CDZ How partisan politics narrows your thinking

It's their home now and they won the 6 day war.
The Quran says that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews.
They are defending not attacking.

Uh, the fact they are still on Arab Land means they are attacking.

Or do you think Hitler should have been allowed to keep France because "he won"?

Now, I'm all for letting them stay, in a country where there is equal rights and equal votes, but that means the Jews wouldn't always get their way on stuff, so they won't go for that.

Are you talking about Jerusalem?
This cartoon best illustrates how I perceive the democrook position, and what republicrat "moderates" look like.

The Zionists can always go back to Europe where they came from.

But, naw, they need to live next to people who want to kill them for stealing their land, and then ask 'Why do they want to kill us?"

Um. Because you stole their land, dummy.

perhaps the Palestinians (who don't exist as a people... they were transjordanian) shouldn't have started multiple wars.

or maybe they should have take the deal years ago where they were offered 98% of what they asked for.

or maybe they shouldn't remove the destruction of Israel from their charter the way they agreed to.

or maybe they should stop teaching their kids to hate with little thing like terrorist micky mouse.

your crocodile tears for them amuse me.

would you like a tissue:?
Don't even dare to go there with me.
I worked for 8 years at our local child abuse prevention office.

Just making the point. Some sad story doesn't excuse your behavior when you are an adult.

Some sad story about how your grandfather got turned into a lampshade doesn't excuse what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians now.
Regressives are not liberal. They claim to be, and they share some qualities, but they are in fact illiberal leftist authoritarians.

Again, don't describe to your Islamophobia, so they must be regressives.

You know, instead of people who just wonder why we are sending working class young men and women off to be slaughtered for 25 years to keep oil money flowing to rich people.

your "point" is a false equivalency that only a jew-hater would proffer
Don't even dare to go there with me.
I worked for 8 years at our local child abuse prevention office.

Just making the point. Some sad story doesn't excuse your behavior when you are an adult.

Some sad story about how your grandfather got turned into a lampshade doesn't excuse what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians now.

My Grandfather was German.
by zionists, you mean Israelis. But it's always amusing when jew-haters try to avoid that fact.

perhaps your ire should be turned on the terrorists of hamas. but why would you do that?

By Zionists, I mean Zionists. Words mean things.

And sorry, Hamas is doing exactly what anyone else would do when a foreign invader steals your land and subjects your people to violence.

tell ya what, tho9ugh, buckaroo, you let me know when my family will be given back all the property stolen from them in Belarus then we can maybe talk about your jew-hate and find a cure for it.

That sounds like something you should take up with the Government of Belarus.

I'll go one further, I actually DO think that the European Union does owe something to the Jewish people. When the Holocaust happened, every country in Europe was happy to help.

But you don't make things right by giving away someone else's stuff.
They are the ones who had to flee to Europe in the first place.
You all chased them from their homeland.

So that makes it okay when they do the same thing to the Palestinians?

Do you excuse child beaters because their parents beat them?

they didn't... they were supposed to share. you might want to look into the grand mufti of Jerusalem.

they didn't... they were supposed to share. you might want to look into the grand mufti of Jerusalem.


Again, I find it amusing that they were supposed to "share' their land with some people from Europe because other Europeans said so.

Here's a crazy idea, if the Europeans feel so bad about the Holocaust, (and they should) then we should find a slice of Europe to give them.
they didn't... they were supposed to share. you might want to look into the grand mufti of Jerusalem.


Again, I find it amusing that they were supposed to "share' their land with some people from Europe because other Europeans said so.

Here's a crazy idea, if the Europeans feel so bad about the Holocaust, (and they should) then we should find a slice of Europe to give them.

Archaeology says your wrong.
It's the Arabs religious fantasies that the American Men and Women are dying for.

Not at all.

If it weren't for the Zionists and the Oil Companies, we'd have no interaction with them at all. That's the point.

But since they have more influence on our government than, you kn ow, actual voters, who are just paying their taxes, we have young men and women being sent over there to die for really no good reason.

For as long as I've been alive, and I'm kind of old.

It didn't make sense to me when I was a young Sergeant in the Army back in 1990, it makes less sense to me now.
<snip/unsnip>We may never be able to convince solidly loyal party members to have an open mind. But the other 80% of us need to think for ourselves..
I have absolutely no party loyalty to either democrats or republicans, especially to their ideologies. They both are "party before country." They both are "for profit" organizations. I consider them part of the lowest form of political animal. In this respect, zealotry in the name of ideology is part of the human condition. It's a conscience choice. My first loyalty is to myself and my family. That's my choice.
<snip/unsnip>We may never be able to convince solidly loyal party members to have an open mind. But the other 80% of us need to think for ourselves..
I have absolutely no party loyalty to either democrats or republicans, especially to their ideologies. They both are "party before country." They both are "for profit" organizations. I consider them part of the lowest form of political animal. In this respect, zealotry in the name of ideology is part of the human condition. It's a conscience choice. My first loyalty is to myself and my family. That's my choice.
You must find this place as fascinating as I do, then.
If you really learn about what is happening and you come from a base of knowledge and experience, like I do, you are called a partisan by people who don't want to hear the truth.
You must find this place as fascinating as I do, then..
Over the years, I've been on many different forums. As far as hyper partisanship is concerned, they are mostly all the same. What I like seeing is informative, if not argumentative, dialogue. But in most public forums, seeing academic and/or civil discussion is rare. There are some individuals who attract my attention. I may not agree with their opinions or conclusions and usually don't reply to them but I do like to read what they say. I can appreciate the time and effort put into logical thought. Fascinating? Yeah. Dogmatists and zealots however are a dime a dozen, so to speak.
You must find this place as fascinating as I do, then..
Over the years, I've been on many different forums. As far as hyper partisanship is concerned, they are mostly all the same. What I like seeing is informative, if not argumentative, dialogue. But in most public forums, seeing academic and/or civil discussion is rare. There are some individuals who attract my attention. I may not agree with their opinions or conclusions and usually don't reply to them but I do like to read what they say. I can appreciate the time and effort put into logical thought. Fascinating? Yeah. Dogmatists and zealots however are a dime a dozen, so to speak.
What concerns me the most - aside from the fact that these people are proudly making things worse - is that this behavior is no longer confined to internet message boards.

I'm running into many people in real life who are more than willing to launch into a talking point- and shallow platitude-filled tirade at the drop of a hat. It's like this is a virus that continues to spread.

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