How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

Ah! hey there igmos you are not telling any type of TRUTH in this little charade. There is quite a difference in the Federal government deficit and the total national debt. Consequently every assumption in your post is a twisted path to a bullshit lie. FACTS and actual records show the numbers and they do not match anything either of you liberal mofos posted. It is really telling that the bottom line of the little graph you posted says it came from the office of the dimshitscum leader. Just a made up PROP chart to use on the floor to lie to the camera and pump the dumbass liberal supporters. HAHAHAHAHAAH
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..
Trump failed!!!! He didn't show any leadership. Besides, the the GOP has shown once again that they cannot GOVERN!!
Ah! hey there igmos you are not telling any type of TRUTH in this little charade. There is quite a difference in the Federal government deficit and the total national debt.

Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget,
George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101 percent increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget,
Barack Obama: Added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of George W. Bush’s last budget

You guys are really getting desperate. The figures and chart you just posted was an old hoax from awhile back. If you look at the lower left corner of the chart, it reads "Office of the Democratic Leader". That was Nancy Pelosi's office and is phony as a three dollar bill. Politifact even gave it a "pants on fire" rating.

Nancy Pelosi posts questionable chart on debt accumulation by Barack Obama, predecessors

Won't you guys ever learn? You keep reposting the same distorted facts everybody else has been seeing for almost a decade, and truthfully, nobody's buying it any more.
Won't you guys ever learn? You keep reposting the same distorted facts everybody else has been seeing for almost a decade, and truthfully, nobody's buying it any more.

Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget,
George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101 percent increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget,
Barack Obama: Added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of George W. Bush’s last budget
Won't you guys ever learn? You keep reposting the same distorted facts everybody else has been seeing for almost a decade, and truthfully, nobody's buying it any more.

Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, a 186 percent increase from the $998 billion debt at the end of Carter's last budget,
George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101 percent increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget,
Barack Obama: Added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of George W. Bush’s last budget

Sorry. My bullshit detector goes off when someone gives me questionable information that can only be found on one single website in this world, called "The Balance".

If I could have found multiple instances of those figures, you might have had some credibility. But no.

Nice try, though. I'll just file that along with the phony chart someone posted a few minutes ago.

How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..
In three months open enrollment begins... 3/4 of the states will have one or no choice of coverage. We all know the fate of obamacare...? A push for single payer. Lol
A born failure
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..
In three months open enrollment begins... 3/4 of the states will have one or no choice of coverage. We all know the fate of obamacare...? A push for single payer. Lol
A born failure

The only way they'll ever pass Single Payer healthcare is for the entire House and Senate to suddenly be afflicted with brain tumors.
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..
In three months open enrollment begins... 3/4 of the states will have one or no choice of coverage. We all know the fate of obamacare...? A push for single payer. Lol
A born failure

The only way they'll ever pass Single Payer healthcare is for the entire House and Senate to suddenly be afflicted with brain tumors.
I would say they're already there
Sorry. My bullshit detector goes off when someone gives me questionable information that can only be found on one single website in this world, called "The Balance".

If I could have found multiple instances of those figures, you might have had some credibility. But no.

Nice try, though. I'll just file that along with the phony chart someone posted a few minutes ago.


How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..

Any failure of Obamacare from this point on is wholly the fault of the GOP,

since the voters gave them the opportunity to fix it and they chose not to.
The government, and most especially the POTUS' job is to fix things, not let them implode. Trump's exhortation to that effect is, AFAIC, an unmitigated dereliction of his duty as POTUS. Trump doesn't need to embrace O-care, but he does have an obligation not to allow millions of Americans to suffer as a result of O-care's inadequacies.

Presidents get to "inherit" the glory accruing from the positive things their predecessor wrought, but they also "inherit" the onus to correct the shortcomings.
Trump's job is to fix Obama failures? No.
How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..

Any failure of Obamacare from this point on is wholly the fault of the GOP,

since the voters gave them the opportunity to fix it and they chose not to.
HIS voters did NOT want it fixed WE wanted it DEAD.
"Let it rot".

That's a good idea - treat the health care coverage of millions of Americans like a house plant.

Sure beats legislating like responsible adults. After promising you would, for eight years.
Trump supporters wanted shit stain care DEAD. What a liberal wants on this subject is simply NOT our concern.
"Let it rot".

That's a good idea - treat the health care coverage of millions of Americans like a house plant.

Sure beats legislating like responsible adults. After promising you would, for eight years.
Trump supporters wanted shit stain care DEAD. What a liberal wants on this subject is simply NOT our concern.
You bet. If a family can't afford health care coverage, let 'em rot in the street for all I care.

Fuck 'em. I got mine. I'll just drive over 'em like little speed bumps. This is AMERICA! FREEDOM!

"Let it rot".

That's a good idea - treat the health care coverage of millions of Americans like a house plant.

Sure beats legislating like responsible adults. After promising you would, for eight years.
Trump supporters wanted shit stain care DEAD. What a liberal wants on this subject is simply NOT our concern.

Then own your dear leader's FAILURE.
Sorry. My bullshit detector goes off when someone gives me questionable information that can only be found on one single website in this world, called "The Balance".

If I could have found multiple instances of those figures, you might have had some credibility. But no.

Nice try, though. I'll just file that along with the phony chart someone posted a few minutes ago.



Geez, another fake Obama-era graph? Do you know how many of those stupid things I saw the last 8 years? Gawd, you liberals are gullible :happy-1:

Here's one that shows the complete opposite, which also quotes the Federal reserve:

How To Kill an Entitlement... Let Obamacare implode..

As I watched the vote last night it occurred to me that everyone failed last night.

The republicans failed because they played partisan bickering politics. John McCain just gave the whole lot of them cover because he has nothing further to lose. His days are numbered. WE had 7 years to get our shit together and be a cohesive team and we failed.

The democrats failed because when they passed this pile of crap they did it on their own and now they will have no one to blame but themselves when this thing dies later this year and over 5 million lose their insurances in December. No one is talking about that however, but these companies have told us they are pulling out of over 14 states and over 280 counties nation wide.

IN an upcoming election year its going to be the ones who can show who are responsible for the huge crash coming that will pick up seats in both houses.

With both sides taking their balls and going home, unwilling to work with each other, its going to be a massive failure. The only way we as Americans survive the coming crash is to tell the fed to go pound sand and elect new blood who are not ingrained in Washington drivel..

I lost my insurance when Obamacare was enacted and I have been unable to obtain reasonable insurance anywhere since.

Let the damn thing implode and force everyone off of the public dole.. Democrats own this pile of crap and they should be made to wear it around their necks like a millstone. I for one will loudly and clearly place the blame where it belongs.. On democrats first and then republicans who haven't got the balls to kill it.. These ignorant bastards are thinking of their own power and not those who employ them.

Time to tar and feather the swampers in DC and run them out on a rail..
In three months open enrollment begins... 3/4 of the states will have one or no choice of coverage. We all know the fate of obamacare...? A push for single payer. Lol
A born failure
This is exactly the problem and its going to be a huge millstone around democrats necks this cycle. The problem is Republicans will now share some of the weight because they are spineless turds.

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