How well does the GOP have to do with Hispanics to win the WH in 2016?

How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Here is why the problem is so frustrating for the GOP leadership.

Granted, a large number of Republicans support the party because of its fiscal platform, which is extremely beneficial to the 250K+ crowd.

But you can't win a national election purely by taking care of the wealthy.

You need to attract non wealthy voters - and you can't go after the poor and middle class voters on the other side of aisle, because too many of them are secularized and agree with the principals of pluralism and liberal tolerance. This leaves you with the bottom of the barrel - uneducated, xenophobic, racist, nativistic bigots. The Left actually gave a home to many of these people in order to pass the New Deal, but Goldwater, Nixon, Wallace and Reagan were able to steal them back after the Civil Rights Act. As a result, the GOP has a sizable population of angry uneducated bigots whose loyalty to the party is sustained by a steady diet of scapegoats (gays, liberals, Mexican, Muslims, etc).

Problem is: it's getting harder and harder for the GOP to win a general election in the face of shifting demographics. The uneducated bigots that fill the Tea Party will no longer allow an electable candidate to survive the primaries. At some point the GOP will have to stop bending over backwards to attract angry, uneducated white people. At some point the GOP will have to run a candidate who reflects the shifting demographics and evolving values of the nation.

That shit don't fly! I'm not drinking that kool-aide. Republicans like Trump are winning because they shift far right to fix the real problems which you liberals go soft on the real issues. The same as when Ronald Reagan was far right conservative and got the greatest voter turn out from liberals that abandoned Carter. So, you can keep that socialists bluff theory about fitting in the middle. Its not about compromising to please the other side, its about standing on your principles and sticking to the real issues. That's why Romney and McCain lost because they were trying to please everybody, it's not a popularity contest, just ask Al Gore, Mr. Popular vote himself! He Lost to a far right!

Donald Trump doesn’t need Latino voters to win

Donald Trump doesn’t need Latino voters to win

Donald Trump represents hard work and a free market economy. A whopping 64 percent of millennials say hard work is the key to success and 40 percent of millennials say that poor life choices and lack of work ethic is what causes poverty, this is the exact opposite view held by most Democrats running for office.

Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

The White Vote and the GOP

Here’s Why Donald Trump Really Could Be Elected President

According to Reason-Rupp latest polling data 52 percent of millennials favor capitalism over socialism and 64 percent favor the free market over a government managed economy. Donald Trump represents the kind of success that can be attained though capitalism and the free market, two things Democrats vilanize but that are positives for millennials. Millennials have positive views of capitalism and most believe that corporations earn their profits and are entitled to keep them.

Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

It's a simplistic view, and it doesn't wash with the reality that most people encounter on a daily basis.
Trump supporters really do not care if they lose the Hispanic vote.

Note: I am not a supporter of Trump and believe if the GOP does not flush him soon they will not be able to save their chances to win this next November.

I do not feel that many of Trump's supporters care whether he is able to win the General or not. They are acting as they are some kind of Trump cult where they just blindly follow Donald. It is something I have never seen in all my years of watching Presidential races.

But I agree, time is growing short for the GOP. They can either deal with Donald now or they will be embarrassed in November 2016. Ir is their choice. And yet, if they "deal" with Donald and he percieves this as being "unfair", he will run as a Third Party. And again, the GOP will be embarassed in November 2016.

As Senator Graham said recently, he may be painful to "risk-losing-election-without-trump-than-win-with-him"

Lindsey Graham: 'Better to risk losing election without Trump' than win with him

I saw it when George Wallace ran for president.

Wallace and Perot came along in different times from today. Americans were not as disgusted with both parties in those days as they are today.

I don't want to see Trump go third party, but if the GOP establishment ignores the will of the people, then I am all for him doing it. If that elects the hildebeast, then the country deserves what happens to it.

Works for me!!!!!

and you fools that support her deserve it the most. Why do you want to be a pawn to a socialist dictator? I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why you libs want to give up your freedoms.

you have a bike in your avatar. do you like it when the govt tells you that you have to wear a helmet?

They don't. I live in Arizona. And, I don't recall Hillary saying that she is going to change that.
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How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

What work?

What has the gop done to enlarge it's base?

It's war on women? Sure women want to lose their rights and be repressed.

It's war on Hispanics? Sure Hispanics just love the discrimination, being threatened to be deported back to where they came from even though they were born and raised right here in America.

It's war on anyone who doesn't share the gop so called "christian" religion? Sure as a person who isn't christian, jewish or muslim, the decades long war to force their christianity on our whole nation has been lots of fun.

It's war on the middle class and working people? Sure we just love the income equality and being told that we don't matter just because we aren't filthy rich, we can't bankroll anyone's campaign nor can we bribe any politician to write laws that give us better wages and working conditions. That's lots of fun.

There is absolutely nothing that the gop wants to force on our nation that most intelligent people want.

Personally I believe America would be much better off if those people were thrown out of our government and never allowed to return to do more damage to our nation and people.
The same as when Ronald Reagan was far right conservative and got the greatest voter turn out from liberals that abandoned Carter.

I agree with you to an extent. But it's important to emphasize that the shift of socially conservative Democrats to the Republican Party was triggered by a number of factors that pre-date Reagan (who was the first Republican president to fully reap the benefits).

The Civil Rights Act, Vietnam War and Affirmative Action were key. But so was bra burning, the pill, urban riots, hippie free love & drug culture - all of which took shape well prior to 1980, and all of which served to shatter the New Deal Coalition, which itself triggered a major political realignment.

We agree that Reagan and the Right gave a home to conservative Americans disillusioned by the Democrat Party (which shifted from traditional working class issues to race, gender and lifestyle politics, coupled with a strong anti-war component that would have sickened FDR and Kennedy).

BUT... many of the white Democrats absorbed by the Reagan Revolution are dying off, and they are being replaced by people who are less white, less xenophobic, less supportive of military adventurism and less prone to hate/fear gays, Mexicans, Blacks and Muslims.

I think the GOP is at a crossroads. Either they embrace shifting demographics and social values, or they bunker down and calcify around dying white racists and crude nativists who believe the majority of foreigners are evil.

Here is what I'm trying to say. There is a younger generation of people who are attracted to the ideas of Milton Friedman but who are desperately hoping that they don't have to pull the lever for an intellectually and morally bankrupt demagogue peddling fear.
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Rubio actually wrote most of the immigration reform bill that passed the Senate.......he subsequently sold out and disavowed it

Your claim loses legitimacy as soon as you inject loaded phrases like "sold out."
How else do you call opposing a bill that you helped write?

I got my mind right boss

kinda like Kerry being for the war before he was against it, right?

all politicians lie, get over it.
Kerry was for Vietnam until he saw what a clusterfuck it was

Supporting Bush lies based on what Bush told you is no crime

The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass
Undone by Trump and those who support him.

Legal Hispanics support Trump. 95% of blacks support Trump on blocking muslim immigration.

You guys are losing. Unless you find another candidate, 2016 will belong to the GOP. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.
You never actually took statistics did you?

actually I did. statistics is one of the prerequisites for a Harvard MBA, which I have.

But that has nothing to do with the polls I cited. They aren't my polls.
Too funny

I'm a French model

I always thought you were a girly man, thanks for confirming. I would post my diploma but then you would know who I am and you would be really scared.

Bullshit...Here is mine

How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Here is the problem. You can't win a national election purely by taking care of the wealthy.

You need to attract non wealthy voters - and you can't go after the poor and middle class voters on the other side of aisle because too many of them are secularized and agree with the principals of pluralism and liberal tolerance. This leaves you with the bottom of the barrel - uneducated, xenophobic, racist, nativistic bigots. [FYI: The Left actually gave a home to many of these bigots in order to pass the New Deal, but Goldwater, Nixon, Wallace and Reagan were able to steal them back after the Civil Rights Act.]

Point is: the GOP now has a sizable population of angry uneducated bigots whose loyalty to the party is sustained by a steady diet of scapegoats (gays, liberals, Mexicans, Muslims, etc). I'm talking about people who are easy to scare with pictures of towel-headed men on monkey bars (even though your chances of dying in a terrorist attack are less than your chances of dying by lightning strike).

As a result of the GOP's "deal with devil" (i.e., partnering with uneducated bigots), it's getting harder and harder for the GOP to win a general election in the face of shifting demographics. The uneducated bigots that fill the Tea Party will no longer allow an electable candidate to survive the primaries. At some point the GOP will have to stop bending over backwards to attract angry, uneducated white people - otherwise they are going to be stuck with candidates like Trump, who so clearly lacks the intellectual and emotional qualifications the job. At some point the GOP will have to run a candidate who reflects the shifting demographics and evolving values of the nation.

GOP platform

1. Cut taxes on the wealthy
2. Keep gays, mexicans, minorities, muslims in their place
3. Blame the poor for our problems
4. Ban abortion
5. Protect your guns

2,3,4 &5 ensure #1
I believe Redfish when he says he went to Harvard. I also believe he doesn't understand statistics, even if he took the class.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Undone by Trump and those who support him.

Legal Hispanics support Trump. 95% of blacks support Trump on blocking muslim immigration.

You guys are losing. Unless you find another candidate, 2016 will belong to the GOP. Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.

The funny thing is, if you look at UK politics, the Conservative Party ran on anti-immigration issues in 2001 and 2005 and got hammered. It simply wasn't an issue which people took to the polls with them. They thought other issues were more important.

and the UK is seeing the results of that stupid decision today. Run that election today and you would get just the opposite result.

No, you wouldn't. It's been proven again and again, when it comes to elections, people are more concerned with their own lives, than of things which are on the edge of their own lives.

Immigration and personal safety are the top issues with US voters today. I would say that those issues are "concerned with their own lives"

But tell me, why do you on the left want open borders and why do you want to let everyone into this country?
In the election that Romney lost, I remember that to have won that election he would have needed 70% of the hispanic vote or an increase of 4% of the white vote.

Obama won re-election in 2012 by 3,013,769

Obama 61,208,082 50.5% Popular Votes
Romney 58,194,313 48.0% Popular Vote 119,402,395 2.5%

2012 Primary Election Results: President
ethnic of total Obama Romney
White-American 39% 59%
African-American 93% 7%
Latin-American 71% 27%
Asian-American 71% 27%

Ethnic % of total votes Total votes Obama votes Romney
White-American 72% 44,069,819 17,187,229 26,001,193
African-American 13% 7,957,051 7,400,057 556,994
Latin-American 10% 6,120,808 4,345,774 1,652,618
Asian-American 3% 1,836,242 1,303,732 495,785
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

any conservatives from the outset urged the Republican Party not to go with Romney, figuring he was another moderate Republican destined to lose -- like John McCain.
McCain Beats Romney!

So those are the FACTS as to how Obama won re-election by a small margin of 3 million votes.
So all that is needed is the same number of Latin-American voters BUT this time White Americans being so truly embarrassed by voting for Obama
WILL make up the 6 million difference increasing just 14% more White Votes.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Trump supporters really do not care if they lose the Hispanic vote.

Note: I am not a supporter of Trump and believe if the GOP does not flush him soon they will not be able to save their chances to win this next November.

Obama won re-election in 2012 by 3,013,769

Obama 61,208,082 50.5% Popular Votes
Romney 58,194,313 48.0% Popular Vote 119,402,395 2.5%

2012 Primary Election Results: President
ethnic of total Obama Romney
White-American 39% 59%
African-American 93% 7%
Latin-American 71% 27%
Asian-American 71% 27%

Ethnic % of total votes Total votes Obama votes Romney
White-American 72% 44,069,819 17,187,229 26,001,193
African-American 13% 7,957,051 7,400,057 556,994
Latin-American 10% 6,120,808 4,345,774 1,652,618
Asian-American 3% 1,836,242 1,303,732 495,785
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

any conservatives from the outset urged the Republican Party not to go with Romney, figuring he was another moderate Republican destined to lose -- like John McCain.
McCain Beats Romney!

So those are the FACTS as to how Obama won re-election by a small margin of 3 million votes.
So all that is needed is the same number of Latin-American voters BUT this time White Americans being so truly embarrassed by voting for Obama
WILL make up the 6 million difference increasing just 14% more White Votes.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

What work?

What has the gop done to enlarge it's base?

It's war on women? Sure women want to lose their rights and be repressed.

It's war on Hispanics? Sure Hispanics just love the discrimination, being threatened to be deported back to where they came from even though they were born and raised right here in America.

It's war on anyone who doesn't share the gop so called "christian" religion? Sure as a person who isn't christian, jewish or muslim, the decades long war to force their christianity on our whole nation has been lots of fun.

It's war on the middle class and working people? Sure we just love the income equality and being told that we don't matter just because we aren't filthy rich, we can't bankroll anyone's campaign nor can we bribe any politician to write laws that give us better wages and working conditions. That's lots of fun.

There is absolutely nothing that the gop wants to force on our nation that most intelligent people want.

Personally I believe America would be much better off if those people were thrown out of our government and never allowed to return to do more damage to our nation and people.

Pointless, empty partisan nonsense.
I believe Redfish when he says he went to Harvard. I also believe he doesn't understand statistics, even if he took the class.

I understand statistics quite well. I also understand that the current polling is designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

When they use a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000, it is not a statistically valid representative sample. I know that the pollsters claim to proportionally represent every demographic in the country in their tiny sample. But it is simply not possible. True, some of them make pretty good guesses and some of them are flat out rigged.

you are free to believe them if you like.
I do not feel that many of Trump's supporters care whether he is able to win the General or not. They are acting as they are some kind of Trump cult where they just blindly follow Donald. It is something I have never seen in all my years of watching Presidential races.

But I agree, time is growing short for the GOP. They can either deal with Donald now or they will be embarrassed in November 2016. Ir is their choice. And yet, if they "deal" with Donald and he percieves this as being "unfair", he will run as a Third Party. And again, the GOP will be embarassed in November 2016.

As Senator Graham said recently, he may be painful to "risk-losing-election-without-trump-than-win-with-him"

Lindsey Graham: 'Better to risk losing election without Trump' than win with him

I saw it when George Wallace ran for president.

Wallace and Perot came along in different times from today. Americans were not as disgusted with both parties in those days as they are today.

I don't want to see Trump go third party, but if the GOP establishment ignores the will of the people, then I am all for him doing it. If that elects the hildebeast, then the country deserves what happens to it.

Works for me!!!!!

and you fools that support her deserve it the most. Why do you want to be a pawn to a socialist dictator? I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why you libs want to give up your freedoms.

you have a bike in your avatar. do you like it when the govt tells you that you have to wear a helmet?

They don't. I live in Arizona. And, I don't recall Hillary saying that she is going to change that.

Great for AZ, but would you like it if you lived in a helmet mandatory state? My point is that the left wants bigger government and more rules unless those rules affect them.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Here is the problem. You can't win a national election purely by taking care of the wealthy.

You need to attract non wealthy voters - and you can't go after the poor and middle class voters on the other side of aisle because too many of them are secularized and agree with the principals of pluralism and liberal tolerance. This leaves you with the bottom of the barrel - uneducated, xenophobic, racist, nativistic bigots. [FYI: The Left actually gave a home to many of these bigots in order to pass the New Deal, but Goldwater, Nixon, Wallace and Reagan were able to steal them back after the Civil Rights Act.]

Point is: the GOP now has a sizable population of angry uneducated bigots whose loyalty to the party is sustained by a steady diet of scapegoats (gays, liberals, Mexicans, Muslims, etc). I'm talking about people who are easy to scare with pictures of towel-headed men on monkey bars (even though your chances of dying in a terrorist attack are less than your chances of dying by lightning strike).

As a result of the GOP's "deal with devil" (i.e., partnering with uneducated bigots), it's getting harder and harder for the GOP to win a general election in the face of shifting demographics. The uneducated bigots that fill the Tea Party will no longer allow an electable candidate to survive the primaries. At some point the GOP will have to stop bending over backwards to attract angry, uneducated white people - otherwise they are going to be stuck with candidates like Trump, who so clearly lacks the intellectual and emotional qualifications the job. At some point the GOP will have to run a candidate who reflects the shifting demographics and evolving values of the nation.

GOP platform

1. Cut taxes on the wealthy
2. Keep gays, mexicans, minorities, muslims in their place
3. Blame the poor for our problems
4. Ban abortion
5. Protect your guns

2,3,4 &5 ensure #1

#2,3,4 are bullshit. Try being more than just another mindless, partisan drone.
How well must GOP do among Hispanics to win in 2016?

The GOP has a huge mountain to climb to win the Hispanic vote, and Trump is not making it easier. It is just incredible that all the work that the GOP has done to enlarge its base has been undone by Trump in just a few months.

Trump supporters really do not care if they lose the Hispanic vote.

Note: I am not a supporter of Trump and believe if the GOP does not flush him soon they will not be able to save their chances to win this next November.

Obama won re-election in 2012 by 3,013,769

Obama 61,208,082 50.5% Popular Votes
Romney 58,194,313 48.0% Popular Vote 119,402,395 2.5%

2012 Primary Election Results: President
ethnic of total Obama Romney
White-American 39% 59%
African-American 93% 7%
Latin-American 71% 27%
Asian-American 71% 27%

Ethnic % of total votes Total votes Obama votes Romney
White-American 72% 44,069,819 17,187,229 26,001,193
African-American 13% 7,957,051 7,400,057 556,994
Latin-American 10% 6,120,808 4,345,774 1,652,618
Asian-American 3% 1,836,242 1,303,732 495,785
Presidential Race - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from

any conservatives from the outset urged the Republican Party not to go with Romney, figuring he was another moderate Republican destined to lose -- like John McCain.
McCain Beats Romney!

So those are the FACTS as to how Obama won re-election by a small margin of 3 million votes.
So all that is needed is the same number of Latin-American voters BUT this time White Americans being so truly embarrassed by voting for Obama
WILL make up the 6 million difference increasing just 14% more White Votes.

We elect by electoral votes NOT popular vote

Ask President Gore, he can explain it to you
I believe Redfish when he says he went to Harvard. I also believe he doesn't understand statistics, even if he took the class.

I understand statistics quite well. I also understand that the current polling is designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

When they use a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000, it is not a statistically valid representative sample. I know that the pollsters claim to proportionally represent every demographic in the country in their tiny sample. But it is simply not possible. True, some of them make pretty good guesses and some of them are flat out rigged.

you are free to believe them if you like.

LOL.....Harvard MBA doesn't understand statistical sampling
Your claim loses legitimacy as soon as you inject loaded phrases like "sold out."
How else do you call opposing a bill that you helped write?

I got my mind right boss

kinda like Kerry being for the war before he was against it, right?

all politicians lie, get over it.
Kerry was for Vietnam until he saw what a clusterfuck it was

Supporting Bush lies based on what Bush told you is no crime

The entire congress had exactly the same intel that Bush had. No one lied. Grow up.

Bush filtered the intel and only forwarded the intel that supported his case

Slam dunk my ass

That is a lie. The congress had the exact same intel and came to the exact same erroneous conclusions. Go back and look at the statements of prominent dems at the time, they all said exactly the same things that Bush said.

We agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about the history for attempted political gains.
I believe Redfish when he says he went to Harvard. I also believe he doesn't understand statistics, even if he took the class.

I understand statistics quite well. I also understand that the current polling is designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

When they use a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000, it is not a statistically valid representative sample. I know that the pollsters claim to proportionally represent every demographic in the country in their tiny sample. But it is simply not possible. True, some of them make pretty good guesses and some of them are flat out rigged.

you are free to believe them if you like.

If you don't believe them, why did you say earlier that legal Hispanics support Trump and 95% of blacks support the ban on Muslims? Where did you get that information?
I believe Redfish when he says he went to Harvard. I also believe he doesn't understand statistics, even if he took the class.

I understand statistics quite well. I also understand that the current polling is designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

When they use a sample of 1000 out of 330,000,000, it is not a statistically valid representative sample. I know that the pollsters claim to proportionally represent every demographic in the country in their tiny sample. But it is simply not possible. True, some of them make pretty good guesses and some of them are flat out rigged.

you are free to believe them if you like.

LOL.....Harvard MBA doesn't understand statistical sampling

clearly much better than you do. go to your local library and check out a stat 101 text book, then read about representative sampling, you might learn something.

I fully understand what the pollsters CLAIM. But it does not pass a math test.

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