How Trump spent the war years

Still have you pissed off. Gotcha.
Oh,by the way, it looks like you take one hell of a **** punch.

Ya you did and you know why? Because you are a fake.
That makes it too easy.
Gotcha phoney boy.


Nah! you are the one playing games.
See how you are now. Name calling and all. Hit a nerve on the pretender didn't I? LOL

Oh, Nam vet thing huh. Good try with trying to one up someone but that doesn't fit.
As long as the donald has people like you licking his boots. Keep up the good work "nam vet."
Insulting someone is how guys like you live.


Yes, the TRUTH when you scum can't use it to your advantage, becomes BULLSHIT... Thanks for playing NeoCommie!

Oh my, you caught me using YOUR tactics...Me Bad! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You got me? ROTFLMFAO..... Call me when you recover!

Still have you pissed off. Gotcha.
Oh,by the way, it looks like you take one hell of a **** punch.

Ya you did and you know why? Because you are a fake.
That makes it too easy.
Gotcha phoney boy.


Nah! you are the one playing games.
See how you are now. Name calling and all. Hit a nerve on the pretender didn't I? LOL

Yes, the TRUTH when you scum can't use it to your advantage, becomes BULLSHIT... Thanks for playing NeoCommie!

Oh my, you caught me using YOUR tactics...Me Bad! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You got me? ROTFLMFAO..... Call me when you recover!


Don't cry little girl, your vagina will feel better tomorrow!
So....the new polls out today show Republicans favor the candidate who sneers at POWs

Says a lot about the rest of the field and much more about the Republucan base

Yes, 21% of them, it's overwhelming. On the other hand most of your party voted for the candidate, John Fing Kerry, who says the military are baby murderers and terrorists, an actual strong majority of them. If Trump says that much about Republicans, wow, what Kerry says about you is devastating.

You didn't think that one through, big guy. Want to play another round?
So when someone says the USA is not the almighty place you think it is and it pisses you off and you go into a rant....leave if you don't like it.You should not get your panties in a knot.
Diplomats are intelligent and respected."the donald" is rich. Figure out the difference.

Then let him say them in a diplomatic way, not like some third grader. He has been surrounded by "yes" men all his life. Which shows.
Think what he thinks about policy, by all means, but don't act like a jack-ass.

Is it possible to respect what McCain did without giving him a lifetime pass to be an idiot. Trump made a terrible comment but McCain has made multiple terrible comments and supported far too many turds coming out of Washington. I respect his service and admire his strength in an unbelievably difficult time. However, he does not receive a a pass from criticism on policy that affects us all. He is a war hero who is a terrible representative.

If Trump wanted to attack McCains record for vets, it is fair game even though McCain has been fighting for vets for 40 years and Trump has been doing it for two weeks

But to sneer at McCains time as a POW as not being worthy of being a hero is unforgivable
I understand the temptation to lump all experiences together when reflecting on a conversation. In our soundbite world, it is easy to pick apart something that was spoken in the heat of the moment. Anytime McCain makes a bonehead statement or supports a bill/person that is controversial, the "War Hero" mantra is turned up to 11. He wears it, whether intentionally or not, as a cloak that makes him immune to criticism. I think Trump was simply tired of stepping on egg shells and made a bonehead comment of his own. I don't even think Trump supports what Trump said.

I do believe that Trump is saying some things that need to be heard. Discounting his views would be a mistake. I also feel he is far too egocentric to be president. Anyone who cares more about their name/legacy has no place in the White House.
We need to stop caring so much about how things are said. That's how we get comments like "depends on what the definition of is, is". No one is right 100% of the time. People have flaws and say the wrong things from time to time. GET OVER IT.
What are you talking about? Who's panties are in a knot? "leave if you don't like it", what are you 12? Only an idiot would make a blanket statement like "diplomats are intelligent and respected.... Intelligent by what measure and respected by whom? Was this post even meant as a reply to a post I made???
So when someone says the USA is not the almighty place you think it is and it pisses you off and you go into a rant....leave if you don't like it.You should not get your panties in a knot.
Diplomats are intelligent and respected."the donald" is rich. Figure out the difference.

Then let him say them in a diplomatic way, not like some third grader. He has been surrounded by "yes" men all his life. Which shows.
Think what he thinks about policy, by all means, but don't act like a jack-ass.

If Trump wanted to attack McCains record for vets, it is fair game even though McCain has been fighting for vets for 40 years and Trump has been doing it for two weeks

But to sneer at McCains time as a POW as not being worthy of being a hero is unforgivable
I understand the temptation to lump all experiences together when reflecting on a conversation. In our soundbite world, it is easy to pick apart something that was spoken in the heat of the moment. Anytime McCain makes a bonehead statement or supports a bill/person that is controversial, the "War Hero" mantra is turned up to 11. He wears it, whether intentionally or not, as a cloak that makes him immune to criticism. I think Trump was simply tired of stepping on egg shells and made a bonehead comment of his own. I don't even think Trump supports what Trump said.

I do believe that Trump is saying some things that need to be heard. Discounting his views would be a mistake. I also feel he is far too egocentric to be president. Anyone who cares more about their name/legacy has no place in the White House.
We need to stop caring so much about how things are said. That's how we get comments like "depends on what the definition of is, is". No one is right 100% of the time. People have flaws and say the wrong things from time to time. GET OVER IT.
What are you talking about? Who's panties are in a knot? "leave if you don't like it", what are you 12? Only an idiot would make a blanket statement like "diplomats are intelligent and respected.... Intelligent by what measure and respected by whom? Was this post even meant as a reply to a post I made???

Boilermaker's an idiot, but on the other hand... Hmmm....sorry, only had one hand on that one
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."
God was saving Donald for now...God is omniscient .
So....the new polls out today show Republicans favor the candidate who sneers at POWs

Says a lot about the rest of the field and much more about the Republucan base

Yes, 21% of them, it's overwhelming. On the other hand most of your party voted for the candidate, John Fing Kerry, who says the military are baby murderers and terrorists, an actual strong majority of them. If Trump says that much about Republicans, wow, what Kerry says about you is devastating.

You didn't think that one through, big guy. Want to play another round?
Unlike Trump......John Kerry was an actual war hero. Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart

I think it is quite telling how conservatives honor Donald Trump while they condemn John Kerry
I loathe Trump, Bill "loathes" the Military and you do not care that Clinton slapped EVERY veteran in the face.

You leave much to be desired in the integrity dept RW, much.

Bill Clinton is not running....Trump is the leading GOP candidate

Stay focused

Oh I am completely focused on your complete lack of integrity.

I am completely focused on your lame attempts to derail the thread

Look kid, just disavow your hero, I detest Trump for much more than his words but you don't care that your guys said something much worse.

I don't really get too worked up about what a 20 year old said 45 years ago during a hated war

I do get worked up about what the leading candidate from the Republican Party said about POWs being losers and the fact that Republicans rallied around him

Yeah we get it, you are a partisan prick with no integrity ;)
Bill Clinton is not running....Trump is the leading GOP candidate

Stay focused

Oh I am completely focused on your complete lack of integrity.

I am completely focused on your lame attempts to derail the thread

Look kid, just disavow your hero, I detest Trump for much more than his words but you don't care that your guys said something much worse.

I don't really get too worked up about what a 20 year old said 45 years ago during a hated war

I do get worked up about what the leading candidate from the Republican Party said about POWs being losers and the fact that Republicans rallied around him

Yeah we get it, you are a partisan prick with no integrity ;)
You got me there...I am partisan

Seems only liberals are willing to honor our POWs as heroes
Girly man you are. Your little pussie has been used and abused by the likes of your golden boys. "the donald" and ronnie

Still have you pissed off. Gotcha.
Oh,by the way, it looks like you take one hell of a **** punch.

Ya you did and you know why? Because you are a fake.
That makes it too easy.
Gotcha phoney boy.


Nah! you are the one playing games.
See how you are now. Name calling and all. Hit a nerve on the pretender didn't I? LOL

Oh my, you caught me using YOUR tactics...Me Bad! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You got me? ROTFLMFAO..... Call me when you recover!


Don't cry little girl, your vagina will feel better tomorrow!
Just quoting the right wing base that is on the forum. Their montra and it seems with your quote about McCain it fit quite well.
Personally, I have never made such a comment. This country needs to always be progressive to change to better itself.
So your comment about being an idiot would be best directed to the conservatives on this platform

So when someone says the USA is not the almighty place you think it is and it pisses you off and you go into a rant....leave if you don't like it.You should not get your panties in a knot.
Diplomats are intelligent and respected."the donald" is rich. Figure out the difference.

Then let him say them in a diplomatic way, not like some third grader. He has been surrounded by "yes" men all his life. Which shows.
Think what he thinks about policy, by all means, but don't act like a jack-ass.

If Trump wanted to attack McCains record for vets, it is fair game even though McCain has been fighting for vets for 40 years and Trump has been doing it for two weeks

But to sneer at McCains time as a POW as not being worthy of being a hero is unforgivable
I understand the temptation to lump all experiences together when reflecting on a conversation. In our soundbite world, it is easy to pick apart something that was spoken in the heat of the moment. Anytime McCain makes a bonehead statement or supports a bill/person that is controversial, the "War Hero" mantra is turned up to 11. He wears it, whether intentionally or not, as a cloak that makes him immune to criticism. I think Trump was simply tired of stepping on egg shells and made a bonehead comment of his own. I don't even think Trump supports what Trump said.

I do believe that Trump is saying some things that need to be heard. Discounting his views would be a mistake. I also feel he is far too egocentric to be president. Anyone who cares more about their name/legacy has no place in the White House.
We need to stop caring so much about how things are said. That's how we get comments like "depends on what the definition of is, is". No one is right 100% of the time. People have flaws and say the wrong things from time to time. GET OVER IT.
What are you talking about? Who's panties are in a knot? "leave if you don't like it", what are you 12? Only an idiot would make a blanket statement like "diplomats are intelligent and respected.... Intelligent by what measure and respected by whom? Was this post even meant as a reply to a post I made???
There it is again from your kind. ad hominem nothing to refute so ,,,,the best you have insult.
Try reading how it was typed. Then again that won't happen from you.

So when someone says the USA is not the almighty place you think it is and it pisses you off and you go into a rant....leave if you don't like it.You should not get your panties in a knot.
Diplomats are intelligent and respected."the donald" is rich. Figure out the difference.

Then let him say them in a diplomatic way, not like some third grader. He has been surrounded by "yes" men all his life. Which shows.
Think what he thinks about policy, by all means, but don't act like a jack-ass.

I understand the temptation to lump all experiences together when reflecting on a conversation. In our soundbite world, it is easy to pick apart something that was spoken in the heat of the moment. Anytime McCain makes a bonehead statement or supports a bill/person that is controversial, the "War Hero" mantra is turned up to 11. He wears it, whether intentionally or not, as a cloak that makes him immune to criticism. I think Trump was simply tired of stepping on egg shells and made a bonehead comment of his own. I don't even think Trump supports what Trump said.

I do believe that Trump is saying some things that need to be heard. Discounting his views would be a mistake. I also feel he is far too egocentric to be president. Anyone who cares more about their name/legacy has no place in the White House.
We need to stop caring so much about how things are said. That's how we get comments like "depends on what the definition of is, is". No one is right 100% of the time. People have flaws and say the wrong things from time to time. GET OVER IT.
What are you talking about? Who's panties are in a knot? "leave if you don't like it", what are you 12? Only an idiot would make a blanket statement like "diplomats are intelligent and respected.... Intelligent by what measure and respected by whom? Was this post even meant as a reply to a post I made???

Boilermaker's an idiot, but on the other hand... Hmmm....sorry, only had one hand on that one
Just quoting the right wing base that is on the forum. Their montra and it seems with your quote about McCain it fit quite well.
Personally, I have never made such a comment. This country needs to always be progressive to change to better itself.
So your comment about being an idiot would be best directed to the conservatives on this platform
"Always be progressive to change to better itself"? The generations before us industrialized an entire nation, cured diseases, defended freedom, went to the moon and created the largest sustained economy the world has ever known. Your progressiveism has done nothing but tear it down. We have higher crime, abortion, jobless, drug addict, debt and we spend more per student with some of the worlds worst results. That's progress!? Those conservative patriotic idiots of the past sure could learn something from you.
There it is again from your kind. ad hominem nothing to refute so ,,,,the best you have insult.
Try reading how it was typed. Then again that won't happen from you.

So when someone says the USA is not the almighty place you think it is and it pisses you off and you go into a rant....leave if you don't like it.You should not get your panties in a knot.
Diplomats are intelligent and respected."the donald" is rich. Figure out the difference.

Then let him say them in a diplomatic way, not like some third grader. He has been surrounded by "yes" men all his life. Which shows.
Think what he thinks about policy, by all means, but don't act like a jack-ass.
We need to stop caring so much about how things are said. That's how we get comments like "depends on what the definition of is, is". No one is right 100% of the time. People have flaws and say the wrong things from time to time. GET OVER IT.
What are you talking about? Who's panties are in a knot? "leave if you don't like it", what are you 12? Only an idiot would make a blanket statement like "diplomats are intelligent and respected.... Intelligent by what measure and respected by whom? Was this post even meant as a reply to a post I made???

Boilermaker's an idiot, but on the other hand... Hmmm....sorry, only had one hand on that one
Put your replies at the bottom so people have an idea of what you are rambling in response to...
Old lame paradigms are very hard to shake. Serving in the military doesn't give you a permanent free pass. So to hell with that corrupt old fart McCain.

So? Then bring up his political record, not his military service.

Why? He'll just play his Vietnam Card. That's how he's gotten his free pass all these years. But for me, his Vietnam Card no longer plays. He's a corrupt ole coot. Time for him to retire or get the boot. That's how i feel anyway.

Well, people keep voting him in. There should be limits. He is pretty old. I'm really surprised he's still at it at like 80 years old. He's like the Hugh Hefner of politics! :lol:
So....the new polls out today show Republicans favor the candidate who sneers at POWs

Says a lot about the rest of the field and much more about the Republucan base

Yes, 21% of them, it's overwhelming. On the other hand most of your party voted for the candidate, John Fing Kerry, who says the military are baby murderers and terrorists, an actual strong majority of them. If Trump says that much about Republicans, wow, what Kerry says about you is devastating.

You didn't think that one through, big guy. Want to play another round?
Unlike Trump......John Kerry was an actual war hero. Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart

I think it is quite telling how conservatives honor Donald Trump while they condemn John Kerry

Sorry, thought the post was for me, but apparently it wasn't. You clicked reply on the wrong link there, big guy. Let me know if you have anything for me
There it is again from your kind. ad hominem nothing to refute so ,,,,the best you have insult.
Try reading how it was typed. Then again that won't happen from you.

So when someone says the USA is not the almighty place you think it is and it pisses you off and you go into a rant....leave if you don't like it.You should not get your panties in a knot.
Diplomats are intelligent and respected."the donald" is rich. Figure out the difference.

Then let him say them in a diplomatic way, not like some third grader. He has been surrounded by "yes" men all his life. Which shows.
Think what he thinks about policy, by all means, but don't act like a jack-ass.
We need to stop caring so much about how things are said. That's how we get comments like "depends on what the definition of is, is". No one is right 100% of the time. People have flaws and say the wrong things from time to time. GET OVER IT.
What are you talking about? Who's panties are in a knot? "leave if you don't like it", what are you 12? Only an idiot would make a blanket statement like "diplomats are intelligent and respected.... Intelligent by what measure and respected by whom? Was this post even meant as a reply to a post I made???

Boilermaker's an idiot, but on the other hand... Hmmm....sorry, only had one hand on that one

LOL, what a stupid mother fucker you are. You whine about ad hominem in a post with you going ad hominem IN YOUR OWN QUOTE. Liberalism, stupidity you can't make up.

So I know you're a bunch of parrot collectivists who constantly copy each other, but the latest where you all whine "ad hominem" while you don't even take a breath from your own ad hominem attacks has got to be the funniest one yet. Though the clown avatar one is still classic, you are a bunch of clowns
I wonder if Trump and slick Willie were hangin out together back in the day.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Bill Clinton is not running for President in 2016. Donnie Trump, the King of Deferrals, is.....
On the specific remarks about McCain's war experience as a POW, the senator said Trump doesn't own him an apology "because I'm in the (public) arena."

"But he does owe an apology to every single veteran who was captured and was a prisoner of war," McCain said.

Only an idiot like you would bump their own loser-lame thread.........:laugh:. Keep practicing your 'patriotism', maybe you'll eventually get it right!

Well he does have some assholes cheering him on..... Notice who is NOT!


He looks constipated....

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