How To Start Real Change

You know where there aren't many white people? Most of the rest of the world. You should try it out. Who knows ... maybe Ghana is the perfect home for you!

Nah. I was born here. My family has been here longer than yours. I am more American than you. My family sacrificed more and bled more to be part of this nation than you or your family did. So you move. There are plenty of all white countries where you can go live where you won't have to worry about blacks complaining about white racism. You should go find one. Maybe Russia, that might be the perfect home for you. All white and no can complain about anything. Whitey gets to do whatever he wants.

I'm not the one who complains all the time.

And Russia isn't even close to being all white. Wtf are you talking about?

I just figure, we're so bad, and the country is so racist, why would you even want to live here? Why wouldn't you want to live with all black people, where those mean white people can't pick on you anymore?

Yeah I guess Ukranians and Chechens aren't white. I figure that since I was born here you can suck my mother fucking d---. I'm going to complain and work until white racism dies or I do. If you don't like that, leave the country.

What are you going to put on your tombstone? "Idealism and anger make for a nasty cocktail"?
Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry.

I mean, you yourself have spouted off about black supremacy in the past. Whether you were joking, trolling, or serious, I cannot surmise, but there it is. Now we're going to expect saintliness from an entire race of people, but not from your own? Stop giving us so much credit.
I would never expect a white person to not be racist. I agree its stupid to have such an expectation. Whites are genetically prone to be racists. Its all part of their cognitive dissonance induced by that fear of genetic annihilation. Now youre showing that intellect I thought I glimpsed. Glad you agree its stupid to expect a white person not to be racist.

That's not what I said. You shouldn't expect a white person to be racist. You also shouldn't expect ALL white people to not be racist.

Again, nuance. But I'm quickly coming to learn that it's not your strong suite.

Y'all are a lot like Trump supporters in that way. Did you know that? I argue with them a lot too, and you (Asclepias and IM2) use very similar communication strategies.
Your words not mine.

"Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry."

Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
There isnt any controversy. As I pointed out I agree. Youre the one that got upset because I agree with you.

Now you're just trolling.
I would never expect a white person to not be racist. I agree its stupid to have such an expectation. Whites are genetically prone to be racists. Its all part of their cognitive dissonance induced by that fear of genetic annihilation. Now youre showing that intellect I thought I glimpsed. Glad you agree its stupid to expect a white person not to be racist.

That's not what I said. You shouldn't expect a white person to be racist. You also shouldn't expect ALL white people to not be racist.

Again, nuance. But I'm quickly coming to learn that it's not your strong suite.

Y'all are a lot like Trump supporters in that way. Did you know that? I argue with them a lot too, and you (Asclepias and IM2) use very similar communication strategies.
Your words not mine.

"Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry."

Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
There isnt any controversy. As I pointed out I agree. Youre the one that got upset because I agree with you.

Now you're just trolling.
Wait so you say I shouldnt expect whites not to be racist, I agree with you and now I am trolling?
That's not what I said. You shouldn't expect a white person to be racist. You also shouldn't expect ALL white people to not be racist.

Again, nuance. But I'm quickly coming to learn that it's not your strong suite.

Y'all are a lot like Trump supporters in that way. Did you know that? I argue with them a lot too, and you (Asclepias and IM2) use very similar communication strategies.
Your words not mine.

"Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry."

Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
There isnt any controversy. As I pointed out I agree. Youre the one that got upset because I agree with you.

Now you're just trolling.
Wait so you say I shouldnt expect whites not to be racist, I agree with you and now I am trolling?

You keep taking what I said and changing it slightly so that it means something completely different. Either you're cleverly trolling or stupid to an extreme degree. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you're just trolling.
Your words not mine.

"Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry."

Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
There isnt any controversy. As I pointed out I agree. Youre the one that got upset because I agree with you.

Now you're just trolling.
Wait so you say I shouldnt expect whites not to be racist, I agree with you and now I am trolling?

You keep taking what I said and changing it slightly so that it means something completely different. Either you're cleverly trolling or stupid to an extreme degree. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you're just trolling.
Ok white guy. Were pretty much done here until you stop whining.
Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
There isnt any controversy. As I pointed out I agree. Youre the one that got upset because I agree with you.

Now you're just trolling.
Wait so you say I shouldnt expect whites not to be racist, I agree with you and now I am trolling?

You keep taking what I said and changing it slightly so that it means something completely different. Either you're cleverly trolling or stupid to an extreme degree. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you're just trolling.
Ok white guy. Were pretty much done here until you stop whining.

Fine by me.
Your words not mine.

"Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry."

Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
There isnt any controversy. As I pointed out I agree. Youre the one that got upset because I agree with you.

Now you're just trolling.
Wait so you say I shouldnt expect whites not to be racist, I agree with you and now I am trolling?

You keep taking what I said and changing it slightly so that it means something completely different. Either you're cleverly trolling or stupid to an extreme degree. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you're just trolling.
Its obvious that Asclepias is smart enough to correctly understand your posts. It is his MO to incorrectly spin your posts to mean something you did not say by being intentionally obtuse.
Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
There isnt any controversy. As I pointed out I agree. Youre the one that got upset because I agree with you.

Now you're just trolling.
Wait so you say I shouldnt expect whites not to be racist, I agree with you and now I am trolling?

You keep taking what I said and changing it slightly so that it means something completely different. Either you're cleverly trolling or stupid to an extreme degree. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you're just trolling.
Its obvious that Asclepias is smart enough to correctly understand your posts. It is his MO to incorrectly spin your posts to mean something you did not say by being intentionally obtuse.

Kind of like a politician, no? Kind of like say ... Donald Trump. Seems like something The Donald might partake in.

Guess we're not so different.
And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?
And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?

Isn't the NOI anti-white and pro-segregation? If so, that pretty much excludes them from serious consideration.
Again, the fact that you never enter threads by white racists talking about blacks as they do, then you bring up crime, then you try telling us how to talk to whites, then you tell us how we need to listen to you like we don't know anything. And these are just a few things. But you have excuses for yourself.

I'm 57 years old John. I don't need your instructions on how to speak to white people. I have seen about every way whites practice racism John. We blacks all know that no one white will ever admit to being racist. You can catch them at a Klan rally and they'll tell you how they aren't racists and wonder on what basis you're calling them one.
This has already been proven right here on USMB.

Remember when the info came out that 45's poppa was caught at a Klan rally how the racist whites here responded?

They somehow found excuses to state that he wasn't racist.
And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?

And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?

Isn't the NOI anti-white and pro-segregation? If so, that pretty much excludes them from serious consideration.
Is the NOI anti white ? Can you point to anything the NOI have done to white people as a group ?
White men wimp out when they have to square up to black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat.

Because deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completly undeserved
Is the NOI anti white ? Can you point to anything the NOI have done to white people as a group ?

I don't know. That's why it was phrased as a question. I recall some NOI leaders, like Farrakhan, saying some things ...
Not to worry, if I met you on the street and you got in my face, I'd whoop your ass.
White men wimp out when they have to square up to black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat.

Because deep down you know if a black man bashed in your brains, it would not be completly undeserved

Depends on the black man and the white man. Stop acting like black men are these combat gods. It's absurd and childish, and degrades any point you have to make.
And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?

Isn't the NOI anti-white and pro-segregation? If so, that pretty much excludes them from serious consideration.
The NOI is anti white racist and pro segregation. No that doesnt exclude them from consideration serious or otherwise.
And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?

Isn't the NOI anti-white and pro-segregation? If so, that pretty much excludes them from serious consideration.
The NOI is anti white racist and pro segregation. No that doesnt exclude them from consideration serious or otherwise.

Regardless, religion is weak and getting weaker, and most Americans are not too keen on Islam, since it's a vile religion that subjugates women and calls for the oppression of all non-believers.
It's time whitey grew up and looked at the laws and policies whitey made that created the problems.

Why aren't blacks making the laws?

Because of Vladimir Putin? In the U.S.? I don't believe you.
No, we aren't going to do it that way. The fact is whites believed we were inferior then and whites do now.

Until the number is zero there is no change. You'd understand how I can say that if you were back.

Please. There are plenty of blacks who believe whites are inferior. There is one in this very thread. So that's a completely absurd expectation and you know it.
Oh god. Here goes another white boy with a deflection. Lets stay on topic. The discussion is about how whites feel Blacks are inferior.

Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry.

I mean, you yourself have spouted off about black supremacy in the past. Whether you were joking, trolling, or serious, I cannot surmise, but there it is. Now we're going to expect saintliness from an entire race of people, but not from your own? Stop giving us so much credit.
I would never expect a white person to not be racist. I agree its stupid to have such an expectation. Whites are genetically prone to be racists. Its all part of their cognitive dissonance induced by that fear of genetic annihilation. Now youre showing that intellect I thought I glimpsed. Glad you agree its stupid to expect a white person not to be racist.

That's not what I said. You shouldn't expect a white person to be racist. You also shouldn't expect ALL white people to not be racist.

Again, nuance. But I'm quickly coming to learn that it's not your strong suite.

Y'all are a lot like Trump supporters in that way. Did you know that? I argue with them a lot too, and you (Asclepias and IM2) use very similar communication strategies.

No John we don't. You just fail to understand the distrust whites create or the fact that whites continue being racists because you are white and don't want to. You are talking about nuance? We are just always supposed to see subtle differences when they may not exist? You are so dumb that you talk about black supremacy without understanding that if not for whites telling us how inferior we are that probably no one black would have looked for ways to say we are superior to whites. You have a simpletons understanding of a very complex situation. instead of you trying to lecture us blacks, start working to rid the white community if i's racism.

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