How well does the GOP have to do with Hispanics to win the WH in 2016?

Ahh yes, another stupid fuck that can't refute but instead casts aspersions and as usual? It is a leftard POS that couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. The internet allows douchebags like this twerp to shoot off his mouth because if he was to meet me in person? He wouldn't so much as fart even if I force fed him a whole box of Ex-Lax unless I permitted him to do long and prosper, little fella. (snicker)[/QUOTE]

Why don't you tell us....

1. What your rant has to do with the topic of the OP
2. What you are going to do when the NWO takes over
Ahh yes, another stupid fuck that can't refute but instead casts aspersions and as usual? It is a leftard POS that couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. The internet allows douchebags like this twerp to shoot off his mouth because if he was to meet me in person? He wouldn't so much as fart even if I force fed him a whole box of Ex-Lax unless I permitted him to do long and prosper, little fella. (snicker)

Why don't you tell us....

1. What your rant has to do with the topic of the OP
2. What you are going to do when the NWO takes over[/QUOTE]
What does it have to do with the OP? He has the idea that elections actually matter...I say that they don't and that the results are already scripted. I will not be around when our sovereignty is dissolved and what is left of our Bill of Rights is taken away...because I will gladly die fighting for it. Do you get it now?
What does it have to do with the OP? He has the idea that elections actually matter...I say that they don't and that the results are already scripted. I will not be around when our sovereignty is dissolved and what is left of our Bill of Rights is taken away...because I will gladly die fighting for it. Do you get it now?

Again a divisive misleading and poorly formatted question. How about "How many registered American voters are required by the GOP to win the White House"?, Answer 1 more than that lying old sack of shit Hillary.
Again a divisive misleading and poorly formatted question. How about "How many registered American voters are required by the GOP to win the White House"?, Answer 1 more than that lying old sack of shit Hillary.

Presidents are not elected by popular vote
What does it have to do with the OP? He has the idea that elections actually matter...I say that they don't and that the results are already scripted. I will not be around when our sovereignty is dissolved and what is left of our Bill of Rights is taken away...because I will gladly die fighting for it. Do you get it now?

I know way more than you do and it seems to bother you a lot...I am here to inform the masses. I don't really care what your political persuasion is. I have knowledge to share and that is my mission here.
I disagree, JimH

Trump has done precisely what the establishment wished for.

He has energized their Base

He has created the atmosphere where the GOP dictate the topic for the election.

He made the GOP the focus party this cycle.

The GOP establishment can play this two ways, both involves risk while at the same time offer potential for great rewards.

The ball is in their hands, and the GOP controls the games.....

and the establshment has the gall to complain!!:eek:

Energizing the base increases the margin by which you win Red States. Does nothing to help win swing states and that is why Republicans lose

same applies in the leftardian states, doofus. independents favor Trump over the hildebeast by significant numbers. That bodes well for the swing states.
Doesn't look good for trump or the white christian party
White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority
White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority
Ahh yes, another stupid fuck that can't refute but instead casts aspersions and as usual? It is a leftard POS that couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. The internet allows douchebags like this twerp to shoot off his mouth because if he was to meet me in person? He wouldn't so much as fart even if I force fed him a whole box of Ex-Lax unless I permitted him to do long and prosper, little fella. (snicker)

Why don't you tell us....

1. What your rant has to do with the topic of the OP
2. What you are going to do when the NWO takes over[/QUOTE]
I see you have met mail room boi
What does it have to do with the OP? He has the idea that elections actually matter...I say that they don't and that the results are already scripted. I will not be around when our sovereignty is dissolved and what is left of our Bill of Rights is taken away...because I will gladly die fighting for it. Do you get it now?

I know way more than you do and it seems to bother you a lot...I am here to inform the masses. I don't really care what your political persuasion is. I have knowledge to share and that is my mission here.

kinda like Kerry being for the war before he was against it, right?

all politicians lie, get over it.
Kerry was for Vietnam until he saw what a clusterfuck it was

Supporting Bush lies based on what Bush told you is no crime

The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass

That is a lie. The congress had the exact same intel and came to the exact same erroneous conclusions. Go back and look at the statements of prominent dems at the time, they all said exactly the same things that Bush said.

We agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about the history for attempted political gains.

Why was saving 2 million children from starving a waste?
Now leaving Iraq before it was stabilized was stupid but who asked that to happen? Obama as a political promise!
The biggest fault I had with Bush was he was too concerned that the President shouldn't respond to the false claims by the biased MSM.
Leaving Iraqis with a GDP per person that grew from $600 to $6,000 in ten years was wrong?
No the biggest waste was when we let traitors like these make comments like these that as Obama recently said
“I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for Isil [Isis] than some of the rhetoric that’s coming out of here during the course of this debate."
So Obama what do you think this "rhetoric" did for recruitment???

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Going into Iraq looking for WMDs that were either never there or had been moved to Syria was a waste of American lives and money.

which 2 million children did us going to war save from starving? If feeding people was the mission, that could have been done without putting American military lives at risk.

The intel was flawed and we can debate about why it was flawed and who is responsible for that. But the fact is that the entire world believed it, whether the USMB liberals believe it or not.

If the goal was to remove Saddam, that could have been done covertly with little expense and putting very few lives at risk.

It was bad policy and accomplished nothing.
Kerry was for Vietnam until he saw what a clusterfuck it was

Supporting Bush lies based on what Bush told you is no crime

The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass

That is a lie. The congress had the exact same intel and came to the exact same erroneous conclusions. Go back and look at the statements of prominent dems at the time, they all said exactly the same things that Bush said.

We agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about the history for attempted political gains.

Why was saving 2 million children from starving a waste?
Now leaving Iraq before it was stabilized was stupid but who asked that to happen? Obama as a political promise!
The biggest fault I had with Bush was he was too concerned that the President shouldn't respond to the false claims by the biased MSM.
Leaving Iraqis with a GDP per person that grew from $600 to $6,000 in ten years was wrong?
No the biggest waste was when we let traitors like these make comments like these that as Obama recently said
“I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for Isil [Isis] than some of the rhetoric that’s coming out of here during the course of this debate."
So Obama what do you think this "rhetoric" did for recruitment???

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Going into Iraq looking for WMDs that were either never there or had been moved to Syria was a waste of American lives and money.

which 2 million children did us going to war save from starving? If feeding people was the mission, that could have been done without putting American military lives at risk.

The intel was flawed and we can debate about why it was flawed and who is responsible for that. But the fact is that the entire world believed it, whether the USMB liberals believe it or not.

If the goal was to remove Saddam, that could have been done covertly with little expense and putting very few lives at risk.

It was bad policy and accomplished nothing.

Explain to me why you would believe Saddam had NO WMDs when all he had to do was certify there were none and the UN SANCTIONS that per this NYT article;
Published: December 1, 1995 UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 30— As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

So from 1991 to 1995 an average of 144,000 children STARVED all because Saddam would NOT sign a simple document verifying he had NO WMDs!

Do you comprehend the situation if Saddam had not been removed by the "Liberation of Iraq" in 2003 nearly 12 more years would pass and at
an average of 144,000 starving children because SADDAM wouldn't sign.. over 2,304,000 children would be dead!
Of course YOU don't care. These are Iraqi children.

Also... you obviously don't believe in keeping your word, much less any legal agreements do you?
More important though YOU obviously don't recall or even KNEW anything about the "1991 CEASE FIRE" much less were you aware of Bill Clinton's signing the
1998 Liberation of Iraq !
The 1998 Liberation of Iraq authorized by Congress' Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502) "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq " "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 SIGNED by a United States Congressional statement of policy calling .
"It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton mandated Operation Desert Fox, a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets.
In spite of that Saddam allowed In five years 576,000 children to starve BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was public law that Saddam be used! And Clinton signed it!
So, I guess these fabrications help you sleep at night?

I know more than you do, Jim....spent a lot of time and sacrificed a lot of personal time to come across this knowledge. Like how America is actually a corporation with all 50 states and their cities, towns and burgs being actual subsidiaries of this vast corporation that started via the Act of 1871. You can look up your town on Dun and Bradstreet but be sure to type in their all caps name. I understand the Federal Reserve Act Of 1913 that turned over our money supply to a bunch of foreign bankers for good and how fractional banking works. Do you know that due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 that we all became indentured debt slaves and collateral on this debt? It's true.. Up until 1933, there never was a birth certificate but after 1933, every newborn had a birth certificate that has been printed on bond paper because the banking oligarchs create a bond on your strawman fiction which is your all caps name and they are the holder of that bond that matures when you turn 18. It is based on actuarial tables based on the taxes, commerce and fees that you will pay over your lifetime. You became a corporate entity with your all caps corporate fiction and thus collateral on the debt and your birth certificate is actually traded on the world markets. They collect the balance with your death certificate. The crash of 1929 was orchestrated so these bankers could buy up shares of unaffiliated banks and corporations that they coveted for pennies on the dollar when they pulled out of the market and then called in loans that decimated the banks. The gold confiscation of 1933? Do you remember hearing about that in school? People had to turn in their gold for a fiat currency which was the Federal Reserve much that you are not aware of but I have an excellent handle on how the banking system works and how the Bank for international Settlements, International Monetary Fund, Global Bank and The Fed Bank works and how they are owned by the same shareholders. They control our money, thus they make the rules and they control the politicians that keep us in the debt slavery system. You should follow me here because I will enlighten you on how things really are...your choice.[/QUOTE]

Can you put that in rhyming form and mail it to me? I will frame it...
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Doesn't matter which banking oligarch controlled political party wins the election...nothing is going to change for the better. The only thing that will be accomplished is that one side will have bragging rights for 4 years. Politics is nothing but WWF for geriatric participants...the sheeple will totally buy into this theater...sorry, I am not buying a ticket because I see it for the fraud that it is. I have claimed my pre-14th amendment right and reclaimed my sovereign citizenship status thus I am not eligible to vote. Only USA.INC citizens that pledge loyalty to the District Of Columbia that are under mari-time admiralty law participate in this fraud....enjoy. I just sit back and watch the sheeple argue back and forth claiming that their side is better....tooo friggin funny.

I'm sure you spend a lot of time alone in a small room laughing to yourself...
What does it have to do with the OP? He has the idea that elections actually matter...I say that they don't and that the results are already scripted. I will not be around when our sovereignty is dissolved and what is left of our Bill of Rights is taken away...because I will gladly die fighting for it. Do you get it now?

The drama club is letting in just anyone these days.
So, I guess these fabrications help you sleep at night?

I know more than you do, Jim....spent a lot of time and sacrificed a lot of personal time to come across this knowledge. Like how America is actually a corporation with all 50 states and their cities, towns and burgs being actual subsidiaries of this vast corporation that started via the Act of 1871. You can look up your town on Dun and Bradstreet but be sure to type in their all caps name. I understand the Federal Reserve Act Of 1913 that turned over our money supply to a bunch of foreign bankers for good and how fractional banking works. Do you know that due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 that we all became indentured debt slaves and collateral on this debt? It's true.. Up until 1933, there never was a birth certificate but after 1933, every newborn had a birth certificate that has been printed on bond paper because the banking oligarchs create a bond on your strawman fiction which is your all caps name and they are the holder of that bond that matures when you turn 18. It is based on actuarial tables based on the taxes, commerce and fees that you will pay over your lifetime. You became a corporate entity with your all caps corporate fiction and thus collateral on the debt and your birth certificate is actually traded on the world markets. They collect the balance with your death certificate. The crash of 1929 was orchestrated so these bankers could buy up shares of unaffiliated banks and corporations that they coveted for pennies on the dollar when they pulled out of the market and then called in loans that decimated the banks. The gold confiscation of 1933? Do you remember hearing about that in school? People had to turn in their gold for a fiat currency which was the Federal Reserve much that you are not aware of but I have an excellent handle on how the banking system works and how the Bank for international Settlements, International Monetary Fund, Global Bank and The Fed Bank works and how they are owned by the same shareholders. They control our money, thus they make the rules and they control the politicians that keep us in the debt slavery system. You should follow me here because I will enlighten you on how things really are...your choice.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap, up the dosage.
The funny thing is, if you look at UK politics, the Conservative Party ran on anti-immigration issues in 2001 and 2005 and got hammered. It simply wasn't an issue which people took to the polls with them. They thought other issues were more important.

and the UK is seeing the results of that stupid decision today. Run that election today and you would get just the opposite result.

No, you wouldn't. It's been proven again and again, when it comes to elections, people are more concerned with their own lives, than of things which are on the edge of their own lives.

Immigration and personal safety are the top issues with US voters today. I would say that those issues are "concerned with their own lives"

But tell me, why do you on the left want open borders and why do you want to let everyone into this country?

Today, yes. When the election comes around, will they be?

But it's funny, the Right makes obscurity and issue by idiotic wars and inept mismanagement, the latter both at home and abroad, and then comes along like a knight in shining armor and says it's the one to save everyone from the mess it made in the first place.

However when it comes to politicians talking about issues, you'll be amazed at how quickly people turn away from these issues. Just go look up the UK elections in 2001 and 2005 if you don't believe me.

Immigration isn't a real "reality issue", their kid's education is, their healthcare is, their jobs are. This is the bread and butter of what makes people tick.

We will see, won't we? If there is another radical muslim attack in the USA, keeping their kids alive will be the primary issue with most voters. They may be over reacting, but staying alive is high on the human priority list.

Well, there is long term-ism and short term-ism, if an attack happens within the realm of short term-ism then this can have an impact on an election. It happened in Spain in 2004 when bombs went off 3 days before an election the right were expected to win.

People don't make assumptions that their kids are going to die tomorrow. If they did, then they'd vote for the party that proposes gun control.

You have 10,500 deaths per year to guns. You have maybe 0-20 deaths per year due to terrorism. Which do you think is going to weigh on their minds more?
Terrorism is the biggest of the isms currently. So deal with it..

The gun issue in this nation is so vast and so diverse that no one can corral it into one specific pen. That's why we have a justice system to sort it all out, and to categorize it properly in each case as is presented. If the sentences a judge gives would be in tune with the severity of the crimes being conducted, then this nation would return to being normal again. As long as we got those who tolerate and sympothize with those who do heinus crimes, then this nation will continue to self destruct under the calamity of it all.
It doesn't really matter. Except for some out liars, Republicans have lost Hispanics, gays, blacks, Muslims, scientists, college professors, teachers and so on.

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