How The Internet Is Destroying Mormonism

Mormonism is a lie, hon. It's built on lies.
I am Mormon. No one lied to me hon.

The first Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, was arrested and convicted in New York and was found guilty of being a con-artist, an impostor -- he was a necromancer and a charlatan. This conviction was four years before he published the Book of Mormon! Court documents prove he was a convicted criminal.

Google South Bainbridge, NY 1826 conviction of Joseph Smith for more information.

New York arrest records of JosephSmith - A Christian Review ...

New York arrest records of Joseph Smith Cached
New York Arrest Record of Joseph Smith as a Money Digger and Con-Artist in 1826. ASHAMED OF JOSEPH - MORMON FOUNDATIONS CRUMBLE, page 52.

Chenango County Historian Dale Storms said she turned over the newly found documents to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is based in Utah and has 11 million members worldwide.

11 million members world wide ... not bad stats for a con artist. Especially considering he has been dead for 170 years.
Atheists say God does not exist, and cannot prove their point of view.

guno is as silly as the joseph smith he laughs at
It's not happening fast enough.
I find it hard to believe that he didn't know about Joseph Smith.

How many people know about the "mound culture" craze that was America's popular culture #1 hit in the post-revolutionary & early 19th century period? That's where Mormonism came from, unless Smith was eating peyote buds when he had his little tête-à-tête with Angel Baloney...errr...I mean Angle Maroni. Of the dozens of "mound builder" stories that swept the colonies, Benjamin Franklin's novel was one of the more popular. Of course Mormonism proved to have the best staying-power.

Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ok;but, the "mound culture" doesn't dissuade me from reading the Book of Mormon to ask my Father-in-Heaven if it a second witness to Jesus being the Christ.

Mormons wander around their cathedrals wearing white flowing angel robes and the women where panties that have little messages on them, reminding girls not to be naughty. Fruitcake city.
Mormonism is a lie, hon. It's built on lies.
I am Mormon. No one lied to me hon.

The first Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, was arrested and convicted in New York and was found guilty of being a con-artist, an impostor -- he was a necromancer and a charlatan. This conviction was four years before he published the Book of Mormon! Court documents prove he was a convicted criminal.

Google South Bainbridge, NY 1826 conviction of Joseph Smith for more information.

"Joseph Smith placed a seer or "peep" stone in a hat, put his face in the hat, and the characters and translation from the gold plates appeared to him. This stone was the same one he used to search (unsuccessfully) for buried treasure in the New York hills. This appears to be more a revelation process than translation, given that the plates weren't used during the process.

I think this hit me especially hard because I remembered back to our lesson in seminary on Hiram Page. I remember literally laughing out loud when we heard the story of this guy talking to a rock and receiving revelations for other people through his rock. Little did I know this was just a copycat of Joseph Smith's technique at the time. There has been increasing commentary by church historians on the method of translation, with Rough Stone Rolling and the recent PBS documentary. However, the church itself remains remarkably quiet on this magical translation."" :laugh2::laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2::lmao::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What I Never Knew About Mormonism The Hat Trick

Have you read the Book of Mormon?
Mormonism is a lie, hon. It's built on lies.
I am Mormon. No one lied to me hon.

The first Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, was arrested and convicted in New York and was found guilty of being a con-artist, an impostor -- he was a necromancer and a charlatan. This conviction was four years before he published the Book of Mormon! Court documents prove he was a convicted criminal.

Google South Bainbridge, NY 1826 conviction of Joseph Smith for more information.

"Joseph Smith placed a seer or "peep" stone in a hat, put his face in the hat, and the characters and translation from the gold plates appeared to him. This stone was the same one he used to search (unsuccessfully) for buried treasure in the New York hills. This appears to be more a revelation process than translation, given that the plates weren't used during the process.

I think this hit me especially hard because I remembered back to our lesson in seminary on Hiram Page. I remember literally laughing out loud when we heard the story of this guy talking to a rock and receiving revelations for other people through his rock. Little did I know this was just a copycat of Joseph Smith's technique at the time. There has been increasing commentary by church historians on the method of translation, with Rough Stone Rolling and the recent PBS documentary. However, the church itself remains remarkably quiet on this magical translation."" :laugh2::laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2::lmao::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What I Never Knew About Mormonism The Hat Trick

Have you read the Book of Mormon?

I have its bad fiction , but funny stuff
I read the questions. Many of the questions require reading the Bible, The Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price to understand the answers. The answers require a background in the scriptures for understanding. You have no background and I doubt you are interested in answers, only in arguing. The Book of Mormon teaches contention is of the devil. You are only interested in contention. Why waste your time and mine when all you want to do is argue?
Wouldn't Jesus be guilty of discrimination since He wouldn't give the gospel to the Gentiles? He sent to apostles to deliver the message. Oh by the way define what made someone a Gentile.

Time to get some background for understanding. It is called reading and studying for the understanding. I maybe new to this site; but, I am not new to the attacks on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. ... What made someone a Gentile?
I do believe that it is the Mormon faith that teaches men to wear "special underwear" to get into heaven. Funny. During biblical (Jesus' time) they wore simple rectangular cloths wrapped around the body. Some did wear a tunic under folds of cloth, however, they also wore the tunic without the larger folded cloths and thus it couldn't be considered true underwear.
Anyway, any religion that claims that you have to wear special underwear to get into heaven, is clearly derived from some crackpot.
Their founder was also a convicted criminal, so I feel quite sure that Mormonism, like other religions, is just so much nonsense.
I do believe that it is the Mormon faith that teaches men to wear "special underwear" to get into heaven. Funny. During biblical (Jesus' time) they wore simple rectangular cloths wrapped around the body. Some did wear a tunic under folds of cloth, however, they also wore the tunic without the larger folded cloths and thus it couldn't be considered true underwear.
Anyway, any religion that claims that you have to wear special underwear to get into heaven, is clearly derived from some crackpot.
Their founder was also a convicted criminal, so I feel quite sure that Mormonism, like other religions, is just so much nonsense.
The "special underwear" is a reminder to obey God. Anything else I told you you would not understand. As for Joseph Smith, he has been dead for 170 years but the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is 11 million and growing. The 'convicted criminal' has developed others who believe Jesus is the Christ as did he. The church has a General Conference coming the first weekend in Oct. feel free to watch it. It will give you better understanding.
Beautiful city. I am not LDS but I love living in downtown city centre. Nice people. Just as weird as everyone else.
Mormonism is a lie, hon. It's built on lies.
I am Mormon. No one lied to me hon.

The first Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, was arrested and convicted in New York and was found guilty of being a con-artist, an impostor -- he was a necromancer and a charlatan. This conviction was four years before he published the Book of Mormon! Court documents prove he was a convicted criminal.

Google South Bainbridge, NY 1826 conviction of Joseph Smith for more information.

New York arrest records of JosephSmith - A Christian Review ...

New York arrest records of Joseph Smith Cached
New York Arrest Record of Joseph Smith as a Money Digger and Con-Artist in 1826. ASHAMED OF JOSEPH - MORMON FOUNDATIONS CRUMBLE, page 52.

Chenango County Historian Dale Storms said she turned over the newly found documents to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is based in Utah and has 11 million members worldwide.

11 million members world wide ... not bad stats for a con artist. Especially considering he has been dead for 170 years.


I do believe that it is the Mormon faith that teaches men to wear "special underwear" to get into heaven. Funny. During biblical (Jesus' time) they wore simple rectangular cloths wrapped around the body. Some did wear a tunic under folds of cloth, however, they also wore the tunic without the larger folded cloths and thus it couldn't be considered true underwear.
Anyway, any religion that claims that you have to wear special underwear to get into heaven, is clearly derived from some crackpot.
Their founder was also a convicted criminal, so I feel quite sure that Mormonism, like other religions, is just so much nonsense.
The "special underwear" is a reminder to obey God. Anything else I told you you would not understand. As for Joseph Smith, he has been dead for 170 years but the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is 11 million and growing. The 'convicted criminal' has developed others who believe Jesus is the Christ as did he. The church has a General Conference coming the first weekend in Oct. feel free to watch it. It will give you better understanding.

Yes i hear the comedy channel is broadcasting it
Mormonism is a lie, hon. It's built on lies.
I am Mormon. No one lied to me hon.

The first Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, was arrested and convicted in New York and was found guilty of being a con-artist, an impostor -- he was a necromancer and a charlatan. This conviction was four years before he published the Book of Mormon! Court documents prove he was a convicted criminal.

Google South Bainbridge, NY 1826 conviction of Joseph Smith for more information.

New York arrest records of JosephSmith - A Christian Review ...

New York arrest records of Joseph Smith Cached
New York Arrest Record of Joseph Smith as a Money Digger and Con-Artist in 1826. ASHAMED OF JOSEPH - MORMON FOUNDATIONS CRUMBLE, page 52.

Chenango County Historian Dale Storms said she turned over the newly found documents to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is based in Utah and has 11 million members worldwide.

11 million members world wide ... not bad stats for a con artist. Especially considering he has been dead for 170 years.

If millions of people believe in an absurdity, it's still an absurdity
Mormonism is a lie, hon. It's built on lies.
I am Mormon. No one lied to me hon.

The first Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, was arrested and convicted in New York and was found guilty of being a con-artist, an impostor -- he was a necromancer and a charlatan. This conviction was four years before he published the Book of Mormon! Court documents prove he was a convicted criminal.

Google South Bainbridge, NY 1826 conviction of Joseph Smith for more information.

"Joseph Smith placed a seer or "peep" stone in a hat, put his face in the hat, and the characters and translation from the gold plates appeared to him. This stone was the same one he used to search (unsuccessfully) for buried treasure in the New York hills. This appears to be more a revelation process than translation, given that the plates weren't used during the process.

I think this hit me especially hard because I remembered back to our lesson in seminary on Hiram Page. I remember literally laughing out loud when we heard the story of this guy talking to a rock and receiving revelations for other people through his rock. Little did I know this was just a copycat of Joseph Smith's technique at the time. There has been increasing commentary by church historians on the method of translation, with Rough Stone Rolling and the recent PBS documentary. However, the church itself remains remarkably quiet on this magical translation."" :laugh2::laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2::laugh2::lmao::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What I Never Knew About Mormonism The Hat Trick

Have you read the Book of Mormon?

I tried to during Romney's run for President, but reading the Preface made me loose it laughing and I couldn't continue. :)
I do believe that it is the Mormon faith that teaches men to wear "special underwear" to get into heaven. Funny. During biblical (Jesus' time) they wore simple rectangular cloths wrapped around the body. Some did wear a tunic under folds of cloth, however, they also wore the tunic without the larger folded cloths and thus it couldn't be considered true underwear.
Anyway, any religion that claims that you have to wear special underwear to get into heaven, is clearly derived from some crackpot.
Their founder was also a convicted criminal, so I feel quite sure that Mormonism, like other religions, is just so much nonsense.
The "special underwear" is a reminder to obey God. Anything else I told you you would not understand. As for Joseph Smith, he has been dead for 170 years but the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is 11 million and growing. The 'convicted criminal' has developed others who believe Jesus is the Christ as did he. The church has a General Conference coming the first weekend in Oct. feel free to watch it. It will give you better understanding.

That's a pretty familar cop-out from religious people, "I could tell you about X, but you wouldn't udnerstand." Everything we need to know about any little facet of a religion (or cult) is available online.

As to LDS 'temple garments':

Article on Mormon Underwear
"This symbolizes physical and spiritual purity. It fosters a mindset of continual obedience to the Lord, which is crucial in keeping the covenants entered into in the temple. Through such obedience, a person can find physical and spiritual protection."

From their lips to our ears. Assertions about 'magic underwear' are factual. Recall a video expose' of sorts where a salesman selling Mormon 'gear' claimed the underwear would protect a Mormon from knives and bullets. :)

Mormonism is a lie, hon. It's built on lies.
I am Mormon. No one lied to me hon.

The first Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, was arrested and convicted in New York and was found guilty of being a con-artist, an impostor -- he was a necromancer and a charlatan. This conviction was four years before he published the Book of Mormon! Court documents prove he was a convicted criminal.

Google South Bainbridge, NY 1826 conviction of Joseph Smith for more information.

New York arrest records of JosephSmith - A Christian Review ...

New York arrest records of Joseph Smith Cached
New York Arrest Record of Joseph Smith as a Money Digger and Con-Artist in 1826. ASHAMED OF JOSEPH - MORMON FOUNDATIONS CRUMBLE, page 52.

Chenango County Historian Dale Storms said she turned over the newly found documents to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is based in Utah and has 11 million members worldwide.

11 million members world wide ... not bad stats for a con artist. Especially considering he has been dead for 170 years.

Tell them where the 11 million number comes from.

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