How to end violence against black people

How to end violence against black people? Easy. They start taking responsibility for their actions.

That doesnt stop violence. Why do you guys have so many answers that doesnt deal with the violence part?
Why do u guys have no answers dealing with ur moral character. Wait for it, Wait for it. Here comes the blame game.

Why dont whites show us how its done? Wait for it, here comes the blame game
All humans are corrupt. All I'm saying is blacks need to take more ownership as a whole.

And there you have it. An admission that all humans are corrupt and therefore blacks shouldnt be because....uh.

And whites cant show blacks how its done because they have all the answers...:2up: There ya go Opie. Good job
How to end violence against black people? Easy. They start taking responsibility for their actions.

That doesnt stop violence. Why do you guys have so many answers that doesnt deal with the violence part?
Why do u guys have no answers dealing with ur moral character. Wait for it, Wait for it. Here comes the blame game.

Why dont whites show us how its done? Wait for it, here comes the blame game
All humans are corrupt. All I'm saying is blacks need to take more ownership as a whole.

And there you have it. An admission that all humans are corrupt and therefore blacks shouldnt be because....uh.

And whites cant show blacks how its done because they have all the answers...:2up: There ya go Opie. Good job
That's where u people hit a brick wall, u bring up the white man every time there's a problem. Is this ur sub consioinsous still looking for a master or a daddy to show u the way.
But your invention of the "cadre of Black politicians" leaves me wondering just who they are and how they are using the "hood rat nation" as hostages to extort money out taxpayers. Please clarify that.
It's very simple.
Replace 'cadre of black politicians' with 'cadre of democrat politicians' and you have your answer.
So Black democrats are running your illusory democratic plantation now?

I am still laughing at your paradoxical assessment but I want a bigger "Gufaw." Please tell me how these Black democratic plantation owners are using the "hood rat nation" as hostages to extort money out taxpayers.
Looks like you misunderstood my post. The point being that it's democrats doing the extorting. Black is just another subcategory.
IDK, what was slavery based on? Personality?

This guy explains it nicely

Here's an idea, how about explaining to the black community that abandoning their own children does not bode well for their future

I agree, now dont you think that blacks receiving more arrests and more jail time than whites who commit the same crime as being any sort of contributing factor. Or can they be unfairly locked up AND with their children?

And while that is a good discussion on single families that wouldnt stop violence against black people. Most times a violent act doesnt occur after someone asks if they have a father at home.

Sure, but the question is why? Could it be that children, raised in single family households (exclude race as a factor), are more likely to be poor then others? We know the poor commit more crime. We know they are typically less educated, more likely to become violent and more likely to disrespect authority.

Why are they receiving longer sentences and more arrests for the same crimes? Or why are they in single parent families? I think I gave a pretty good answer on the second point.

To your second point, you assume it wouldn't. I'm not sure I see the point.

If the topic is how to end violence then having a daddy at home doesnt seem to be a correlation.

If more black children were raised in two family households, they are less likely to grow up poor, become less likely to be uneducated, less likely to commit crimes and less likely to become violent.

Less likely yes to exhibit those behaviors yes. But not less likely to be targeted and giving longer jail sentences and less 2nd chances. Thats why I said you can have 2 parents that often doesnt factor into targeting communities.

We can make changes to the police, but that's simply a band aide. The cure is for all off us to work together to break this cycle of single parent black households.

That again, wont stop violence. To pretend that all things would be great if more blacks were married ignores the issue of race entirely and seeks to place total blame of all things on black families. When black families were stronger we STILL were targeted more often and harder. When we dressed in suits we STILL were targeted more often and harder.

I don't think I'm ignoring anything. Statistics show that children raised in a home with two parents are far more likely to become well educated. Are far less likely to commit violent act. Accept authority better and commit far fewer crimes.

I will stipulate that, no matter what, there will be racism. No matter how educated ALL races become. But that will get smaller and smaller with time. But I will not accept that "racism" rules the day in all of these cases.

If single parent household were not the norm, and with statistics showing how damaging it can be, both sides MUST do the hard work.

Police and the courts have work to do, but if the black community is to be taken seriously, there would be demonstations in the streets admonishing those fathers who abandon and fail to support their children as well.

This guy explains it nicely

Here's an idea, how about explaining to the black community that abandoning their own children does not bode well for their future

I agree, now dont you think that blacks receiving more arrests and more jail time than whites who commit the same crime as being any sort of contributing factor. Or can they be unfairly locked up AND with their children?

And while that is a good discussion on single families that wouldnt stop violence against black people. Most times a violent act doesnt occur after someone asks if they have a father at home.

Sure, but the question is why? Could it be that children, raised in single family households (exclude race as a factor), are more likely to be poor then others? We know the poor commit more crime. We know they are typically less educated, more likely to become violent and more likely to disrespect authority.

Why are they receiving longer sentences and more arrests for the same crimes? Or why are they in single parent families? I think I gave a pretty good answer on the second point.

To your second point, you assume it wouldn't. I'm not sure I see the point.

If the topic is how to end violence then having a daddy at home doesnt seem to be a correlation.

If more black children were raised in two family households, they are less likely to grow up poor, become less likely to be uneducated, less likely to commit crimes and less likely to become violent.

Less likely yes to exhibit those behaviors yes. But not less likely to be targeted and giving longer jail sentences and less 2nd chances. Thats why I said you can have 2 parents that often doesnt factor into targeting communities.

We can make changes to the police, but that's simply a band aide. The cure is for all off us to work together to break this cycle of single parent black households.

That again, wont stop violence. To pretend that all things would be great if more blacks were married ignores the issue of race entirely and seeks to place total blame of all things on black families. When black families were stronger we STILL were targeted more often and harder. When we dressed in suits we STILL were targeted more often and harder.

I don't think I'm ignoring anything. Statistics show that children raised in a home with two parents are far more likely to become well educated. Are far less likely to commit violent act. Accept authority better and commit far fewer crimes.

I will stipulate that, no matter what, there will be racism. No matter how educated ALL races become. But that will get smaller and smaller with time. But I will not accept that "racism" rules the day in all of these cases.

If single parent household were not the norm, and with statistics showing how damaging it can be, both sides MUST do the hard work.

Police and the courts have work to do, but if the black community is to be taken seriously, there would be demonstations in the streets admonishing those fathers who abandon and fail to support their children as well.

That reminds me of the story about the guy shaking his fist at the Sun. The sun didnt cease to exist because the guy didnt like it. The sun (and those facts) still exist whether you accept it or not.
Get black men to stop murdering other black men and children.......that would lower our gun crime rate to better than Europe levels.....
Get black men to stop murdering other black men and children.......that would lower our gun crime rate to better than Europe levels.....
The Left throws out terms like "gun violence rates" to mask the fact that when comparing violent crimes, regardless of method, many European gun control countries are actually higher. Of course more violent crimes in America are going to be committed by guns because we have them. But taking away guns certainly has not reduced violent crime.
Blacks first need to stop being black. Everything will begin to take care of itself after that.

No, they need to stop acting black:
Black women are more likely to have children outside of marriage than other racial or ethnic groups. In that year, about 72% of births to black women were non-marital births. 2/3 end up taking hand outs from those who actually work for a living.

The national graduation rate for black males was 59 percent, 65 percent for Latinos, and 80 percent for white males for the 2012-13 school year, according to the report. Particularly striking was Detroit where only 20 percent of black males graduated on time in the 2011-12.

A whopping 92% of murdered blacks are murdered not by whites, not by cops, but by other blacks. And you think the problem is COPS???

Just what is it you think you are entitled to from the white citizens of this country? Do I have to go get your children up for school after my own are on the bus? Do I have to feed, clothe, and make sure your child's homework is done? Is it my responsibility to teach your son that having 11 children to 11 baby mamas isn't a badge of fertility? And your daughter to view herself as more than a baby abortion machine?

You are not special. You are not owed anything. You are what you make of yourself and your children are what you make of them. Stop whining and start taking responsibility for your race and the situation you find yourself in.
Blacks are much more of a detriment to blacks than whites are. While your kids are rushing cops and throwing rocks through windows, mine are sitting at the table getting an education. Guess which one is going to end up with a good job, a nice house, a new car.......
Yours will still be throwing rocks because my child will appear more "privileged" than yours, when the truth is, they are just better qualified.
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Here's an idea, how about explaining to the black community that abandoning their own children does not bode well for their future

I agree, now dont you think that blacks receiving more arrests and more jail time than whites who commit the same crime as being any sort of contributing factor. Or can they be unfairly locked up AND with their children?

And while that is a good discussion on single families that wouldnt stop violence against black people. Most times a violent act doesnt occur after someone asks if they have a father at home.

Sure, but the question is why? Could it be that children, raised in single family households (exclude race as a factor), are more likely to be poor then others? We know the poor commit more crime. We know they are typically less educated, more likely to become violent and more likely to disrespect authority.

Why are they receiving longer sentences and more arrests for the same crimes? Or why are they in single parent families? I think I gave a pretty good answer on the second point.

To your second point, you assume it wouldn't. I'm not sure I see the point.

If the topic is how to end violence then having a daddy at home doesnt seem to be a correlation.

If more black children were raised in two family households, they are less likely to grow up poor, become less likely to be uneducated, less likely to commit crimes and less likely to become violent.

Less likely yes to exhibit those behaviors yes. But not less likely to be targeted and giving longer jail sentences and less 2nd chances. Thats why I said you can have 2 parents that often doesnt factor into targeting communities.

We can make changes to the police, but that's simply a band aide. The cure is for all off us to work together to break this cycle of single parent black households.

That again, wont stop violence. To pretend that all things would be great if more blacks were married ignores the issue of race entirely and seeks to place total blame of all things on black families. When black families were stronger we STILL were targeted more often and harder. When we dressed in suits we STILL were targeted more often and harder.

I don't think I'm ignoring anything. Statistics show that children raised in a home with two parents are far more likely to become well educated. Are far less likely to commit violent act. Accept authority better and commit far fewer crimes.

I will stipulate that, no matter what, there will be racism. No matter how educated ALL races become. But that will get smaller and smaller with time. But I will not accept that "racism" rules the day in all of these cases.

If single parent household were not the norm, and with statistics showing how damaging it can be, both sides MUST do the hard work.

Police and the courts have work to do, but if the black community is to be taken seriously, there would be demonstations in the streets admonishing those fathers who abandon and fail to support their children as well.

That reminds me of the story about the guy shaking his fist at the Sun. The sun didnt cease to exist because the guy didnt like it. The sun (and those facts) still exist whether you accept it or not.

Keep putting out feral children, don't wonder when folks get wise and just start laughing cuz there is another story that applies to BLM.

The boy that cried wolf.
But your invention of the "cadre of Black politicians" leaves me wondering just who they are and how they are using the "hood rat nation" as hostages to extort money out taxpayers. Please clarify that.
It's very simple.
Replace 'cadre of black politicians' with 'cadre of democrat politicians' and you have your answer.
So Black democrats are running your illusory democratic plantation now?

I am still laughing at your paradoxical assessment but I want a bigger "Gufaw." Please tell me how these Black democratic plantation owners are using the "hood rat nation" as hostages to extort money out taxpayers.
Looks like you misunderstood my post. The point being that it's democrats doing the extorting. Black is just another subcategory.

I didn't think you could top your last comedic statement but you did. :lol: You really don't think Blacks are Americans do you? You don't think they are integral to the democratic hierarchy at all, even though Obama is the head of the party. Interesting. Silly but interesting!
Get black men to stop murdering other black men and children.......that would lower our gun crime rate to better than Europe levels.....
Which black community are you addressing? Upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class or poor?
But your invention of the "cadre of Black politicians" leaves me wondering just who they are and how they are using the "hood rat nation" as hostages to extort money out taxpayers. Please clarify that.
It's very simple.
Replace 'cadre of black politicians' with 'cadre of democrat politicians' and you have your answer.
So Black democrats are running your illusory democratic plantation now?

I am still laughing at your paradoxical assessment but I want a bigger "Gufaw." Please tell me how these Black democratic plantation owners are using the "hood rat nation" as hostages to extort money out taxpayers.
Looks like you misunderstood my post. The point being that it's democrats doing the extorting. Black is just another subcategory.

I didn't think you could top your last comedic statement but you did. :lol: You really don't think Blacks are Americans do you? You don't think they are integral to the democratic hierarchy at all, even though Obama is the head of the party. Interesting. Silly but interesting!
Geez, you're stupid. When/if you ever get what I posted maybe you'll be able to respond.

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