How Trump spent the war years

That post does nothing to help your case

It gives the direct quote, which proves that you lied about what he said.

The direct quote, in the context of what Trump was saying, shows that he does not think that being a POW deserves hero status

I mean after all...anyone can be captured
A "real" hero avoids by being a millionaire playboy in New York

McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.

You were not in the plane and do not know what was happening while McCain was flying it. McCain flew 23 missions over enemy territory and risked his life for his country. Your feeble attempts at swiftboating his service is despicable

Trump was a millionaire playboy in New York

Once again, neither Obama, Bill or Hillary demeaned the service of our POWs...that was the leading Republican candidate for President

the record of McCains shoot down is on the record. No, I wasn't in the plane, duh

If it is on where McCain was reprimanded for his bad decision

You guys disgust me. You look at someone who is in combat and under fire and then Monday morning quarterback their decisions under fire

Swiftboating McCain in defense of a draft dodger like Trump is about as low as you can sink
Patriotism during the Vietnam era can be looked at this way:
Some went and fought, though the intervention was a mistake. Most thought at least they were serving their country.
Some worked to end the conflict from inside the US. Realizing the intervention was wrong, they did what they thought was right, just and in the interests of their country.
Some merely sat things out, avoiding, one way or another, doing much of anything except living off the efforts of the others.
The first two categories were patriots.
It gives the direct quote, which proves that you lied about what he said.

The direct quote, in the context of what Trump was saying, shows that he does not think that being a POW deserves hero status

I mean after all...anyone can be captured
A "real" hero avoids by being a millionaire playboy in New York

McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.

You were not in the plane and do not know what was happening while McCain was flying it. McCain flew 23 missions over enemy territory and risked his life for his country. Your feeble attempts at swiftboating his service is despicable

Trump was a millionaire playboy in New York

Once again, neither Obama, Bill or Hillary demeaned the service of our POWs...that was the leading Republican candidate for President

the record of McCains shoot down is on the record. No, I wasn't in the plane, duh

If it is on where McCain was reprimanded for his bad decision

You guys disgust me. You look at someone who is in combat and under fire and then Monday morning quarterback their decisions under fire

Swiftboating McCain in defense of a draft dodger like Trump is about as low as you can sink

If he had returned to his ship he would have been reprimanded. Its not a big deal either way.

We need to accept people for who and what they are and not create fantasy identities to fit our agendas.
Please tell us about Hillary's military service, or Bubba's, or Bernie's

Now, Webb is the guy you dems should be backing. He has a good record, is a good man, and would give the GOP a good fight.

But you fools are stuck with the hildebeast and she will complete the destruction of the dem party that was started by obozo.

I didn't see Hillary mocking the heroism of POWs........that would be the leading Republican

You voted for a guy who called all the military baby killers and terrorists, so obviously this isn't a standard to you

Give me the ENTIRE quote you are talking about. Not the usual out of context bullshit you try to pass off

I don't do Google searches for people for historical information. It's your typical lazy ass reply

Of course you don't because any Google search showing the full context of what Kerry said would prove you are lying

However, the full context of what Trump said shows that the leading Republican candidate for President has disdain for POWs

Dude, stop whining. I would never do a Google search for you on this or any other subject. You make up the most ridiculous shit and refuse to back it up ever. You don't get to do that then whine when other people won't search for you. Start by responding when you're asked for evidence for your crap. And this is an easy Google search. Just search about Kerry's Vietnam Congressional testimony and his statements on the troops in Iraq and you'll get plenty. But me do a search for YOU? Not gonna happen, ever, because you doing one to back up the crap you make is not gonna happen, ever
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

I am 66, I think about 50 of those have been "WAR YEARS".

How did you spend them, Rambo?
Um...Obama was 13 when the draft ended. You're confused there, no one said he was a "draft dodger." You thinking of Clinton, Holmes?

Not really, I just meant he hadn't served. Just used the wrong term, I let the fingers take over.

Actually you said Republicans claimed "Obama was a draft dodger." Pretty specific there, Holmes, and completely wrong

Right, and you want to push this for all it's worth and you don't give a damn about what I just said. Oh jeez, maybe you should go get onto an anger management program or something, if all you come on here to do is act aggressive.

Wow, you are really obsessed with my feelings, gay boy. OK, this is going to be hard, but just to let you know, I'm not gay, and even if I were, you don't do it for me. You're going to need to move on and find another fella. I am interested in talking politics though if you're interested in that

What a waste of time. I can't be bothered with this nonsense. Bye!

If you can't talk about anything but how I feel then that's no loss. Just so you know, guys aren't into talking about their feelings, at least not obsessing about them like you do. Keep that in mind, you'll probably have more friends
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."
Mc Cain was in that cell instead of being cook or clerk, all because of his family name.

Today, nobody gives a shit.

True facts.
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

I am 66, I think about 50 of those have been "WAR YEARS".

How did you spend them, Rambo?

Oh, RW didn't wait to be drafted in Nam, he volunteered. Unfortunately he has this trick knee that comes and goes and they turned him down. He kept trying to volunteer, but they just kept saying no, he was crushed. But you know how choosy they were over soldiers in Nam. Trick knees are, well, you know, tricky....
The direct quote, in the context of what Trump was saying, shows that he does not think that being a POW deserves hero status

I mean after all...anyone can be captured
A "real" hero avoids by being a millionaire playboy in New York

McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.

You were not in the plane and do not know what was happening while McCain was flying it. McCain flew 23 missions over enemy territory and risked his life for his country. Your feeble attempts at swiftboating his service is despicable

Trump was a millionaire playboy in New York

Once again, neither Obama, Bill or Hillary demeaned the service of our POWs...that was the leading Republican candidate for President

the record of McCains shoot down is on the record. No, I wasn't in the plane, duh

If it is on where McCain was reprimanded for his bad decision

You guys disgust me. You look at someone who is in combat and under fire and then Monday morning quarterback their decisions under fire

Swiftboating McCain in defense of a draft dodger like Trump is about as low as you can sink

If he had returned to his ship he would have been reprimanded. Its not a big deal either way.

We need to accept people for who and what they are and not create fantasy identities to fit our agendas.

Is McCain a hero or not?
"I was on my 23rd mission, flying right over the heart of Hanoi in a dive at about 4,500 feet, when a Russian missile the size of a telephone pole came up — the sky was full of them — and blew the right wing off my Skyhawk dive bomber," he wrote in a 1973 account of his ordeal. "It went into an inverted, almost straight-down spin. I pulled the ejection handle, and was knocked unconscious by the force of the ejection."

McCain regained consciousness when his parachute landed him in a lake. The explosion had shattered both arms and one of his legs. With 50 pounds of gear on him and one good limb, he struggled to swim to the surface.

North Vietnamese dragged him to shore. They stripped him to his underwear and began "hollering and screaming and cursing and spitting and kicking at me."

"One of them slammed a rifle butt down on my shoulder, and smashed it pretty badly," he wrote. "Another stuck a bayonet in my foot. The mob was really getting uptight." He was interrogated for four days, losing consciousness as his captors tried to beat information out of him. But he refused.

But Trump prefers the guys who weren't captured as his heroes
I prefer the real POW heroes, the ones like Rocky Versace, who did not and would not break.
McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.

You were not in the plane and do not know what was happening while McCain was flying it. McCain flew 23 missions over enemy territory and risked his life for his country. Your feeble attempts at swiftboating his service is despicable

Trump was a millionaire playboy in New York

Once again, neither Obama, Bill or Hillary demeaned the service of our POWs...that was the leading Republican candidate for President

the record of McCains shoot down is on the record. No, I wasn't in the plane, duh

If it is on where McCain was reprimanded for his bad decision

You guys disgust me. You look at someone who is in combat and under fire and then Monday morning quarterback their decisions under fire

Swiftboating McCain in defense of a draft dodger like Trump is about as low as you can sink

If he had returned to his ship he would have been reprimanded. Its not a big deal either way.

We need to accept people for who and what they are and not create fantasy identities to fit our agendas.

Is McCain a hero or not?
He is not a hero.

Rocky Versace was a hero.
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

I am 66, I think about 50 of those have been "WAR YEARS".

How did you spend them, Rambo?

I spent them in Junior High and High School

I also didn't demean POWs
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

I am 66, I think about 50 of those have been "WAR YEARS".

How did you spend them, Rambo?

I spent them in Junior High and High School

I also didn't demean POWs

I suggest you STFU then.
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

I am 66, I think about 50 of those have been "WAR YEARS".

How did you spend them, Rambo?

I spent them in Junior High and High School

I also didn't demean POWs

I suggest you STFU then.

Why should anyone who is offended by insults to the heroism of POWs STFU?
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

I am 66, I think about 50 of those have been "WAR YEARS".

How did you spend them, Rambo?

I spent them in Junior High and High School

I also didn't demean POWs

I suggest you STFU then.

Why should anyone who is offended by insults to the heroism of POWs STFU?

They shouldn't.

No POW hero has been insulted.

The POW heroes died in captivity, mouths shut.

Why not google how many planes McCain lost while showboating and otherwise disobeying orders

You don't think McCain would have been anybody without the family name, do you?
Hilary = 4 more years of Obama's bile and lies.

Trump = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Jeb Bush = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Any Republican = 4 more years of bile and lies.
Any Democrat = 4 more years of bile and lies.

So, moral of the story is, vote someone who isn't from the main two parties.

That would be Trump.

Except he's running as a Republican. Duh.

Yeah and he is pissing off the GOP establishment as much as the dem/lib establishment. He is a breath of fresh air on the political scene. Thats why his numbers are so high.

Breath of fresh air? No, he's not. He's just loud, and entertaining because he keeps insulting people. You can see why so many people on this forum like him, can't you?

Yeah, he's pissing off the Republican Party because he's being totally unprofessional, he's turning it into a reality TV show. People want this. You can see the last three presidents have cottoned onto the idea that it's a personality contest, it's all about saying the right things and trying to annoy as few people as possible. But Trump has taken it to the next step, and the people who are happy are those who want to be entertained, not those who have an agenda, and not those who think that representatives should be decent people, at least in outward appearance.

He's not a breath of fresh air. If you looked at the UK election you'd have seen something very similar with UKIP. Populist, willing to say anything, started off talking about being non-PC (until the non-PC stuff started to bite them in the ass), almost devoid of policies, morals, anything like that.

Trump is popular now because he's entertaining. He won't be able to keep it up. He also won't be able to attract people from outside. So if the Republicans were to put him on the ticket, I can't see it happening, Hilary has more chance and I don't think she'll make it unless everyone around her acts rubbish, then he'd hand the election to the Democrats.
McCain was shot down because he did not follow the flight plan for the mission that day. He flew at less altitude than he was told to and got within range of anti aircraft guns. He failed to follow orders and got shot down. He broke his arms ejecting from the plane, not at the hands of his captors. He was known to the other prisoners as "songbird" because he spilled every detail that his captors asked for and filmed videos denoucing the USA.

But if you want to talk about military records, lets discuss Hillary and Bil Clinton's military service. OK? Or we could talk about Obama's.

You were not in the plane and do not know what was happening while McCain was flying it. McCain flew 23 missions over enemy territory and risked his life for his country. Your feeble attempts at swiftboating his service is despicable

Trump was a millionaire playboy in New York

Once again, neither Obama, Bill or Hillary demeaned the service of our POWs...that was the leading Republican candidate for President

the record of McCains shoot down is on the record. No, I wasn't in the plane, duh

If it is on where McCain was reprimanded for his bad decision

You guys disgust me. You look at someone who is in combat and under fire and then Monday morning quarterback their decisions under fire

Swiftboating McCain in defense of a draft dodger like Trump is about as low as you can sink

If he had returned to his ship he would have been reprimanded. Its not a big deal either way.

We need to accept people for who and what they are and not create fantasy identities to fit our agendas.

Is McCain a hero or not?

War hero, yes.

Political hero, no. Political heroes don't freely confiscate and redistribute money earned by other people. Armed robbers do that
Breath of fresh air? No, he's not. He's just loud, and entertaining because he keeps insulting people

My God, man. Turn off your partisan blinders and listen to any speech by Obama, Biden, Pelosi or Reid. Trump compared to them is a complete gentleman
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

I am 66, I think about 50 of those have been "WAR YEARS".

How did you spend them, Rambo?

I spent them in Junior High and High School

I also didn't demean POWs

I suggest you STFU then.

Why should anyone who is offended by insults to the heroism of POWs STFU?

Where did the line of not insulting POWs come from for you exactly, big guy? What you wanted to call someone who called all the military child murderers, village burners and terrorists was "Mr. President." You voted for that. So how is suddenly insulting a POW out of bounds for you?

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