How Trump spent the war years

Who gives a shit where Trump spent the war.

Hell. He wouldn't be bump on the radar if he wasn't cleaning up in the polls.

As for McCain? He ain't a hero. He survived as a POW and came back to a life in Congress at taxpayer expense.

Trump is obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls.

Rightass should address those facts rather than trying the denigrate Trump's lack of service in the Vietnam war.

Who the fuck cares if he served in Vietnam or not?

I sure don't.

Funny thing was, when McCain was running against Obama, McCain was a hero and Obama was a draft dodger.

Funny how things conveniently change, isn't it? All of a sudden no right wingers care about draft dodgers and those people who served aren't heroes anyway.

Until of course the next Democrat who didn't serve comes up against a Republican who did, then all of a sudden it matters.

Um...Obama was 13 when the draft ended. You're confused there, no one said he was a "draft dodger." You thinking of Clinton, Holmes?

Not really, I just meant he hadn't served. Just used the wrong term, I let the fingers take over.
I wonder if Trump and slick Willie were hangin out together back in the day.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Bill Clinton is not running for President in 2016. Donnie Trump, the King of Deferrals, is.....

Swish, Jimbo misses another point. The point is you voted for Clinton, what you are saying isn't a standard to you, just a hack, Partisan attack. That is completely relevant, that you actually don't give a shit about the point you're making other than it being a gotcha game with Republicans

Correct me if I am wrong, but Clinton was elected as a two term President, and I dare say, could be elected again if he ran. He is not part of this thread at all. The person who is running for President named Trump, which rhymes with Chump, is. He has soiled the name of every service member who has been held captive. I LOVE THE GUY FOR THE GOP NOMINATION! Just a great Republican standard bearer!
Republicans leading candidate for President

How Trump spent the war years

IT WAS THE spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good. He was 21 years old and handsome, with a full head of hair. He'd avoided the Vietnam War draft on his way to earning an Ivy League degree. He was fond of fancy dinners, beautiful women, and outrageous clubs.

Most important, he had a job in his father's real estate company and a brain bursting with moneymaking ideas that would make him a billionaire.

"When I graduated from college, I had a net worth of perhaps $200,000," he said in his 1987 autobiography Trump: The Art of the Deal, written with Tony Schwartz. (That's about $1.4 million in 2015 dollars.) "I had my eye on Manhattan."

More than 8,000 miles away, John McCain sat in a tiny, squalid North Vietnamese prison cell. The Navy pilot's body was broken from a plane crash, starvation, botched operations, and months of torture.

The stark contrast in their fortunes was thrown into sharp relief this month when Trump belittled McCain during a campaign speech in Iowa. "He's not a war hero," Trump said of McCain. "He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured."

What was Bill Clinton doing I wonder?

Lots of people you look up to didn't fight in Nam did they?

Who cares?

Bill Clinton is not ridiculing POWs....the leading Republican candidate for President is

Boo fucking hoo

If Mcains skin is so thin he shouldn't be a politician nor should he call citizens "crazies"

McCain admits he is fair game as a public figure doesn't excuse Trump demeaning all POWs as unworthy of admiration
Watch out all you whinny, little piss ant subversives.... you're Mclame bullshit is about to be EATEN by the.....


And so are your corrupt, criminal, and Communist candidates for president....Just sucking the air out of ALL OTHER CAMPAIGNS!!!!

Watch out all you whinny, little piss ant subversives.... you're Mclame bullshit is about to be EATEN by the.....


And so are your corrupt, criminal, and Communist candidates for president....Just sucking the air out of ALL OTHER CAMPAIGNS!!!!


Hee-hee. :lol: I have to admit, that is a funny meme.

The Donald seems to be the MOST USEFUL weapon when you consider the NON MEDIA COVERAGE of the DemocRATS, and if OTHER GOP candidates are having their campaigns momentum SUCKED UP by him, so be it.... The American people ONLY THINK by seeing and hearing about candidates, TRUMP, is the TRUMP CARD... now let's see if we can keep this going for a year....That might be difficult, BUT with TRUMP'S MONEY, he can buy a BILLION or 2 worth of media coverage....NO ONE can touch that!
Watch out all you whinny, little piss ant subversives.... you're Mclame bullshit is about to be EATEN by the.....


And so are your corrupt, criminal, and Communist candidates for president....Just sucking the air out of ALL OTHER CAMPAIGNS!!!!


Hee-hee. :lol: I have to admit, that is a funny meme.

The Donald seems to be the MOST USEFUL weapon when you consider the NON MEDIA COVERAGE of the DemocRATS, and if OTHER GOP candidates are having their campaigns momentum SUCKED UP by him, so be it.... The American people ONLY THINK by seeing and hearing about candidates, TRUMP, is the TRUMP CARD... now let's see if we can keep this going for a year....That might be difficult, BUT with TRUMP'S MONEY, he can buy a BILLION or 2 worth of media coverage....NO ONE can touch that!

It's true. He is a media hog, and knows how to get attention. :lol:
Why do I give a shit what conservatives think? Why are you asking me then?

Cuz you're a conservative. :)

Cuz you're an idiot

Okay, a closet conservative. Better? :p

Yeah, I have a problem being honest about my views. That's pretty clear in my posts, beating around the bush, being bashful. If you're not a blond, what a wasted opportunity that is

Okay, maybe you are a more right leaning libertarian, but you seem to hold a lot of conservative views. You seem to support the more conservative and/or republican candidates. Have you ever voted for a democrat?

Give me an example of views that i have that are more conservative than libertarian. You are certainly content challenged.

Also, what conservative candidates have I supported? I have voted Republican once in six elections and that election (2012) the Libertarian party didn't run a libertarian.

And yes, I have voted for Democrats, but not for President. Then again I don't usually vote Republican either.
Cuz you're a conservative. :)

Cuz you're an idiot

Okay, a closet conservative. Better? :p

Yeah, I have a problem being honest about my views. That's pretty clear in my posts, beating around the bush, being bashful. If you're not a blond, what a wasted opportunity that is

Okay, maybe you are a more right leaning libertarian, but you seem to hold a lot of conservative views. You seem to support the more conservative and/or republican candidates. Have you ever voted for a democrat?

Give me an example of views that i have that are more conservative than libertarian. You are certainly content challenged.

Also, what conservative candidates have I supported? I have voted Republican once in six elections and that election (2012) the Libertarian party didn't run a libertarian.

And yes, I have voted for Democrats, but not for President. Then again I don't usually vote Republican either.

Reagan, Romney . . . Also, while I'm not familiar with some of your candidates, independents can lean conservative or liberal too. Just because they aren't associated with the republican or democrat parties doesn't mean they aren't leaning in one direction or another. :D
There it is again from your kind. ad hominem nothing to refute so ,,,,the best you have insult.
Try reading how it was typed. Then again that won't happen from you.

So when someone says the USA is not the almighty place you think it is and it pisses you off and you go into a rant....leave if you don't like it.You should not get your panties in a knot.
Diplomats are intelligent and respected."the donald" is rich. Figure out the difference.

Then let him say them in a diplomatic way, not like some third grader. He has been surrounded by "yes" men all his life. Which shows.
Think what he thinks about policy, by all means, but don't act like a jack-ass.
We need to stop caring so much about how things are said. That's how we get comments like "depends on what the definition of is, is". No one is right 100% of the time. People have flaws and say the wrong things from time to time. GET OVER IT.
What are you talking about? Who's panties are in a knot? "leave if you don't like it", what are you 12? Only an idiot would make a blanket statement like "diplomats are intelligent and respected.... Intelligent by what measure and respected by whom? Was this post even meant as a reply to a post I made???

Boilermaker's an idiot, but on the other hand... Hmmm....sorry, only had one hand on that one
What a moronic little piece of shit you are.... lol
Oh my!

Women are giving Trump the lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^ | July 27, 2015
Donald Trump’s habit of shooting off his mouth and provoking outrage isn’t slowing him down at all. The public must find his lack of politically-correct inhibition refreshing. The new Zogby poll shows him leading the Republican pack among likely primary voters. Overall, he leads 20%, with Jeb Bush coming in at 16%. He leads among conservatives (18%), moderates (28%), and independents (31%). But his big support comes from women, 26% of whom support him.
Who gives a shit where Trump spent the war.

Hell. He wouldn't be bump on the radar if he wasn't cleaning up in the polls.

As for McCain? He ain't a hero. He survived as a POW and came back to a life in Congress at taxpayer expense.

Trump is obviously saying something those polled like or he wouldn't be leading in the national polls.

Rightass should address those facts rather than trying the denigrate Trump's lack of service in the Vietnam war.

Who the fuck cares if he served in Vietnam or not?

I sure don't.

Funny thing was, when McCain was running against Obama, McCain was a hero and Obama was a draft dodger.

Funny how things conveniently change, isn't it? All of a sudden no right wingers care about draft dodgers and those people who served aren't heroes anyway.

Until of course the next Democrat who didn't serve comes up against a Republican who did, then all of a sudden it matters.

Um...Obama was 13 when the draft ended. You're confused there, no one said he was a "draft dodger." You thinking of Clinton, Holmes?

Not really, I just meant he hadn't served. Just used the wrong term, I let the fingers take over.

Actually you said Republicans claimed "Obama was a draft dodger." Pretty specific there, Holmes, and completely wrong
I wonder if Trump and slick Willie were hangin out together back in the day.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Bill Clinton is not running for President in 2016. Donnie Trump, the King of Deferrals, is.....

Swish, Jimbo misses another point. The point is you voted for Clinton, what you are saying isn't a standard to you, just a hack, Partisan attack. That is completely relevant, that you actually don't give a shit about the point you're making other than it being a gotcha game with Republicans

Correct me if I am wrong, but Clinton was elected as a two term President, and I dare say, could be elected again if he ran. He is not part of this thread at all. The person who is running for President named Trump, which rhymes with Chump, is. He has soiled the name of every service member who has been held captive. I LOVE THE GUY FOR THE GOP NOMINATION! Just a great Republican standard bearer!

Yeah, like you give a crap about the military. That's like Republicans expressing their love of welfare queens
I generally detest this attempt to attack politicians for not going to Vietnam- hell it was a very controversial war and lots of people were using all sorts of devises to avoid going- from deferments, to volunteering for service that was guaranteed to stay in the United States to running away to Canada.

The only reason why this thread is tolerable is because Trump did attack McCain's Vietnam war record.

And therefore it is valid to note that comparing the two- McCain volunteered to join the Navy, and volunteered for combat.
Trump didn't.
When McCain was in the POW camp, suffering from torture and broken bones- Trump was living the high life in New York.

I don't want this to side rail Trump as the RNC candidate- because I want him to be the candidate of the Republican Party- so we can bring this all up again during the primary.
Cuz you're an idiot

Okay, a closet conservative. Better? :p

Yeah, I have a problem being honest about my views. That's pretty clear in my posts, beating around the bush, being bashful. If you're not a blond, what a wasted opportunity that is

Okay, maybe you are a more right leaning libertarian, but you seem to hold a lot of conservative views. You seem to support the more conservative and/or republican candidates. Have you ever voted for a democrat?

Give me an example of views that i have that are more conservative than libertarian. You are certainly content challenged.

Also, what conservative candidates have I supported? I have voted Republican once in six elections and that election (2012) the Libertarian party didn't run a libertarian.

And yes, I have voted for Democrats, but not for President. Then again I don't usually vote Republican either.

Reagan, Romney . . . Also, while I'm not familiar with some of your candidates, independents can lean conservative or liberal too. Just because they aren't associated with the republican or democrat parties doesn't mean they aren't leaning in one direction or another. :D

Still have nothing, huh. When I say nothing, I mean content. So far you are a perfect zero for that.

Yes, I voted for Reagan, I was a libertarian leaning conservative and a Republican then. I have given my history that I left the party circa 1990 and through the 90s stopped supporting the things that were more conservative part of that. I supported in the 80s the war on drugs, US involvement in the middle east including Gulf War I, I was pro-choice, I supported government marriage. All of those things changed as I started questioning why government needs to do them. As for voting:

1980 - Supported Reagan but was too young to vote
1984 - Reagan
1988 - HW

~1990 - left the party

1992 - Perot
1996 - Browne
2000 - Browne
2004 - Badarnak
2008 - Nader
2012 - Romney

Romney sucked, but the Libertarians were attention whores and nominated a conservative and Obama stopped following the Democratic template of running as a Marxist but not actually serving as one by serving as one.

So at any point in this discussion are you going to start providing any content or you going to stick with blond?

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