How Trump spent the war years

Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Please tell us about Hillary's military service, or Bubba's, or Bernie's

Now, Webb is the guy you dems should be backing. He has a good record, is a good man, and would give the GOP a good fight.

But you fools are stuck with the hildebeast and she will complete the destruction of the dem party that was started by obozo.

I didn't see Hillary mocking the heroism of POWs........that would be the leading Republican

You voted for a guy who called all the military baby killers and terrorists, so obviously this isn't a standard to you

Give me the ENTIRE quote you are talking about. Not the usual out of context bullshit you try to pass off
Who gives a shit where Trump spent the war.

Hell. He wouldn't be bump on the radar if he wasn't cleaning up in the polls.

As for McCain? He ain't a hero. He survived as a POW and came back to a life in Congress at taxpayer expense.

Trump is obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls.

Rightass should address those facts rather than trying the denigrate Trump's lack of service in the Vietnam war.

Who the fuck cares if he served in Vietnam or not?

I sure don't.

Funny thing was, when McCain was running against Obama, McCain was a hero and Obama was a draft dodger.

Funny how things conveniently change, isn't it? All of a sudden no right wingers care about draft dodgers and those people who served aren't heroes anyway.

Until of course the next Democrat who didn't serve comes up against a Republican who did, then all of a sudden it matters.

Um...Obama was 13 when the draft ended. You're confused there, no one said he was a "draft dodger." You thinking of Clinton, Holmes?

Not really, I just meant he hadn't served. Just used the wrong term, I let the fingers take over.

Actually you said Republicans claimed "Obama was a draft dodger." Pretty specific there, Holmes, and completely wrong

Right, and you want to push this for all it's worth and you don't give a damn about what I just said. Oh jeez, maybe you should go get onto an anger management program or something, if all you come on here to do is act aggressive.
Hilary = 4 more years of Obama's bile and lies.

Trump = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Jeb Bush = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Any Republican = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Any Democrat = 4 more years of bile and lies.

So, moral of the story is, vote someone who isn't from the main two parties.
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Please tell us about Hillary's military service, or Bubba's, or Bernie's

Now, Webb is the guy you dems should be backing. He has a good record, is a good man, and would give the GOP a good fight.

But you fools are stuck with the hildebeast and she will complete the destruction of the dem party that was started by obozo.
Hillary's? Women were not drafted during Vietnam. She was not a nurse. Pretty much in those days, when she would have been young enough to serve, she was not dodging anything. Mostly the women who went into the military were nurses, and many did that for scholarships. There was a girl in my high school graduating class who won a scholarship, but was required to do a stint in the military as a nurse (she was going to study nursing) after she completed college. It was rare for women to be in the military in those days; it's not like today. So bringing up Hillary's lack of military service is really a red herring and quite irrelevant. In addition, she also has not put down, criticized or derided any man or woman from serving in our military.

That's the point of this thred: Trump put down a man for serving--not Hillary, Bill, John Kerry, Obama, or any other Democratic presidential candidate now or ever has done that.
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Please tell us about Hillary's military service, or Bubba's, or Bernie's

Now, Webb is the guy you dems should be backing. He has a good record, is a good man, and would give the GOP a good fight.

But you fools are stuck with the hildebeast and she will complete the destruction of the dem party that was started by obozo.

I didn't see Hillary mocking the heroism of POWs........that would be the leading Republican

You voted for a guy who called all the military baby killers and terrorists, so obviously this isn't a standard to you

Give me the ENTIRE quote you are talking about. Not the usual out of context bullshit you try to pass off

I don't do Google searches for people for historical information. It's your typical lazy ass reply
Who gives a shit where Trump spent the war.

Hell. He wouldn't be bump on the radar if he wasn't cleaning up in the polls.

As for McCain? He ain't a hero. He survived as a POW and came back to a life in Congress at taxpayer expense.

Trump is obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls.

Rightass should address those facts rather than trying the denigrate Trump's lack of service in the Vietnam war.

Who the fuck cares if he served in Vietnam or not?

I sure don't.

Funny thing was, when McCain was running against Obama, McCain was a hero and Obama was a draft dodger.

Funny how things conveniently change, isn't it? All of a sudden no right wingers care about draft dodgers and those people who served aren't heroes anyway.

Until of course the next Democrat who didn't serve comes up against a Republican who did, then all of a sudden it matters.

Um...Obama was 13 when the draft ended. You're confused there, no one said he was a "draft dodger." You thinking of Clinton, Holmes?

Not really, I just meant he hadn't served. Just used the wrong term, I let the fingers take over.

Actually you said Republicans claimed "Obama was a draft dodger." Pretty specific there, Holmes, and completely wrong

Right, and you want to push this for all it's worth and you don't give a damn about what I just said. Oh jeez, maybe you should go get onto an anger management program or something, if all you come on here to do is act aggressive.

Wow, you are really obsessed with my feelings, gay boy. OK, this is going to be hard, but just to let you know, I'm not gay, and even if I were, you don't do it for me. You're going to need to move on and find another fella. I am interested in talking politics though if you're interested in that
Who gives a shit where Trump spent the war.

Hell. He wouldn't be bump on the radar if he wasn't cleaning up in the polls.

As for McCain? He ain't a hero. He survived as a POW and came back to a life in Congress at taxpayer expense.

Trump is obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls.

Rightass should address those facts rather than trying the denigrate Trump's lack of service in the Vietnam war.

Who the fuck cares if he served in Vietnam or not?

I sure don't.

Funny thing was, when McCain was running against Obama, McCain was a hero and Obama was a draft dodger.

Funny how things conveniently change, isn't it? All of a sudden no right wingers care about draft dodgers and those people who served aren't heroes anyway.

Until of course the next Democrat who didn't serve comes up against a Republican who did, then all of a sudden it matters.

Sorry to disappoint you but I could care less about how someone either fought in the war or found a way to get out of doing so.

The only people I cared about in that war were my brother and cousin who both fought there and came home alive.
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Please tell us about Hillary's military service, or Bubba's, or Bernie's

Now, Webb is the guy you dems should be backing. He has a good record, is a good man, and would give the GOP a good fight.

But you fools are stuck with the hildebeast and she will complete the destruction of the dem party that was started by obozo.

I didn't see Hillary mocking the heroism of POWs........that would be the leading Republican

You voted for a guy who called all the military baby killers and terrorists, so obviously this isn't a standard to you

Give me the ENTIRE quote you are talking about. Not the usual out of context bullshit you try to pass off

I don't do Google searches for people for historical information. It's your typical lazy ass reply

Of course you don't because any Google search showing the full context of what Kerry said would prove you are lying

However, the full context of what Trump said shows that the leading Republican candidate for President has disdain for POWs
Funny thing was, when McCain was running against Obama, McCain was a hero and Obama was a draft dodger.

Funny how things conveniently change, isn't it? All of a sudden no right wingers care about draft dodgers and those people who served aren't heroes anyway.

Until of course the next Democrat who didn't serve comes up against a Republican who did, then all of a sudden it matters.

Um...Obama was 13 when the draft ended. You're confused there, no one said he was a "draft dodger." You thinking of Clinton, Holmes?

Not really, I just meant he hadn't served. Just used the wrong term, I let the fingers take over.

Actually you said Republicans claimed "Obama was a draft dodger." Pretty specific there, Holmes, and completely wrong

Right, and you want to push this for all it's worth and you don't give a damn about what I just said. Oh jeez, maybe you should go get onto an anger management program or something, if all you come on here to do is act aggressive.

Wow, you are really obsessed with my feelings, gay boy. OK, this is going to be hard, but just to let you know, I'm not gay, and even if I were, you don't do it for me. You're going to need to move on and find another fella. I am interested in talking politics though if you're interested in that

What a waste of time. I can't be bothered with this nonsense. Bye!
Who gives a shit where Trump spent the war.

Hell. He wouldn't be bump on the radar if he wasn't cleaning up in the polls.

As for McCain? He ain't a hero. He survived as a POW and came back to a life in Congress at taxpayer expense.

Trump is obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls.

Rightass should address those facts rather than trying the denigrate Trump's lack of service in the Vietnam war.

Who the fuck cares if he served in Vietnam or not?

I sure don't.

Funny thing was, when McCain was running against Obama, McCain was a hero and Obama was a draft dodger.

Funny how things conveniently change, isn't it? All of a sudden no right wingers care about draft dodgers and those people who served aren't heroes anyway.

Until of course the next Democrat who didn't serve comes up against a Republican who did, then all of a sudden it matters.

Sorry to disappoint you but I could care less about how someone either fought in the war or found a way to get out of doing so.

The only people I cared about in that war were my brother and cousin who both fought there and came home alive.

What's the point?
Please tell us about Hillary's military service, or Bubba's, or Bernie's

Now, Webb is the guy you dems should be backing. He has a good record, is a good man, and would give the GOP a good fight.

But you fools are stuck with the hildebeast and she will complete the destruction of the dem party that was started by obozo.

I didn't see Hillary mocking the heroism of POWs........that would be the leading Republican

Thats not what he said, not even close. but you libs lie, its what you do. We understand.
Yes...that is what he said with a sarcastic sneer

That is the Republicans leading candidate

see post # 248. you are full of shit.
That post does nothing to help your case

It gives the direct quote, which proves that you lied about what he said.
I didn't see Hillary mocking the heroism of POWs........that would be the leading Republican

Thats not what he said, not even close. but you libs lie, its what you do. We understand.
Yes...that is what he said with a sarcastic sneer

That is the Republicans leading candidate

see post # 248. you are full of shit.
That post does nothing to help your case

It gives the direct quote, which proves that you lied about what he said.

The direct quote, in the context of what Trump was saying, shows that he does not think that being a POW deserves hero status

I mean after all...anyone can be captured
A "real" hero avoids by being a millionaire playboy in New York
Thats not what he said, not even close. but you libs lie, its what you do. We understand.
Yes...that is what he said with a sarcastic sneer

That is the Republicans leading candidate

see post # 248. you are full of shit.
That post does nothing to help your case

It gives the direct quote, which proves that you lied about what he said.

The direct quote, in the context of what Trump was saying, shows that he does not think that being a POW deserves hero status

I mean after all...anyone can be captured
A "real" hero avoids by being a millionaire playboy in New York

McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.
Hilary = 4 more years of Obama's bile and lies.

Trump = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Jeb Bush = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Any Republican = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Any Democrat = 4 more years of bile and lies.

So, moral of the story is, vote someone who isn't from the main two parties.

That would be Trump.

Except he's running as a Republican. Duh.

Yeah and he is pissing off the GOP establishment as much as the dem/lib establishment. He is a breath of fresh air on the political scene. Thats why his numbers are so high.
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

Please tell us about Hillary's military service, or Bubba's, or Bernie's

Now, Webb is the guy you dems should be backing. He has a good record, is a good man, and would give the GOP a good fight.

But you fools are stuck with the hildebeast and she will complete the destruction of the dem party that was started by obozo.
Hillary's? Women were not drafted during Vietnam. She was not a nurse. Pretty much in those days, when she would have been young enough to serve, she was not dodging anything. Mostly the women who went into the military were nurses, and many did that for scholarships. There was a girl in my high school graduating class who won a scholarship, but was required to do a stint in the military as a nurse (she was going to study nursing) after she completed college. It was rare for women to be in the military in those days; it's not like today. So bringing up Hillary's lack of military service is really a red herring and quite irrelevant. In addition, she also has not put down, criticized or derided any man or woman from serving in our military.

That's the point of this thred: Trump put down a man for serving--not Hillary, Bill, John Kerry, Obama, or any other Democratic presidential candidate now or ever has done that.

wrong again. Trump put McCain down for not doing his job for veterans while a senator. McCain has done nothing of substance for the military, the border, the budget, or anything else. But yes, he should be considered a hero for surviving viet nam.
Yes...that is what he said with a sarcastic sneer

That is the Republicans leading candidate

see post # 248. you are full of shit.
That post does nothing to help your case

It gives the direct quote, which proves that you lied about what he said.

The direct quote, in the context of what Trump was saying, shows that he does not think that being a POW deserves hero status

I mean after all...anyone can be captured
A "real" hero avoids by being a millionaire playboy in New York

McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.

You were not in the plane and do not know what was happening while McCain was flying it. McCain flew 23 missions over enemy territory and risked his life for his country. Your feeble attempts at swiftboating his service is despicable

Trump was a millionaire playboy in New York

Once again, neither Obama, Bill or Hillary demeaned the service of our POWs...that was the leading Republican candidate for President
see post # 248. you are full of shit.
That post does nothing to help your case

It gives the direct quote, which proves that you lied about what he said.

The direct quote, in the context of what Trump was saying, shows that he does not think that being a POW deserves hero status

I mean after all...anyone can be captured
A "real" hero avoids by being a millionaire playboy in New York

McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.

You were not in the plane and do not know what was happening while McCain was flying it. McCain flew 23 missions over enemy territory and risked his life for his country. Your feeble attempts at swiftboating his service is despicable

Trump was a millionaire playboy in New York

Once again, neither Obama, Bill or Hillary demeaned the service of our POWs...that was the leading Republican candidate for President

I get it, you won't vote for Trump. No one really cares what you think. You are a brain dead liberal who sits on this message board all day and all night posting the latest dem/lib talking points.

you are a fricken parrot with the brains of a slug.
see post # 248. you are full of shit.
That post does nothing to help your case

It gives the direct quote, which proves that you lied about what he said.

The direct quote, in the context of what Trump was saying, shows that he does not think that being a POW deserves hero status

I mean after all...anyone can be captured
A "real" hero avoids by being a millionaire playboy in New York

McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.

You were not in the plane and do not know what was happening while McCain was flying it. McCain flew 23 missions over enemy territory and risked his life for his country. Your feeble attempts at swiftboating his service is despicable

Trump was a millionaire playboy in New York

Once again, neither Obama, Bill or Hillary demeaned the service of our POWs...that was the leading Republican candidate for President

the record of McCains shoot down is on the record. No, I wasn't in the plane, duh

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