How tall and wide will the great wall of America be?

How tall and wide will the great wall of America be? I seen it could be 65 feet tall, but I am wondering if it will be designed like the great wall of China with area for troops to walk around with a design like the great wall of china?

Kind of like this Great Wall of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since we're seriously considering doing this across all 2,000 miles of border.

Why hasn't Trump thought of the boarder moat idea? We could stock it with gators and gars and snapping turtles.
How about if we stock it with liberals?
Why are they good at protecting the border?
No, but they would look great floating in a moat.

Bad idea; they aren't biodegradable, too full of Prozac, Ritalin, antibiotic resistant diseases, and completely unnatural crap in their brain cavities. We could probably use them for rat poison or roach killers or something.
Will the wall extend into the water and how far up the coast will it go? Maybe Trump will prohibit Mexicans from having boats?
50' electrified fence a mile away from the border.

that mile is filled with mines.

and we put sharks in the river

Yes. The minefield should be at least 5 miles wide, and our border guards should be at least a gracious to those sneaking across as Mexico is to the illegals they catch crossing their illegally.
First time a lost toddler or a rare lizard gets blown up, you guys are toast.
Will the wall extend into the water and how far up the coast will it go? Maybe Trump will prohibit Mexicans from having boats?

Not many know how to swim, and avoid boats. It's cheaper and easier just to walk over, even though the majority of them are morbidly obese and are out of shape.
50' electrified fence a mile away from the border.

that mile is filled with mines.

and we put sharks in the river

Yes. The minefield should be at least 5 miles wide, and our border guards should be at least a gracious to those sneaking across as Mexico is to the illegals they catch crossing their illegally.
First time a lost toddler or a rare lizard gets blown up, you guys are toast.

Ridiculous; the vermin who endanger children while committing crimes should be toast.
How tall and wide will the great wall of America be? I seen it could be 65 feet tall, but I am wondering if it will be designed like the great wall of China with area for troops to walk around with a design like the great wall of china?

Kind of like this Great Wall of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since we're seriously considering doing this across all 2,000 miles of border.
It will probably look a lot like the parts that are already completed that Senator Clinton voted for twice.

I used to ride horses near the sections of the "wall" they already have built in California here and there. There were more holes in that fence than in a brick of swiss cheese. The remaining backcountry where the wall is supposed to be built from there out through Arizona is the most godforsaken hot, rocky, mountainous rattlesnake-infested country with the thickest tick-strewn brush and ironwood you've ever seen. The cost of building such a wall (that illegals would be tunneling under already even as it was being built) would make your face go pale. Even if Mexico wanted to pay for it, they would be bankrupted before a 1/4 of it was done.

Take a field trip down to southern Arizona and California and have a peek at what I'm talking about..
If the billybobs that support trump have anything to do with it you can bet the wall would be a double-wide with mag wheels and Christmas lights on the three step porch railing. There will be over-grown grass with an El Camino on cinder blocks in the middle of it and a sign that says 'Keep the damn government's hands off my medicare'.
I used to ride horses near the sections of the "wall" they already have built in California here and there. There were more holes in that fence than in a brick of swiss cheese. The remaining backcountry where the wall is supposed to be built from there out through Arizona is the most godforsaken hot, rocky, mountainous rattlesnake-infested country with the thickest tick-strewn brush and ironwood you've ever seen. The cost of building such a wall (that illegals would be tunneling under already even as it was being built) would make your face go pale. Even if Mexico wanted to pay for it, they would be bankrupted before a 1/4 of it was done.

Take a field trip down to southern Arizona and California and have a peek at what I'm talking about..
This is one of the reasons we need Trump in the WH to build this wall correctly. President Clinton talked about why it was necessary and Senator Clinton voted for it twice but it will take President Trump to get it done right.

He builds things for a living, you know.
If the billybobs that support trump have anything to do with it you can bet the wall would be a double-wide with mag wheels and Christmas lights on the three step porch railing. There will be over-grown grass with an El Camino on cinder blocks in the middle of it and a sign that says 'Keep the damn government's hands off my medicare'.
Are these the people President Clinton was talking to when he said we needed the wall or that Senator Clinton was thinking about when she voted for the wall twice? will take President Trump to get it done right.

He builds things for a living, you know.
:lmao: Go there first and then talk to me. It would be like him building all of his projects at once that he's ever done, x 1,000 to the 100th power. Even then I'm underestimating the scope of the project. There are boulders in the way for 100s of miles the size of small houses, in a terrain that zigzags up and down that averages 90-110 degrees for a good share of each year and which is crawling with rattlesnakes. This ain't like putting up a Manhattan high rise on an existing foundation with daddy's money back in the day. China would balk at building its wall where Trump proposes his.

This ain't a mere construction project. It would take probably a century to complete, $trillions, and by then there'd be more tunnels under it than a dog has fleas. It's a farce and a bullshit lie.

If I was Hillary, I'd do an ad on Trump's proposed wall. Show a film documentary of the actual terrain and length of it that Trump proposes to put the wall on. Show America the geography of the entire length of it and it's obvious weaknesses and phenomenal expense projections. It would demonstrate how out of touch Trump is with reality and how unlikely he would be to make good on any of his other lofty promises. Maybe even sneak in a quip about the ties he makes in China and his position on "making America great again" sending jobs to China. Make the ad make Trump look like a complete buffoon, hack and charlatan that he really is.
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There will be neon signs the entire length of the wall saying, "Trump Wall." will take President Trump to get it done right.

He builds things for a living, you know.
:lmao: Go there first and then talk to me. It would be like him building all of his projects at once that he's ever done, x 1,000 to the 100th power. Even then I'm underestimating the scope of the project. There are boulders in the way for 100s of miles the size of small houses, in a terrain that zigzags up and down that averages 90-110 degrees for a good share of each year and which is crawling with rattlesnakes. This ain't like putting up a Manhattan high rise on an existing foundation with daddy's money back in the day. China would balk at building its wall where Trump proposes his.

This ain't a mere construction project. It would take probably a century to complete, $trillions, and by then there'd be more tunnels under it than a dog has fleas. It's a farce and a bullshit lie.

If I was Hillary, I'd do an ad on Trump's proposed wall. Show a film documentary of the actual terrain and length of it that Trump proposes to put the wall on. Show America the geography of the entire length of it and it's obvious weaknesses and phenomenal expense projections. It would demonstrate how out of touch Trump is with reality and how unlikely he would be to make good on any of his other lofty promises. Maybe even sneak in a quip about the ties he makes in China and his position on "making America great again" sending jobs to China. Make the ad make Trump look like a complete buffoon, hack and charlatan that he really is.
The estimated cost of the wall is $10 billion to $12 billion, and some one who can put up skyscrapers can build a wall over rocky desert terrain.

I agree with you on the "documentary". Trump would be seen as the can do candidate and Hillary, who voted for the wall, would seen as the can't do candidate. That's exactly the point Trump has been making so maybe he should make that documentary.
Mine fields will make it more effective and ultimately cheaper. Using the military would help a lot as well, as they're actually supposed to defend us anyway, and that includes our borders. No real problem here, just whiners and bigots making up non-issues to getting it done.
Apparently it 'won't work' because a few will find a way around it. I guess the Berlin Wall and the wall the Israelis built were also totally ineffective and worthless because a few manage to get around, too. Front doors and locks on your houses are also completely ineffective by the same reasoning, too, so why not just take them off and not have any of those either? And they are racist as hell, as they're keeping many blacks and Latinos and Asians out of your house, and sending a message of hate and exclusion to any who pass by and see these doors.
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