How to recognise Racism.

Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
based on this logic, if I go to Africa and start calling all the black people *******, it’s okay because most people there are black and I’m in the minority being white.

Only a racist would come up with a program like this.

That’s why we got Trump in the USA. He just abolished a similar program that was going on in the military.

But I guess in 50 years white people in U.K. can say whatever they want about Muslims because they’ll be the majority:biggrin:
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.
Like I said. Take a trip to Africa and go up to a group of Black people and call them a bunch of N I G G E R S . Would you feel that it’s ok because black people outnumber whites there or would you feel racist?
If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Yes, it is. You're grossly misguided and willfully ignorant.

And I'm not white, by the way.
Mate try reading the OP and grasping it.
I was not posting my or my niece's views but British Law on Racism.
So how am I misguided? I didn't say in my OP whether I agreed with it or not. - I've only just told the poster above what I think.
You are the one who is ignorant, and perhaps you should stand down as a moderator, cos if you can't take in simple information, how can you moderate?
If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Yes, it is. You're grossly misguided and willfully ignorant.

And I'm not white, by the way.
Mate try reading the OP and grasping it.
I was not posting my or my niece's views but British Law on Racism.
So how am I misguided? I didn't say in my OP whether I agreed with it or not. - I've only just told the poster above what I think.
You are the one who is ignorant, and perhaps you should stand down as a moderator, cos if you can't take in simple information, how can you moderate?
You’re ignorant for not having an issue with what your niece is teaching. She’s actually teaching people to be racist
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.
Like I said. Take a trip to Africa and go up to a group of Black people and call them a bunch of N I G G E R S . Would you feel that it’s ok because black people outnumber whites there or would you feel racist?
I wouldn't make such a remark to anyone for any reason whatever the demographics.
Don't think there would be many white guys who would, specially in Africa.
I'd consider it overtly racist especially the way you have used block capitals and a world renowned derogatory racist term.

I don't know how racism would be defined legally, as you don't state the country. Though whatever the country I don't think it would go down well.
If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Yes, it is. You're grossly misguided and willfully ignorant.

And I'm not white, by the way.
Mate try reading the OP and grasping it.
I was not posting my or my niece's views but British Law on Racism.
So how am I misguided? I didn't say in my OP whether I agreed with it or not. - I've only just told the poster above what I think.
You are the one who is ignorant, and perhaps you should stand down as a moderator, cos if you can't take in simple information, how can you moderate?
You’re ignorant for not having an issue with what your niece is teaching. She’s actually teaching people to be racist
She isn't, she's is helping them not end up in court for racism, simply cos they didn't know the law.

Don't know but I assume at the next elections both for president & congress you agree to obey the law whether the admin. that put those laws in place is the one you voted for or not.

In Britain whoever we voted for, we must obey the laws government put in place whether we agree with them or not.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.

Ah, so you are simply stupid, then.

Creating a bunch of mumbo based upon race that sets different standards for people based upon race is...........guess what........

Listen braindeath I didn't create it. It happens to be the law in the UK.

Last week she was in Wandsworth teaching some of the craziest bitches.

She gave them the overall explanation of how the law defines 'racism' as I set out above, and she offered courses.
She was a bit disappointed that by the following day none had taken her up.

However the following morning the Guvner called her and said there had now been a ninety five percent take up.
I was pleased for her, at Uni, she used to get shit cos she is very fair with blond hair. She played basketball for Great Britain and her boyfriend is a basket ball player from Texas, black as the ace of spades. You would not think there would be racism in universities now in the 21st centuary. it was OK when just friends but as soon as they became a couple the taunts & racist emails started. Anyway I think teaching racism is what she will do fur a career.

She did wonder why so many had changed their minds about the course and the guvner said " simple, we decided to give them a 6 month reduction in sentence if they took it up!"
Brain dead racism happens when you view your race being better than another race and you prevent that race from advancing
Some ways you can prevent them from advancing is providing for their every need
One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.
Mate try reading the OP and grasping it.
I was not posting my or my niece's views but British Law on Racism.
So how am I misguided? I didn't say in my OP whether I agreed with it or not. - I've only just told the poster above what I think.
You are the one who is ignorant, and perhaps you should stand down as a moderator, cos if you can't take in simple information, how can you moderate?
I wouldn't make such a remark to anyone for any reason whatever the demographics.
Don't think there would be many white guys who would, specially in Africa.
I'd consider it overtly racist especially the way you have used block capitals and a world renowned derogatory racist term.

I don't know how racism would be defined legally, as you don't state the country. Though whatever the country I don't think it would go down well.

First you called me ignorant because you said you weren't posting your views or if you agreed but you said

"One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.
You need to take what I've said, and start working on it."

Now you're trying to say I'm racist for trying to make a scenario. Based off of you're Governments logic (which you admitted to agreeing with, since you're telling us that we should start working on it) it would be perfectly fine to say Nigg** (is that better for you?)

I'm sorry but you are a Buffoon .
One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.
Mate try reading the OP and grasping it.
I was not posting my or my niece's views but British Law on Racism.
So how am I misguided? I didn't say in my OP whether I agreed with it or not. - I've only just told the poster above what I think.
You are the one who is ignorant, and perhaps you should stand down as a moderator, cos if you can't take in simple information, how can you moderate?
I wouldn't make such a remark to anyone for any reason whatever the demographics.
Don't think there would be many white guys who would, specially in Africa.
I'd consider it overtly racist especially the way you have used block capitals and a world renowned derogatory racist term.

I don't know how racism would be defined legally, as you don't state the country. Though whatever the country I don't think it would go down well.

First you called me ignorant because you said you weren't posting your views or if you agreed but you said

"One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.
You need to take what I've said, and start working on it."

Now you're trying to say I'm racist for trying to make a scenario. Based off of you're Governments logic (which you admitted to agreeing with, since you're telling us that we should start working on it) it would be perfectly fine to say Nigg** (is that better for you?)

I'm sorry but you are a Buffoon .
You are conflagrating different things. I'm not saying we are more civilised because of the precise definitions of the Gov. course she is teaching. I'm saying it is the fact that she is teaching the law on racism in the UK.

I'm also saying that you should take a similar course defining what constitutes racism in the USA then go out and teach it. It may be different from ours but everyone will know what constitutes racism.

What has been apparent for months in the US, is that no one seems to have a clue what constitutes racism under US Law. - the precise details.

Why use either word when you know its so offensive to blacks, for no reason.
Do you hate 'black' people? If so why?
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.
Over the years the globalists and the Saul Alinsky agendas have brought several layers of proving racism into the brains of white people. Layer after layer after layer until the point is proved. It would be something else if all of this work was put into inventing things and being industrialists or tech giants and employing tens of millions of people by it.
Martin Luther King had a dream. It was a simple dream. He dreamed that one day, well one day a man would be judged by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin. The sad reality, we are a long way from that day. And guess what, it is not the "white privileged class" that is preventing that dream from becoming a reality. It is the blacks, they need affirmative action--which judges them on the color of their skin and not the content of their character. They want reparations, so they can judged by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. Black lives matter, because they are black, once again, judged by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. I am here to tell you, if Martin Luther King would return today he would be irate, I mean off the deep end pissed off, because of the black movement abandoning his dream and instead of just asking for a fair shake, an equal chance, they are pissing and moaning about how they need "special treatment" because of what happened to their ancestors damn near almost two hundred years ago. Sad really. Just sad.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.
Stop lying. Teaches racism ? What the does that mean ? But if I'm wrong then name the prison and post a link to your niece who "teaches racism"

I'll wait

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
No it's not. White men reference people by the race everyday.

If I a white man calls someone
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
Because they are still white.

My grandfather fought in WW2 and on some ships they had captured German POW's. But the Germans were still allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white American GI's.

White American soldiers saw more of bond with white German who they were fighting against than the black GI's on their same side.

Getting white people to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them in terms of religion and certain cultural traditions) is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of blacks, who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are seen as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare.

If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.
Look dude. It was white men who created the labels of race. Not us

When a baby comes into the world. They don't know if they are white or they are black. But white men make sure they know. They grow up in a society that tells what race they are. It's isn't black people who created these labels.

You go on some forms and you see names like "Pacific Islander"


I don't mean what region or area of the world they are from. I mean. Could anyone look at a mixture of a 100 people of different races and point out the pacific islanders in that race ?

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.
  • You still get the job
  • You still get the loan
  • You still get the house
  • You still get the promotion
  • You're areas don't get gentrified
  • Your kids don'#t get there brains blown by cops
  • U can go anywhere on the planet, set up shop n have no problem

Plus if I was in the UK and I was to walk up to white people and call them a white mutherfka

I'd be shutdown in a second.

Stop talking sh*t. The police would be called on me very quick. You could have me done under the public order act

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.
I would say it's higher than that. Because that stat only includes white brits. Does include whites from various parts of Europe.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
And that's the point.

You know that black people have little or no power over you. We don’t get to define the terms of your existence. We can’t limit your opportunities and you needn’t worry much about the use of the word insult to describe you, since the insult is as far as it’s going to go.

What are blk people gonna do next: deny you a bank loan? Yeah, right.

But when whites use insult that;s just the tip of the iceberg. In fact the insult is not the point. The point is white insults towards black people take place against a backdrop of housing and job discrimination, racial profiling, unequal health care access, and a media that regularly presents blacks in the worst possible light.

What separates white racism from black racism is the ability of the white racism to become lodged in people's minds.
  • If whites say blacks are savages ? We’ll be seen in that light
  • If whites say blacks are dumb ? We’ll be seen in that light.
  • If whites say blacks are criminal ? We’ll be seen in that light
White perceptions are what end up counting in a white-dominated society.

Now if blacks say whites are savages - Who cares ?

If anything, whites will simply turn it into a marketing opportunity. When you have the power, you can afford to be self-deprecating.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

I never indicated in any way that I thought it was not the law or that you were lying or whatever. I said as much in my post. My question was whether or not you agreed with it.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

No personal attacks from this quarter.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I'm sure there is much more to the text of the law than what you've laid out here, but if what you wrote here is the overall gist of it then I would have to say that it contains anything but clarity.

Let me explain. First, a law like this is going to need to define "racism". As you lay it out here in the OP, it does not. Second, you say "For something to be racist it has to be capable of resulting in negative consequences...". I don't know how the law is worded but "negative consequences" needs to be defined as well.

A few other observations and opinions on some remarks in the OP:

* "If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not."

Just because the law says it's not racism does not mean it isn't. This is why "racism" needs to be defined.

* "A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever."

No, it won't. On the other hand, this is just a schoolyard insult. There is a lot more to racism than just calling someone an ethnic slur.

* "If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised,"

What if it doesn't?

* " mates join in make him even more isolated.

What if the black man is with mates of his own? For that matter, what if it's a group of black men who encounter a lone white man and they decide to harass him; calling him ethnic slurs and so forth?

"It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family."

If Brits are likely to do no more than laugh off a racial slur from a black man, why would his job and security be at risk? Put another way: why would a Brit laugh off a racial slur from a black man but join in the harassment of a black man and threaten his job and security if a fellow white person harasses the black man? That makes no sense.

* "One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it."

Just based on your explanation here, the law sounds draconian, unfair and unrealistic to me.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

Actually it IS racist. You're just not triggered by it. That's fine as far as that goes but, the truth is, a black man calling me a white motherfucker or honky or some such is just as racist as me calling him a ni**er.
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.
Stop lying. Teaches racism ? What the does that mean ? But if I'm wrong then name the prison and post a link to your niece who "teaches racism"

I'll wait

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
No it's not. White men reference people by the race everyday.

If I a white man calls someone
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
Because they are still white.

My grandfather fought in WW2 and on some ships they had captured German POW's. But the Germans were still allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white American GI's.

White American soldiers saw more of bond with white German who they were fighting against than the black GI's on their same side.

Getting white people to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them in terms of religion and certain cultural traditions) is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of blacks, who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are seen as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare.

If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.
Look dude. It was white men who created the labels of race. Not us

When a baby comes into the world. They don't know if they are white or they are black. But white men make sure they know. They grow up in a society that tells what race they are. It's isn't black people who created these labels.

You go on some forms and you see names like "Pacific Islander"


I don't mean what region or area of the world they are from. I mean. Could anyone look at a mixture of a 100 people of different races and point out the pacific islanders in that race ?

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.
  • You still get the job
  • You still get the loan
  • You still get the house
  • You still get the promotion
  • You're areas don't get gentrified
  • Your kids don'#t get there brains blown by cops
  • U can go anywhere on the planet, set up shop n have no problem

Plus if I was in the UK and I was to walk up to white people and call them a white mutherfka

I'd be shutdown in a second.

Stop talking sh*t. The police would be called on me very quick. You could have me done under the public order act

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.
I would say it's higher than that. Because that stat only includes white brits. Does include whites from various parts of Europe.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
And that's the point.

You know that black people have little or no power over you. We don’t get to define the terms of your existence. We can’t limit your opportunities and you needn’t worry much about the use of the word insult to describe you, since the insult is as far as it’s going to go.

What are blk people gonna do next: deny you a bank loan? Yeah, right.

But when whites use insult that;s just the tip of the iceberg. In fact the insult is not the point. The point is white insults towards black people take place against a backdrop of housing and job discrimination, racial profiling, unequal health care access, and a media that regularly presents blacks in the worst possible light.

What separates white racism from black racism is the ability of the white racism to become lodged in people's minds.
  • If whites say blacks are savages ? We’ll be seen in that light
  • If whites say blacks are dumb ? We’ll be seen in that light.
  • If whites say blacks are criminal ? We’ll be seen in that light
White perceptions are what end up counting in a white-dominated society.

Now if blacks say whites are savages - Who cares ?

If anything, whites will simply turn it into a marketing opportunity. When you have the power, you can afford to be self-deprecating.
Overall I don't think you realise how much you agree, the fact SunniMan (serial Holocaust denier) given the thumbs down. is a good indication of that.

On specific points - Why would I make up a story like that?
Suppose we could always Google exactly what British law says. I'm terminally I'll mate, and the only reason I'm telling you that is so you'll understand my time is very valuable, I will next time I'm in contact ask my brother to get my niece to e-mail a copy of the course (I'm sure she'll be delighted) and post it.

"White men reference people by the race everyday.

A bit silly! Mate this has nothing to do with racism. It is simply a way of referencing the nationality or origin of an individual or group. I'm sure the same is true in China, India or Brazil.

I have dual nationality born in the Republic of Ireland but naturalised British as this is where I've always lived.
The ROI lies within the British Isles, its is simply a geographical reference of location.

I from the info supplied by you would say your an American of 'black' African descent simply because I think that describes your Nationality & origin. I'd expect you would describe me as a British 'white' European,
There's nothing racist as it is not in any way derogatory, the inclusion of 'black' in your case is simply to differentiate
from say Africaan or Arab.

To your Grandfather. It is indeed disgraceful he was treated this way. Many Americans were stationed in Britain before D Day. It is well documented that the locals were shocked by the way the 'yanks' as they were known, segregated and abused and looked down on 'blacks' treating them like second class citizens.

You have to remember though that the US had sympathies with Nazi Germany. Southern states shared the same ethos. The US only entered the war in Europe cos Germany declared war on the US. To this day there is a strong stench of Nazi'ism running through white American society, Hence BLM.

"Plus if I was in the UK and I was to walk up to white people and call them a white mutherfka

I'd be shutdown in a second.

Stop talking sh*t. The police would be called on me very quick. You could have me done under the public order act"

No you wouldn't, unless you were showing threatening violent aggression in approaching them, in which case your right but just as you say the charges would be public order offences - 'Breach of the peace'. not 'race' related.
A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.[/QUOTE]
And that's the point.

"You know that black people have little or no power over you. We don’t get to define the terms of your existence. We can’t limit your opportunities and you needn’t worry much about the use of the word insult to describe you, since the insult is as far as it’s going to go.

What are blk people gonna do next: deny you a bank loan? Yeah, right.

But when whites use insult that;s just the tip of the iceberg. In fact the insult is not the point. The point is white insults towards black people take place against a backdrop of housing and job discrimination, racial profiling, unequal health care access, and a media that regularly presents blacks in the worst possible light.

What separates white racism from black racism is the ability of the white racism to become lodged in people's minds.

  • If whites say blacks are savages ? We’ll be seen in that light
  • If whites say blacks are dumb ? We’ll be seen in that light.
  • If whites say blacks are criminal ? We’ll be seen in that light
White perceptions are what end up counting in a white-dominated society.

Now if blacks say whites are savages - Who cares ?

If anything, whites will simply turn it into a marketing opportunity. When you have the power, you can afford to be self-deprecating."

Here your agreeing with what I said!"

Finally the only point I missed was that no the 87%, it doesn't include white Europeans cos they are minorities in their own right mainly through language.

Let me teach you about racism -

My niece teaches racism to in some of our worst prisons.

If I a white man calls someone from an ethnic minority a name that references their race, colour, or creed it is racism.
If two white men call each other names referencing their joint race etc. It is not racism
If two men of the same ethnic minority (say black) call each other on the basis of their joint skin. That is not racism.

Now pay attention cos this is the interesting bit.

If a man from an ethnic minority, calls me a white mother****** That is not racism.

Why you might ask?

Cos In the UK the law say's it not.

Whites make up around 87% of the population in the UK. We have a massive majority.

A black man calling me a white........... will not make me a victim or cause any detriment to me what so ever.
The majority of our local community are not going to join him because the community is majority white. I can only pass through a black area I won't be living or working there.

If I make a racist comment against a black man it can lead to him being victimised, my mates join in make him even more isolated. It can affect his job and the security of where he lives and his family.

For something to be racist it has to have be capable of resulting in negative consequences and causing victimisation.

One day you may be lucky enough to live in a civilised country like the UK or western Europe.

You need to take what I've said, and start working on it.


I know you say it's U.K. law but it's not clear whether you agree with it or not. Do you agree with the laws as you listed them? If so, why?
It is the law! No way would they let my niece go to Britain's top prisons and tell prisoners anything other than how to interpret the law without the content being put together by legal experts and sanctioned by HM Government.

All posters so far and the next two posters including a moderator DTMB do not seem to be able to grasp this, and instead of stating their reasons why they think both Government & legal experts are wrong, make the usual Trumpster
personal attacks instead.

Not sure why it matters to you, but yes I agree, not for any political reason but because it gives clarity.

I only found it out myself last week when my brother told me.

I always assumed that cops would not arrest a 'black guy' making a racist remark to a white guy is because simply he would find it as funny and amusing as I and my mates.

Just imagine in the small village I live near, (100% white) me and my mates are outside a pub and a black guy comes slowly cycling past us stairing at us and just as he gets right in front of us, he shouts - 'white mother*******'
Ha ha ha we would be rolling around in hysterics and want him to come back and further entertain us.
We wouldn't dream of reporting him to police, cos we now the copper would crack up with laughter himself.
However I just assumed that the remark would be racist, but white guys in our area wouldn't be in the slightest offended and couldn't be asked. I have only just found out it is not 'racist' at all.

How is your Arabic ??
Why whats up?

Feeling a bit Islamaphobic are we?

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