How the Obama Administration Shattered the Rule of Law


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019

The worst-case scenario is far darker: that by early January, with no evidence of Russian collusion, leaders of the nation's political and law enforcement agencies decided that guilt was irrelevant, and that the Trump administration had to be strangled in the crib. This seems like a major stretch, but in a highly partisan era, such a narrative will have legs.


BJ - I skipped right over "the best case scenario' - cause that's not it.
"What's our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?"

It's hard to overstate the seriousness of the decisions made and actions taken against Flynn in this case. The basic premise of our judicial system is ' innocent until proven guilty', and there are significant protections to preserve our individual rights before the law. The FBI is not supposed to investigate an American citizen without sufficient evidence to indicate possible wrong-doing; they are supposed to investigate criminal activity or possible criminal activity to protect us all, but they are required to have sufficient reason to do so. In this case, no such reason ever existed, AND THEY KNEW IT. For our judicial system to work the way it should, prosecutorial discretion, whether within the FBI or any other institution, has to be subject to self-imposed limitations to curb excessive use of investigative powers. In this case there were no investigative or prosecutorial limitations. AT ALL. Flynn's civil rights were violated, and Due Process was ignored.

Did you know that FBI agents wrote a memo to close the investigation of Flynn on Jan. 4, 2017, writing they found "no derogatory" evidence that Flynn committed a crime or posed a national security threat. FBI management then ordered the closure to be rescinded and pivoted toward trying lure Flynn into an interview. "The absence of any derogatory information or lead information from these logical sources reduce the number of investigative avenues and techniques to pursue. Per the direction of FBI management, Crossfire Razor was not interviewed as part of the case closing procedure. The FBI is closing this investigation," the agent wrote on Jan. 4, 2017. Here's the memo:


According to evidence DOJ disclosed this month, FBI officials subsequently edited the original Flynn interview report. After Strzok and fellow special agent Joe Pientka interviewed the Trump adviser, Pientka wrote the original interview report, known as a 302, then Strzok heavily edited it, so much so that he worried he was “trying not to completely re-write” the memo. Then FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who neither attended the interview nor is an agent, edited it again, according to the DOJ evidence. And then that version of the 302 was never given to the court. Instead, a substitute summary of the interview written months later was presented as official evidence, an act current and former FBI officials told me was extraordinarily unusual.


According to DOJ officials and Flynn's lawyers, exculpatory evidence was withheld from the courts and Flynn's legal team for years despite repeated orders that all exculpatory Brady materials, i.e. evidence of innocence, be produced. That's not the way it is supposed to work. We all need to understand what's at stake here: today's a retired 4-star general who got reamed, tomorrow it could be another US citizen for due to their politics. You doubt it? If so, you're a fool. You think the gov't won't go after the little guys? Guess again.

U.S. District Judge Emmett Sullivan must still decide whether to accept the Justice Department's request to dismiss the charges. And then the judge must decide whether the prosecutors and agents in the case should face punishment. Along with that, there is are a number of probes and investigations going on about that I think should be made public regardless of what the findings are or who is fingered. I sincerely hope the Durham investigation indicts a whole bunch of sewer rats who were involved and castigates those were were involved but insufficient evidence exists. It's one thing if they were innocent of any illegal activity, but it's another if they knew about it and did nothing or at best were guilty of unethical behavior that is contrary to the oath they took when they signed up.

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