How to Explain Climate Change to Neanderthals

No asshole I didn't already know that. Take your BS and pound sand

The fact remains the only people who ACTUALLY got caught fudging the data were Christy and Spencer at the UAH. The deniers accuse everyone else other than them to muddy the waters.
which you can't prove so you lie. dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. dah.
Like I said, the denier data "experts" always play dumb so they can keep on lying. Deniers always play dumb so they can keep on lying. Every error Christy and Spencer made just happened to make the data colder!

UAH satellite temperature dataset - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UAH TLT dataset was a source of controversy in the 1990s as, at that time, it showed little increase in global mean temperature, at odds with surface measurements. Since then a number of errors in the way the atmospheric temperatures were derived from the raw radiance data have been discovered and corrections made by Christy et al. at UAH.

The largest of these errors was demonstrated in a 1998 paper by Frank Wentz and Matthias Schabel of RSS. In that paper they showed that the data needed to be corrected for orbital decay of the MSU satellites. As the satellites' orbits gradually decayed towards the earth the area from which they received radiances was reduced, introducing a false cooling trend.[9]

Even after the correction for satellite decay UAH continued to infer lower TLT temperatures than RSS based on the same raw data. For example Mears et al. at RSS found 0.193 °C/decade for lower troposphere up to July 2005, compared to +0.123 °C/decade found by UAH for the same period.

Much of the remaining disparity was resolved by the three papers in Science, 11 August 2005, which pointed out errors in the UAH 5.1 record and the radiosonde record in the tropics.[10]

NOAA-11 played a significant role in a 2005 study by Mears et al. identifying an error in the diurnal correction that leads to the 40% jump in Spencer and Christy's trend from version 5.1 to 5.2.[11]

Christy et al. asserted in a 2007 paper that the tropical temperature trends from radiosondes matches more closely with their v5.2 UAH-TLT dataset than with RSS v2.1.[12]

Much of the difference, at least in the Lower troposphere global average decadal trend between UAH and RSS, has been removed with the release of RSS version 3.3 in January 2011. RSS and UAH TLT are now within 0.003 K/decade of one another.
since when is Christy a climate scientist? I'm lost at where you're going, but you came off the rails a long time ago.
John Christy, not Chris Christie, you blockhead!!!
And still not a climate scientist
Much of the difference, at least in the Lower troposphere global average decadal trend between UAH and RSS, has been removed with the release of RSS version 3.3 in January 2011. RSS and UAH TLT are now within 0.003 K/decade of one another.

I'd like to emphasize that the RSS satellite crew is very honest. They are aware of the limitations of their product, and they flat out say the RSS results are not suitable for use in climate science, and that surface temperatures should be used instead. Naturally, deniers ignore that.

The UAH crew -- Spencer and Christy -- lack that honesty.
Another science fail, find me a Neanderthal that is living...

Are you white? You're likely to have 1-4% Neanderthal DNA.

So then the question becomes, Are you living?

You have more DNA in common with a Bananna then you do with a Neanderthal if that was true ~ according to the evolutionist

Humans share 50% DNA with bananas: The fascinating facts about the scientific world around us

But since I am a creationist it sucks to be you :)
Speaking of believing in fairy tales.
It explains a lot most all creationists are at the shallow end of the Gene pool.
How To Explain Climate Change To A Neanderthal

There...a severely DUMBED down explanation for the slower folks who just can't seem to grasp the concept
A lack of intelligence and knowledge is only part of the problem, the primary problem is far too many on the right are hostile to addressing GCC for purely partisan reasons, having nothing to do with the facts and merits of the issue.
facts a word you have no idea the meaning. You should really learn about it though, it helps out in a debate.
You could have just said you can't understand multisyllabic words .
Much of the difference, at least in the Lower troposphere global average decadal trend between UAH and RSS, has been removed with the release of RSS version 3.3 in January 2011. RSS and UAH TLT are now within 0.003 K/decade of one another.

I'd like to emphasize that the RSS satellite crew is very honest. They are aware of the limitations of their product, and they flat out say the RSS results are not suitable for use in climate science, and that surface temperatures should be used instead. Naturally, deniers ignore that.

The UAH crew -- Spencer and Christy -- lack that honesty.
Hahahaha prove it. Prove that satellite data is unreliable. Who are you?
Much of the difference, at least in the Lower troposphere global average decadal trend between UAH and RSS, has been removed with the release of RSS version 3.3 in January 2011. RSS and UAH TLT are now within 0.003 K/decade of one another.

I'd like to emphasize that the RSS satellite crew is very honest. They are aware of the limitations of their product, and they flat out say the RSS results are not suitable for use in climate science, and that surface temperatures should be used instead. Naturally, deniers ignore that.

The UAH crew -- Spencer and Christy -- lack that honesty.
Hahahaha prove it. Prove that satellite data is unreliable. Who are you?
Proving is not the problem .
How To Explain Climate Change To A Neanderthal

There...a severely DUMBED down explanation for the slower folks who just can't seem to grasp the concept

Is it "Global warming" or "Climate change"? You keep changing the name of this "Settled science"

Can you point to a single repeatable lab experiment that shows how a minuscule change in an atmospheric trace element control the temperature and/or climate (depending on what you're calling it) on planet Earth?
As a public service, let me help explain to the dimwit denier cult dimwits what "the science is settled" means.

Think of science as putting together a jigsaw puzzle from the middle outwards.

You build on the puzzle by adding pieces to the periphery.

Gradually, piece by piece, the center grows. That's the settled science.

Sometimes you think a new piece on the periphery might fit. Then you find it doesn't. That in know way changes that the pieces in the middle are locked together. Again, that's the settled science.


Funniest thing I've read all day!
How To Explain Climate Change To A Neanderthal

There...a severely DUMBED down explanation for the slower folks who just can't seem to grasp the concept

I wouldn't classify you folks as neanderthals. You are a tad more evolved than they were but you are painfully ignorant about science. Your level of belief in man made warming I would equate to the Pacific Islanders who believed in sacrificing virgins to the volcano Gods. So you're at least human, just not well educated. You'll get there someday.
Here's my bitch guys. Because our politicians know that to "save the planet" they can milk the consumer oh heavens a million times over "for the planet" and "for the children" jack shit is being done to halt true pollution and damage to the environment.

Just Flint and So Cal has me wanting to bazooka barf and those are only two enviro issues. Politicians don't give a shit except the next election and they want the glamour and the glitz of saving the planet for photo ops even though they can't even fix a freaking pot hole.
LOL. Tiny, you are one fucking stupid liar. The ongoing tar sands development is far more devastating to the environment than the SoCal leak. Yet you fully endorse that.


More than a million barrels of crude flow out of Alberta’s oil-sands plants every day. Environmentally, it’s a disaster zone. There’s no turning off the tap, but improvements in five areas could limit the staggering scale of the ecological damage.
By Curtis Gillespie with photography by Garth Lenz

“HARD TO BELIEVE, HEY?” says Scott Kinnee, the helicopter pilot flying me over the Athabasca oil sands north of Fort McMurray, Alta. “You don’t really get a sense of the scale of things unless you come up top.” Up top being 500 metres above ground level, high enough to see 70 to 80 kilometres in any direction; that is, until the sky closes over as we near the dozens upon dozens of emissions towers and flare stacks of the Suncor, Syncrude and Albian Sands plants. The limpid winter sunshine we’d had at the airport hangar 30 kilometres to the south is gone, and the sun is now a dull white bulb wobbling unsteadily behind a motionless sooty haze. “Yeah,” says Kinnee, nodding as I remark upon the sun’s enervation. “These plants are so huge, they basically create their own weather system.”

The beauty of the boreal forest that surrounds Fort McMurray and covers most of northern Alberta lies in its magnitude, but once you arrive at oil-sands central, what you see is a landscape erased, a terrain stretching in a radius of many hundreds of square kilometres that is not so much negatively impacted as forcibly stripped bare and excavated. Dominating this landscape are half a dozen giant extraction and refining plants with their stacks and smoke and fire, disorientingly wide and deep mines, and tailings ponds held in check by some of the world’s largest dams. As a panoramic vision, it’s all rather heartbreaking but, if one is forced to be honest, also awe-inspiring, such is the energy and the damage produced by human ambition.
Here's my bitch guys. Because our politicians know that to "save the planet" they can milk the consumer oh heavens a million times over "for the planet" and "for the children" jack shit is being done to halt true pollution and damage to the environment.

Just Flint and So Cal has me wanting to bazooka barf and those are only two enviro issues. Politicians don't give a shit except the next election and they want the glamour and the glitz of saving the planet for photo ops even though they can't even fix a freaking pot hole.
LOL. Tiny, you are one fucking stupid liar. The ongoing tar sands development is far more devastating to the environment than the SoCal leak. Yet you fully endorse that.


More than a million barrels of crude flow out of Alberta’s oil-sands plants every day. Environmentally, it’s a disaster zone. There’s no turning off the tap, but improvements in five areas could limit the staggering scale of the ecological damage.
By Curtis Gillespie with photography by Garth Lenz

“HARD TO BELIEVE, HEY?” says Scott Kinnee, the helicopter pilot flying me over the Athabasca oil sands north of Fort McMurray, Alta. “You don’t really get a sense of the scale of things unless you come up top.” Up top being 500 metres above ground level, high enough to see 70 to 80 kilometres in any direction; that is, until the sky closes over as we near the dozens upon dozens of emissions towers and flare stacks of the Suncor, Syncrude and Albian Sands plants. The limpid winter sunshine we’d had at the airport hangar 30 kilometres to the south is gone, and the sun is now a dull white bulb wobbling unsteadily behind a motionless sooty haze. “Yeah,” says Kinnee, nodding as I remark upon the sun’s enervation. “These plants are so huge, they basically create their own weather system.”

The beauty of the boreal forest that surrounds Fort McMurray and covers most of northern Alberta lies in its magnitude, but once you arrive at oil-sands central, what you see is a landscape erased, a terrain stretching in a radius of many hundreds of square kilometres that is not so much negatively impacted as forcibly stripped bare and excavated. Dominating this landscape are half a dozen giant extraction and refining plants with their stacks and smoke and fire, disorientingly wide and deep mines, and tailings ponds held in check by some of the world’s largest dams. As a panoramic vision, it’s all rather heartbreaking but, if one is forced to be honest, also awe-inspiring, such is the energy and the damage produced by human ambition.

Care to bet which has a larger environmental and ecological footprint?

Mr. Westwall, you are such a liar. They grow wheat right up to the bases of the wind turbines in Eastern Oregon. And in other places I have seen deer, cattle, and many other small animals and birds living under the turbines. No way that is going to happen where they are mining the tar sands. And the water running off and downstream from the tar sand operations is poisonous, again, not the case with the wind farms or solar farms. Not only that, I bet there are all kinds of small mammals and birds living under those solar panels.
Egad. How do you equate a few million people that lived a nomadic life to over seven billion? Our civilization is very vulnerable to anything that affects agriculture.

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