How to Explain Climate Change to Neanderthals

I'm not a neanderthal, I'm homo sapien. I don't get why someone would want to educate a being no longer around.

Homo sapiens neanderthalis, as the name might suggest, was also a member of homo sapiens and, if your ancestry is European, there's a possibility that your genome contains Neanderthal DNA.
are you claiming neanderthals are walking around?

I suspect a couple of them post on this very forum LOL
I call it weather. It's quite simple. I was supposed to have a mild Christmas. All the predictions made were wrong. Dropping to minus 40 C at night. Spent Christmas keeping my pipes warm so they wouldn't freeze and bust.

We are relying on people who have a vested interest in keeping the AGW hoax going. AT LEAST John had no game going on when he predicted the end of the world in Revelations.

No stocks in carbon credits. No wining and dining at the UN. Just good old fashioned "hell's going to rain down on you and repent today or you're toast".

John's prediction doesn't cost me jack shit.

IPCC is going to cost me a fortune.

I'm running with John.

yes NASA have no idea what they're talking about - I'll listen to some idiot who's too fat to leave their doublewide
Globalist warming is not man made and your tax dollars will do nothing to stop it. Period
This thread points up a critical fact ,ignorant people will band together to defend their shared ignorance.

When you have to fudge information to bolster your argument in the world of science it means you have no credibility whatsoever.

You know like that complete lie over 97% of scientists agree to AGW. Flat out lie.
Another science fail, find me a Neanderthal that is living...

Climate change is the planet on a long term heating or cooling cycle.

Claiming it is manmade is just bad science.

So is claiming it isn't.

Considering that if the entire history of the Universe were compressed into one year, we humanoids don't even appear until the afternoon of New Year's Eve --- it's hopelessly arrogant to presume we newcomers have the last word on what our own effect on the biosphere is. But it's equally as arrogant to presume we have the last word on what our effect isn't.

Ultimately then, the worst that can happen is that we overestimate our own impact and all we accomplished was that we cleaned the place up.

What a disaster, huh?

So it comes down to this: WHO has something to gain from either (a) cleaning up or (b) preventing the cleaning up?

Aye, there's the rub.
But when the predictions fail, as they all have,

The predictions -- the real predictions, as opposed to the big lies deniers try to pass off as predictions -- have been very good. And all the scientists know that. Hence, all scientists also know that deniers are lying their asses off and faking everything, which is why deniers are simply ignored now.

Remember, you deniers aren't ignored by the whole world because of a socialist conspiracy. You're ignored because you're idiot cultists who lie about everything. You can rave on message boards that the whole world is part of a cult and you're the only normal people, but the world still correctly thinks of you as pathologically dishonest frauds. So, I suggest you learn to enjoy your status as world laughingstocks, losers. After all, you've all worked so hard to earn it.

We had five mega ice ages. What happened in between?
I'm not a neanderthal, I'm homo sapien. I don't get why someone would want to educate a being no longer around.

Homo sapiens neanderthalis, as the name might suggest, was also a member of homo sapiens and, if your ancestry is European, there's a possibility that your genome contains Neanderthal DNA.
are you claiming neanderthals are walking around?

I'm saying you may have some Neanderthal DNA.

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