How well does the GOP have to do with Hispanics to win the WH in 2016?

I understand statistics quite well. I also understand that the current polling is designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

When they use a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000, it is not a statistically valid representative sample. I know that the pollsters claim to proportionally represent every demographic in the country in their tiny sample. But it is simply not possible. True, some of them make pretty good guesses and some of them are flat out rigged.

you are free to believe them if you like.

LOL.....Harvard MBA doesn't understand statistical sampling

clearly much better than you do. go to your local library and check out a stat 101 text book, then read about representative sampling, you might learn something.

I fully understand what the pollsters CLAIM. But it does not pass a math test.

Even Harvard MBAs understand that each sample has a margin of error of plus or minus a few percent. To think that a Harvard MBA does not understand that a sample of 1000 can be relevant is embarassing.
Individual samples of 1000 can each be challenged on their standard deviations. However, if repeated individual samples of 1000 are yielding the same results, those samples collectively are more valid

Even a French model like myself understands it

Amazingly ignorant. a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000 cannot ever be valid, the margin of error is too great. The pollsters try to overcome that by carefully selecting the sample to (theoretically) proportionally cover all the demographics within the 330,000,000 population. The problem is that there are more than 1000 different demographics in the USA so it is impossible to proportionally cover all of them in such a small sample.

Now if you make the sample 2,000,000 or more the margin of error might be acceptable. But they never use that large of a sample because it would cost too much and take too long to gather.

I am right about this, you only make yourself look foolish by continuing your rants.
Harvard MBA?
No, the margin is not too great

If you random sample 1000 people and every one says they do not support Redfish for President do you think you need to sample 100 million before you can be confident that Redfish has no chance?

Sampling error will provide your statistical confidence band.

One sample may be an outlier and need to be thrown out. If random samples consistenly yield the same result, they provide valitity

^^^^ignorance on display.

If I go to the lower ninth ward in New Orleans and ask 1000 people if they think Obama is a good president, probably 900 will say yes. Should I then conclude that 330,000,000 americans think Obama is a good president?

The pollsters do not do "random" sampling. Do you even know what random sampling is?
Obama won re-election in 2012 by 3,013,769

Obama 61,208,082 50.5% Popular Votes
Romney 58,194,313 48.0% Popular Vote 119,402,395 2.5%

2012 Primary Election Results: President
ethnic of total Obama Romney
White-American 39% 59%
African-American 93% 7%
Latin-American 71% 27%
Asian-American 71% 27%

Ethnic % of total votes Total votes Obama votes Romney
White-American 72% 44,069,819 17,187,229 26,001,193
African-American 13% 7,957,051 7,400,057 556,994
Latin-American 10% 6,120,808 4,345,774 1,652,618
Asian-American 3% 1,836,242 1,303,732 495,785
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

any conservatives from the outset urged the Republican Party not to go with Romney, figuring he was another moderate Republican destined to lose -- like John McCain.
McCain Beats Romney!

So those are the FACTS as to how Obama won re-election by a small margin of 3 million votes.
So all that is needed is the same number of Latin-American voters BUT this time White Americans being so truly embarrassed by voting for Obama
WILL make up the 6 million difference increasing just 14% more White Votes.

We elect by electoral votes NOT popular vote

Ask President Gore, he can explain it to you

I swear these idiots do not understand how elections work and believe the popular vote is the only thing that matters.

These idiots believe that in states with growing Minority populations like Texas will stay red if Trump is the candidate while the reality it will most likely turn blue and give the Democrats another state.

GOP will not win states like California, New York or Illinois with a candidate like Trump, and they could lose states like Texas while at it, but that extra white vote in South Dakota or South Carolina will make them happy while not understanding you need the Electoral College to win!

There may be almost no Hispanics in Wyoming or Idaho. It does not matter, those states go red anyway

California, Texas, Florida are the real prizes
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada collectively add up

Right now
California, New Mexico are Blue
Texas and Arizona are Red

The others are up for grabs. Move Florida, Colorado and Nevada to the blue column and Republicans are doomed in 2016

Long term, Texas and Arizona come in to play

your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?
We elect by electoral votes NOT popular vote

Ask President Gore, he can explain it to you

I swear these idiots do not understand how elections work and believe the popular vote is the only thing that matters.

These idiots believe that in states with growing Minority populations like Texas will stay red if Trump is the candidate while the reality it will most likely turn blue and give the Democrats another state.

GOP will not win states like California, New York or Illinois with a candidate like Trump, and they could lose states like Texas while at it, but that extra white vote in South Dakota or South Carolina will make them happy while not understanding you need the Electoral College to win!

There may be almost no Hispanics in Wyoming or Idaho. It does not matter, those states go red anyway

California, Texas, Florida are the real prizes
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada collectively add up

Right now
California, New Mexico are Blue
Texas and Arizona are Red

The others are up for grabs. Move Florida, Colorado and Nevada to the blue column and Republicans are doomed in 2016

Long term, Texas and Arizona come in to play

your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile
LOL.....Harvard MBA doesn't understand statistical sampling

clearly much better than you do. go to your local library and check out a stat 101 text book, then read about representative sampling, you might learn something.

I fully understand what the pollsters CLAIM. But it does not pass a math test.

Even Harvard MBAs understand that each sample has a margin of error of plus or minus a few percent. To think that a Harvard MBA does not understand that a sample of 1000 can be relevant is embarassing.
Individual samples of 1000 can each be challenged on their standard deviations. However, if repeated individual samples of 1000 are yielding the same results, those samples collectively are more valid

Even a French model like myself understands it

Amazingly ignorant. a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000 cannot ever be valid, the margin of error is too great. The pollsters try to overcome that by carefully selecting the sample to (theoretically) proportionally cover all the demographics within the 330,000,000 population. The problem is that there are more than 1000 different demographics in the USA so it is impossible to proportionally cover all of them in such a small sample.

Now if you make the sample 2,000,000 or more the margin of error might be acceptable. But they never use that large of a sample because it would cost too much and take too long to gather.

I am right about this, you only make yourself look foolish by continuing your rants.
Harvard MBA?
No, the margin is not too great

If you random sample 1000 people and every one says they do not support Redfish for President do you think you need to sample 100 million before you can be confident that Redfish has no chance?

Sampling error will provide your statistical confidence band.

One sample may be an outlier and need to be thrown out. If random samples consistenly yield the same result, they provide valitity

^^^^ignorance on display.

If I go to the lower ninth ward in New Orleans and ask 1000 people if they think Obama is a good president, probably 900 will say yes. Should I then conclude that 330,000,000 americans think Obama is a good president?

The pollsters do not do "random" sampling. Do you even know what random sampling is?


Harvard MBA does not understand what a random sample is, Collecting in one neighborhood is not random
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

What work?

What has the gop done to enlarge it's base?

It's war on women? Sure women want to lose their rights and be repressed.

It's war on Hispanics? Sure Hispanics just love the discrimination, being threatened to be deported back to where they came from even though they were born and raised right here in America.

It's war on anyone who doesn't share the gop so called "christian" religion? Sure as a person who isn't christian, jewish or muslim, the decades long war to force their christianity on our whole nation has been lots of fun.

It's war on the middle class and working people? Sure we just love the income equality and being told that we don't matter just because we aren't filthy rich, we can't bankroll anyone's campaign nor can we bribe any politician to write laws that give us better wages and working conditions. That's lots of fun.

There is absolutely nothing that the gop wants to force on our nation that most intelligent people want.

Personally I believe America would be much better off if those people were thrown out of our government and never allowed to return to do more damage to our nation and people.

It comes down to Republicans defining what "real Americans" are. Sarah Palin made millions off of it

Trump is refining it and giving it a face. THEY are the ones who harm us. THEY are the ones to fear. "Real Americans" need me to defend them

Exactly what the left is also saying. Be real.
I swear these idiots do not understand how elections work and believe the popular vote is the only thing that matters.

These idiots believe that in states with growing Minority populations like Texas will stay red if Trump is the candidate while the reality it will most likely turn blue and give the Democrats another state.

GOP will not win states like California, New York or Illinois with a candidate like Trump, and they could lose states like Texas while at it, but that extra white vote in South Dakota or South Carolina will make them happy while not understanding you need the Electoral College to win!

There may be almost no Hispanics in Wyoming or Idaho. It does not matter, those states go red anyway

California, Texas, Florida are the real prizes
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada collectively add up

Right now
California, New Mexico are Blue
Texas and Arizona are Red

The others are up for grabs. Move Florida, Colorado and Nevada to the blue column and Republicans are doomed in 2016

Long term, Texas and Arizona come in to play

your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

#1,2,3,6 are not "hostile." The word "hostile" does not mean "anything leftists disagree with."
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.
Did you miss the Pope showing up and condemning gay marriage? Find some statistics on how many hispanics are catholic. Then do the statistics on which political party supports and promotes the church of LGBT, the one who was responsible for urging a Christian be jailed for following the Christian faith.

The one demographic the GOP has to worry about the least are hispanics. God has just forbidden them from supporting the party of gay marriage.

Yeah, run with that.

Top 6 Facts on the Latino Vote

Bureau estimates the 2016 Latino over-18 population at nearly 39.8 million. A total of 800,000 Latinos turn 18 each year—one every 30 seconds or more than 66,000 individuals per month. Ninety-three percent of Latino children are U.S.-born citizens and will be eligible to vote when they reach age 18. As of 2014, one in fourchildren in the United States—17.6 million total—were Latino. This contributes to the fact that people of color already make up nearly a majority of the under-18 population nationally.
I swear these idiots do not understand how elections work and believe the popular vote is the only thing that matters.

These idiots believe that in states with growing Minority populations like Texas will stay red if Trump is the candidate while the reality it will most likely turn blue and give the Democrats another state.

GOP will not win states like California, New York or Illinois with a candidate like Trump, and they could lose states like Texas while at it, but that extra white vote in South Dakota or South Carolina will make them happy while not understanding you need the Electoral College to win!

There may be almost no Hispanics in Wyoming or Idaho. It does not matter, those states go red anyway

California, Texas, Florida are the real prizes
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada collectively add up

Right now
California, New Mexico are Blue
Texas and Arizona are Red

The others are up for grabs. Move Florida, Colorado and Nevada to the blue column and Republicans are doomed in 2016

Long term, Texas and Arizona come in to play

your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

the amendment was to provide citizenship for the children of slaves, not illegal aliens

the dream act is unconstitutional, I think its a good idea, but its not constitutional

no one is blocking intelligent immigration reform, the first step is enforcing the laws already on the books

Some of them are drug dealers and rapists, no one ever said that all of them are

first, Hispanic is not a race, so its not a racist issue. there is not GOP anti-Hispanic rhetoric,

English only is how this country was founded and should remain. A multi-lingual country is doomed.

but good job or reciting the dem/lib talking points, we understand that that is your reason for being.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.
Did you miss the Pope showing up and condemning gay marriage? Find some statistics on how many hispanics are catholic. Then do the statistics on which political party supports and promotes the church of LGBT, the one who was responsible for urging a Christian be jailed for following the Christian faith.

The one demographic the GOP has to worry about the least are hispanics. God has just forbidden them from supporting the party of gay marriage.
Republicans got 27% of the Hispanic vote in 2012.....expect less in 2016

They need at least 35% to win. The most W ever got was 40%.
clearly much better than you do. go to your local library and check out a stat 101 text book, then read about representative sampling, you might learn something.

I fully understand what the pollsters CLAIM. But it does not pass a math test.

Even Harvard MBAs understand that each sample has a margin of error of plus or minus a few percent. To think that a Harvard MBA does not understand that a sample of 1000 can be relevant is embarassing.
Individual samples of 1000 can each be challenged on their standard deviations. However, if repeated individual samples of 1000 are yielding the same results, those samples collectively are more valid

Even a French model like myself understands it

Amazingly ignorant. a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000 cannot ever be valid, the margin of error is too great. The pollsters try to overcome that by carefully selecting the sample to (theoretically) proportionally cover all the demographics within the 330,000,000 population. The problem is that there are more than 1000 different demographics in the USA so it is impossible to proportionally cover all of them in such a small sample.

Now if you make the sample 2,000,000 or more the margin of error might be acceptable. But they never use that large of a sample because it would cost too much and take too long to gather.

I am right about this, you only make yourself look foolish by continuing your rants.
Harvard MBA?
No, the margin is not too great

If you random sample 1000 people and every one says they do not support Redfish for President do you think you need to sample 100 million before you can be confident that Redfish has no chance?

Sampling error will provide your statistical confidence band.

One sample may be an outlier and need to be thrown out. If random samples consistenly yield the same result, they provide valitity

^^^^ignorance on display.

If I go to the lower ninth ward in New Orleans and ask 1000 people if they think Obama is a good president, probably 900 will say yes. Should I then conclude that 330,000,000 americans think Obama is a good president?

The pollsters do not do "random" sampling. Do you even know what random sampling is?


Harvard MBA does not understand what a random sample is, Collecting in one neighborhood is not random

If there are 20,000 people in that neighborhood and you draw the names out of a hat, it is random. Like I said, you keep making a fool of yourself.
There may be almost no Hispanics in Wyoming or Idaho. It does not matter, those states go red anyway

California, Texas, Florida are the real prizes
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada collectively add up

Right now
California, New Mexico are Blue
Texas and Arizona are Red

The others are up for grabs. Move Florida, Colorado and Nevada to the blue column and Republicans are doomed in 2016

Long term, Texas and Arizona come in to play

your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

#1,2,3,6 are not "hostile." The word "hostile" does not mean "anything leftists disagree with."

We are not talking about the left, we are talking about Hispanic voters
I swear these idiots do not understand how elections work and believe the popular vote is the only thing that matters.

These idiots believe that in states with growing Minority populations like Texas will stay red if Trump is the candidate while the reality it will most likely turn blue and give the Democrats another state.

GOP will not win states like California, New York or Illinois with a candidate like Trump, and they could lose states like Texas while at it, but that extra white vote in South Dakota or South Carolina will make them happy while not understanding you need the Electoral College to win!

There may be almost no Hispanics in Wyoming or Idaho. It does not matter, those states go red anyway

California, Texas, Florida are the real prizes
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada collectively add up

Right now
California, New Mexico are Blue
Texas and Arizona are Red

The others are up for grabs. Move Florida, Colorado and Nevada to the blue column and Republicans are doomed in 2016

Long term, Texas and Arizona come in to play

your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

And who did that?
Trump like millions of us want "legal immigrants"!

My daughter-in-law followed the law and became a citizen legally!

See what our history has been regarding "legal immigration"!

From this site: Immigration Laws Passed in the U.S.: History and Timeline

Congress passes the Anarchist Exclusion Act, which denies anarchists, other political extremists, beggars, and epileptics entry into the U.S. It's the first time individuals are banned from the U.S. based on political beliefs.

The Naturalization Act of 1906 creates the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and places it under the jurisdiction of the Commerce Department.
The act also requires immigrants to learn English before they can become citizens.

Immigration Act of 1917, also called Asiatic Barred Zone Act, further restricted immigration, particularly of people from a large swath of Asia and the Pacific Islands. The act also bars homosexuals, “idiots,” “feeble-minded persons,” "criminals," “insane persons,” alcoholics, and other categories. In addition, the act sets a literacy standard for immigrants age 16 and older. They must be able to read a 40-word selection in their native language.

The Alien Registration Act (Smith Act) requires that all immigrants age 14 and up register with the government and be fingerprinted.
The act also bans individuals considered “subversives” from immigrating.

Internal Security Act allows the deportation of any immigrants who were ever members of the Communist Party.
Even Harvard MBAs understand that each sample has a margin of error of plus or minus a few percent. To think that a Harvard MBA does not understand that a sample of 1000 can be relevant is embarassing.
Individual samples of 1000 can each be challenged on their standard deviations. However, if repeated individual samples of 1000 are yielding the same results, those samples collectively are more valid

Even a French model like myself understands it

Amazingly ignorant. a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000 cannot ever be valid, the margin of error is too great. The pollsters try to overcome that by carefully selecting the sample to (theoretically) proportionally cover all the demographics within the 330,000,000 population. The problem is that there are more than 1000 different demographics in the USA so it is impossible to proportionally cover all of them in such a small sample.

Now if you make the sample 2,000,000 or more the margin of error might be acceptable. But they never use that large of a sample because it would cost too much and take too long to gather.

I am right about this, you only make yourself look foolish by continuing your rants.
Harvard MBA?
No, the margin is not too great

If you random sample 1000 people and every one says they do not support Redfish for President do you think you need to sample 100 million before you can be confident that Redfish has no chance?

Sampling error will provide your statistical confidence band.

One sample may be an outlier and need to be thrown out. If random samples consistenly yield the same result, they provide valitity

^^^^ignorance on display.

If I go to the lower ninth ward in New Orleans and ask 1000 people if they think Obama is a good president, probably 900 will say yes. Should I then conclude that 330,000,000 americans think Obama is a good president?

The pollsters do not do "random" sampling. Do you even know what random sampling is?


Harvard MBA does not understand what a random sample is, Collecting in one neighborhood is not random

If there are 20,000 people in that neighborhood and you draw the names out of a hat, it is random. Like I said, you keep making a fool of yourself.

Good god!

We need to repeal Harvards authorization to give MBAs
There may be almost no Hispanics in Wyoming or Idaho. It does not matter, those states go red anyway

California, Texas, Florida are the real prizes
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada collectively add up

Right now
California, New Mexico are Blue
Texas and Arizona are Red

The others are up for grabs. Move Florida, Colorado and Nevada to the blue column and Republicans are doomed in 2016

Long term, Texas and Arizona come in to play

your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

the amendment was to provide citizenship for the children of slaves, not illegal aliens

the dream act is unconstitutional, I think its a good idea, but its not constitutional

no one is blocking intelligent immigration reform, the first step is enforcing the laws already on the books

Some of them are drug dealers and rapists, no one ever said that all of them are

first, Hispanic is not a race, so its not a racist issue. there is not GOP anti-Hispanic rhetoric,

English only is how this country was founded and should remain. A multi-lingual country is doomed.

but good job or reciting the dem/lib talking points, we understand that that is your reason for being.

Explain it to Hispanic voters. I don't think they will buy your explanations
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.
Did you miss the Pope showing up and condemning gay marriage? Find some statistics on how many hispanics are catholic. Then do the statistics on which political party supports and promotes the church of LGBT, the one who was responsible for urging a Christian be jailed for following the Christian faith.

The one demographic the GOP has to worry about the least are hispanics. God has just forbidden them from supporting the party of gay marriage.
Republicans got 27% of the Hispanic vote in 2012.....expect less in 2016

They need at least 35% to win. The most W ever got was 40%.

Jeb has strong Hispanic ties and Rubio is Cuban. Both could pull a strong block of Hispanics if they would just grow a set of balls and tell the far right haters to go fuck themselves

Republicans need a candidate who will lead his party to a position that Hispanics would support. Not just a "Look! we have a Cuban running"
your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

#1,2,3,6 are not "hostile." The word "hostile" does not mean "anything leftists disagree with."

We are not talking about the left, we are talking about Hispanic voters

No, you're really talking about the left. That's where all this comes from.
Undone by Trump and those who support him.

Legal Hispanics support Trump. 95% of blacks support Trump on blocking muslim immigration.

You guys are losing. Unless you find another candidate, 2016 will belong to the GOP. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.

The funny thing is, if you look at UK politics, the Conservative Party ran on anti-immigration issues in 2001 and 2005 and got hammered. It simply wasn't an issue which people took to the polls with them. They thought other issues were more important.

and the UK is seeing the results of that stupid decision today. Run that election today and you would get just the opposite result.

No, you wouldn't. It's been proven again and again, when it comes to elections, people are more concerned with their own lives, than of things which are on the edge of their own lives.

Immigration and personal safety are the top issues with US voters today. I would say that those issues are "concerned with their own lives"

But tell me, why do you on the left want open borders and why do you want to let everyone into this country?

Well, if Hillary wins, you can move to Canada. they are letting in those murderous Syrian women and children refugees. You better have alternate plans, little fellow.
How else do you call opposing a bill that you helped write?

I got my mind right boss

kinda like Kerry being for the war before he was against it, right?

all politicians lie, get over it.
Kerry was for Vietnam until he saw what a clusterfuck it was

Supporting Bush lies based on what Bush told you is no crime

The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass

That is a lie. The congress had the exact same intel and came to the exact same erroneous conclusions. Go back and look at the statements of prominent dems at the time, they all said exactly the same things that Bush said.

We agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about the history for attempted political gains.

Congress had what W allowed them to be given. Next...
your assumption that all Hispanics, or a majority of them, will vote dem is wrong. Legal American Hispanics are as politically diverse as the rest of America.

Why do you want one party controlling the country?

Only legal Hispanics can vote. Only 27% of legal Hispanics voted republican in 2012. Since then, Republicans have become more hostile to Hispanics

How is wanting the border controlled being hostile to legal Hispanics? the vast majority of legal Hispanics want the border controlled.

Do you ever post anything except dem talking points?

Questioning anchor babies is hostile to Hispanics.
Blocking citizenship for Dream children is hostile
Blocking immigration reform and a pathto citizenship is hostile
Calling Hispanics drug dealers and rapists is hostile
Allowing racist anti-hispanic rhetoric on rightwing media is hostile
English only is hostile

the amendment was to provide citizenship for the children of slaves, not illegal aliens

the dream act is unconstitutional, I think its a good idea, but its not constitutional

no one is blocking intelligent immigration reform, the first step is enforcing the laws already on the books

Some of them are drug dealers and rapists, no one ever said that all of them are

first, Hispanic is not a race, so its not a racist issue. there is not GOP anti-Hispanic rhetoric,

English only is how this country was founded and should remain. A multi-lingual country is doomed.

but good job or reciting the dem/lib talking points, we understand that that is your reason for being.

Explain it to Hispanic voters. I don't think they will buy your explanations

The bottom line is that the 2016 election will not swing on the Hispanic vote. the premise of the OP is foolish.
Two come to mind right away:

He saw in NJ, with his eyes thousands of Muslims celebrating 911.

He saw people jumping from Twin Towers from his office window NEARLY FOUR MILES AWAY

the muslim celebration quote has been proven true.

I can see 4 miles, sorry if you can't. It was a very clear day and a body against the light background of the building would be visible from 4 miles.

got anything else?
Two come to mind right away:

He saw in NJ, with his eyes thousands of Muslims celebrating 911.

He saw people jumping from Twin Towers from his office window NEARLY FOUR MILES AWAY

the muslim celebration quote has been proven true.

I can see 4 miles, sorry if you can't. It was a very clear day and a body against the light background of the building would be visible from 4 miles.

got anything else?

New information doesn't fix Donald Trump's 9/11 claim

I can post a dozen honest links to each of your RW nutjob links. You cannot see a person falling one mile away, much less four.

You are a liar like your master Donald.


prove it wrong.

I have and so has all the media outlets. You just cannot admit it. You have the Karl Rove syndrome.

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