How to recognise Racism.

Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

why because your leaders are spineless ass kissers just like Biden, fuck england
i didn't realize there was systemic racism in the world, but i now realize. i didn't realize, but i now realize!

i didn't realize there was systemic racism in the world, but i now realize. i didn't realize, but i now realize!

Except we spell it with an 's'.....and its our language.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
All you Trumpsters are liars and hypocrites. you see what you want to see.
Racism is endemic in the US and you still treat non whites as second class citizens.
We don't have BLM or your cities being burnt down night after night.
Open your eyes and recognise your failings, that's all BLM are asking for,

Trumpsters party after last Trump 'covid' spreading rally.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
All you Trumpsters are liars and hypocrites. you see what you want to see.
Racism is endemic in the US and you still treat non whites as second class citizens.
We don't have BLM or your cities being burnt down night after night.
Open your eyes and recognise your failings, that's all BLM are asking for,

Trumpsters party after last Trump 'covid' spreading rally.

You have zero understanding of what really is going on. Yes . The USA major cities are a hell hole. The “ Racial injustice “ is a “ front of cover “, it does not exist . This is about total Marxism revolution and nothing else . It’s about the destruction of America into the fake facade of racial injustice
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
All you Trumpsters are liars and hypocrites. you see what you want to see.
Racism is endemic in the US and you still treat non whites as second class citizens.
We don't have BLM or your cities being burnt down night after night.
Open your eyes and recognise your failings, that's all BLM are asking for,

Trumpsters party after last Trump 'covid' spreading rally.

You have zero understanding of what really is going on. Yes . The USA major cities are a hell hole. The “ Racial injustice “ is a “ front of cover “, it does not exist . This is about total Marxism revolution and nothing else . It’s about the destruction of America into the fake facade of racial injustice

And its that moronic mindset is why your cities are burning down, and the rest of the racially aware nations of the world aren't!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
All you Trumpsters are liars and hypocrites. you see what you want to see.
Racism is endemic in the US and you still treat non whites as second class citizens.
We don't have BLM or your cities being burnt down night after night.
Open your eyes and recognise your failings, that's all BLM are asking for,

Trumpsters party after last Trump 'covid' spreading rally.

You have zero understanding of what really is going on. Yes . The USA major cities are a hell hole. The “ Racial injustice “ is a “ front of cover “, it does not exist . This is about total Marxism revolution and nothing else . It’s about the destruction of America into the fake facade of racial injustice

And its that moronic mindset is why your cities are burning down, and the rest of the racially aware nations of the world aren't!

And what the f*** has old Karl got to do with it - he's been dead a hundred and fifty years.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
All you Trumpsters are liars and hypocrites. you see what you want to see.
Racism is endemic in the US and you still treat non whites as second class citizens.
We don't have BLM or your cities being burnt down night after night.
Open your eyes and recognise your failings, that's all BLM are asking for,

Trumpsters party after last Trump 'covid' spreading rally.

You have zero understanding of what really is going on. Yes . The USA major cities are a hell hole. The “ Racial injustice “ is a “ front of cover “, it does not exist . This is about total Marxism revolution and nothing else . It’s about the destruction of America into the fake facade of racial injustice

And its that moronic mindset is why your cities are burning down, and the rest of the racially aware nations of the world aren't!

It’s a full communist revolution but it won’t go beyond the Bolshevik cities
Almost every American is packing heavy
All about thugs being thugs and using any chance to steal and loot
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
All you Trumpsters are liars and hypocrites. you see what you want to see.
Racism is endemic in the US and you still treat non whites as second class citizens.
We don't have BLM or your cities being burnt down night after night.
Open your eyes and recognise your failings, that's all BLM are asking for,

Trumpsters party after last Trump 'covid' spreading rally.

You have zero understanding of what really is going on. Yes . The USA major cities are a hell hole. The “ Racial injustice “ is a “ front of cover “, it does not exist . This is about total Marxism revolution and nothing else . It’s about the destruction of America into the fake facade of racial injustice

And its that moronic mindset is why your cities are burning down, and the rest of the racially aware nations of the world aren't!

And what the f*** has old Karl got to do with it - he's been dead a hundred and fifty years.

You know zero of anything ..yet of the real
reason behind this
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
All you Trumpsters are liars and hypocrites. you see what you want to see.
Racism is endemic in the US and you still treat non whites as second class citizens.
We don't have BLM or your cities being burnt down night after night.
Open your eyes and recognise your failings, that's all BLM are asking for,

Trumpsters party after last Trump 'covid' spreading rally.

You have zero understanding of what really is going on. Yes . The USA major cities are a hell hole. The “ Racial injustice “ is a “ front of cover “, it does not exist . This is about total Marxism revolution and nothing else . It’s about the destruction of America into the fake facade of racial injustice

And its that moronic mindset is why your cities are burning down, and the rest of the racially aware nations of the world aren't!

And what the f*** has old Karl got to do with it - he's been dead a hundred and fifty years.

You know zero of anything ..yet of the real
reason behind this

YOU mate, your the REAL reason behind this!

Marxist/Bolshevics/Revolutionaries (bet you don't even know who they were). Your out of your pram!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?
I don’t want anything to do with Islam
They’re extremely violent and your nation is doomed
All they understand is violence
London today is a hell hole
Fookin' hell, talk about 'pot calling kettle'.

I'd sooner top myself than live in friggin' Vagas!
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

To me it sounds like you limeys are a bunch of racist mother fuckers but you just don't want to own up to it. It's not as if you has been losers are anyone to be laying down any rules for the rest of us either.
All you Trumpsters are liars and hypocrites. you see what you want to see.
Racism is endemic in the US and you still treat non whites as second class citizens.
We don't have BLM or your cities being burnt down night after night.
Open your eyes and recognise your failings, that's all BLM are asking for,

Trumpsters party after last Trump 'covid' spreading rally.

You have zero understanding of what really is going on. Yes . The USA major cities are a hell hole. The “ Racial injustice “ is a “ front of cover “, it does not exist . This is about total Marxism revolution and nothing else . It’s about the destruction of America into the fake facade of racial injustice

And its that moronic mindset is why your cities are burning down, and the rest of the racially aware nations of the world aren't!

And what the f*** has old Karl got to do with it - he's been dead a hundred and fifty years.

You know zero of anything ..yet of the real
reason behind this

YOU mate, your the REAL reason behind this!

Marxist/Bolshevics/Revolutionaries (bet you don't even know who they were). Your out of your pram!

No wonder why the UK is a 5th World hell hole like France and Germany etc
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I always assumed British men were quasi emasculated mostly asexual fags (No offense to actual gays who have 5 times the balls of this guy) and I'll be damned if you didn't prove me correct.

Making a massive issue of race is racist you twaddling pratt. Accepting different behaviors based solely on skin color is racist.

When will you idiots ever learn? All races should be treated as equally as possible....isn't that the point? Jesus these progressive femi-nazis are freaking stupid.
Says the fat smelly whore, Ha ha ha

She starts her warped definition of racism by making a racist homophobic attack calling all British Men Homosexual. Fuck off you knuckle dragging, arse lickin Trump/McVeigh'ster.

You need sop feeding your fat face and have a good wash you bog dwelling old slag.
And wipe that sperm from your chin! Filthy bitch!
Look at the leftist who shows his true nature as an insulting and stinking leftist
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I always assumed British men were quasi emasculated mostly asexual fags (No offense to actual gays who have 5 times the balls of this guy) and I'll be damned if you didn't prove me correct.

Making a massive issue of race is racist you twaddling pratt. Accepting different behaviors based solely on skin color is racist.

When will you idiots ever learn? All races should be treated as equally as possible....isn't that the point? Jesus these progressive femi-nazis are freaking stupid.
Says the fat smelly whore, Ha ha ha

She starts her warped definition of racism by making a racist homophobic attack calling all British Men Homosexual. Fuck off you knuckle dragging, arse lickin Trump/McVeigh'ster.

You need sop feeding your fat face and have a good wash you bog dwelling old slag.
And wipe that sperm from your chin! Filthy bitch!
Look at the leftist who shows his true nature as an insulting and stinking leftist
Can you write it in French it will sound more you wear a uniform by any chance, - just asking?
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I always assumed British men were quasi emasculated mostly asexual fags (No offense to actual gays who have 5 times the balls of this guy) and I'll be damned if you didn't prove me correct.

Making a massive issue of race is racist you twaddling pratt. Accepting different behaviors based solely on skin color is racist.

When will you idiots ever learn? All races should be treated as equally as possible....isn't that the point? Jesus these progressive femi-nazis are freaking stupid.
Says the fat smelly whore, Ha ha ha

She starts her warped definition of racism by making a racist homophobic attack calling all British Men Homosexual. Fuck off you knuckle dragging, arse lickin Trump/McVeigh'ster.

You need sop feeding your fat face and have a good wash you bog dwelling old slag.
And wipe that sperm from your chin! Filthy bitch!
Look at the leftist who shows his true nature as an insulting and stinking leftist
Can you write it in French it will sound more you wear a uniform by any chance, - just asking?

Trying to act all butch now. It okay. We know you're the British Queen.

Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

How to recognise Racism

Let me teach you about racism -




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Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


Your niece is clueless......completely and totally.

"Where are all the white women at?"

Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I always assumed British men were quasi emasculated mostly asexual fags (No offense to actual gays who have 5 times the balls of this guy) and I'll be damned if you didn't prove me correct.

Making a massive issue of race is racist you twaddling pratt. Accepting different behaviors based solely on skin color is racist.

When will you idiots ever learn? All races should be treated as equally as possible....isn't that the point? Jesus these progressive femi-nazis are freaking stupid.
Says the fat smelly whore, Ha ha ha

She starts her warped definition of racism by making a racist homophobic attack calling all British Men Homosexual. Fuck off you knuckle dragging, arse lickin Trump/McVeigh'ster.

You need sop feeding your fat face and have a good wash you bog dwelling old slag.
And wipe that sperm from your chin! Filthy bitch!
You think Welfare Queen looks that good in real life. You think she used her real picture instead of picking the most flattering one that she could find?

They do say that many Brits have no sense of humor.

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