How to deal with politicans who won't recognize a drug dealer right in my town

You guys know me. I'm going to put it right out here and personal. I want to make sure this is out here to keep me safe.

Just went thru losing Duke last week and as if that isn't bad enough my town rep is unsure as to what to do with the grow op NEXT TO MY FUCKING POST OFFICE.

This dude has a lab for shatters. AND IS freaking bragging on it. And my rep is unsure what to do. Anyone want to see his website?

Anyone want to give me some advice?
Sounds like you need to take a little hit of the whacky tabacy... Might help you chill out a bit.

Are you kidding me? I have no problem with the smoke. That's not my issue at all. But you try to pull off shatters in my town?????????????? I don't think so.

Do you know what it takes to do that?
I can relate with wanting to clean up your neighborhood and it is a very tough issue that I and many others like you struggle with. I am going through a similar but less intense situation with pan handlers at my closest intersection. They are drunk most of the time and are getting aggressive while asking traffic for handouts. My only advice would be to go to community meetings and speak out. Challenge your county board of supervisors to take action, engage the local newspapers, news stations and media outlets. If you still aren't being heard organize a protest at the county meetings or in front of the grow op. Let me know if you get traction with any of your efforts and good luck.

I'm in the middle of nowhere. Look up Sundown Manitoba.

This guy must be paying someone off here. That's who I want to get. Who is bought in my freaking little town. And shatters? You do a shatters lab? They freaking blow up man.
Sounds li
You guys know me. I'm going to put it right out here and personal. I want to make sure this is out here to keep me safe.

Just went thru losing Duke last week and as if that isn't bad enough my town rep is unsure as to what to do with the grow op NEXT TO MY FUCKING POST OFFICE.

This dude has a lab for shatters. AND IS freaking bragging on it. And my rep is unsure what to do. Anyone want to see his website?

Anyone want to give me some advice?
Sounds like you need to take a little hit of the whacky tabacy... Might help you chill out a bit.

Are you kidding me? I have no problem with the smoke. That's not my issue at all. But you try to pull off shatters in my town?????????????? I don't think so.

Do you know what it takes to do that?
I can relate with wanting to clean up your neighborhood and it is a very tough issue that I and many others like you struggle with. I am going through a similar but less intense situation with pan handlers at my closest intersection. They are drunk most of the time and are getting aggressive while asking traffic for handouts. My only advice would be to go to community meetings and speak out. Challenge your county board of supervisors to take action, engage the local newspapers, news stations and media outlets. If you still aren't being heard organize a protest at the county meetings or in front of the grow op. Let me know if you get traction with any of your efforts and good luck.

I'm in the middle of nowhere. Look up Sundown Manitoba.

This guy must be paying someone off here. That's who I want to get. Who is bought in my freaking little town. And shatters? You do a shatters lab? They freaking blow up man.
Sounds like you gotta go wild wild west on their ass... Burn them to the ground. If you need to know how just get a red stapler and watch Office Space.

Whoa I don't have television but that sounds like one hell of program. I'd buy cable for that if I could get it. Payback is more than a cubicle. Yes I used to belong to the real world.
Just like the plate murder, this is a law enforcement issue. Sober up, get yourself straight, take a shower and go see the cops.

tiny dancer. If you keep your stash at home, do not invite the cops to come see you.

While you're at the local constabulary, check on that Murder By Plate and get back to us.


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You guys know me. I'm going to put it right out here and personal. I want to make sure this is out here to keep me safe.

Just went thru losing Duke last week and as if that isn't bad enough my town rep is unsure as to what to do with the grow op NEXT TO MY FUCKING POST OFFICE.

This dude has a lab for shatters. AND IS freaking bragging on it. And my rep is unsure what to do. Anyone want to see his website?

Anyone want to give me some advice?
Sounds like you need to take a little hit of the whacky tabacy... Might help you chill out a bit.

Are you kidding me? I have no problem with the smoke. That's not my issue at all. But you try to pull off shatters in my town?????????????? I don't think so.

Do you know what it takes to do that?
I can relate with wanting to clean up your neighborhood and it is a very tough issue that I and many others like you struggle with. I am going through a similar but less intense situation with pan handlers at my closest intersection. They are drunk most of the time and are getting aggressive while asking traffic for handouts. My only advice would be to go to community meetings and speak out. Challenge your county board of supervisors to take action, engage the local newspapers, news stations and media outlets. If you still aren't being heard organize a protest at the county meetings or in front of the grow op. Let me know if you get traction with any of your efforts and good luck.

I'm in the middle of nowhere. Look up Sundown Manitoba.

This guy must be paying someone off here. That's who I want to get. Who is bought in my freaking little town. And shatters? You do a shatters lab? They freaking blow up man.
Sounds li
You guys know me. I'm going to put it right out here and personal. I want to make sure this is out here to keep me safe.

Just went thru losing Duke last week and as if that isn't bad enough my town rep is unsure as to what to do with the grow op NEXT TO MY FUCKING POST OFFICE.

This dude has a lab for shatters. AND IS freaking bragging on it. And my rep is unsure what to do. Anyone want to see his website?

Anyone want to give me some advice?
Sounds like you need to take a little hit of the whacky tabacy... Might help you chill out a bit.

Are you kidding me? I have no problem with the smoke. That's not my issue at all. But you try to pull off shatters in my town?????????????? I don't think so.

Do you know what it takes to do that?
I can relate with wanting to clean up your neighborhood and it is a very tough issue that I and many others like you struggle with. I am going through a similar but less intense situation with pan handlers at my closest intersection. They are drunk most of the time and are getting aggressive while asking traffic for handouts. My only advice would be to go to community meetings and speak out. Challenge your county board of supervisors to take action, engage the local newspapers, news stations and media outlets. If you still aren't being heard organize a protest at the county meetings or in front of the grow op. Let me know if you get traction with any of your efforts and good luck.

I'm in the middle of nowhere. Look up Sundown Manitoba.

This guy must be paying someone off here. That's who I want to get. Who is bought in my freaking little town. And shatters? You do a shatters lab? They freaking blow up man.
Sounds like you gotta go wild wild west on their ass... Burn them to the ground. If you need to know how just get a red stapler and watch Office Space.

Arson. What a good idea.

Problem is that tinydancer us likely to be so drunk/stoned, she'll burn down the whole town and never know it.

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Just like the plate murder, this is a law enforcement issue. Sober up, get yourself straight, take a shower and go see the cops.

tiny dancer. If you keep your stash at home, do not invite the cops to come see you.

While you're at the local constabulary, check on that Murder By Plate and get back to us.


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The problem is the RCMP.

This is not a joke. It's a real deal here. Go to the link. He has convinced more than one out here that he is a true medical marijuana dealer. Including the Carillon newspaper.

Being me you know that pesky kinda person went I don't believe you are allowed to have a grow op right in town and decided to hit up Health Canada. Now I know you like just to try to smack me down but guess what Luddly I actually talked to Health Canada and found out they haven't licensed him.

Well I knew that before I called them. The only licensed medical marijuana dealer out here is Delta9.

Now when you get hold of your RCMP and your politicians and tell them the grow op in town isn't legal you start to worry a bit. Because they don't fucking care.
Sounds like you need to take a little hit of the whacky tabacy... Might help you chill out a bit.

Are you kidding me? I have no problem with the smoke. That's not my issue at all. But you try to pull off shatters in my town?????????????? I don't think so.

Do you know what it takes to do that?
I can relate with wanting to clean up your neighborhood and it is a very tough issue that I and many others like you struggle with. I am going through a similar but less intense situation with pan handlers at my closest intersection. They are drunk most of the time and are getting aggressive while asking traffic for handouts. My only advice would be to go to community meetings and speak out. Challenge your county board of supervisors to take action, engage the local newspapers, news stations and media outlets. If you still aren't being heard organize a protest at the county meetings or in front of the grow op. Let me know if you get traction with any of your efforts and good luck.

I'm in the middle of nowhere. Look up Sundown Manitoba.

This guy must be paying someone off here. That's who I want to get. Who is bought in my freaking little town. And shatters? You do a shatters lab? They freaking blow up man.
Sounds li
Sounds like you need to take a little hit of the whacky tabacy... Might help you chill out a bit.

Are you kidding me? I have no problem with the smoke. That's not my issue at all. But you try to pull off shatters in my town?????????????? I don't think so.

Do you know what it takes to do that?
I can relate with wanting to clean up your neighborhood and it is a very tough issue that I and many others like you struggle with. I am going through a similar but less intense situation with pan handlers at my closest intersection. They are drunk most of the time and are getting aggressive while asking traffic for handouts. My only advice would be to go to community meetings and speak out. Challenge your county board of supervisors to take action, engage the local newspapers, news stations and media outlets. If you still aren't being heard organize a protest at the county meetings or in front of the grow op. Let me know if you get traction with any of your efforts and good luck.

I'm in the middle of nowhere. Look up Sundown Manitoba.

This guy must be paying someone off here. That's who I want to get. Who is bought in my freaking little town. And shatters? You do a shatters lab? They freaking blow up man.
Sounds like you gotta go wild wild west on their ass... Burn them to the ground. If you need to know how just get a red stapler and watch Office Space.

Arson. What a good idea.

Problem is that tinydancer us likely to be so drunk/stoned, she'll burn down the whole town and never know it.

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Not kidding. Look up what happens with shatters. You can insult me from here to eternity but all you do is make a fool of yourself.

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