How the Libtards Fake Racists to Smear Conservatives

teepotters are stupid little homophobic, racist fools/tools being used and they're too dumb to know it.


Nope, we're honest, freedom-loving Americans who've continued building this nation into the MIRACLE of democracy and free enterprise the world looks to for their freedom. We're the soldiers, the taxpayers, the mothers and fathers who raised decent kids and want them and their kids to have an America they can succeed and live free in. Your kind will never defeat us no matter how many names you call us or how many ratholes you demand we pound our money down....your kind always ends up in the trash bin of history and will again.
How about the times when Rderp goes to a Republican Town Hall and shouts "Let them Die" in response to any question?
Republicans complaining their racism is really a political smear. Hilarious!
Republicans complaining their racism is really a political smear. Hilarious!
It is when the racism is coming from liberals pretending to be Republicans.

And you can't say it never happens. Well, you can, but you'd be lying -- like usual.

"Ashamed Republican" Is An Embarrassed Democrat (Wizbang)

And here at USMB, we have JakeStarkey, well-known progressive laughably insisting he's a manstream Republican.
Obama, Hillary and all the Democrat party of today are big fans of Alinksy..that is why their elected Representatives come straight out and call the Tea party all kinds of hateful names and then we see their sheep base regurgitate it everywhere they go..

Now they are doing it with global warming, they came up with a stupid name calling people who don't go along with them, DENIERS..and then they had the birthers which Hillary was the first to plant that one so they could use against people

people better wake up to this and the planting of people in Conservative gatherings like the one with the Old hag Pelosi walking through a protest with her HUGE GAVAL laughing at the people(most people should of been offended by this display of we will walk all over you) but the left ate it up..

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Nonviolent protest is a valid approach when your enemy is constrained by moral values that evoke nonviolence toward the nonviolent.

Marxist dictatorships do not have such moral limitations and will kill tens of thousands at a time to stay in power and suppress any significant dissent.

We may be facing a closet Marxist coup in our very near future.

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