How should we punish communitst China for COVID 19 deaths and economic woes?

I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.
As it has been found that treatment resistant Tuberculosis (as well as Leprosy) has been coming in from south of the border, we should gather the illegal migrants with these particular diseases and smuggle them to China.
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.
As it has been found that treatment resistant Tuberculosis (as well as Leprosy) has been coming in from south of the border, we should gather the illegal migrants with these particular diseases and smuggle them to China.
No need to smuggle. Just put a sign at the border that says ‘US Border next left’. When they turn left and get to the Pacific Ocean put up a sign that says ‘Rio Grande River’.
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.

Let's begin with mass strategic conventional missile strikes to completely disable China's military-industrial capability, while keeping our fingers on the low-yield nuclear intercontinental stuff. Follow that up with removing or deposing the Chi-com government and party apparatus. Finally, offer the Chinese people something they haven't experienced in many generations: individual liberty and freedom. God bless America.
Get every stinkin last product Made in China out of our stores, and replace them with American made stuff.

Don't accept any more Chinese junk into the US.

Declare any debt to China null and void,

And send them a quadrillion dollar pay now demand for saving their asses in World War II,
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.
You should go over and paddle their behind and stomp your little feet!

Communist sympathizer. You should go over and kiss their behinds so you no longer have to do it from such a geographical distance.
Well...we all know what NEEDS to be done...but that shit ain't happenin. We rely on China much more than we all want to admit.
I have been screaming about this for years and years..but our society is comprised of myopic retards who prizze cheap plastic shit above their own nation.

I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.

You want to start another trade war. Thanks for nothing.
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.
It's not China's fault Trump blew off the virus and caused the US to be the worst infected country in the universe, with the most deaths by far.

Trump is doing his usual projection of his faults onto others. In fact, he does that so often I am starting to think he was born in Kenya.
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.
It's not China's fault Trump blew off the virus and caused the US to be the worst infected country in the universe, with the most deaths by far.

Trump is doing his usual projection of his faults onto others. In fact, he does that so often I am starting to think he was born in Kenya.
100% China's fault. They started it, spread it, and attempted to cover it up. Say hi to Vladimir you Russian plant.
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.

You want to start another trade war. Thanks for nothing.
Crush them. Them they are the enemy.
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.

You want to start another trade war. Thanks for nothing.
Crush them. Them they are the enemy.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
One Chinese bio weapon — Wuhan virus— has killed more people than the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombs combined.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Was that the Chinese navy you were in?
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.

1) Reconfigure our supply lines so we are not dependent on China for pharmaceuticals and rare earth metals.

Once the above is satisfactorily done:

2) Ban all Confucious Institute's from American universities/colleges.
3) Hit them with strategic tariffs where needs be since they detest them.

This would be a great start! I have more fantastic ideas to implement once we see how they react to those I've mentioned.

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