How To Start Real Change

And there certainly has been real positive change. Those that deny that there has not been change are simply not credible. That is not to say that there is no need for more change. There will always be room for improvement because the human condition is not perfect.

I say there has been improvements but not the great changes you claim and I am credible, more so than you.
1. Can someone else own you? in the 1700's black people could be owned as slaves. Now slavery is illegal. Real Change!
2. For hundreds of years, black men were often lynched for trying to have a relationship with a white woman. Today interracial marriages are common and accepted by society. Real Change
3. Blacks at one time were not allowed to play in white sports leagues. Today many of the best athletes in professional sport are black people who are adored by people of all races. Also, these black athletes become some of the wealthiest people in the world. Real Change!
4. No more Jim Crow laws. Gone are the days when Blacks were required to use different rest rooms than Whites or give up a bus seat for a White. Real Change!

5. Attitudes have changed significantly. In the 1700's it was common for many whites to openly treat Blacks as animals because that was the consensus of the white run society. Today if a white person gets branded as a racist, that white person becomes an outcast of mainstream society. Real Change!

Someone could easily write a book about the change that has occurred since the 1700's (Start time picked by IM2, not me). And it would be a very thick book.

Maybe I'm wrong and IM2 is right and those items that I listed are not real change; they are simply minor improvements and Blacks in America are just as oppressed as when a slave owner could beat a black slave with a whip for any reason the white slave owner saw fit.

Lets get down to the brass tacks. Whites today believe that blacks are dumber, inferior more prone to violence and crime, lazy , don't want to work, want to be given everything, don't want to be educated, refuse to take responsibility, and are irresponsible sexually just to name a few. All these things whites have believed since the1700's. Change, real change means attitudes change. A racist is the president of these United States, that's no outcast. So where are the fucking changes son?
You are painting Whites with a very broad brush, only seeing the worse of the worse. Also, I gave you a list of just a few of the changes, which you cannot refute.

When it comes to Trump, I do not believe he is a racist. I believe he is a pompous ass, but that is different than being a racist. Many on the left are trying to brand him as a racist because they wish to defeat him. They want to make him an outcast. One negative change that has occurred is that the term "racist" has become weaponized and overused. The story of the boy that called "wolf" could easily be updated to the boy that called "racist"!

I'm not painting a damn thing. I'm not looking for the worst of anything. I am stating truth. If the attitudes of the people haven't changed where is the change? You want talk about your list but it is you who can't refute anything. I said there have been improvements but no real changes, you list improvements and claim they are changes. What you believe doesn't mean much when it come to the issue of racism. Trump is a racist. He has a record of it. And the word racist has not been overused, weaponized or anything else. Racism by whites has simply not stopped and people of color are less inclined to tolerate it as they did in the past.. The only people crying wolf are those whites like you who say that the word racist is overused. And the thing is you only say that when it's used on whites. Because we backs are racists with no doubt in your minds for simply stating that white racism still exists. Not that we think we are superior but just for saying whites are still racists. Whites today believe the same shit they did in the1700's. I see it posted here EVERY day. .
Improvements are changes...........
Well, I've wasted enough time with people with no credibility today. Here is a video that captures my sentiments very well.
Just started reading Michael Eric Dyson’s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Here’s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

“In fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.”

^^^ Racist Codswaddle ^^^
I don't care if whites shoot whites or blacks shoot blacks
Right. So we agree. You don't care whether black people kill black people.

You see there are two types of advice that people give.

    • Advice you give to try and help someone with their problems.
    • Advice you give to help yourself feel better about not knowing how to help them with their problems.
The difference is all in the context.

If you tell someone to brush and floss their teeth every day, that's good advice, but if you're talking to someone who just lost their teeth, because they were in a car accident, within that context, your advice is terrible, and that's how your advice works.

Handing out advice that's valid in the abstract, but useless in context. So you saying that most black people get killed by other black people is correct. But in context to solving the problems of police killing black people in the USA it's useless.

If I was to tell you that more black people were being killed by the police 100 years ago.

You'd probably agree with that.

But you'd be wrong because more black people were killed by the Police in the USA 2015 than in 1896
70% of all murders occur in very small very distinct urban areas and these murders are predominantly young minorities killing other young minorities.
Women are minorities. Transgender people are minorities. Lesbians are minorities.

Just bring it and stop being scared.

Who are you talking about when you say "minorities"
And you do nothing about it but you bitch and moan about cops and white people.
No one on USmessageboard ever calls me a liar.

I speak the truth.

I've never even responded to one of your posts. And I have certainly never called you a liar

You delete parts of the quote tree and answer a response i gave to someone else as if I was addressing you that seem a bit disingenuous to me.

And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.

Look at the slaughter in the inner cities where the death toll of young Black men accounts for a disproportionate percentage of all murders

These murders are for the most part committed by other Blacks

Black people are their own worst enemies it seems.

That's just a racist lie told by whites to keep black people down. Don't you know?

Worry about white on white killings son. Concern yourself with white on white crime since you commit almost 3 times the amount . That's how dumb your white asses are. You're slaughtering each other and then pretend it's not happening to try telling us about crime.
I say there has been improvements but not the great changes you claim and I am credible, more so than you.
1. Can someone else own you? in the 1700's black people could be owned as slaves. Now slavery is illegal. Real Change!
2. For hundreds of years, black men were often lynched for trying to have a relationship with a white woman. Today interracial marriages are common and accepted by society. Real Change
3. Blacks at one time were not allowed to play in white sports leagues. Today many of the best athletes in professional sport are black people who are adored by people of all races. Also, these black athletes become some of the wealthiest people in the world. Real Change!
4. No more Jim Crow laws. Gone are the days when Blacks were required to use different rest rooms than Whites or give up a bus seat for a White. Real Change!

5. Attitudes have changed significantly. In the 1700's it was common for many whites to openly treat Blacks as animals because that was the consensus of the white run society. Today if a white person gets branded as a racist, that white person becomes an outcast of mainstream society. Real Change!

Someone could easily write a book about the change that has occurred since the 1700's (Start time picked by IM2, not me). And it would be a very thick book.

Maybe I'm wrong and IM2 is right and those items that I listed are not real change; they are simply minor improvements and Blacks in America are just as oppressed as when a slave owner could beat a black slave with a whip for any reason the white slave owner saw fit.

Lets get down to the brass tacks. Whites today believe that blacks are dumber, inferior more prone to violence and crime, lazy , don't want to work, want to be given everything, don't want to be educated, refuse to take responsibility, and are irresponsible sexually just to name a few. All these things whites have believed since the1700's. Change, real change means attitudes change. A racist is the president of these United States, that's no outcast. So where are the fucking changes son?
You are painting Whites with a very broad brush, only seeing the worse of the worse. Also, I gave you a list of just a few of the changes, which you cannot refute.

When it comes to Trump, I do not believe he is a racist. I believe he is a pompous ass, but that is different than being a racist. Many on the left are trying to brand him as a racist because they wish to defeat him. They want to make him an outcast. One negative change that has occurred is that the term "racist" has become weaponized and overused. The story of the boy that called "wolf" could easily be updated to the boy that called "racist"!

I'm not painting a damn thing. I'm not looking for the worst of anything. I am stating truth. If the attitudes of the people haven't changed where is the change? You want talk about your list but it is you who can't refute anything. I said there have been improvements but no real changes, you list improvements and claim they are changes. What you believe doesn't mean much when it come to the issue of racism. Trump is a racist. He has a record of it. And the word racist has not been overused, weaponized or anything else. Racism by whites has simply not stopped and people of color are less inclined to tolerate it as they did in the past.. The only people crying wolf are those whites like you who say that the word racist is overused. And the thing is you only say that when it's used on whites. Because we backs are racists with no doubt in your minds for simply stating that white racism still exists. Not that we think we are superior but just for saying whites are still racists. Whites today believe the same shit they did in the1700's. I see it posted here EVERY day. .
Improvements are changes...........
Well, I've wasted enough time with people with no credibility today. Here is a video that captures my sentiments very well.

Yep you have no credibility. We don't give a fuck about your sentiments.

Whites believed we were inferior in the 1700's. Whites believe we are inferior now. Where is the change?
I don't care if whites shoot whites or blacks shoot blacks
Right. So we agree. You don't care whether black people kill black people.

You see there are two types of advice that people give.

    • Advice you give to try and help someone with their problems.
    • Advice you give to help yourself feel better about not knowing how to help them with their problems.
The difference is all in the context.

If you tell someone to brush and floss their teeth every day, that's good advice, but if you're talking to someone who just lost their teeth, because they were in a car accident, within that context, your advice is terrible, and that's how your advice works.

Handing out advice that's valid in the abstract, but useless in context. So you saying that most black people get killed by other black people is correct. But in context to solving the problems of police killing black people in the USA it's useless.

If I was to tell you that more black people were being killed by the police 100 years ago.

You'd probably agree with that.

But you'd be wrong because more black people were killed by the Police in the USA 2015 than in 1896
70% of all murders occur in very small very distinct urban areas and these murders are predominantly young minorities killing other young minorities.
Women are minorities. Transgender people are minorities. Lesbians are minorities.

Just bring it and stop being scared.

Who are you talking about when you say "minorities"
And you do nothing about it but you bitch and moan about cops and white people.
No one on USmessageboard ever calls me a liar.

I speak the truth.

I've never even responded to one of your posts. And I have certainly never called you a liar

You delete parts of the quote tree and answer a response i gave to someone else as if I was addressing you that seem a bit disingenuous to me.

And I'm not giving anyone any advice I am pointing out the fact that Blacks don't really care about other Blacks getting murdered by Blacks.

Look at the slaughter in the inner cities where the death toll of young Black men accounts for a disproportionate percentage of all murders

These murders are for the most part committed by other Blacks

Black people are their own worst enemies it seems.

That's just a racist lie told by whites to keep black people down. Don't you know?

Worry about white on white killings son. Concern yourself with white on white crime since you commit almost 3 times the amount . That's how dumb your white asses are. You're slaughtering each other and then pretend it's not happening to try telling us about crime.

Cool story bro. Haha!
1. Can someone else own you? in the 1700's black people could be owned as slaves. Now slavery is illegal. Real Change!
2. For hundreds of years, black men were often lynched for trying to have a relationship with a white woman. Today interracial marriages are common and accepted by society. Real Change
3. Blacks at one time were not allowed to play in white sports leagues. Today many of the best athletes in professional sport are black people who are adored by people of all races. Also, these black athletes become some of the wealthiest people in the world. Real Change!
4. No more Jim Crow laws. Gone are the days when Blacks were required to use different rest rooms than Whites or give up a bus seat for a White. Real Change!

5. Attitudes have changed significantly. In the 1700's it was common for many whites to openly treat Blacks as animals because that was the consensus of the white run society. Today if a white person gets branded as a racist, that white person becomes an outcast of mainstream society. Real Change!

Someone could easily write a book about the change that has occurred since the 1700's (Start time picked by IM2, not me). And it would be a very thick book.

Maybe I'm wrong and IM2 is right and those items that I listed are not real change; they are simply minor improvements and Blacks in America are just as oppressed as when a slave owner could beat a black slave with a whip for any reason the white slave owner saw fit.

Lets get down to the brass tacks. Whites today believe that blacks are dumber, inferior more prone to violence and crime, lazy , don't want to work, want to be given everything, don't want to be educated, refuse to take responsibility, and are irresponsible sexually just to name a few. All these things whites have believed since the1700's. Change, real change means attitudes change. A racist is the president of these United States, that's no outcast. So where are the fucking changes son?
You are painting Whites with a very broad brush, only seeing the worse of the worse. Also, I gave you a list of just a few of the changes, which you cannot refute.

When it comes to Trump, I do not believe he is a racist. I believe he is a pompous ass, but that is different than being a racist. Many on the left are trying to brand him as a racist because they wish to defeat him. They want to make him an outcast. One negative change that has occurred is that the term "racist" has become weaponized and overused. The story of the boy that called "wolf" could easily be updated to the boy that called "racist"!

I'm not painting a damn thing. I'm not looking for the worst of anything. I am stating truth. If the attitudes of the people haven't changed where is the change? You want talk about your list but it is you who can't refute anything. I said there have been improvements but no real changes, you list improvements and claim they are changes. What you believe doesn't mean much when it come to the issue of racism. Trump is a racist. He has a record of it. And the word racist has not been overused, weaponized or anything else. Racism by whites has simply not stopped and people of color are less inclined to tolerate it as they did in the past.. The only people crying wolf are those whites like you who say that the word racist is overused. And the thing is you only say that when it's used on whites. Because we backs are racists with no doubt in your minds for simply stating that white racism still exists. Not that we think we are superior but just for saying whites are still racists. Whites today believe the same shit they did in the1700's. I see it posted here EVERY day. .
Improvements are changes...........
Well, I've wasted enough time with people with no credibility today. Here is a video that captures my sentiments very well.

Yep you have no credibility. We don't give a fuck about your sentiments.

Whites believed we were inferior in the 1700's. Whites believe we are inferior now. Where is the change?

What percentage of Whites in America (or the colonies) in the 1700's believed Blacks were inferior?. What percentage of Whites in America today believe Blacks are inferior? Subtract the two numbers and you will have one measurement of change. If the difference is zero, then you are correct and i am wrong.

I intended to not respond to IM2 any more today, but I decided to finish with that softball he just pitched. Surely he is not going to say that the percentages for the two periods are the same and the change is zero? Or will he?

Edit: Who is the "we" you are referring too.? Got a mouse in your pocket?
You know where there aren't many white people? Most of the rest of the world. You should try it out. Who knows ... maybe Ghana is the perfect home for you!

Nah. I was born here. My family has been here longer than yours. I am more American than you. My family sacrificed more and bled more to be part of this nation than you or your family did. So you move. There are plenty of all white countries where you can go live where you won't have to worry about blacks complaining about white racism. You should go find one. Maybe Russia, that might be the perfect home for you. All white and no can complain about anything. Whitey gets to do whatever he wants.
You know where there aren't many white people? Most of the rest of the world. You should try it out. Who knows ... maybe Ghana is the perfect home for you!

Nah. I was born here. My family has been here longer than yours. I am more American than you. My family sacrificed more and bled more to be part of this nation than you or your family did. So you move. There are plenty of all white countries where you can go live where you won't have to worry about blacks complaining about white racism. You should go find one. Maybe Russia, that might be the perfect home for you. All white and no can complain about anything. Whitey gets to do whatever he wants.

I'm not the one who complains all the time.

And Russia isn't even close to being all white. Wtf are you talking about?

I just figure, we're so bad, and the country is so racist, why would you even want to live here? Why wouldn't you want to live with all black people, where those mean white people can't pick on you anymore?
Last edited:
Lets get down to the brass tacks. Whites today believe that blacks are dumber, inferior more prone to violence and crime, lazy , don't want to work, want to be given everything, don't want to be educated, refuse to take responsibility, and are irresponsible sexually just to name a few. All these things whites have believed since the1700's. Change, real change means attitudes change. A racist is the president of these United States, that's no outcast. So where are the fucking changes son?
You are painting Whites with a very broad brush, only seeing the worse of the worse. Also, I gave you a list of just a few of the changes, which you cannot refute.

When it comes to Trump, I do not believe he is a racist. I believe he is a pompous ass, but that is different than being a racist. Many on the left are trying to brand him as a racist because they wish to defeat him. They want to make him an outcast. One negative change that has occurred is that the term "racist" has become weaponized and overused. The story of the boy that called "wolf" could easily be updated to the boy that called "racist"!

I'm not painting a damn thing. I'm not looking for the worst of anything. I am stating truth. If the attitudes of the people haven't changed where is the change? You want talk about your list but it is you who can't refute anything. I said there have been improvements but no real changes, you list improvements and claim they are changes. What you believe doesn't mean much when it come to the issue of racism. Trump is a racist. He has a record of it. And the word racist has not been overused, weaponized or anything else. Racism by whites has simply not stopped and people of color are less inclined to tolerate it as they did in the past.. The only people crying wolf are those whites like you who say that the word racist is overused. And the thing is you only say that when it's used on whites. Because we backs are racists with no doubt in your minds for simply stating that white racism still exists. Not that we think we are superior but just for saying whites are still racists. Whites today believe the same shit they did in the1700's. I see it posted here EVERY day. .
Improvements are changes...........
Well, I've wasted enough time with people with no credibility today. Here is a video that captures my sentiments very well.

Yep you have no credibility. We don't give a fuck about your sentiments.

Whites believed we were inferior in the 1700's. Whites believe we are inferior now. Where is the change?

What percentage of Whites in America (or the colonies) in the 1700's believed Blacks were inferior?. What percentage of Whites in America today believe Blacks are inferior? Subtract the two numbers and you will have one measurement of change. If the difference is zero, then you are correct and i am wrong.

I intended to not respond to IM2 any more today, but I decided to finish with that softball he just pitched. Surely he is not going to say that the percentages for the two periods are the same and the change is zero? Or will he?

Edit: Who is the "we" you are referring too.? Got a mouse in your pocket?

No, we aren't going to do it that way. The fact is whites believed we were inferior then and whites do now.

Until the number is zero there is no change. You'd understand how I can say that if you were back.
You are painting Whites with a very broad brush, only seeing the worse of the worse. Also, I gave you a list of just a few of the changes, which you cannot refute.

When it comes to Trump, I do not believe he is a racist. I believe he is a pompous ass, but that is different than being a racist. Many on the left are trying to brand him as a racist because they wish to defeat him. They want to make him an outcast. One negative change that has occurred is that the term "racist" has become weaponized and overused. The story of the boy that called "wolf" could easily be updated to the boy that called "racist"!

I'm not painting a damn thing. I'm not looking for the worst of anything. I am stating truth. If the attitudes of the people haven't changed where is the change? You want talk about your list but it is you who can't refute anything. I said there have been improvements but no real changes, you list improvements and claim they are changes. What you believe doesn't mean much when it come to the issue of racism. Trump is a racist. He has a record of it. And the word racist has not been overused, weaponized or anything else. Racism by whites has simply not stopped and people of color are less inclined to tolerate it as they did in the past.. The only people crying wolf are those whites like you who say that the word racist is overused. And the thing is you only say that when it's used on whites. Because we backs are racists with no doubt in your minds for simply stating that white racism still exists. Not that we think we are superior but just for saying whites are still racists. Whites today believe the same shit they did in the1700's. I see it posted here EVERY day. .
Improvements are changes...........
Well, I've wasted enough time with people with no credibility today. Here is a video that captures my sentiments very well.

Yep you have no credibility. We don't give a fuck about your sentiments.

Whites believed we were inferior in the 1700's. Whites believe we are inferior now. Where is the change?

What percentage of Whites in America (or the colonies) in the 1700's believed Blacks were inferior?. What percentage of Whites in America today believe Blacks are inferior? Subtract the two numbers and you will have one measurement of change. If the difference is zero, then you are correct and i am wrong.

I intended to not respond to IM2 any more today, but I decided to finish with that softball he just pitched. Surely he is not going to say that the percentages for the two periods are the same and the change is zero? Or will he?

Edit: Who is the "we" you are referring too.? Got a mouse in your pocket?

No, we aren't going to do it that way. The fact is whites believed we were inferior then and whites do now.

Until the number is zero there is no change. You'd understand how I can say that if you were back.

Please. There are plenty of blacks who believe whites are inferior. There is one in this very thread. So that's a completely absurd expectation and you know it.
You know where there aren't many white people? Most of the rest of the world. You should try it out. Who knows ... maybe Ghana is the perfect home for you!

Nah. I was born here. My family has been here longer than yours. I am more American than you. My family sacrificed more and bled more to be part of this nation than you or your family did. So you move. There are plenty of all white countries where you can go live where you won't have to worry about blacks complaining about white racism. You should go find one. Maybe Russia, that might be the perfect home for you. All white and no can complain about anything. Whitey gets to do whatever he wants.

Who told you Russia is “all white,” dumbass?
You know where there aren't many white people? Most of the rest of the world. You should try it out. Who knows ... maybe Ghana is the perfect home for you!

Nah. I was born here. My family has been here longer than yours. I am more American than you. My family sacrificed more and bled more to be part of this nation than you or your family did. So you move. There are plenty of all white countries where you can go live where you won't have to worry about blacks complaining about white racism. You should go find one. Maybe Russia, that might be the perfect home for you. All white and no can complain about anything. Whitey gets to do whatever he wants.

Who told you Russia is “all white,” dumbass?

He doesn't know that Russia has a lot of Asian and Arab people in it.
I'm not painting a damn thing. I'm not looking for the worst of anything. I am stating truth. If the attitudes of the people haven't changed where is the change? You want talk about your list but it is you who can't refute anything. I said there have been improvements but no real changes, you list improvements and claim they are changes. What you believe doesn't mean much when it come to the issue of racism. Trump is a racist. He has a record of it. And the word racist has not been overused, weaponized or anything else. Racism by whites has simply not stopped and people of color are less inclined to tolerate it as they did in the past.. The only people crying wolf are those whites like you who say that the word racist is overused. And the thing is you only say that when it's used on whites. Because we backs are racists with no doubt in your minds for simply stating that white racism still exists. Not that we think we are superior but just for saying whites are still racists. Whites today believe the same shit they did in the1700's. I see it posted here EVERY day. .
Improvements are changes...........
Well, I've wasted enough time with people with no credibility today. Here is a video that captures my sentiments very well.

Yep you have no credibility. We don't give a fuck about your sentiments.

Whites believed we were inferior in the 1700's. Whites believe we are inferior now. Where is the change?

What percentage of Whites in America (or the colonies) in the 1700's believed Blacks were inferior?. What percentage of Whites in America today believe Blacks are inferior? Subtract the two numbers and you will have one measurement of change. If the difference is zero, then you are correct and i am wrong.

I intended to not respond to IM2 any more today, but I decided to finish with that softball he just pitched. Surely he is not going to say that the percentages for the two periods are the same and the change is zero? Or will he?

Edit: Who is the "we" you are referring too.? Got a mouse in your pocket?

No, we aren't going to do it that way. The fact is whites believed we were inferior then and whites do now.

Until the number is zero there is no change. You'd understand how I can say that if you were back.

Please. There are plenty of blacks who believe whites are inferior. There is one in this very thread. So that's a completely absurd expectation and you know it.

Oh god. Here goes another white boy with a deflection. Lets stay on topic. The discussion is about how whites feel Blacks are inferior.
Improvements are changes...........
Well, I've wasted enough time with people with no credibility today. Here is a video that captures my sentiments very well.

Yep you have no credibility. We don't give a fuck about your sentiments.

Whites believed we were inferior in the 1700's. Whites believe we are inferior now. Where is the change?

What percentage of Whites in America (or the colonies) in the 1700's believed Blacks were inferior?. What percentage of Whites in America today believe Blacks are inferior? Subtract the two numbers and you will have one measurement of change. If the difference is zero, then you are correct and i am wrong.

I intended to not respond to IM2 any more today, but I decided to finish with that softball he just pitched. Surely he is not going to say that the percentages for the two periods are the same and the change is zero? Or will he?

Edit: Who is the "we" you are referring too.? Got a mouse in your pocket?

No, we aren't going to do it that way. The fact is whites believed we were inferior then and whites do now.

Until the number is zero there is no change. You'd understand how I can say that if you were back.

Please. There are plenty of blacks who believe whites are inferior. There is one in this very thread. So that's a completely absurd expectation and you know it.

Oh god. Here goes another white boy with a deflection. Lets stay on topic. The discussion is about how whites feel Blacks are inferior.

Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry.

I mean, you yourself have spouted off about black supremacy in the past. Whether you were joking, trolling, or serious, I cannot surmise, but there it is. Now we're going to expect saintliness from an entire race of people, but not from your own? Stop giving us so much credit.
Yep you have no credibility. We don't give a fuck about your sentiments.

Whites believed we were inferior in the 1700's. Whites believe we are inferior now. Where is the change?
What percentage of Whites in America (or the colonies) in the 1700's believed Blacks were inferior?. What percentage of Whites in America today believe Blacks are inferior? Subtract the two numbers and you will have one measurement of change. If the difference is zero, then you are correct and i am wrong.

I intended to not respond to IM2 any more today, but I decided to finish with that softball he just pitched. Surely he is not going to say that the percentages for the two periods are the same and the change is zero? Or will he?

Edit: Who is the "we" you are referring too.? Got a mouse in your pocket?

No, we aren't going to do it that way. The fact is whites believed we were inferior then and whites do now.

Until the number is zero there is no change. You'd understand how I can say that if you were back.

Please. There are plenty of blacks who believe whites are inferior. There is one in this very thread. So that's a completely absurd expectation and you know it.
Oh god. Here goes another white boy with a deflection. Lets stay on topic. The discussion is about how whites feel Blacks are inferior.

Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry.

I mean, you yourself have spouted off about black supremacy in the past. Whether you were joking, trolling, or serious, I cannot surmise, but there it is. Now we're going to expect saintliness from an entire race of people, but not from your own? Stop giving us so much credit.
I would never expect a white person to not be racist. I agree its stupid to have such an expectation. Whites are genetically prone to be racists. Its all part of their cognitive dissonance induced by that fear of genetic annihilation. Now youre showing that intellect I thought I glimpsed. Glad you agree its stupid to expect a white person not to be racist.
What percentage of Whites in America (or the colonies) in the 1700's believed Blacks were inferior?. What percentage of Whites in America today believe Blacks are inferior? Subtract the two numbers and you will have one measurement of change. If the difference is zero, then you are correct and i am wrong.

I intended to not respond to IM2 any more today, but I decided to finish with that softball he just pitched. Surely he is not going to say that the percentages for the two periods are the same and the change is zero? Or will he?

Edit: Who is the "we" you are referring too.? Got a mouse in your pocket?

No, we aren't going to do it that way. The fact is whites believed we were inferior then and whites do now.

Until the number is zero there is no change. You'd understand how I can say that if you were back.

Please. There are plenty of blacks who believe whites are inferior. There is one in this very thread. So that's a completely absurd expectation and you know it.
Oh god. Here goes another white boy with a deflection. Lets stay on topic. The discussion is about how whites feel Blacks are inferior.

Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry.

I mean, you yourself have spouted off about black supremacy in the past. Whether you were joking, trolling, or serious, I cannot surmise, but there it is. Now we're going to expect saintliness from an entire race of people, but not from your own? Stop giving us so much credit.
I would never expect a white person to not be racist. I agree its stupid to have such an expectation. Whites are genetically prone to be racists. Its all part of their cognitive dissonance induced by that fear of genetic annihilation. Now youre showing that intellect I thought I glimpsed. Glad you agree its stupid to expect a white person not to be racist.

That's not what I said. You shouldn't expect a white person to be racist. You also shouldn't expect ALL white people to not be racist.

Again, nuance. But I'm quickly coming to learn that it's not your strong suite.

Y'all are a lot like Trump supporters in that way. Did you know that? I argue with them a lot too, and you (Asclepias and IM2) use very similar communication strategies.
No, we aren't going to do it that way. The fact is whites believed we were inferior then and whites do now.

Until the number is zero there is no change. You'd understand how I can say that if you were back.

Please. There are plenty of blacks who believe whites are inferior. There is one in this very thread. So that's a completely absurd expectation and you know it.
Oh god. Here goes another white boy with a deflection. Lets stay on topic. The discussion is about how whites feel Blacks are inferior.

Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry.

I mean, you yourself have spouted off about black supremacy in the past. Whether you were joking, trolling, or serious, I cannot surmise, but there it is. Now we're going to expect saintliness from an entire race of people, but not from your own? Stop giving us so much credit.
I would never expect a white person to not be racist. I agree its stupid to have such an expectation. Whites are genetically prone to be racists. Its all part of their cognitive dissonance induced by that fear of genetic annihilation. Now youre showing that intellect I thought I glimpsed. Glad you agree its stupid to expect a white person not to be racist.

That's not what I said. You shouldn't expect a white person to be racist. You also shouldn't expect ALL white people to not be racist.

Again, nuance. But I'm quickly coming to learn that it's not your strong suite.

Y'all are a lot like Trump supporters in that way. Did you know that? I argue with them a lot too, and you (Asclepias and IM2) use very similar communication strategies.
Your words not mine.

"Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry."
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You know where there aren't many white people? Most of the rest of the world. You should try it out. Who knows ... maybe Ghana is the perfect home for you!

Nah. I was born here. My family has been here longer than yours. I am more American than you. My family sacrificed more and bled more to be part of this nation than you or your family did. So you move. There are plenty of all white countries where you can go live where you won't have to worry about blacks complaining about white racism. You should go find one. Maybe Russia, that might be the perfect home for you. All white and no can complain about anything. Whitey gets to do whatever he wants.

I'm not the one who complains all the time.

And Russia isn't even close to being all white. Wtf are you talking about?

I just figure, we're so bad, and the country is so racist, why would you even want to live here? Why wouldn't you want to live with all black people, where those mean white people can't pick on you anymore?

Yeah I guess Ukranians and Chechens aren't white. I figure that since I was born here you can suck my mother fucking d---. I'm going to complain and work until white racism dies or I do. If you don't like that, leave the country.
Please. There are plenty of blacks who believe whites are inferior. There is one in this very thread. So that's a completely absurd expectation and you know it.
Oh god. Here goes another white boy with a deflection. Lets stay on topic. The discussion is about how whites feel Blacks are inferior.

Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry.

I mean, you yourself have spouted off about black supremacy in the past. Whether you were joking, trolling, or serious, I cannot surmise, but there it is. Now we're going to expect saintliness from an entire race of people, but not from your own? Stop giving us so much credit.
I would never expect a white person to not be racist. I agree its stupid to have such an expectation. Whites are genetically prone to be racists. Its all part of their cognitive dissonance induced by that fear of genetic annihilation. Now youre showing that intellect I thought I glimpsed. Glad you agree its stupid to expect a white person not to be racist.

That's not what I said. You shouldn't expect a white person to be racist. You also shouldn't expect ALL white people to not be racist.

Again, nuance. But I'm quickly coming to learn that it's not your strong suite.

Y'all are a lot like Trump supporters in that way. Did you know that? I argue with them a lot too, and you (Asclepias and IM2) use very similar communication strategies.
Your words not mine.

"Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry."

Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
Oh god. Here goes another white boy with a deflection. Lets stay on topic. The discussion is about how whites feel Blacks are inferior.

Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry.

I mean, you yourself have spouted off about black supremacy in the past. Whether you were joking, trolling, or serious, I cannot surmise, but there it is. Now we're going to expect saintliness from an entire race of people, but not from your own? Stop giving us so much credit.
I would never expect a white person to not be racist. I agree its stupid to have such an expectation. Whites are genetically prone to be racists. Its all part of their cognitive dissonance induced by that fear of genetic annihilation. Now youre showing that intellect I thought I glimpsed. Glad you agree its stupid to expect a white person not to be racist.

That's not what I said. You shouldn't expect a white person to be racist. You also shouldn't expect ALL white people to not be racist.

Again, nuance. But I'm quickly coming to learn that it's not your strong suite.

Y'all are a lot like Trump supporters in that way. Did you know that? I argue with them a lot too, and you (Asclepias and IM2) use very similar communication strategies.
Your words not mine.

"Expecting NO white people to be racist is just stupid. Sorry."

Yes? Expecting all white people on the face of the earth to have no racist thoughts is dumb. No doubt about it. Where is the controversy in that statement? And how does it relate to expecting a single white person to be racist (or not racist)? Do you understand the difference in scale ?
There isnt any controversy. As I pointed out I agree. Youre the one that got upset because I agree with you.
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