How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

The huge problem right now is that putting the Republican party in charge is turning out to be a massive failure. They control every branch of the government and they can't lead or get anything at all done. Hopefully come 2018 America votes as many of these idiots out as possible.

You're saying that you'd rather see the Democrat Party in charge? If so, what "massive failure" do you mean? Obamacare is still the law of the land, isn't it?
Your guy's public policy is, lower taxes on the rich, micromanage the tax code to benefit himself, and cut social services for the poor.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care?

I don't remember him ever saying while he was campaigning, that he wanted to lower taxes for upper income people, or profit from being President. The guy even donated his first quarter salary and worked for free.

I'm not sure that ending the drug war is a good idea either. Would you rather not have the AG down there in El Salvador, working with them to stop the MS-13 gang? They are one of the largest drug-running gang in this country right now but thanks to Trump, they are being rounded up and put in jail or deported.
What is Your guy's current tax proposals? And, what is his proposal regarding social spending on the poor?
The huge problem right now is that putting the Republican party in charge is turning out to be a massive failure. They control every branch of the government and they can't lead or get anything at all done. Hopefully come 2018 America votes as many of these idiots out as possible.

You're saying that you'd rather see the Democrat Party in charge? If so, what "massive failure" do you mean? Obamacare is still the law of the land, isn't it?
Your guy's public policy is, lower taxes on the rich, micromanage the tax code to benefit himself, and cut social services for the poor.

Why not end the drug war to pay for health care?

I don't remember him ever saying while he was campaigning, that he wanted to lower taxes for upper income people, or profit from being President. The guy even donated his first quarter salary and worked for free.

I'm not sure that ending the drug war is a good idea either. Would you rather not have the AG down there in El Salvador, working with them to stop the MS-13 gang? They are one of the largest drug-running gang in this country right now but thanks to Trump, they are being rounded up and put in jail or deported.
What is Your guy's current tax proposals? And, what is his proposal regarding social spending on the poor?

The White House
I don't remember him ever saying while he was campaigning, that he wanted to lower taxes for upper income people, or profit from being President. The guy even donated his first quarter salary and worked for free..
You sound like a Trump associate talking to congress. In fact, not only did Trump say he wanted to cut the tax rate for top earners, but for capital gains. As far as donating his salary, he more than made up for the $400K loss, by charging the secret service $2 Million a year to protect Trump Tower. Not to mention millions to protect Mar-a-lago, and his golf course in New Jersey.
Concerning the premise presented in the well written OP (nice to read something that seems genuine rather than copy-and-pasted from an article) about allowing Obamacare to implode, I just can't get away from the question: how is that working for eliminating Social Security?

Social Security is darned-near insolvent right now. It is estimated that it will go tits up some time in the future.

Besides, SS wasn't a nationalization of an entire industry, it was just a tax taken out of a paycheck, that was supposed to be invested. There's no "profit" in Obamacare.

That's the cause of lots of your confusion. Government is not a business, and can't be run like one. Profit is not the purpose of government.
I don't remember him ever saying while he was campaigning, that he wanted to lower taxes for upper income people, or profit from being President. The guy even donated his first quarter salary and worked for free..
You sound like a Trump associate talking to congress. In fact, not only did Trump say he wanted to cut the tax rate for top earners, but for capital gains. As far as donating his salary, he more than made up for the $400K loss, by charging the secret service $2 Million a year to protect Trump Tower. Not to mention millions to protect Mar-a-lago, and his golf course in New Jersey.

Seriously? That's a drop in the bucket compared to what Michelle Obama spent on her vacations. You're not seeing the big picture here.
Seriously? That's a drop in the bucket compared to what Michelle Obama spent on her vacations. You're not seeing the big picture here.

They already ran the numbers.
Obama - 8 years - $97 million
Trump - 6 months - $80 million
Concerning the premise presented in the well written OP (nice to read something that seems genuine rather than copy-and-pasted from an article) about allowing Obamacare to implode, I just can't get away from the question: how is that working for eliminating Social Security?

Social Security is darned-near insolvent right now. It is estimated that it will go tits up some time in the future.

Besides, SS wasn't a nationalization of an entire industry, it was just a tax taken out of a paycheck, that was supposed to be invested. There's no "profit" in Obamacare.

That's the cause of lots of your confusion. Government is not a business, and can't be run like one. Profit is not the purpose of government.

Nor is it a charity. You can't double the national debt in only 8 years like Obama did, and expect the government to stay functional.
The government, and most especially the POTUS' job is to fix things, not let them implode. Trump's exhortation to that effect is, AFAIC, an unmitigated dereliction of his duty as POTUS. Trump doesn't need to embrace O-care, but he does have an obligation not to allow millions of Americans to suffer as a result of O-care's inadequacies.

Presidents get to "inherit" the glory accruing from the positive things their predecessor wrought, but they also "inherit" the onus to correct the shortcomings.

No he has the duty to sign legislation that will help the people of the country and move the country forward NOT backward to a monarchy like the last occupant of the position. Presidents are only the final chance to stop a bill they can not draft, amend, or implement a piece of legislation. They can use their executive trio to suggest, order or require an adjustment of the methods used to initiate and perform the actions required by any legislation during their tenure. You need to read the constitutional separation of powers and the actions, duties and behavioral tenets set for each branch. Maybe you will learn the reason half of the shit your press and the butholehurt liberal screamers is funny and half of it is completely wrong. Like a Treason charge for anyone who has not taken the required oath instead of an espionage charge if applicable.
I don't remember him ever saying while he was campaigning, that he wanted to lower taxes for upper income people, or profit from being President. The guy even donated his first quarter salary and worked for free..
You sound like a Trump associate talking to congress. In fact, not only did Trump say he wanted to cut the tax rate for top earners, but for capital gains. As far as donating his salary, he more than made up for the $400K loss, by charging the secret service $2 Million a year to protect Trump Tower. Not to mention millions to protect Mar-a-lago, and his golf course in New Jersey.
Nor is it a charity. You can't double the national debt in only 8 years like Obama did, and expect the government to stay functional.

Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt
Bush Jr doubled it
bull shit.
That's the only thing you can say to counter reality.
Ronald Reagan left a national debt 3x what he inherted
Bush jr. left a national debt 2x wht he inherited, plus plunged the us into recession.
Seriously? That's a drop in the bucket compared to what Michelle Obama spent on her vacations. You're not seeing the big picture here.

They already ran the numbers.
Obama - 8 years - $97 million
Trump - 6 months - $80 million

Who is they "they" you're referring to? I always cringe when people use vague descriptors like "they said", "sources said", etc.
Nor is it a charity. You can't double the national debt in only 8 years like Obama did, and expect the government to stay functional.

Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt
Bush Jr doubled it
bull shit.
That's the only thing you can say to counter reality.
Ronald Reagan left a national debt 3x what he inherted
Bush jr. left a national debt 2x wht he inherited, plus plunged the us into recession.

So which one of them ran up more national debt that all previous President combined? Which one doubled the entire national debt in only 8 years?

Are you disputing that Obama did that?
So which one of them ran up more national debt that all previous President combined? Which one doubled the entire national debt in only 8 years?

Are you disputing that Obama did that?

I'm comparing.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

George W. Bush - President Bush added the second-greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. But this was the fourth-largest percentage increase out of all the presidents. Bush increased the debt 101 percent from where it started on September 30, 2001, at $5.8 trillion.

Let's put them in order.

Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget,
George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101 percent increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget,
Barack Obama: Added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of George W. Bush’s last budget
Concerning the premise presented in the well written OP (nice to read something that seems genuine rather than copy-and-pasted from an article) about allowing Obamacare to implode, I just can't get away from the question: how is that working for eliminating Social Security?

Social Security is darned-near insolvent right now. It is estimated that it will go tits up some time in the future.

Besides, SS wasn't a nationalization of an entire industry, it was just a tax taken out of a paycheck, that was supposed to be invested. There's no "profit" in Obamacare.

That's the cause of lots of your confusion. Government is not a business, and can't be run like one. Profit is not the purpose of government.

Nor is it a charity. You can't double the national debt in only 8 years like Obama did, and expect the government to stay functional.

The pre existing issues causing the deficit spike have been explained to you many times, even if you chose to ignore them. The deficit increase over the last 8 years wasn't mostly caused by actions in the last 8 years. The purpose of the government is to serve the people. Not turn a profit.
Nor is it a charity. You can't double the national debt in only 8 years like Obama did, and expect the government to stay functional.

Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt
Bush Jr doubled it
bull shit.
That's the only thing you can say to counter reality.
Ronald Reagan left a national debt 3x what he inherted
Bush jr. left a national debt 2x wht he inherited, plus plunged the us into recession.

So which one of them ran up more national debt that all previous President combined? Which one doubled the entire national debt in only 8 years?

Are you disputing that Obama did that?

Our ruling

A chain e-mail circulating in New Jersey claims that Obama has "added" $6.5 trillion to the national debt, while his 43 predecessors added $6.3 trillion combined.

But the chain e-mail is wrong to suggest the additional debt during Obama’s tenure already has exceeded the level of his predecessors. In terms of both debt held by the public and total debt, the Obama administration has added less debt than the amounts in place when he took office.

Still, the national debt is projected to keep increasing. The amount of added debt held by the public may exceed Obama’s predecessors by October 2013, according to White House projections.

We rate the statement Mostly False.
To comment on this ruling, go to
Obama has added more to national debt than the previous 43 presidents combined, chain e-mail states

Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?

While the large increase in borrowing occurred "under Obama," it's an overstatement to blame Obama's actions as the sole cause of the ballooning debt, according to the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

The debt would have risen by $3 trillion because of tax and spending policies that were already in place. Plus, the Great Recession drove up spending on safety net programs, such as Medicaid and food stamps, without the president or Congress doing a thing.

This is not to say that Obama had zero impact on the debt during his two terms in office. His 2009 stimulus plan and his making most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2012 contributed to the debt. But the 2011 Budget Control Act, which curbed government spending, helped slow the projected growth in debt.

Also, keep in mind that Obama can't take any financial steps without Congress' approval. And Republicans controlled the House for six years of his term and the Senate for two years.

So we rate Moore's claim as true, but misleading.
And it’s also untrue — as claimed in a graphic widely circulated by email and in social media postings — that the debt has increased more under Obama than under all previous 43 presidents combined. In fact, as of Jan. 31, 2012, the rise under Obama had yet to surpass the rise under his predecessor, George W. Bush.

The figures in that graphic are pure fabrications, as anyone can easily confirm by plugging Obama’s inauguration date — Jan. 20, 2009 — in the Treasury Department’s handy “debt to the penny” website. That shows the nation’s total debt stood at $10.6 trillion on the day Obama took office (not $6.3 trillion), and it had increased to nearly $15.4 trillion by the end of January 2012 — a rise of more than $4.7 trillion in just over three years (not $6.5 trillion).

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