How Trump will WIN


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

It's really that easy and simple for Trump to win! What do you think?
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It's really that easy and simple for Trump to win! What do you think?
how will dems win ...
1. censor and ban any negative facts on msm and social media about the briben crime family .
2. accuse half the country of being nazis and an enemy of democracy .
3. buy votes with promises of loan forgiveness ect .
4. and last but not least , weaponize the justice dept and imprison the leading opposition .
Trump will win because America is fed up with the Obiden Administration....or with Barack Ovomit third term, whatever you prefer!

That's why Trump will win!
Question is, after Trump wins what will the Democrats try to indict him for next?
Will it be another phone call? Chances are if trump dare investigate any sort of corruption,
teams of Lawyers will be on call to question his every move, looking for something to call
a take over of the Government once more, some sort of conspiratorial power play or collusion again.
It's all they have, but they will have to stop Trump from doing anything at any cost. We've already seen the script. There's no way in hell the Democrats will go peacefully in the night if they lose.

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