How Solar Panels, Green Energy Increase Use Of Coal


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
How. How is the most important, simplest question that has advanced our society. How does Green Energy increase the use of Coal.

It is called manufacturing. Everything is made and there is only one way to take rock (quartz) and turn into a 99.9999999999% pure polysilicon. In addition to metallurgical grade silicon there is also steel manufacturing that requires the use of coal. This is an excellent source showing the use of coal, coke, carbon, for the manufacturing of polysilicon.

Typically I do not like to quote so much from a source but it is hard to paraphrase a nicely written technical article full of fact.

In this pic I copied, we see that they use Carbon Electrodes and a Carbon reductant
Since the early 1900s, silicon “metal” is reduced from quartz using carbon in submerged-arc furnaces, each powered by up to 45 megawatts* of electricity.

2. Why do we need to burn carbon to make solar PV? -Elemental silicon (Si) can’t be found by itself any wherein nature. It must be extracted from quartz (SiO2) using carbon (C) and heat (from an electric arc) in the “carbothermic” (carbon + heat) reduction process called “smelting.” (Si02 + 2C = Si + 2CO) Several carbon sources are used as reductants in the silicon smelting plant, which requires ~20 MWh/t of electricity, and releases CO - resulting in up to 5 - 6 tof CO2 produced per ton of metallurgical grade(mg-Si) silicon smelted. [1] Thus, the first step of solar PV production is gathering, transporting, and burning millions of tons of coal, coke and petroleum coke -along with charcoal and wood chips made from hardwood trees - to smelt >97% pure mg-Si from quartz "ore” (silica rocks).

3. Even more fossil fuels are burned later, to generate electricity for the polysilicon, ingot, wafer, cell, and module production steps shown. [21] As a result of all these processes, the solar PV industry generates megatons of CO and CO2. But as shown below (fig 4), some often-cited descriptions of solar module production omit the raw materials and smelting process from the PV supply chain which obscures the use of fossil fuels and the vast amount of deforestation necessary for solar PV production

4. Raw materials for metallurgical-grade silicon Raw materials for one ton (t) MG-Si (Kato, et. al) [37]● Quartz 2.4 t● Coal 550 kg● Oil coke 200 kg● Charcoal 600 kg● Woodchip 300 kg Raw materials for one ton (t) MG-Si (Globe) [3]● Quartz 2.8 t● Coal 1.4 t● Woodchips 2.4 t For 110,000 tpy (tons per year) MG-Si (Thorsell) [1]● Quartz 310,000 tpy● Coal, coke and anodes 195,000 tpy● Wood 185,000 tpy● Total 380,000 tpy When calculating CO2 emissions from silicon smelting, “by joint agreement” some authors exclude CO2 emissions from non-fossil sources (charcoal, wood chips), power generation, and transportation of raw material. [27]
15. Conclusions Every step in the production of solar photovoltaic (PV)power systems requires a perpetual input of fossil fuels -as carbon reductants for smelting metals from ore, for process heat and power, international transport, and deployment. Silicon smelters, polysilicon refineries, and crystal growers around the world all depend on uninterrupted, 24/7 power that comes mostly from coal and uranium. The only "renewable" materials consumed in PV production are obtained by deforestation - Forwood chips, and by burning vast areas of tropical rainforest for charcoal used as a source of carbon for silicon smelters. So far, both media and journal claims that solar PV can somehow "replace fossil fuels" have not addressed the non-renewable reality of global supply chains necessary for mining, manufacturing, and distribution of PV power systems. Based on current world production levels of solar PV, an attempt to replace conventional electricity production with solar PV would require a dramatic increase in the amount of coal and pet coke needed for silicon smelting, along with the increased cutting of vast areas of forest for charcoal and wood chips. Readers are encouraged to examine all of the references below, to become aware of other aspects with solar pv manufacturing and deployment that are beyond the scope of this paper.
This first reference within the source above is about the environment damage caused by the increasing use of coal by Germany. Had Germany invested in Nuclear power instead of Wind and Solar, Germany would not need natural gas and coal.
Industrial production of metallurgical-grade silicon Silicon is produced industrially by carbothermic reduction of silicon dioxide in submerged-arc electric furnaces. Feed materials include a silicon source such as quartz, and a typical reductant blend comprising coke, coal, charcoal, and wood chips. Feed materials are impure, and impurities are carried to a certain extent to the silicon product stream. A typical industrial silicon furnace has a shell diameter of about 10 m. Three pre-baked carbon electrodes, submerged into the charge materials, supply a three-phase current that heats the charge materials up to about 2 000oC. At this temperature, silicon dioxide is reduced to molten silicon. The furnaces are operated such that there is a layer of solid material (outer reaction zone) on top of the molten bath (inner reaction zone) to maximize the silicon yield. The silicon is tapped from the furnace through a tap-hole at the bottom, and refined by slag treatment or gas purging. During refining, inclusions are removed, and the composition is adjusted to the specified value. Subsequent to refining, the molten alloy is allowed to cool in a mould, and then crushed to a specific size. Metallurgical-grade silicon has a typical specification of 98.5–99.5% for Si 13. Typical impurities in metallurgical-grade silicon include carbon, alkali-earth and transition metals, as well as boron and phosphorus14.
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How about a nice technical source showing the pollutants associated with the production Green Renewable energy?

An old document, yet relevant

Often these pollutants are missing from the propaganda that a google or bing, link, sources
Globe Metallurgical produces high purity silicon metal in two open 22-megawatt electric arc furnaces. The facility is a major source of emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride and nitrogen oxides and therefore subject to the Title V permitting requirements of 40 CFR 70 and 6 NYCRR, Part201-6. The facility suspended operations in September 2003 and re-started October 1, 2009
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Coal is used everywhere by all the promoters of Green Renewable energy, to make solar panels. Yet, we are told the use of coal is not sustainable and pollutes? Why are we increasing the use of coal!

The facility would use a small amount of coal, about 50,000 metric tons each year, to melt down sand to pure silicon for solar panels and other electronics.
I like this report, stating that solar manufacturing can not be done with green, unreliable, unpredictable, solar and wind electricity
As for the power itself, the TVA electricity will come in at about half the rate Wacker pays in Germany. But Bradley says reliability can be just as important as price to such a high-tech, 24/7 operation.
Think about the loads — 100 to 130 megawatts in phase one. A nuclear plant is 1200 megawatts. Fully built out, they could be a third of a nuclear plant. Not everybody out there can handle that size of a load. We’re selling the fact that we have the reliability, and we have a very diverse portfolio across coal, nuclear and hydro. Companies are very interested in utilities that have that."
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Cadium and lead pollution? Is that a concern?
78 million tons of waste, is that a lot?
Is producing this much waste renewable, sustainable?
The answer is of course not.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in 2016 estimated there was about 250,000 metric tonnes of solar panel waste in the world at the end of that year. IRENA projected that this amount could reach 78 million metric tonnes by 2050.

Solar panels often contain lead, cadmium, and other toxic chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel.
Now I am just dumping technical information related to silicon.
Funny how one, chemical plant improves, supports so many different products and industries.
Silicon is used to make Silicone products

Approximately 9 million tons of metallurgical grade silicon were produced in 2022, worldwide. Six times that would be 54 million tons. The portion of that silicon that makes solar PV panels produced 270 TWh in 2022. Coal produces 220 kWh per ton. To generate the electricity made by solar cells just in 2022 would require 1,227,272,727 tons of coal. If we conservatively estimate they will last ten years, then the panels produced with a portion of that 54 million tons of raw manterials have replaced the need to burn over 12 billion tons of coal, 23 times the amount elektra claims it required to make all the silicon metal produced in 2022.
Approximately 9 million tons of metallurgical grade silicon were produced in 2022, worldwide. Six times that would be 54 million tons. The portion of that silicon that makes solar PV panels produced 270 TWh in 2022. Coal produces 220 kWh per ton. To generate the electricity made by solar cells just in 2022 would require 1,227,272,727 tons of coal. If we conservatively estimate they will last ten years, then the panels produced with a portion of that 54 million tons of raw manterials have replaced the need to burn over 12 billion tons of coal, 23 times the amount elektra claims it required to make all the silicon metal produced in 2022.
Solar Panel production is a never ending industry 100% reliant on coal. We do not and can not make solar panels without coal.

We are shutting down coal for electricity, now the biggest user of coal, is solar and wind.
Approximately 9 million tons of metallurgical grade silicon were produced in 2022, worldwide. Six times that would be 54 million tons. The portion of that silicon that makes solar PV panels produced 270 TWh in 2022. Coal produces 220 kWh per ton. To generate the electricity made by solar cells just in 2022 would require 1,227,272,727 tons of coal. If we conservatively estimate they will last ten years, then the panels produced with a portion of that 54 million tons of raw manterials have replaced the need to burn over 12 billion tons of coal, 23 times the amount elektra claims it required to make all the silicon metal produced in 2022.
Why focus on only one step in the process? Metallurgical grade silicon now needs to be processed into polysilicon. Both these processes can not be done with solar energy.
Why focus on only one step in the process? Metallurgical grade silicon now needs to be processed into polysilicon. Both these processes can not be done with solar energy.
I think there's room to spare.
Solar Panel production is a never ending industry 100% reliant on coal. We do not and can not make solar panels without coal.

We are shutting down coal for electricity, now the biggest user of coal, is solar and wind.
You keep going on about never ending production. You act as if a solar panel or wind turbine produced a days worth of electricity and then died. When I said the world's solar panels produced 270 TWh in 2022, most of those panels were more than a year old and most of them have many more years of lifetime left in them. By a huge margin, the use of solar panels and wind turbines reduce the amount of fossil fuels burned for energy. You throw out a big number and expect no one to look any further - perhaps to examine the size of the numbers on the other side of the argument.
I think there's room to spare.

You keep going on about never ending production. You act as if a solar panel or wind turbine produced a days worth of electricity and then died. When I said the world's solar panels produced 270 TWh in 2022, most of those panels were more than a year old and most of them have many more years of lifetime left in them. By a huge margin, the use of solar panels and wind turbines reduce the amount of fossil fuels burned for energy. You throw out a big number and expect no one to look any further - perhaps to examine the size of the numbers on the other side of the argument.
Endless manufacturing is endless pollution by coal.

Face it crick, solar and wind can not keep up with a modern economy

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