How Trump handles old women

Vera Coking, had owned property near the Trump Plaza Hotel for three decades, and didn’t want to move. Trump thought the land was better suited for use as a park, a parking lot, and a waiting area for limousines. He tried to negotiate, at one point offering Coking $1 million for the land. But she wasn’t budging. So New Jersey’s Casino Reinvestment Development Authority filed a lawsuit, instructing Coking to leave within 90 days and offering compensation of only $251,000.

eminent domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

want to make new friends, and see new places ?

screw with The Donald.
so you don't believe in infrastructure and overall economic improvements?
If you agree with GOP policies under Reagan, Bush, Bush and Obama, then clearly, no.
just shutup dumbfuck
Oh, did I hurt you? Poor thing. That's so sad.
how would you have hurt me?
Quit assuming dumbfuck. I am about as anti-GOP as they come.
Well, he isn't sexually harrassing and raping em like Hillary's hubby Bill. So i'm sensing faux outrage on this one from the Hillary-Bots. Another pathetic non-story attack on Trump. Another snoozefest.
Well, he isn't sexually harrassing and raping em like Hillary's hubby Bill. So i'm sensing faux outrage on this one from the Hillary-Bots. Another pathetic non-story attack on Trump. Another snoozefest.

no outrage at all, Donnie simply booted an old lady out of her home and built a parking lot for casino limos ... swell guy.
Well, he isn't sexually harrassing and raping em like Hillary's hubby Bill. So i'm sensing faux outrage on this one from the Hillary-Bots. Another pathetic non-story attack on Trump. Another snoozefest.

no outrage at all, Donnie simply booted an old lady out of her home and built a parking lot for casino limos ... swell guy.

Ha, like you Hillary-Bots really care about women. Another non-story stinker. Next...
Well, he isn't sexually harrassing and raping em like Hillary's hubby Bill. So i'm sensing faux outrage on this one from the Hillary-Bots. Another pathetic non-story attack on Trump. Another snoozefest.

no outrage at all, Donnie simply booted an old lady out of her home and built a parking lot for casino limos ... swell guy.

Ha, like you Hillary-Bots really care about women. Another non-story stinker. Next...

a non story that you took the time to respond to ... swell guy.
I notice that not one single person here demanding that Trump is horrible or that this actions was deplorable is actually addressing weather they disagree with eminent domain or not.

I wonder why that is...

Fuck eminent domain and the immoral bastards that practice and/or support it, it's institutionalized theft at the point of gub'mint gun... happy now? :D

Drinks are on you.
You are not one of those that is here bashing Trump so, no.

I think it is interesting that the same people who would normally support eminent domain in the name of 'progress' because the people 'deserve' to have that road or that school built will call out Trump for utilizing such law.

I didn't think the ethical question of ED was brought up here, but the obvious difference is that a road or hospital or school (etc) benefits the community while the latest Rumpian edifice complex only feeds his insatiably egomaniacal insecurities. Clearly the latter is in no way in the public interest.
I notice that not one single person here demanding that Trump is horrible or that this actions was deplorable is actually addressing weather they disagree with eminent domain or not.

I wonder why that is...

Fuck eminent domain and the immoral bastards that practice and/or support it, it's institutionalized theft at the point of gub'mint gun... happy now? :D

Drinks are on you.
You are not one of those that is here bashing Trump so, no.

I think it is interesting that the same people who would normally support eminent domain in the name of 'progress' because the people 'deserve' to have that road or that school built will call out Trump for utilizing such law.

I didn't think the ethical question of ED was brought up here, but the obvious difference is that a road or hospital or school (etc) benefits the community while the latest Rumpian edifice complex only feeds his insatiably egomaniacal insecurities. Clearly the latter is in no way in the public interest.

I believe it is in public interest .. every time Trump takes a big juicy poop RW's dive in head first and come up licking their lips. Speaks volumes.
Well, he isn't sexually harrassing and raping em like Hillary's hubby Bill. So i'm sensing faux outrage on this one from the Hillary-Bots. Another pathetic non-story attack on Trump. Another snoozefest.

no outrage at all, Donnie simply booted an old lady out of her home and built a parking lot for casino limos ... swell guy.
Trump didn't do anything asshole! The government agency involving casinos kicked her out not Trump.
Well, he isn't sexually harrassing and raping em like Hillary's hubby Bill. So i'm sensing faux outrage on this one from the Hillary-Bots. Another pathetic non-story attack on Trump. Another snoozefest.

no outrage at all, Donnie simply booted an old lady out of her home and built a parking lot for casino limos ... swell guy.
Trump didn't do anything asshole! The government agency involving casinos kicked her out not Trump.

licking lips ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Well, he isn't sexually harrassing and raping em like Hillary's hubby Bill. So i'm sensing faux outrage on this one from the Hillary-Bots. Another pathetic non-story attack on Trump. Another snoozefest.

no outrage at all, Donnie simply booted an old lady out of her home and built a parking lot for casino limos ... swell guy.
Trump didn't do anything asshole! The government agency involving casinos kicked her out not Trump.

licking lips ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Ha, another confused Hillary-Bot. Y'all should actually be angry at your beloved Big Brother. He's all about Eminent Domain. Y'all wingnuts need to stop getting your 'News & Information' from CNN (Communist News Network), NBC, and The View. You're being Dumbed-Down.
I didn't think the ethical question of ED was brought up here, but the obvious difference is that a road or hospital or school (etc) benefits the community while the latest Rumpian edifice complex only feeds his insatiably egomaniacal insecurities. Clearly the latter is in no way in the public interest.

So would seizing every dollar you own and wacking it up among all your neighbors, that sound like a good plan to you? Stealing is stealing whether it's done by miscreants like Donald Duck or by the collective.
I didn't think the ethical question of ED was brought up here, but the obvious difference is that a road or hospital or school (etc) benefits the community while the latest Rumpian edifice complex only feeds his insatiably egomaniacal insecurities. Clearly the latter is in no way in the public interest.

So would seizing every dollar you own and wacking it up among all your neighbors, that sound like a good plan to you? Stealing is stealing whether it's done by miscreants like Donald Duck or by the collective.

That's a whole 'nother question. What I just pointed out was the end objective of that appropriation.

"Stealing" may be a bit strong since the law requires fair compensation for the property appropriated, whatever "fair" might mean. That wasn't the issue here. The issue was the lady in question, like the other lady in Connecticut, like the Scottish guy next to the Rump golf ( :gay: ) course don't feel like selling.

The mitigating factor, he said repeating himself, is that a school or road or hospital etc benefits the community at large, while a fucking golf ( :gay: ) course does not. And that in turn leads to the question of whether somebody can be forced to move for a private greed enterprise, as opposed to a public resource.
I notice that not one single person here demanding that Trump is horrible or that this actions was deplorable is actually addressing weather they disagree with eminent domain or not.

I wonder why that is...

Fuck eminent domain and the immoral bastards that practice and/or support it, it's institutionalized theft at the point of gub'mint gun... happy now? :D

Drinks are on you.
You are not one of those that is here bashing Trump so, no.

I think it is interesting that the same people who would normally support eminent domain in the name of 'progress' because the people 'deserve' to have that road or that school built will call out Trump for utilizing such law.

I didn't think the ethical question of ED was brought up here, but the obvious difference is that a road or hospital or school (etc) benefits the community while the latest Rumpian edifice complex only feeds his insatiably egomaniacal insecurities. Clearly the latter is in no way in the public interest.
No, it really is not very clear. Business brings in economic activity that helps the entire community. This is the argument used, and successfully so, to utilize such law for business.

That is why when you allow immoral acts because 'its better for everyone' does not work - in the end you are still taking the property of someone else by force. Weather it is a road or a bakery is really beside the point. Further, it is not uncommon for eminent domain to come through and take your property and leave that land as an empty lot because the project never comes to fruition. Does this help everyone? Does it help anyone? No.

Someone does not want to sell - build around them.
Well, he isn't sexually harrassing and raping em like Hillary's hubby Bill. So i'm sensing faux outrage on this one from the Hillary-Bots. Another pathetic non-story attack on Trump. Another snoozefest.
Who did Bill Clinton Rape?
I didn't think the ethical question of ED was brought up here, but the obvious difference is that a road or hospital or school (etc) benefits the community while the latest Rumpian edifice complex only feeds his insatiably egomaniacal insecurities. Clearly the latter is in no way in the public interest.

So would seizing every dollar you own and wacking it up among all your neighbors, that sound like a good plan to you? Stealing is stealing whether it's done by miscreants like Donald Duck or by the collective.

Stealing is also driving on the roads, callling the police, sending your kid to public school or enjoying the fruits of the tax dollars without paying into the pot.

Civilization has always been about a collective at some level...If you don't like it then go find a forest and be a hunter gather...
Vera Coking, had owned property near the Trump Plaza Hotel for three decades, and didn’t want to move. Trump thought the land was better suited for use as a park, a parking lot, and a waiting area for limousines. He tried to negotiate, at one point offering Coking $1 million for the land. But she wasn’t budging. So New Jersey’s Casino Reinvestment Development Authority filed a lawsuit, instructing Coking to leave within 90 days and offering compensation of only $251,000.

eminent domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

want to make new friends, and see new places ?

screw with The Donald.
so you don't believe in infrastructure and overall economic improvements?
If you agree with GOP policies under Reagan, Bush, Bush and Obama, then clearly, no.
just shutup dumbfuck
Oh, did I hurt you? Poor thing. That's so sad.
how would you have hurt me?
Quit assuming dumbfuck. I am about as anti-GOP as they come.
Ah ha ha ha. You say "quit assuming" and then call ME a "dumbfuck"? After you make a statement that pure dumbfuckery????

Someone said: So New Jersey’s Casino Reinvestment Development Authority filed a lawsuit, instructing Coking to leave within 90 days and offering compensation of only $251,000.
eminent domain

You said:
so you don't believe in infrastructure and overall economic improvements?

A parking lot. Taking over a productive American's home who lived there for decades to build a parking lot?? And that's your example of "infrastructure and overall economic improvements? Which is just another way of making Trump even more rich on the backs of minimum wage workers??

OK, you stick with that. And I suspect you may be GOP after all. You seem to think just like them.
I didn't think the ethical question of ED was brought up here, but the obvious difference is that a road or hospital or school (etc) benefits the community while the latest Rumpian edifice complex only feeds his insatiably egomaniacal insecurities. Clearly the latter is in no way in the public interest.

So would seizing every dollar you own and wacking it up among all your neighbors, that sound like a good plan to you? Stealing is stealing whether it's done by miscreants like Donald Duck or by the collective.

Stealing is also driving on the roads, callling the police, sending your kid to public school or enjoying the fruits of the tax dollars without paying into the pot.
Sorry pal, I pay plenty for all that stuff and plenty more for stuff that I don't use or want because gub'mint points a gun at my head and takes my money whether I want it or not, if I did have a choice I'd pay a private company for it, private enterprise could do it far cheaper with higher quality and a lot less hassle. :finger3:

If you don't like it then go find a forest and be a hunter gather...
Yeah, I've considered that, unfortunately gub'mint worshipping douche bags like you would find a way to fuck that up to, you folks aren't happy unless you're making everybody else's life miserable.

"There is a chalk outline slowly being drawn around common sense and most people can't identify the victim." -- Dennis Miller
Vera Coking, had owned property near the Trump Plaza Hotel for three decades, and didn’t want to move. Trump thought the land was better suited for use as a park, a parking lot, and a waiting area for limousines. He tried to negotiate, at one point offering Coking $1 million for the land. But she wasn’t budging. So New Jersey’s Casino Reinvestment Development Authority filed a lawsuit, instructing Coking to leave within 90 days and offering compensation of only $251,000.

eminent domain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

want to make new friends, and see new places ?

screw with The Donald.

Yes Donald Trump is a huge fan of imminent domain.

Donald Trump: 'Eminent Domain Is Wonderful'


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