How the Libtards Fake Racists to Smear Conservatives

I've seen conservatives successfully mole liberal message boards for years. It's really not that hard.

But I've never seen a liberal successfully mole a conservative board for more than five minutes. :lmao:
And your point is what?
Liberals can't imitate conservatives worth a damn. :lmao:

That is ridiculous.

I have fooled several of you idiots with simple sarcasm. There was a dude here called CargoPatriot for weeks who fucking owned you dummies. He was absolutely trying to say the wildest most stereotypical conservative shit....and you never knew.

You may not have been might have been on your "davecation".

And your point is what?
Liberals can't imitate conservatives worth a damn. :lmao:

That is ridiculous.

I have fooled several of you idiots with simple sarcasm. There was a dude here called CargoPatriot for weeks who fucking owned you dummies. He was absolutely trying to say the wildest most stereotypical conservative shit....and you never knew.

You may not have been might have been on your "davecation".


Yeah, right and I know this gal who got on the boards and had you doing cybersex with her only she pretended to be a guy and she said yo were so pissed when you found out it was a she.

/s see how easy that is?

Nah, I didn't think you could, you stupid pile of dog dung.
And your point is what?
Liberals can't imitate conservatives worth a damn. :lmao:

That is ridiculous.

I have fooled several of you idiots with simple sarcasm. There was a dude here called CargoPatriot for weeks who fucking owned you dummies. He was absolutely trying to say the wildest most stereotypical conservative shit....and you never knew.

You may not have been might have been on your "davecation".

Yeah. Coming from you -- I doubt it.
The left loves to use double-standards.

A Fox reporter gets the shit beat out of him at a union rally and everyone says so what.

But somebody supposedly says something nasty or maybe even spits on some fuckwads walking through an angry crowd in hopes of instigating an incident and all hell breaks loose.

Ask me if I give two shits if you liberals feel like you're being mistreated.
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I have absolutely NO DOUBT that agent provocateurs exist on both sides of the great political divide.

I suspect we have more than a few such agents right here on this very board.

MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

In fact many of the conservatives I know in real life are not at all racist personally, although they typically cannot imagine that the residual historical effects of slavery and jim crow have anything to do with why Blacks aren't doing very well.

you do realize it's 2013, right?
I have absolutely NO DOUBT that agent provocateurs exist on both sides of the great political divide.

I suspect we have more than a few such agents right here on this very board.

MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

In fact many of the conservatives I know in real life are not at all racist personally, although they typically cannot imagine that the residual historical effects of slavery and jim crow have anything to do with why Blacks aren't doing very well.

you do realize it's 2013, right?

According to these lefties it's still the 60s. They haven't learned to move on.

The purveyors of racial tension need for us to hate each other, so they cannot move on. That's why the keep mentioning Jim Crow,........a Democrat sponsored law no less.
I have absolutely NO DOUBT that agent provocateurs exist on both sides of the great political divide.

I suspect we have more than a few such agents right here on this very board.

MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

In fact many of the conservatives I know in real life are not at all racist personally, although they typically cannot imagine that the residual historical effects of slavery and jim crow have anything to do with why Blacks aren't doing very well.

you do realize it's 2013, right?

According to these lefties it's still the 60s. They haven't learned to move on.

The purveyors of racial tension need for us to hate each other, so they cannot move on. That's why the keep mentioning Jim Crow,........a Democrat sponsored law no less.

The reigning Democrat ideology was formed in the 60's, the last era in which they had a leader with much popularity and success. (Carter, Clinton, and now Obama)

The radicals that laid the groundwork in 68 then took power under McGoverns candidacy in 72 have nothing else for them to do but battle for the same thing each generation or else they are empty.

The future belongs to traditional conservatism if they could only get rid of the RINOS that keep them misled.
I have absolutely NO DOUBT that agent provocateurs exist on both sides of the great political divide.

I suspect we have more than a few such agents right here on this very board.

MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

In fact many of the conservatives I know in real life are not at all racist personally, although they typically cannot imagine that the residual historical effects of slavery and jim crow have anything to do with why Blacks aren't doing very well.
List the conservatives here you believe are racist.

And then link to posts of theirs which prove it.

How about this boards admited neo-nazis?

Or is your point they are not conservatives even though on every question (guns affirmative action abortion, christian bashing etc) they also agree with conservatives?

And you're now demanding that I go back and link to this shit?

Because why, you have never seen this?

Dave? Seriously?
How the Left Fakes the Hate: A Primer - Michelle Malkin - Page 1

Yet, the claims that Tea Party activists shouted "******" at black House Democrats remain uncorroborated.
That's not true!

There's a video of the incident and you can clearly see someone shouting at the black Congressman.

But not shouting ****** that I've ever heard. And as far as I know the $100k offer for video of such still stands.
I have absolutely NO DOUBT that agent provocateurs exist on both sides of the great political divide.

I suspect we have more than a few such agents right here on this very board.

MOST of the conservatives I know in real life are not nearly so overtly and outrageously racist as we see here, for example.

In fact many of the conservatives I know in real life are not at all racist personally, although they typically cannot imagine that the residual historical effects of slavery and jim crow have anything to do with why Blacks aren't doing very well.
List the conservatives here you believe are racist.

And then link to posts of theirs which prove it.

How about this boards admited neo-nazis?

Or is your point they are not conservatives even though on every question (guns affirmative action abortion, christian bashing etc) they also agree with conservatives?

And you're now demanding that I go back and link to this shit?

Because why, you have never seen this?

Dave? Seriously?
Yes, there are a few racist conservatives here. I routinely call them out on it.

Please note I'm using the real definition of racist. You idiot leftists use the made-up version: "Anyone who disagrees with Obama".

Racism isn't nearly as prevalent on the right as you desperately want to believe.
How the Left Fakes the Hate: A Primer - Michelle Malkin - Page 1

Yet, the claims that Tea Party activists shouted "******" at black House Democrats remain uncorroborated.
That's not true!

There's a video of the incident and you can clearly see someone shouting at the black Congressman.

Just as clear during that same time, was some little asshole screaming "fag".

teepotters are stupid little homophobic, racist fools/tools being used and they're too dumb to know it.

Of course they do this..

there isn't any honesty or honor in them if it's for their agenda..

That's not true!

There's a video of the incident and you can clearly see someone shouting at the black Congressman.

Just as clear during that same time, was some little asshole screaming "fag".

teepotters are stupid little homophobic, racist fools/tools being used and they're too dumb to know it.
Shut up and post the damn video already. Not one of you morons has done it.
Shouting, yes.

Shouting "n----r", no.

If you have something that shows differently, link it.
You can't prove that he didn't shout it.

But the person he shouted it at, heard it.

You made the claim so it's on YOU to prove it. Even if it happened, so what? Does one voice speak for your side? Why is the word "******" okay for blacks to use on each other? Why not admit the're scared shitless of blacks and think abusing your own race will somehow endear them to you....fact of the matter is blacks have ZERO respect for your kind.
An old Alinsky trick.

Archived-Articles: Obama's Nazi Straw man: An Old Alinsky Trick

" the spring of 1972, at Tulane University...students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George H. W. Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations - a speech likely to include a defense of the Nixon administration's Vietnam War policies. The students told Alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush's address. That's the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative - and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘The KKK supports Bush.' And that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results."

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