How the media constantly bails out Trump......


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I've noticed something really interesting.....its no secret Trump watches a lot of news channels and despite what we all think, it isn't FOX news, cause even Trump can reconize fake shit when he sees it....its my belief, CNN, who he constantly calls out, is his favorite news channel and here's why.

Trumps first visit to Houston was highly criticized by guest on CNN and they gave comment on what he should have done (won't get that on Fox news) and low and behold, Trump announces a SECOND trip and does exactly what was suggested by one of the guest down to the T. He did the same things with the riots in Charoletteville and every one of his tweets that gets a backlash, he listens to the news and cleans up .....usually with more lies, but he's listening to somebody and my guess its the news....but here"s the deal, CNN, MSNBC, etc...STOP HAVING YOUR GUEST BAIL THIS LYIN KING OUT.. with woulda coulda shoulda advice....the man hates you and yet you provide cover for this guy all the time!!
So by criticizing him and him responding is bailing him out? Really? That is some really flawed thinking.
I've noticed something really interesting.....its no secret Trump watches a lot of news channels and despite what we all think, it isn't FOX news, cause even Trump can reconize fake shit when he sees it....its my belief, CNN, who he constantly calls out, is his favorite news channel and here's why.

Trumps first visit to Houston was highly criticized by guest on CNN and they gave comment on what he should have done (won't get that on Fox news) and low and behold, Trump announces a SECOND trip and does exactly what was suggested by one of the guest down to the T. He did the same things with the riots in Charoletteville and every one of his tweets that gets a backlash, he listens to the news and cleans up .....usually with more lies, but he's listening to somebody and my guess its the news....but here"s the deal, CNN, MSNBC, etc...STOP HAVING YOUR GUEST BAIL THIS LYIN KING OUT.. with woulda coulda shoulda advice....the man hates you and yet you provide cover for this guy all the time!!

So in your world CNN and MSNBC are bailing out Trump?

I think you need another layer on your tinfoil hat.

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