How should we punish communitst China for COVID 19 deaths and economic woes?

Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.

Do you even know what it takes to weaponize anthrax? You have to get the particles small enough to float in the air as an aerosol for a long time. And no, naturally occurring anthrax isn't automatically weaponized. It has to go through a lot of processing to be used as a weapon.

Like I said, I worked on the teams dealing with WMD's, from biological and chemical, all the way up to nuclear. How many teams were you on?
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.

Do you even know what it takes to weaponize anthrax? You have to get the particles small enough to float in the air as an aerosol for a long time. And no, naturally occurring anthrax isn't automatically weaponized. It has to go through a lot of processing to be used as a weapon.

Like I said, I worked on the teams dealing with WMD's, from biological and chemical, all the way up to nuclear. How many teams were you on?
I lived in the DC area when weaponized anthrax was being sent through the mail.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.

Do you even know what it takes to weaponize anthrax? You have to get the particles small enough to float in the air as an aerosol for a long time. And no, naturally occurring anthrax isn't automatically weaponized. It has to go through a lot of processing to be used as a weapon.

Like I said, I worked on the teams dealing with WMD's, from biological and chemical, all the way up to nuclear. How many teams were you on?
I lived in the DC area when weaponized anthrax was being sent through the mail.

Educate yourself.

Public misconceptions exist in the areas of treatment, prevention, detection, and destructiveness with regard to the character of anthrax. First of all, it is not the bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, that poses the greatest risk, but its dry concentrated spores. Inhaled spores, several microns in diameter, reach deep into the lungs, then travel to lymph nodes, replicate in the blood, and produce toxins that cause mortal illness (4). Medical intervention may be successful, but timing is critical. Postexposure oral antibiotic prophylaxis is efficacious if begun during the presymptomatic incubation stage. Combination antibiotics and aggressive hospital supportive care may also succeed in the prodromal stage, but the disease is beyond treatment and inevitably fatal once the fulminant stage is reached (5). Vaccination is believed effective, although complete immunity requires a series of six shots over 18 months, followed by annual booster shots (6).

And, anthrax in an envelope ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it only affects a limited amount of people. In order to weaponize anthrax to make it a WMD, it has to go through a lot of processing to get to the spores. might do yourself some good to find out what a WMD actually is..................

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or any other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to numerous humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g., buildings), natural structures (e.g., mountains), or the biosphere. The scope and usage of the term has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically than technically. Originally coined in reference to aerial bombing with chemical explosives during World War II, it has later come to refer to large-scale weaponry of other technologies, such as chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear warfare.

In the very definition, it says it brings harm to numerous humans and great damage to human made structures, natural structures, or the biosphere. Sorry, but an envelope with some anthrax bacteria doesn't qualify. Refine it down to the spores so that it can stay in the air for a long time, and get a successful delivery system to put it in the air, and THEN you have a WMD. Envelopes don't qualify, but keep up with the hysterics if it makes you feel better.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.

Do you even know what it takes to weaponize anthrax? You have to get the particles small enough to float in the air as an aerosol for a long time. And no, naturally occurring anthrax isn't automatically weaponized. It has to go through a lot of processing to be used as a weapon.

Like I said, I worked on the teams dealing with WMD's, from biological and chemical, all the way up to nuclear. How many teams were you on?
I lived in the DC area when weaponized anthrax was being sent through the mail.

Educate yourself.

Public misconceptions exist in the areas of treatment, prevention, detection, and destructiveness with regard to the character of anthrax. First of all, it is not the bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, that poses the greatest risk, but its dry concentrated spores. Inhaled spores, several microns in diameter, reach deep into the lungs, then travel to lymph nodes, replicate in the blood, and produce toxins that cause mortal illness (4). Medical intervention may be successful, but timing is critical. Postexposure oral antibiotic prophylaxis is efficacious if begun during the presymptomatic incubation stage. Combination antibiotics and aggressive hospital supportive care may also succeed in the prodromal stage, but the disease is beyond treatment and inevitably fatal once the fulminant stage is reached (5). Vaccination is believed effective, although complete immunity requires a series of six shots over 18 months, followed by annual booster shots (6).

And, anthrax in an envelope ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it only affects a limited amount of people. In order to weaponize anthrax to make it a WMD, it has to go through a lot of processing to get to the spores. might do yourself some good to find out what a WMD actually is..................

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or any other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to numerous humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g., buildings), natural structures (e.g., mountains), or the biosphere. The scope and usage of the term has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically than technically. Originally coined in reference to aerial bombing with chemical explosives during World War II, it has later come to refer to large-scale weaponry of other technologies, such as chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear warfare.

In the very definition, it says it brings harm to numerous humans and great damage to human made structures, natural structures, or the biosphere. Sorry, but an envelope with some anthrax bacteria doesn't qualify. Refine it down to the spores so that it can stay in the air for a long time, and get a successful delivery system to put it in the air, and THEN you have a WMD. Envelopes don't qualify, but keep up with the hysterics if it makes you feel better.
I don’t give a rat‘s ass about your experience nor your nomenclature. Liberal isn’t liberal so I don’t use that term while many others do, do you?
A weapon that results in mass destruction, in my mind, is a weapon of mass destruction.
I think we should cut off all trade with China and put their economy in a depression. Perhaps the people would rise up against the communitst party. Democrats would burst into tears because China is the model for the type of nation they want here.

1) Reconfigure our supply lines so we are not dependent on China for pharmaceuticals and rare earth metals.

Once the above is satisfactorily done:

2) Ban all Confucious Institute's from American universities/colleges.
3) Hit them with strategic tariffs where needs be since they detest them.

This would be a great start! I have more fantastic ideas to implement once we see how they react to those I've mentioned.
They are the enemy. If history repeats itself they are Imperial Japan circa 1935 and building their navy stronger.
It's not China's fault Trump blew off the virus and caused the US to be the worst infected country in the universe, with the most deaths by far.

Trump is doing his usual projection of his faults onto others. In fact, he does that so often I am starting to think he was born in Kenya.

You got your arses kicked in Vietnam. What makes you think you could lick China ?

Do a little research bub. Vietnam was the result of globalist thinking. Our own politicians lost the war.

As to China, they're at least 20 years behind us. Our subs alone could take them out.

And they know it.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.

Do you even know what it takes to weaponize anthrax? You have to get the particles small enough to float in the air as an aerosol for a long time. And no, naturally occurring anthrax isn't automatically weaponized. It has to go through a lot of processing to be used as a weapon.

Like I said, I worked on the teams dealing with WMD's, from biological and chemical, all the way up to nuclear. How many teams were you on?
I lived in the DC area when weaponized anthrax was being sent through the mail.

Educate yourself.

Public misconceptions exist in the areas of treatment, prevention, detection, and destructiveness with regard to the character of anthrax. First of all, it is not the bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, that poses the greatest risk, but its dry concentrated spores. Inhaled spores, several microns in diameter, reach deep into the lungs, then travel to lymph nodes, replicate in the blood, and produce toxins that cause mortal illness (4). Medical intervention may be successful, but timing is critical. Postexposure oral antibiotic prophylaxis is efficacious if begun during the presymptomatic incubation stage. Combination antibiotics and aggressive hospital supportive care may also succeed in the prodromal stage, but the disease is beyond treatment and inevitably fatal once the fulminant stage is reached (5). Vaccination is believed effective, although complete immunity requires a series of six shots over 18 months, followed by annual booster shots (6).

And, anthrax in an envelope ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it only affects a limited amount of people. In order to weaponize anthrax to make it a WMD, it has to go through a lot of processing to get to the spores. might do yourself some good to find out what a WMD actually is..................

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or any other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to numerous humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g., buildings), natural structures (e.g., mountains), or the biosphere. The scope and usage of the term has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically than technically. Originally coined in reference to aerial bombing with chemical explosives during World War II, it has later come to refer to large-scale weaponry of other technologies, such as chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear warfare.

In the very definition, it says it brings harm to numerous humans and great damage to human made structures, natural structures, or the biosphere. Sorry, but an envelope with some anthrax bacteria doesn't qualify. Refine it down to the spores so that it can stay in the air for a long time, and get a successful delivery system to put it in the air, and THEN you have a WMD. Envelopes don't qualify, but keep up with the hysterics if it makes you feel better.
I don’t give a rat‘s ass about your experience nor your nomenclature. Liberal isn’t liberal so I don’t use that term while many others do, do you?
A weapon that results in mass destruction, in my mind, is a weapon of mass destruction.

An envelope with a bit of anthrax in it ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it will generally only affect the person it is mailed to (or the people that open their mail for them), meaning a limited amount of damage, so therefore, it's not a weapon of mass destruction. And, interestingly enough, very few people who received those envelopes got sick, and nobody died as far as I'm aware of.

If it doesn't kill lots of people or do lots of damage, it's not a weapon of mass destruction, no matter what your fevered mind tells you. Sorry, but I was in the military, as well as served on the teams that dealt with WMD's, so I think I understand them a bit better than you do.

Apparently, the reason you don't care about nomenclature is because you don't know what it actually means, so instead of learning and educating yourself, you choose to remain stupid.

And, the reason I call you stupid is because of the following quote........

"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn. Stupidity is when you had the chance, but didn't bother. It's quite okay to be ignorant, just don't be stupid."
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.

Do you even know what it takes to weaponize anthrax? You have to get the particles small enough to float in the air as an aerosol for a long time. And no, naturally occurring anthrax isn't automatically weaponized. It has to go through a lot of processing to be used as a weapon.

Like I said, I worked on the teams dealing with WMD's, from biological and chemical, all the way up to nuclear. How many teams were you on?
I lived in the DC area when weaponized anthrax was being sent through the mail.

Educate yourself.

Public misconceptions exist in the areas of treatment, prevention, detection, and destructiveness with regard to the character of anthrax. First of all, it is not the bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, that poses the greatest risk, but its dry concentrated spores. Inhaled spores, several microns in diameter, reach deep into the lungs, then travel to lymph nodes, replicate in the blood, and produce toxins that cause mortal illness (4). Medical intervention may be successful, but timing is critical. Postexposure oral antibiotic prophylaxis is efficacious if begun during the presymptomatic incubation stage. Combination antibiotics and aggressive hospital supportive care may also succeed in the prodromal stage, but the disease is beyond treatment and inevitably fatal once the fulminant stage is reached (5). Vaccination is believed effective, although complete immunity requires a series of six shots over 18 months, followed by annual booster shots (6).

And, anthrax in an envelope ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it only affects a limited amount of people. In order to weaponize anthrax to make it a WMD, it has to go through a lot of processing to get to the spores. might do yourself some good to find out what a WMD actually is..................

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or any other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to numerous humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g., buildings), natural structures (e.g., mountains), or the biosphere. The scope and usage of the term has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically than technically. Originally coined in reference to aerial bombing with chemical explosives during World War II, it has later come to refer to large-scale weaponry of other technologies, such as chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear warfare.

In the very definition, it says it brings harm to numerous humans and great damage to human made structures, natural structures, or the biosphere. Sorry, but an envelope with some anthrax bacteria doesn't qualify. Refine it down to the spores so that it can stay in the air for a long time, and get a successful delivery system to put it in the air, and THEN you have a WMD. Envelopes don't qualify, but keep up with the hysterics if it makes you feel better.
I don’t give a rat‘s ass about your experience nor your nomenclature. Liberal isn’t liberal so I don’t use that term while many others do, do you?
A weapon that results in mass destruction, in my mind, is a weapon of mass destruction.

An envelope with a bit of anthrax in it ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it will generally only affect the person it is mailed to (or the people that open their mail for them), meaning a limited amount of damage, so therefore, it's not a weapon of mass destruction. And, interestingly enough, very few people who received those envelopes got sick, and nobody died as far as I'm aware of.

If it doesn't kill lots of people or do lots of damage, it's not a weapon of mass destruction, no matter what your fevered mind tells you. Sorry, but I was in the military, as well as served on the teams that dealt with WMD's, so I think I understand them a bit better than you do.

Apparently, the reason you don't care about nomenclature is because you don't know what it actually means, so instead of learning and educating yourself, you choose to remain stupid.

And, the reason I call you stupid is because of the following quote........

"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn. Stupidity is when you had the chance, but didn't bother. It's quite okay to be ignorant, just don't be stupid."

You lied in this thread.
You were just a swabbie cook in a galley while in the Navy.
I've been on this board for a long time.

Please continue with your lying pandemic activities, ABS.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.

Do you even know what it takes to weaponize anthrax? You have to get the particles small enough to float in the air as an aerosol for a long time. And no, naturally occurring anthrax isn't automatically weaponized. It has to go through a lot of processing to be used as a weapon.

Like I said, I worked on the teams dealing with WMD's, from biological and chemical, all the way up to nuclear. How many teams were you on?
I lived in the DC area when weaponized anthrax was being sent through the mail.

Educate yourself.

Public misconceptions exist in the areas of treatment, prevention, detection, and destructiveness with regard to the character of anthrax. First of all, it is not the bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, that poses the greatest risk, but its dry concentrated spores. Inhaled spores, several microns in diameter, reach deep into the lungs, then travel to lymph nodes, replicate in the blood, and produce toxins that cause mortal illness (4). Medical intervention may be successful, but timing is critical. Postexposure oral antibiotic prophylaxis is efficacious if begun during the presymptomatic incubation stage. Combination antibiotics and aggressive hospital supportive care may also succeed in the prodromal stage, but the disease is beyond treatment and inevitably fatal once the fulminant stage is reached (5). Vaccination is believed effective, although complete immunity requires a series of six shots over 18 months, followed by annual booster shots (6).

And, anthrax in an envelope ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it only affects a limited amount of people. In order to weaponize anthrax to make it a WMD, it has to go through a lot of processing to get to the spores. might do yourself some good to find out what a WMD actually is..................

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or any other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to numerous humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g., buildings), natural structures (e.g., mountains), or the biosphere. The scope and usage of the term has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically than technically. Originally coined in reference to aerial bombing with chemical explosives during World War II, it has later come to refer to large-scale weaponry of other technologies, such as chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear warfare.

In the very definition, it says it brings harm to numerous humans and great damage to human made structures, natural structures, or the biosphere. Sorry, but an envelope with some anthrax bacteria doesn't qualify. Refine it down to the spores so that it can stay in the air for a long time, and get a successful delivery system to put it in the air, and THEN you have a WMD. Envelopes don't qualify, but keep up with the hysterics if it makes you feel better.
I don’t give a rat‘s ass about your experience nor your nomenclature. Liberal isn’t liberal so I don’t use that term while many others do, do you?
A weapon that results in mass destruction, in my mind, is a weapon of mass destruction.

An envelope with a bit of anthrax in it ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it will generally only affect the person it is mailed to (or the people that open their mail for them), meaning a limited amount of damage, so therefore, it's not a weapon of mass destruction. And, interestingly enough, very few people who received those envelopes got sick, and nobody died as far as I'm aware of.

If it doesn't kill lots of people or do lots of damage, it's not a weapon of mass destruction, no matter what your fevered mind tells you. Sorry, but I was in the military, as well as served on the teams that dealt with WMD's, so I think I understand them a bit better than you do.

Apparently, the reason you don't care about nomenclature is because you don't know what it actually means, so instead of learning and educating yourself, you choose to remain stupid.

And, the reason I call you stupid is because of the following quote........

"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn. Stupidity is when you had the chance, but didn't bother. It's quite okay to be ignorant, just don't be stupid."

You lied in this thread.
You were just a swabbie cook in a galley while in the Navy.
I've been on this board for a long time.

Please continue with your lying pandemic activities, ABS.

Glad you know so much about me. Did you know that I was a Personnelman? I've posted about it many times on here. Guess you also missed the part where I did back to back independent duty tours, one on an MSC vessel called the USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5), and the other one was running the MEPS here in Amarillo TX for the Navy. My boss was all the way down in San Antonio, named MCPO Garza.

But, keep up with your fantasies about what you think you know about me if it makes you feel better. Has no bearing on my pension, retired ID card, VA benefits or anything else the Navy has given me.
Yep. They attacked the world with a WMD. What does that call for?

It is readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you don't know what a WMD is, or you wouldn't have made such an moronic statement.
Gas, bio, nuke — all WMD.

Naturally occurring viruses that have not been weaponized are not WMD's. But, keep up with the hysteria if that is what helps you sleep at night.

Me? I was a part of the CBR warfare teams when I was in the Navy. It was called CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological) back when I was on my first command back in '83.

I also got to serve on the PRP (Personal Reliability Program), where we loaded nukes onto FA-18's. So yeah, I had to learn what WMDs were, how they operated, and what to do if they were used against us. Sorry, but there is nothing that points towards this virus being a WMD except in your own fevered imagination.
Anthrax is naturally occurring and has been weaponized, too. You play in the weeds and I’ll deal with reality.

Do you even know what it takes to weaponize anthrax? You have to get the particles small enough to float in the air as an aerosol for a long time. And no, naturally occurring anthrax isn't automatically weaponized. It has to go through a lot of processing to be used as a weapon.

Like I said, I worked on the teams dealing with WMD's, from biological and chemical, all the way up to nuclear. How many teams were you on?
I lived in the DC area when weaponized anthrax was being sent through the mail.

Educate yourself.

Public misconceptions exist in the areas of treatment, prevention, detection, and destructiveness with regard to the character of anthrax. First of all, it is not the bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, that poses the greatest risk, but its dry concentrated spores. Inhaled spores, several microns in diameter, reach deep into the lungs, then travel to lymph nodes, replicate in the blood, and produce toxins that cause mortal illness (4). Medical intervention may be successful, but timing is critical. Postexposure oral antibiotic prophylaxis is efficacious if begun during the presymptomatic incubation stage. Combination antibiotics and aggressive hospital supportive care may also succeed in the prodromal stage, but the disease is beyond treatment and inevitably fatal once the fulminant stage is reached (5). Vaccination is believed effective, although complete immunity requires a series of six shots over 18 months, followed by annual booster shots (6).

And, anthrax in an envelope ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it only affects a limited amount of people. In order to weaponize anthrax to make it a WMD, it has to go through a lot of processing to get to the spores. might do yourself some good to find out what a WMD actually is..................

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or any other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to numerous humans or cause great damage to human-made structures (e.g., buildings), natural structures (e.g., mountains), or the biosphere. The scope and usage of the term has evolved and been disputed, often signifying more politically than technically. Originally coined in reference to aerial bombing with chemical explosives during World War II, it has later come to refer to large-scale weaponry of other technologies, such as chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear warfare.

In the very definition, it says it brings harm to numerous humans and great damage to human made structures, natural structures, or the biosphere. Sorry, but an envelope with some anthrax bacteria doesn't qualify. Refine it down to the spores so that it can stay in the air for a long time, and get a successful delivery system to put it in the air, and THEN you have a WMD. Envelopes don't qualify, but keep up with the hysterics if it makes you feel better.
I don’t give a rat‘s ass about your experience nor your nomenclature. Liberal isn’t liberal so I don’t use that term while many others do, do you?
A weapon that results in mass destruction, in my mind, is a weapon of mass destruction.

An envelope with a bit of anthrax in it ISN'T a weapon of mass destruction, as it will generally only affect the person it is mailed to (or the people that open their mail for them), meaning a limited amount of damage, so therefore, it's not a weapon of mass destruction. And, interestingly enough, very few people who received those envelopes got sick, and nobody died as far as I'm aware of.

If it doesn't kill lots of people or do lots of damage, it's not a weapon of mass destruction, no matter what your fevered mind tells you. Sorry, but I was in the military, as well as served on the teams that dealt with WMD's, so I think I understand them a bit better than you do.

Apparently, the reason you don't care about nomenclature is because you don't know what it actually means, so instead of learning and educating yourself, you choose to remain stupid.

And, the reason I call you stupid is because of the following quote........

"Ignorance is when you never had the chance to learn. Stupidity is when you had the chance, but didn't bother. It's quite okay to be ignorant, just don't be stupid."

You lied in this thread.
You were just a swabbie cook in a galley while in the Navy.
I've been on this board for a long time.

Please continue with your lying pandemic activities, ABS.

Glad you know so much about me. Did you know that I was a Personnelman? I've posted about it many times on here. Guess you also missed the part where I did back to back independent duty tours, one on an MSC vessel called the USNS CONCORD (T-AFS-5), and the other one was running the MEPS here in Amarillo TX for the Navy. My boss was all the way down in San Antonio, named MCPO Garza.

But, keep up with your fantasies about what you think you know about me if it makes you feel better. Has no bearing on my pension, retired ID card, VA benefits or anything else the Navy has given me.

You're busted, cumcatcher.
I remember that too! But I don't want to totally embarrass you.
You're welcome.
Well the Chinks could send their air craft carrier to confront us.....but alas it caught fire lol.

China is a wannabe. Kill their economy and they're finished

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