents, counselors, and a host of other things, so even do the jobs that parents are supposed to be doing at home.

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