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How the Jesus Myth was created

Siddharta Gautama was born as a Kshatriya,[41][note 11] the son of Śuddhodana, "an elected chief of the Shakya clan",[8] whose capital was Kapilavastu, and who were later annexed by the growing Kingdom of Kosala during the Buddha's lifetime. Gautama was the family name. His mother, Queen Maha Maya (Māyādevī) and Suddhodana's wife, was a Koliyan princess. Legend has it that, on the night Siddhartha was conceived, Queen Maya dreamt that a white elephant with six white tusks entered her right side,[web 5] and ten months later Siddhartha was born.

what definition of "virgin" are you using?.....

so far, every single claim of a religion teaching virgin birth prior to Jesus has been demonstrated to be an outright lie......yet is apparently the most repeated lie to be found on the internet.....
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Maybe if you cut n paste once in a while you'd actually be correct for once.

?????.....cutting and pasting bullshit does not make one correct.....I have documented everything I have posted....can you defend any of the idiotic claims you've made?.....tell me about your evidence for a virgin birth of Horus.....
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How the Jesus Myth was created

The story of Krishna as that entity who came into the earth born of a virgin and who attempted to save people from error and sin, but who was hanged for his efforts.


Krishna belonged to the Vrishni clan of Yadavas from Mathura,[62] and was the eighth son born to the princess Devaki, and her husband Vasudeva.

Krishna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why do atheists have this compelling need to lie.....

Apollonius is responsible for bringing the stories of Krishna to the West, he brought back to Rome the teachings of Krishna who Greeks called "Christos". Many believe that a certain Bishop Marcion discovered the writings of Apollonius in Asia Minor (Turkey) a century later and translated them into Greek and Latin, producing the first compiled "Christian" Bible.


rom Antiquity Unveiled by Jonathan M. Roberts in which evidence was presented to prove that no such man as Jesus of Nazareth ever lived, but the name was adopted by the framers of Christianity to cover the identity of Apollonius of Tyana whose teachings and mode of life they purloined and made use of as a model upon which to construct their system."

"All through the Third Century there is repeated mention of this (Apollonius' teachings). But it was not until Hierocles in the beginning of the Fourth Century boldly charged upon the Christian priesthood their plagiarism of the teachings and works of Apollonius, that the latter found it necessary to set every means at work that could in any way help to conceal the great truth that Hierocles proclaimed with such portentous force. It was true that no one knows exactly what it was that Hierocles wrote, for Eusebius, who took upon himself the task of destroying the testimony of Hierocles, took precious good care to destroy the work of his formidable opponent, and give his own version of the matter instead. The reply of Eusebius to Hierocles has come down to us. Why has not Hierocles' arraignments of the Christian priesthood also come down to us? Let that priesthood answer." (J. M. Roberts -- Antiquity Unvieled) Apollonius of Tyanna
How the Jesus Myth was created


Krishna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why do atheists have this compelling need to lie.....

Apollonius is responsible for bringing the stories of Krishna to the West, he brought back to Rome the teachings of Krishna who Greeks called "Christos". Many believe that a certain Bishop Marcion discovered the writings of Apollonius in Asia Minor (Turkey) a century later and translated them into Greek and Latin, producing the first compiled "Christian" Bible.


rom Antiquity Unveiled by Jonathan M. Roberts in which evidence was presented to prove that no such man as Jesus of Nazareth ever lived, but the name was adopted by the framers of Christianity to cover the identity of Apollonius of Tyana whose teachings and mode of life they purloined and made use of as a model upon which to construct their system."

"All through the Third Century there is repeated mention of this (Apollonius' teachings). But it was not until Hierocles in the beginning of the Fourth Century boldly charged upon the Christian priesthood their plagiarism of the teachings and works of Apollonius, that the latter found it necessary to set every means at work that could in any way help to conceal the great truth that Hierocles proclaimed with such portentous force. It was true that no one knows exactly what it was that Hierocles wrote, for Eusebius, who took upon himself the task of destroying the testimony of Hierocles, took precious good care to destroy the work of his formidable opponent, and give his own version of the matter instead. The reply of Eusebius to Hierocles has come down to us. Why has not Hierocles' arraignments of the Christian priesthood also come down to us? Let that priesthood answer." (J. M. Roberts -- Antiquity Unvieled) Apollonius of Tyanna

if you want the source of all this bullshit, it began here....
Acharya S - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It goes much further back than Achayra Sanning aka DM MUrdoch -there are similar scholarly works dating back to at least 1875 - "16 Crucified Saviors" by Kersey Graves

If you are interested in Apollonius you might als try "Apollonius of Tyana the Philosopher Reformer of the First Century A.D." by G. R. S. Mead

It is aso theorized that Apollonius of Tyana was actually Paul of Tarsus more commonly know as St.Paul

Apollonius is a Greek name, the Latin Romanized version would be Apollos . Apollos over a period time as well as convenience morphed to Paulos. Paulos in its English format is Paul

Apollonius was born in the city of Tyana, in the Roman province of Cappadocia, in present day Turkey. At the age of twelve Apollonius went to Tarsus and was educated there, coincidentally Tarsus is the birthplace of Paul of Tarsus a/k/a Paul the apostle. Tarsus is the place Apollonius moved to at a young age and went to school, hence he could be referred to as Paul of Tarsus both Apollonius and Paul were in Tarsus at the same time in their youth, as Newman points out,

Apollonius and Paul were also at Ephesus and Rome at at exactly the same time . Apollonius's biographer does not mention Paul at all, but Paul's biographer speaks of "Apollos" having been at Ephesus with him. .

Many of his teachings coincide with Paul of Tarsus, and Paul is said to have done many of the same things Apollonius did. {Catholic Authorities claim that Apollonius of Alexandria is the Apollos of the New Testament }

Both Paul of Tarsus and Apollonius were unmarried and as far as History records neither produced any progeny .

Martin Luther(Founder of Protestant- Christianity} believed Apollonius to be the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews . And there are strong cases that early Christian censors, and plagiarizers inserted the name Pol / Paul in place of Apollonius/apollos/paulos wherever it could be found, it remained in the New Testament as Apollos in some instances because the Paul character they were creating was the speaker in the instances in question .

Fortunately, one book survived in its entirety- Life of Apollonius of Tyana - by Philostratus. The Life of Apollonius of Tyana was secretly carried to the Near East where it remained over a 1000 years. In 1801 it was brought to Europe and was translated into English .
In the Greek text, Apollonius is commonly written as Pol as well as Apollos, "Apollos" of the New Testament - the eloquent "Jew" whose preaching and baptizing at Corinth and at Ephesus preceded the work of the Apostle Paul. Almost as if the narrative of Apollos is John the Baptist to Paul/Pol being Jesus.

The companion of Apollonius, as well as scribe was Demis. As per -2 Timothy 4:10 Demas was the companion of Paul See Also Philemon, Verse 24; I Corinthians, Chapter 3: Verses 4 -- 6 & Verse 22; I Corinthians, Chapter 4: Verse 6; Titus, Chapter 3: Verse 13. Demas is also the name of one of the "criminals" crucified alongside Jesus as per The Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea

Apollonius of Tyanna
The virgin birth idea didn't begin with Jesus. Occurs in several religions predating Christianity.

There Are Many Other Virgin Births Besides Jesus. - Religion - Nairaland

Once you realize this, Christianity really crumbles to dust. If none of its' central figure's life is even original, how can it be true?

/sigh....why did God create so many stupid people......"omigorsh, Jesus can't be real, atheists know how to cut and paste!"......

Do you believe that anybody who doesn't believe in the Gospels is an Atheist ?
And here after more than 2000 years Christianity is still around and the non believers are still trying to bring it down.

Just saying. :D

Study the history of religion douche bag. In the years following Jesus' death either christians were killing any non christians, jews were killing christians or muslims were killing anyone who wasn't muslims. It wasn't until the 1800's where you could question religion without being tarred and feathered or crucified yourself.

After the enlightenment period, the number of atheists has grown and is growing more and more every year thanks to the internet and free speech.

I think the best book to convert people to atheism is the bible. Want to see religion is all made up? Just read the bible. But read it with an open mind. Don't be afraid if you don't believe you will go to hell. That's just what a cult would say.

Actually sealybobo - you're statement where you attempt to chastise another poster for their lack of historical knowledge is truly quite Ironic.

Study the history of religion douche bag. In the years following Jesus' death either christians were killing any non christians, jews were killing christians or muslims were killing anyone who wasn't muslims.

Moslems didn't exist yet - Mohammed wasn't born yet - he was born Centuries Later.
more fruitful would be a discussion on How the Atheist Myth was created

But, atheism isn't a myth. It does not maintain that impossible things are real. It doesn't require a suspension of logic and science and intelligence. Its a natural state of being.

Nope, your definition is has no traction. The act of believing without proof undermines your concept.

You have a faith belief.
lol, Haz, Haz, Haz. How many composite crosses did it take to crucify Him? There are more than a few accounts from that time, about that time, that speak of Jesus, the one man. One extraordinary man. Have you not reached the point yet where you know that that man existed? If not, I may be able to confirm that for you. A complete record of His trial and sentence exists.

Bullshit. The Romans that kept historic records didn't document the day they crucified a small cult leader name Yeshua. Think about it. Only 11 guys went around spreading the word of Jesus. No one else believed in him. So christianity started off as a small cult.

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artefacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another on many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

The Biblical account of Jesus has striking similarities with other mythologies and texts and many of his supposed teachings existed prior to his time. It is likely the character was either partly or entirely invented by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian theology or any element of the story portrayed in the Bible, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection. Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time.

Him returning 3 days later does.

Forgive me, but nothing in your post is correct. A complete transcript survives of the events prior to His death and after His return which were documented in Hebrew by an eye witness to every bit of it. Written while the events transpired.
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The virgin birth idea didn't begin with Jesus. Occurs in several religions predating Christianity.

There Are Many Other Virgin Births Besides Jesus. - Religion - Nairaland

Once you realize this, Christianity really crumbles to dust. If none of its' central figure's life is even original, how can it be true?

/sigh....why did God create so many stupid people......"omigorsh, Jesus can't be real, atheists know how to cut and paste!"......

Do you believe that anybody who doesn't believe in the Gospels is an Atheist ?

no....I'm just pointing out the source of all the "Jesus is a copycat" websites....
-there are similar scholarly works


You must have learned to deflect from the ledt wingers -I see you have no useful rebuttal - so I'll accept your concession gracefully - Regards and God Bless You [Imean that sincerely -with no sarcasm intended]

dude....I'm not going to waste time with a rebuttal.....if you think that crap is a scholarly work you aren't worth the time it takes to laugh at you......
/sigh....why did God create so many stupid people......"omigorsh, Jesus can't be real, atheists know how to cut and paste!"......

Do you believe that anybody who doesn't believe in the Gospels is an Atheist ?

no....I'm just pointing out the source of all the "Jesus is a copycat" websites....

Where ? LMAO ... where have you pointed out anything ?

perhaps in your own warped little excuse for a mind - the only thing you've done throughout this entire thread is deflect every argument thrown at you - and you're not even very good at that - your pathetically limited knowledge [Ignorance] combined wih your minute IQ make you an extremely transparent buffoon. -If you've got an intelligent argument make it - otherwise STFU -

- you haven't presented a single friggin fact :lol:
Hi [MENTION=39768]hazlnut[/MENTION]
What about the belief in Christ Jesus
as a symbol of "RESTORATIVE JUSTICE"

if you do an online search of Restorative Justice
you will find many groups that study and promote this concept of justice.

Is Restorative Justice a MYTH also?
Are all these groups studying a nonexistent principle?

How the Jesus Myth was created

How the Jesus Myth was created

First of all, you have to realize that Jesus was a composite of different entities and the name was chosen several hundred years later at the Council of Nicea, wherein the entity Constantine ordered the various religious sects to come together and create a single religion for Rome, a Universal religion that incorporated all of the aspects of the various religions, so that all could accept and subscribe to it.

The Influence of Apollonius of Tyana
(Read also about Apollonius of Tyana, the Real Christ? The invented story of Jesus)

This entity Apollonius of Tyana is the central figure of a certain religious order that was prevalent at that time in Rome and his life was incorporated into the Holy Roman religion or Catholic version of the Christian epic which became the official Roman religion in approximately 300 AD.

This Awareness indicates that this energy of Apollonius was incorporated, there was also energies of several other spiritual leaders of Roman religious sects whose stories were also brought in and there were those spiritual personalities or deities from other Roman religious orders whose histories or religious myths came from other cultures.

Krishna for example, of India, was one of the religious cults and groups in Rome, and his story was merged with that of Apollonius of Tyana. The story of Krishna as that entity who came into the earth born of a virgin and who attempted to save people from error and sin, but who was hanged for his efforts.

This Awareness indicates that this was incorporated in the story of Jesus and the Apollonius story was also part of this story, and there were also entities whose religion was that of sun worshipping, wherein there was the sun and the 12 houses or signs, and these sun worshippers had their story of Jesus in which the sun god had 12 disciples and these 12 disciples of course reflected the 12 signs of those who were the sun worshippers in Rome. This was of course an astrological religion.

The composite known as Jesus

This Awareness indicates that the combination of the many different Roman religious orders or organizations, the different religious sects, forming a composite in which the central heroic character was the Son of God, having 12 disciples, being born of a virgin, whose intent and purpose was to help save mankind, and for his efforts, the entity was slain and put upon a cross; the entity also having certain miraculous powers, including that of those who can heal by touch, or raise from the dead or move into states of suspended animation, such as some of the masters of India have demonstrated in various times throughout history.

Great read for all who want to better understand Christianity and their beliefs.
lol, Haz, Haz, Haz. How many composite crosses did it take to crucify Him? There are more than a few accounts from that time, about that time, that speak of Jesus, the one man. One extraordinary man. Have you not reached the point yet where you know that that man existed? If not, I may be able to confirm that for you. A complete record of His trial and sentence exists.

Even if Jesus’ existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian theology or any element of the story portrayed in the Bible, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection. Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time.

I agree [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION] and would even take it one step further
it doesn't take believing or depending on Jesus existing historically or any of the
descriptions in the Bible

as long as you believe in the power and process of Restorative Justice
to heal people and transform relations to bring Peace and Justice for All

that is the same process as believing in Christ Jesus.
the description in the Bible can mean nothing to you;

and this process is still true and universal for all people
so if you believe that divine forgiveness can transform and heal
all people tribes and nations in the world to bring lasting peace

that is the point and the purpose

I have an atheist friend who believes in forgiveness
abundance of grace and peace and justice
and he doesn't use God or Jesus to describe
these beliefs and the same process in life

so it is so universal even atheists can believe in it

what matters is that we forgive one another our differences
so we can follow the same laws of nature and same process
and it still works to heal and unite all people (even where
we never change our differences and still see it totally separate ways)
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