How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

So which one of them ran up more national debt that all previous President combined? Which one doubled the entire national debt in only 8 years?

Are you disputing that Obama did that?

I'm comparing.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

George W. Bush - President Bush added the second-greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. But this was the fourth-largest percentage increase out of all the presidents. Bush increased the debt 101 percent from where it started on September 30, 2001, at $5.8 trillion.

Let's put them in order.

Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget,
George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101 percent increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget,
Barack Obama: Added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of George W. Bush’s last budget
Obama added $10 billion. That's the most.
The government, and most especially the POTUS' job is to fix things, not let them implode. Trump's exhortation to that effect is, AFAIC, an unmitigated dereliction of his duty as POTUS. Trump doesn't need to embrace O-care, but he does have an obligation not to allow millions of Americans to suffer as a result of O-care's inadequacies.

Presidents get to "inherit" the glory accruing from the positive things their predecessor wrought, but they also "inherit" the onus to correct the shortcomings.

The POTUS job is to sign legislation, enforce the law, and protect the US borders. It is Congress's job to fix this. and since they wont its time to fire the whole lot of them..
The government, and most especially the POTUS' job is to fix things, not let them implode. Trump's exhortation to that effect is, AFAIC, an unmitigated dereliction of his duty as POTUS. Trump doesn't need to embrace O-care, but he does have an obligation not to allow millions of Americans to suffer as a result of O-care's inadequacies.

Presidents get to "inherit" the glory accruing from the positive things their predecessor wrought, but they also "inherit" the onus to correct the shortcomings.
Trump's job is to fix Obama failures? No.
That's what Dims believe the function of the Republican party is: to fix Democrat messes.
Nor is it a charity. You can't double the national debt in only 8 years like Obama did, and expect the government to stay functional.

Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt
Bush Jr doubled it
bull shit.
That's the only thing you can say to counter reality.
Ronald Reagan left a national debt 3x what he inherted
Bush jr. left a national debt 2x wht he inherited, plus plunged the us into recession.
Don't know where you got your bull shit numbers but real numbers do not reflect your fantasy.
Your guy's public policy is, lower taxes on the rich, micromanage the tax code to benefit himself, and cut social services for the poor.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care?
That answer is simple.. but I expect you wont understand even the basics of our republic form of government.

Stop taxing the job creators and let them hire people..

Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..

Not everyone failed. Donald Trump continued to win because nobody is blaming him for the failure to repeal Obamacare right now. He ran on that platform and stuck with it, even some of those turncoat Republicans in Congress let him down.
Lack of leadership on our Presidents part

He has no knowledge or interest in what Obamacare actually does and no knowledge or interest in any of the Republican plans

What are the Republican's plans? To continue the policies of Barack Obama?

Every one of those Republicans ran on a platform of repealing Obamacare, and not a single one of them even voted for it when it was passed. Donald Trump also ran on the platform of repealing Obamacare and together, they took control of the entire Congress. The problem does not lie in Trump's leadership, but rather in those Republicans who are not living to to their conservative values.

I am already working on the campaign to see my state's Democratic Senator replaced by a conservative Republican in the next midterms.
One question

Where was Trump?

Other than some tweets threatening "get it done", he did nothing to sell the GOP plan to the people. Why was it hidden? Why didn't they allow amendments or public discussion? Why the rush to vote on a flawed product?

That is not leadership
"Let it rot".

That's a good idea - treat the health care coverage of millions of Americans like a house plant.

Sure beats legislating like responsible adults. After promising you would, for eight years.
Trump supporters wanted shit stain care DEAD. What a liberal wants on this subject is simply NOT our concern.
You bet. If a family can't afford health care coverage, let 'em rot in the street for all I care.

Fuck 'em. I got mine. I'll just drive over 'em like little speed bumps. This is AMERICA! FREEDOM!

You guys killed jobs took people out of the work force and forced them into servitude of welfare. All for a voter base that would fear losing the freebies.. Keeping you in power in perpetuity.

Trump is putting them back to work, getting them off the public dole and making them self-sufficient. This allows them to make decisions about their own health care and how to pay for it. Does that scare you?

Your side tripled health care cost with the ACA. Going back to reasonable costs and no longer lining the pockets of big insurance and democrats is what needs to happen.

Freedom requires responsibility.. IF your unwilling to take responsibility for yourself then there are a multitude of socialist cradle to grave countries you can go to..

In short I am saying FUCK YOU and your socialist ideologies.
Your guy's public policy is, lower taxes on the rich, micromanage the tax code to benefit himself, and cut social services for the poor.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care?
That answer is simple.. but I expect you wont understand even the basics of our republic form of government.

Stop taxing the job creators and let them hire people..

Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..

Yes, let's cut taxes on "job creators"
Show how many jobs you actually created and we will cut your taxes

If you cut jobs or outsourced them, your taxes increase proportionally

Sound fair?
Your guy's public policy is, lower taxes on the rich, micromanage the tax code to benefit himself, and cut social services for the poor.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care?
That answer is simple.. but I expect you wont understand even the basics of our republic form of government.

Stop taxing the job creators and let them hire people..

Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..

Yes, let's cut taxes on "job creators"
Show how many jobs you actually created and we will cut your taxes

If you cut jobs or outsourced them, your taxes increase proportionally

Sound fair?
You really are a clueless dupe... How about we tax you at 99% and we just ship your as off to communist country of your choice...
"Let it rot".

That's a good idea - treat the health care coverage of millions of Americans like a house plant.

Sure beats legislating like responsible adults. After promising you would, for eight years.
Trump supporters wanted shit stain care DEAD. What a liberal wants on this subject is simply NOT our concern.
You bet. If a family can't afford health care coverage, let 'em rot in the street for all I care.

Fuck 'em. I got mine. I'll just drive over 'em like little speed bumps. This is AMERICA! FREEDOM!

You guys killed jobs took people out of the work force and forced them into servitude of welfare. All for a voter base that would fear losing the freebies.. Keeping you in power in perpetuity.

Trump is putting them back to work, getting them off the public dole and making them self-sufficient. This allows them to make decisions about their own health care and how to pay for it. Does that scare you?

Your side tripled health care cost with the ACA. Going back to reasonable costs and no longer lining the pockets of big insurance and democrats is what needs to happen.

Freedom requires responsibility.. IF your unwilling to take responsibility for yourself then there are a multitude of socialist cradle to grave countries you can go to..

In short I am saying FUCK YOU and your socialist ideologies.
The ACA is ridiculous pig of law that only could come from politicians, and I've been saying that since it was signed. The search function here works well, you can look it up.

You folks have all the power, and so far you've failed to come up with anything better. That's not my fault.

You can deflect and point the finger all you want; you were lied to for eight years, and you fell for it.

Look in the mirror, for a change.
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..

Not everyone failed. Donald Trump continued to win because nobody is blaming him for the failure to repeal Obamacare right now. He ran on that platform and stuck with it, even some of those turncoat Republicans in Congress let him down.
Lack of leadership on our Presidents part

He has no knowledge or interest in what Obamacare actually does and no knowledge or interest in any of the Republican plans

What are the Republican's plans? To continue the policies of Barack Obama?

Every one of those Republicans ran on a platform of repealing Obamacare, and not a single one of them even voted for it when it was passed. Donald Trump also ran on the platform of repealing Obamacare and together, they took control of the entire Congress. The problem does not lie in Trump's leadership, but rather in those Republicans who are not living to to their conservative values.

I am already working on the campaign to see my state's Democratic Senator replaced by a conservative Republican in the next midterms.

Any Republican and all Democrats who voted no or were wishy-washy on this need to be replaced with conservatives.. period!
"Let it rot".

That's a good idea - treat the health care coverage of millions of Americans like a house plant.

Sure beats legislating like responsible adults. After promising you would, for eight years.
Trump supporters wanted shit stain care DEAD. What a liberal wants on this subject is simply NOT our concern.
You bet. If a family can't afford health care coverage, let 'em rot in the street for all I care.

Fuck 'em. I got mine. I'll just drive over 'em like little speed bumps. This is AMERICA! FREEDOM!

You guys killed jobs took people out of the work force and forced them into servitude of welfare. All for a voter base that would fear losing the freebies.. Keeping you in power in perpetuity.

Trump is putting them back to work, getting them off the public dole and making them self-sufficient. This allows them to make decisions about their own health care and how to pay for it. Does that scare you?

Your side tripled health care cost with the ACA. Going back to reasonable costs and no longer lining the pockets of big insurance and democrats is what needs to happen.

Freedom requires responsibility.. IF your unwilling to take responsibility for yourself then there are a multitude of socialist cradle to grave countries you can go to..

In short I am saying FUCK YOU and your socialist ideologies.
The ACA is ridiculous pig of law that only could come from politicians, and I've been saying that since it was signed. The search function here works well, you can look it up.

You folks have all the power, and so far you've failed to come up with anything better. That's not my fault.

You can deflect and point the finger all you want; you were lied to for eight years, and you fell for it.

Look in the mirror, for a change.
Lied too? Only by a few and we can remedy that soon... Were Pissed Off now..
"Let it rot".

That's a good idea - treat the health care coverage of millions of Americans like a house plant.

Sure beats legislating like responsible adults. After promising you would, for eight years.
Trump supporters wanted shit stain care DEAD. What a liberal wants on this subject is simply NOT our concern.
You bet. If a family can't afford health care coverage, let 'em rot in the street for all I care.

Fuck 'em. I got mine. I'll just drive over 'em like little speed bumps. This is AMERICA! FREEDOM!

You guys killed jobs took people out of the work force and forced them into servitude of welfare. All for a voter base that would fear losing the freebies.. Keeping you in power in perpetuity.

Trump is putting them back to work, getting them off the public dole and making them self-sufficient. This allows them to make decisions about their own health care and how to pay for it. Does that scare you?

Your side tripled health care cost with the ACA. Going back to reasonable costs and no longer lining the pockets of big insurance and democrats is what needs to happen.

Freedom requires responsibility.. IF your unwilling to take responsibility for yourself then there are a multitude of socialist cradle to grave countries you can go to..

In short I am saying FUCK YOU and your socialist ideologies.
The ACA is ridiculous pig of law that only could come from politicians, and I've been saying that since it was signed. The search function here works well, you can look it up.

You folks have all the power, and so far you've failed to come up with anything better. That's not my fault.

You can deflect and point the finger all you want; you were lied to for eight years, and you fell for it.

Look in the mirror, for a change.
Lied too? Only by a few and we can remedy that soon... Were Pissed Off now..
Good luck with that.
Your guy's public policy is, lower taxes on the rich, micromanage the tax code to benefit himself, and cut social services for the poor.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care?
That answer is simple.. but I expect you wont understand even the basics of our republic form of government.

Stop taxing the job creators and let them hire people..

Drugs keep people like you dumbed down and stupid.. So you want us to end the war and let criminals go wild all while you get FREE STUFF..

Stay stupid snowflake... It serves your wanabe dictators well..

Yes, let's cut taxes on "job creators"
Show how many jobs you actually created and we will cut your taxes

If you cut jobs or outsourced them, your taxes increase proportionally

Sound fair?
You really are a clueless dupe... How about we tax you at 99% and we just ship your as off to communist country of your choice...

You are the one who brought up job creators

I'm willing to cut taxes for those who prove they create jobs
Why aren't you willing to raise taxes on those who cut jobs?
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..
If the GOP had just failed to address the issue it would have been the Democrat's problem.
But instead they tried to be honorable and try to deal with dishonorable people in the Democratic Party and dishonorable assholes in their own party.
Just letting it fail was the best solution, but that chance has sailed. Now it's their problem. The corrupt media will tell everyone that what Democrats said about the GOP owning the Democrat's fuckup now. The question is, will the public buy this Bull Shit???
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..
If the GOP had just failed to address the issue it would have been the Democrat's problem.
But instead they tried to be honorable and try to deal with dishonorable people in the Democratic Party and dishonorable assholes in their own party.
Just letting it fail was the best solution, but that chance has sailed. Now it's their problem. The corrupt media will tell everyone that what Democrats said about the GOP owning the Democrat's fuckup now. The question is, will the public buy this Bull Shit???
Pelosi has scheduled a news conference tomorrow and she has already put out a statement that they are now willing to work with reps... They are trying like hell to deflect the coming crash onto Reps.

Our idiots better push back hard or we have may have some problems..
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..

Voters will blame Republicans especially since they have done everything they can to undermine it. They refuse to enforce the law. They refuse to fully fund the subsidies. That is why companies are either pulling out or raising premiums because they don't know what Republicans will do.
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..

Not everyone failed. Donald Trump continued to win because nobody is blaming him for the failure to repeal Obamacare right now. He ran on that platform and stuck with it, even some of those turncoat Republicans in Congress let him down.
Lack of leadership on our Presidents part

He has no knowledge or interest in what Obamacare actually does and no knowledge or interest in any of the Republican plans

What are the Republican's plans? To continue the policies of Barack Obama?

Every one of those Republicans ran on a platform of repealing Obamacare, and not a single one of them even voted for it when it was passed. Donald Trump also ran on the platform of repealing Obamacare and together, they took control of the entire Congress. The problem does not lie in Trump's leadership, but rather in those Republicans who are not living to to their conservative values.

I am already working on the campaign to see my state's Democratic Senator replaced by a conservative Republican in the next midterms.

No one had a plan for replacing Obamacare when the time came. They had 7 years to come up with something. Trump had no plan as a matter of fact he has no clue about the issue.
The government, and most especially the POTUS' job is to fix things, not let them implode. Trump's exhortation to that effect is, AFAIC, an unmitigated dereliction of his duty as POTUS. Trump doesn't need to embrace O-care, but he does have an obligation not to allow millions of Americans to suffer as a result of O-care's inadequacies.

Presidents get to "inherit" the glory accruing from the positive things their predecessor wrought, but they also "inherit" the onus to correct the shortcomings.
He tried to fix it. Republicans prevented him. Now it will implode.and those pigs will lose their seats.

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