How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..
The government, and most especially the POTUS' job is to fix things, not let them implode. Trump's exhortation to that effect is, AFAIC, an unmitigated dereliction of his duty as POTUS. Trump doesn't need to embrace O-care, but he does have an obligation not to allow millions of Americans to suffer as a result of O-care's inadequacies.

Presidents get to "inherit" the glory accruing from the positive things their predecessor wrought, but they also "inherit" the onus to correct the shortcomings.

So what should he do then?
I guess that's what's gonna have to happen. Somehow the left will find a way to blame Trump.

This isn't anleft right thing. Teump was not elected because he ran as a republican. Hell, Bernie could have won had the DNC not killed his bid before he started.
defund the drug war entitlement to fund the health care entitlement.
Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..

Why must I repeat myself?

Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..
defund the drug war entitlement to fund the health care entitlement.
Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..

Why must I repeat myself?

Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, or economics.

The US is the largest purchaser of drugs, in the Entire World. Any other suggestions?
defund the drug war entitlement to fund the health care entitlement.
Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..

Why must I repeat myself?

Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, or economics.

The US is the largest purchaser of drugs, in the Entire World. Any other suggestions?
You sound like a drug addict?
defund the drug war entitlement to fund the health care entitlement.
Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..

Why must I repeat myself?

Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, or economics.

The US is the largest purchaser of drugs, in the Entire World. Any other suggestions?
You sound like a drug addict?
Only drugless wonders have nothing but repeal.

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