How well does the GOP have to do with Hispanics to win the WH in 2016?

kinda like Kerry being for the war before he was against it, right?

all politicians lie, get over it.
Kerry was for Vietnam until he saw what a clusterfuck it was

Supporting Bush lies based on what Bush told you is no crime

The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass

That is a lie. The congress had the exact same intel and came to the exact same erroneous conclusions. Go back and look at the statements of prominent dems at the time, they all said exactly the same things that Bush said.

We agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about the history for attempted political gains.

Congress had what W allowed them to be given. Next...

bullshit, congress had the exact same intel that Bush had.
Legal Hispanics support Trump. 95% of blacks support Trump on blocking muslim immigration.

You guys are losing. Unless you find another candidate, 2016 will belong to the GOP. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.

The funny thing is, if you look at UK politics, the Conservative Party ran on anti-immigration issues in 2001 and 2005 and got hammered. It simply wasn't an issue which people took to the polls with them. They thought other issues were more important.

and the UK is seeing the results of that stupid decision today. Run that election today and you would get just the opposite result.

No, you wouldn't. It's been proven again and again, when it comes to elections, people are more concerned with their own lives, than of things which are on the edge of their own lives.

Immigration and personal safety are the top issues with US voters today. I would say that those issues are "concerned with their own lives"

But tell me, why do you on the left want open borders and why do you want to let everyone into this country?

Well, if Hillary wins, you can move to Canada. they are letting in those murderous Syrian women and children refugees. You better have alternate plans, little fellow.

If Hillary Clinton wins, then the USA as a free democratic representative republic is over. The USA will become a large fiscally broke version of European socialism. some of you seem to want that, and you deserve what you vote for.

I will be just fine. I have taken steps to protect my money and income. So I'm not going anywhere.
Kerry was for Vietnam until he saw what a clusterfuck it was

Supporting Bush lies based on what Bush told you is no crime

The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass

That is a lie. The congress had the exact same intel and came to the exact same erroneous conclusions. Go back and look at the statements of prominent dems at the time, they all said exactly the same things that Bush said.

We agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about the history for attempted political gains.

Congress had what W allowed them to be given. Next...

bullshit, congress had the exact same intel that Bush had.

Amazingly ignorant. a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000 cannot ever be valid, the margin of error is too great. The pollsters try to overcome that by carefully selecting the sample to (theoretically) proportionally cover all the demographics within the 330,000,000 population. The problem is that there are more than 1000 different demographics in the USA so it is impossible to proportionally cover all of them in such a small sample.

Now if you make the sample 2,000,000 or more the margin of error might be acceptable. But they never use that large of a sample because it would cost too much and take too long to gather.

I am right about this, you only make yourself look foolish by continuing your rants.
Harvard MBA?
No, the margin is not too great

If you random sample 1000 people and every one says they do not support Redfish for President do you think you need to sample 100 million before you can be confident that Redfish has no chance?

Sampling error will provide your statistical confidence band.

One sample may be an outlier and need to be thrown out. If random samples consistenly yield the same result, they provide valitity

^^^^ignorance on display.

If I go to the lower ninth ward in New Orleans and ask 1000 people if they think Obama is a good president, probably 900 will say yes. Should I then conclude that 330,000,000 americans think Obama is a good president?

The pollsters do not do "random" sampling. Do you even know what random sampling is?


Harvard MBA does not understand what a random sample is, Collecting in one neighborhood is not random

If there are 20,000 people in that neighborhood and you draw the names out of a hat, it is random. Like I said, you keep making a fool of yourself.

Good god!

We need to repeal Harvards authorization to give MBAs

you don't even understand the terminology of statistics. and when you mention the creator you should capitalize the G. unless you are calling me a god.

also, the possessive form of a noun requires an apostrophe (Harvard's).

your ignorance is pervasive.
Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

the amendment was to provide citizenship for the children of slaves, not illegal aliens

the dream act is unconstitutional, I think its a good idea, but its not constitutional

no one is blocking intelligent immigration reform, the first step is enforcing the laws already on the books

Some of them are drug dealers and rapists, no one ever said that all of them are

first, Hispanic is not a race, so its not a racist issue. there is not GOP anti-Hispanic rhetoric,

English only is how this country was founded and should remain. A multi-lingual country is doomed.

but good job or reciting the dem/lib talking points, we understand that that is your reason for being.

Explain it to Hispanic voters. I don't think they will buy your explanations

The bottom line is that the 2016 election will not swing on the Hispanic vote. the premise of the OP is foolish.

You are actually correct. Republicans, regardless of what they do, cannot reach 270 electoral votes
The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass

That is a lie. The congress had the exact same intel and came to the exact same erroneous conclusions. Go back and look at the statements of prominent dems at the time, they all said exactly the same things that Bush said.

We agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about the history for attempted political gains.

Congress had what W allowed them to be given. Next...

bullshit, congress had the exact same intel that Bush had.


Nope, they saw what he saw. They all reached the same erroneous conclusions. Or are you saying that W was such a good communicator and had such a convincing personality that he fooled every one of the brilliant democrats?

there was no filtering of the intel on Saddam and WMDs,

I know that is your talking point and that you are programmed to repeat it, but its a lie.
The funny thing is, if you look at UK politics, the Conservative Party ran on anti-immigration issues in 2001 and 2005 and got hammered. It simply wasn't an issue which people took to the polls with them. They thought other issues were more important.

and the UK is seeing the results of that stupid decision today. Run that election today and you would get just the opposite result.

No, you wouldn't. It's been proven again and again, when it comes to elections, people are more concerned with their own lives, than of things which are on the edge of their own lives.

Immigration and personal safety are the top issues with US voters today. I would say that those issues are "concerned with their own lives"

But tell me, why do you on the left want open borders and why do you want to let everyone into this country?

Well, if Hillary wins, you can move to Canada. they are letting in those murderous Syrian women and children refugees. You better have alternate plans, little fellow.

If Hillary Clinton wins, then the USA as a free democratic representative republic is over. The USA will become a large fiscally broke version of European socialism. some of you seem to want that, and you deserve what you vote for.

I will be just fine. I have taken steps to protect my money and income. So I'm not going anywhere.

You guys said the same thing about Obama in 2008 and again in 2012
You said it when the stimulus passed
You said it when Obamacare passed
You told us we would see $6 a gallon gas if Obama was elected

Do conservative economic predictions ever come true?
How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

the amendment was to provide citizenship for the children of slaves, not illegal aliens

the dream act is unconstitutional, I think its a good idea, but its not constitutional

no one is blocking intelligent immigration reform, the first step is enforcing the laws already on the books

Some of them are drug dealers and rapists, no one ever said that all of them are

first, Hispanic is not a race, so its not a racist issue. there is not GOP anti-Hispanic rhetoric,

English only is how this country was founded and should remain. A multi-lingual country is doomed.

but good job or reciting the dem/lib talking points, we understand that that is your reason for being.

Explain it to Hispanic voters. I don't think they will buy your explanations

The bottom line is that the 2016 election will not swing on the Hispanic vote. the premise of the OP is foolish.

You are actually correct. Republicans, regardless of what they do, cannot reach 270 electoral votes

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

the amendment was to provide citizenship for the children of slaves, not illegal aliens

the dream act is unconstitutional, I think its a good idea, but its not constitutional

no one is blocking intelligent immigration reform, the first step is enforcing the laws already on the books

Some of them are drug dealers and rapists, no one ever said that all of them are

first, Hispanic is not a race, so its not a racist issue. there is not GOP anti-Hispanic rhetoric,

English only is how this country was founded and should remain. A multi-lingual country is doomed.

but good job or reciting the dem/lib talking points, we understand that that is your reason for being.

Explain it to Hispanic voters. I don't think they will buy your explanations

The bottom line is that the 2016 election will not swing on the Hispanic vote. the premise of the OP is foolish.

You are actually correct. Republicans, regardless of what they do, cannot reach 270 electoral votes

then why even have the fricken election? Why not just crown queen hildebeast and give her the keys to the kingdom?

WTF do you want to happen? Do you want a dictatorial monarchy headed up by a senile, angry, corrupt, lying woman?
and the UK is seeing the results of that stupid decision today. Run that election today and you would get just the opposite result.

No, you wouldn't. It's been proven again and again, when it comes to elections, people are more concerned with their own lives, than of things which are on the edge of their own lives.

Immigration and personal safety are the top issues with US voters today. I would say that those issues are "concerned with their own lives"

But tell me, why do you on the left want open borders and why do you want to let everyone into this country?

Well, if Hillary wins, you can move to Canada. they are letting in those murderous Syrian women and children refugees. You better have alternate plans, little fellow.

If Hillary Clinton wins, then the USA as a free democratic representative republic is over. The USA will become a large fiscally broke version of European socialism. some of you seem to want that, and you deserve what you vote for.

I will be just fine. I have taken steps to protect my money and income. So I'm not going anywhere.

You guys said the same thing about Obama in 2008 and again in 2012
You said it when the stimulus passed
You said it when Obamacare passed
You told us we would see $6 a gallon gas if Obama was elected

Do conservative economic predictions ever come true?

the national debt has doubled under obama
obamacare is going broke
gas is cheap because there is a surplus of it, not because of anything Obama did
unemployment has been at all time highs
more on foodstamps than ever before'
more in poverty than ever before
more under employed than ever before
the country more divided than ever before
the gap between rich and poor is larger under obama

yes, those predictions about Obama have come true.
How else do you call opposing a bill that you helped write?

I got my mind right boss

kinda like Kerry being for the war before he was against it, right?

all politicians lie, get over it.
Kerry was for Vietnam until he saw what a clusterfuck it was

Supporting Bush lies based on what Bush told you is no crime

The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass

That is a lie. The congress had the exact same intel and came to the exact same erroneous conclusions. Go back and look at the statements of prominent dems at the time, they all said exactly the same things that Bush said.

We agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about the history for attempted political gains.

Why was saving 2 million children from starving a waste?
Now leaving Iraq before it was stabilized was stupid but who asked that to happen? Obama as a political promise!
The biggest fault I had with Bush was he was too concerned that the President shouldn't respond to the false claims by the biased MSM.
Leaving Iraqis with a GDP per person that grew from $600 to $6,000 in ten years was wrong?
No the biggest waste was when we let traitors like these make comments like these that as Obama recently said
“I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for Isil [Isis] than some of the rhetoric that’s coming out of here during the course of this debate."
So Obama what do you think this "rhetoric" did for recruitment???

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
clearly much better than you do. go to your local library and check out a stat 101 text book, then read about representative sampling, you might learn something.

I fully understand what the pollsters CLAIM. But it does not pass a math test.

Even Harvard MBAs understand that each sample has a margin of error of plus or minus a few percent. To think that a Harvard MBA does not understand that a sample of 1000 can be relevant is embarassing.
Individual samples of 1000 can each be challenged on their standard deviations. However, if repeated individual samples of 1000 are yielding the same results, those samples collectively are more valid

Even a French model like myself understands it

Amazingly ignorant. a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000 cannot ever be valid, the margin of error is too great. The pollsters try to overcome that by carefully selecting the sample to (theoretically) proportionally cover all the demographics within the 330,000,000 population. The problem is that there are more than 1000 different demographics in the USA so it is impossible to proportionally cover all of them in such a small sample.

Now if you make the sample 2,000,000 or more the margin of error might be acceptable. But they never use that large of a sample because it would cost too much and take too long to gather.

I am right about this, you only make yourself look foolish by continuing your rants.
Harvard MBA?
No, the margin is not too great

If you random sample 1000 people and every one says they do not support Redfish for President do you think you need to sample 100 million before you can be confident that Redfish has no chance?

Sampling error will provide your statistical confidence band.

One sample may be an outlier and need to be thrown out. If random samples consistenly yield the same result, they provide valitity

^^^^ignorance on display.

If I go to the lower ninth ward in New Orleans and ask 1000 people if they think Obama is a good president, probably 900 will say yes. Should I then conclude that 330,000,000 americans think Obama is a good president?

The pollsters do not do "random" sampling. Do you even know what random sampling is?


Harvard MBA does not understand what a random sample is, Collecting in one neighborhood is not random

If that person has a Harvard MBA then I'm 21 years old and 5ft 7 inches tall.

Those people are so stupid they actually believe that everyone else is just as stupid as they area and actually believe their outlandish lies.

It's embarrassing to see we have people who are that stupid in America.
Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

the amendment was to provide citizenship for the children of slaves, not illegal aliens

the dream act is unconstitutional, I think its a good idea, but its not constitutional

no one is blocking intelligent immigration reform, the first step is enforcing the laws already on the books

Some of them are drug dealers and rapists, no one ever said that all of them are

first, Hispanic is not a race, so its not a racist issue. there is not GOP anti-Hispanic rhetoric,

English only is how this country was founded and should remain. A multi-lingual country is doomed.

but good job or reciting the dem/lib talking points, we understand that that is your reason for being.

Explain it to Hispanic voters. I don't think they will buy your explanations

The bottom line is that the 2016 election will not swing on the Hispanic vote. the premise of the OP is foolish.

You are actually correct. Republicans, regardless of what they do, cannot reach 270 electoral votes

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

the amendment was to provide citizenship for the children of slaves, not illegal aliens

the dream act is unconstitutional, I think its a good idea, but its not constitutional

no one is blocking intelligent immigration reform, the first step is enforcing the laws already on the books

Some of them are drug dealers and rapists, no one ever said that all of them are

first, Hispanic is not a race, so its not a racist issue. there is not GOP anti-Hispanic rhetoric,

English only is how this country was founded and should remain. A multi-lingual country is doomed.

but good job or reciting the dem/lib talking points, we understand that that is your reason for being.

Explain it to Hispanic voters. I don't think they will buy your explanations

The bottom line is that the 2016 election will not swing on the Hispanic vote. the premise of the OP is foolish.

You are actually correct. Republicans, regardless of what they do, cannot reach 270 electoral votes

then why even have the fricken election? Why not just crown queen hildebeast and give her the keys to the kingdom?

WTF do you want to happen? Do you want a dictatorial monarchy headed up by a senile, angry, corrupt, lying woman?

Don't shoot the messenger

It is not a level playing field when it comes to Presidential elections. Democrats already have most of the electoral votes they need to win. Dems have 242/270 votes needed. Republicans start with 179.
No, you wouldn't. It's been proven again and again, when it comes to elections, people are more concerned with their own lives, than of things which are on the edge of their own lives.

Immigration and personal safety are the top issues with US voters today. I would say that those issues are "concerned with their own lives"

But tell me, why do you on the left want open borders and why do you want to let everyone into this country?

Well, if Hillary wins, you can move to Canada. they are letting in those murderous Syrian women and children refugees. You better have alternate plans, little fellow.

If Hillary Clinton wins, then the USA as a free democratic representative republic is over. The USA will become a large fiscally broke version of European socialism. some of you seem to want that, and you deserve what you vote for.

I will be just fine. I have taken steps to protect my money and income. So I'm not going anywhere.

You guys said the same thing about Obama in 2008 and again in 2012
You said it when the stimulus passed
You said it when Obamacare passed
You told us we would see $6 a gallon gas if Obama was elected

Do conservative economic predictions ever come true?

the national debt has doubled under obama
obamacare is going broke
gas is cheap because there is a surplus of it, not because of anything Obama did
unemployment has been at all time highs
more on foodstamps than ever before'
more in poverty than ever before
more under employed than ever before
the country more divided than ever before
the gap between rich and poor is larger under obama

yes, those predictions about Obama have come true.

Sorry...just too many lies to respond to

Next time, just tell one lie and I can respond to that
Last edited:
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Doesn't matter which banking oligarch controlled political party wins the election...nothing is going to change for the better. The only thing that will be accomplished is that one side will have bragging rights for 4 years. Politics is nothing but WWF for geriatric participants...the sheeple will totally buy into this theater...sorry, I am not buying a ticket because I see it for the fraud that it is. I have claimed my pre-14th amendment right and reclaimed my sovereign citizenship status thus I am not eligible to vote. Only USA.INC citizens that pledge loyalty to the District Of Columbia that are under mari-time admiralty law participate in this fraud....enjoy. I just sit back and watch the sheeple argue back and forth claiming that their side is better....tooo friggin funny.
No, you wouldn't. It's been proven again and again, when it comes to elections, people are more concerned with their own lives, than of things which are on the edge of their own lives.

Immigration and personal safety are the top issues with US voters today. I would say that those issues are "concerned with their own lives"

But tell me, why do you on the left want open borders and why do you want to let everyone into this country?

Well, if Hillary wins, you can move to Canada. they are letting in those murderous Syrian women and children refugees. You better have alternate plans, little fellow.

If Hillary Clinton wins, then the USA as a free democratic representative republic is over. The USA will become a large fiscally broke version of European socialism. some of you seem to want that, and you deserve what you vote for.

I will be just fine. I have taken steps to protect my money and income. So I'm not going anywhere.

You guys said the same thing about Obama in 2008 and again in 2012
You said it when the stimulus passed
You said it when Obamacare passed
You told us we would see $6 a gallon gas if Obama was elected

Do conservative economic predictions ever come true?

the national debt has doubled under obama
obamacare is going broke
gas is cheap because there is a surplus of it, not because of anything Obama did
unemployment has been at all time highs
more on foodstamps than ever before'
more in poverty than ever before
more under employed than ever before
the country more divided than ever before
the gap between rich and poor is larger under obama

yes, those predictions about Obama have come true.

So, I guess these fabrications help you sleep at night?
I saw it when George Wallace ran for president.

Wallace and Perot came along in different times from today. Americans were not as disgusted with both parties in those days as they are today.

I don't want to see Trump go third party, but if the GOP establishment ignores the will of the people, then I am all for him doing it. If that elects the hildebeast, then the country deserves what happens to it.

Works for me!!!!!

and you fools that support her deserve it the most. Why do you want to be a pawn to a socialist dictator? I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why you libs want to give up your freedoms.

you have a bike in your avatar. do you like it when the govt tells you that you have to wear a helmet?

They don't. I live in Arizona. And, I don't recall Hillary saying that she is going to change that.

Great for AZ, but would you like it if you lived in a helmet mandatory state? My point is that the left wants bigger government and more rules unless those rules affect them.

Wouldn't bother me a bit. I used to be a health insurance executive. A brain trauma accident could cost up to $2,000,000 over a lifetime...even more. That is passed on to all the other people who have insurance. If I am stupid enough to incur expenses of that nature due to my own negligence, it does not seem right to me to make other people pay for it. it has to do with "personal responsibility", which term I used to hear all the time from my fellow republicans, before I switched to a democrat.
So, I guess these fabrications help you sleep at night?[/QUOTE]

I know more than you do, Jim....spent a lot of time and sacrificed a lot of personal time to come across this knowledge. Like how America is actually a corporation with all 50 states and their cities, towns and burgs being actual subsidiaries of this vast corporation that started via the Act of 1871. You can look up your town on Dun and Bradstreet but be sure to type in their all caps name. I understand the Federal Reserve Act Of 1913 that turned over our money supply to a bunch of foreign bankers for good and how fractional banking works. Do you know that due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 that we all became indentured debt slaves and collateral on this debt? It's true.. Up until 1933, there never was a birth certificate but after 1933, every newborn had a birth certificate that has been printed on bond paper because the banking oligarchs create a bond on your strawman fiction which is your all caps name and they are the holder of that bond that matures when you turn 18. It is based on actuarial tables based on the taxes, commerce and fees that you will pay over your lifetime. You became a corporate entity with your all caps corporate fiction and thus collateral on the debt and your birth certificate is actually traded on the world markets. They collect the balance with your death certificate. The crash of 1929 was orchestrated so these bankers could buy up shares of unaffiliated banks and corporations that they coveted for pennies on the dollar when they pulled out of the market and then called in loans that decimated the banks. The gold confiscation of 1933? Do you remember hearing about that in school? People had to turn in their gold for a fiat currency which was the Federal Reserve much that you are not aware of but I have an excellent handle on how the banking system works and how the Bank for international Settlements, International Monetary Fund, Global Bank and The Fed Bank works and how they are owned by the same shareholders. They control our money, thus they make the rules and they control the politicians that keep us in the debt slavery system. You should follow me here because I will enlighten you on how things really are...your choice.
So, I guess these fabrications help you sleep at night?

I know more than you do, Jim....spent a lot of time and sacrificed a lot of personal time to come across this knowledge. Like how America is actually a corporation with all 50 states and their cities, towns and burgs being actual subsidiaries of this vast corporation that started via the Act of 1871. You can look up your town on Dun and Bradstreet but be sure to type in their all caps name. I understand the Federal Reserve Act Of 1913 that turned over our money supply to a bunch of foreign bankers for good and how fractional banking works. Do you know that due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 that we all became indentured debt slaves and collateral on this debt? It's true.. Up until 1933, there never was a birth certificate but after 1933, every newborn had a birth certificate that has been printed on bond paper because the banking oligarchs create a bond on your strawman fiction which is your all caps name and they are the holder of that bond that matures when you turn 18. It is based on actuarial tables based on the taxes, commerce and fees that you will pay over your lifetime. You became a corporate entity with your all caps corporate fiction and thus collateral on the debt and your birth certificate is actually traded on the world markets. They collect the balance with your death certificate. The crash of 1929 was orchestrated so these bankers could buy up shares of unaffiliated banks and corporations that they coveted for pennies on the dollar when they pulled out of the market and then called in loans that decimated the banks. The gold confiscation of 1933? Do you remember hearing about that in school? People had to turn in their gold for a fiat currency which was the Federal Reserve much that you are not aware of but I have an excellent handle on how the banking system works and how the Bank for international Settlements, International Monetary Fund, Global Bank and The Fed Bank works and how they are owned by the same shareholders. They control our money, thus they make the rules and they control the politicians that keep us in the debt slavery system. You should follow me here because I will enlighten you on how things really are...your choice.[/QUOTE]

Wallace and Perot came along in different times from today. Americans were not as disgusted with both parties in those days as they are today.

I don't want to see Trump go third party, but if the GOP establishment ignores the will of the people, then I am all for him doing it. If that elects the hildebeast, then the country deserves what happens to it.

Works for me!!!!!

and you fools that support her deserve it the most. Why do you want to be a pawn to a socialist dictator? I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why you libs want to give up your freedoms.

you have a bike in your avatar. do you like it when the govt tells you that you have to wear a helmet?

They don't. I live in Arizona. And, I don't recall Hillary saying that she is going to change that.

Great for AZ, but would you like it if you lived in a helmet mandatory state? My point is that the left wants bigger government and more rules unless those rules affect them.

Wouldn't bother me a bit. I used to be a health insurance executive. A brain trauma accident could cost up to $2,000,000 over a lifetime...even more. That is passed on to all the other people who have insurance. If I am stupid enough to incur expenses of that nature due to my own negligence, it does not seem right to me to make other people pay for it. it has to do with "personal responsibility", which term I used to hear all the time from my fellow republicans, before I switched to a democrat.
Wallace and Perot came along in different times from today. Americans were not as disgusted with both parties in those days as they are today.

I don't want to see Trump go third party, but if the GOP establishment ignores the will of the people, then I am all for him doing it. If that elects the hildebeast, then the country deserves what happens to it.

Works for me!!!!!

and you fools that support her deserve it the most. Why do you want to be a pawn to a socialist dictator? I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why you libs want to give up your freedoms.

you have a bike in your avatar. do you like it when the govt tells you that you have to wear a helmet?

They don't. I live in Arizona. And, I don't recall Hillary saying that she is going to change that.

Great for AZ, but would you like it if you lived in a helmet mandatory state? My point is that the left wants bigger government and more rules unless those rules affect them.

Wouldn't bother me a bit. I used to be a health insurance executive. A brain trauma accident could cost up to $2,000,000 over a lifetime...even more. That is passed on to all the other people who have insurance. If I am stupid enough to incur expenses of that nature due to my own negligence, it does not seem right to me to make other people pay for it. it has to do with "personal responsibility", which term I used to hear all the time from my fellow republicans, before I switched to a democrat.

I wouldn't spend 10 bucks to extend my stay on this shitty prison planet for even one day. If I came down with terminal cancer? I would feel like I hit the friggin' lottery...once you know the truth about how things REALLY work? The less you want to hang around. Ignorance is truly bliss. Some people really do enjoy their slavery...I am not one of those people.
Ahh yes, another stupid fuck that can't refute but instead casts aspersions and as usual? It is a leftard POS that couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. The internet allows douchebags like this twerp to shoot off his mouth because if he was to meet me in person? He wouldn't so much as fart even if I force fed him a whole box of Ex-Lax unless I permitted him to do long and prosper, little fella. (snicker)

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