How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

ya know what skydancer, you really need to take a chill are too high strung....i say this in friendship, not with malice.

you know me well enough to know that NOT ONCE in the years i have been here, posting with you, have i ever gone after you or gone after lesbians or homosexuals.

WHY you would give such a flippant answer towards what i posted is beyond reason what gives?


From my point of view, Sky, like Huggy, has an unreasonable hatred of Christianity. Both grew up in Catholic churches. Some people can't forgive abuse. IMO, they both need counseling. In their opinion, I need counseling.

So much for your friendship, sheila. Bye.

Friends are friends, not just in good times, but in bad. Not just because of their good points, but in spite of their bad points.
Are Christians sawing peoples heads off ?

Almost. They are calling for homosexuals to be executed in Uganda.

Maybe, like Obama, they are secretly Muslims? Calling for executions of anyone is against Christ's teachings.

Tell that to the Christians who want to execute gay people. Somehow you expect non-christians to tell you guys apart? The Christians who want to execute gays call themselves Christian, and they do not think that calling for the execution of gay people is against the bible.
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Hmm..?? From what I understand suicide is a sin, yes, but there is only one unforgivable sin -said in the Bible - blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Question: "What is the unpardonable sin / unforgivable sin?"

What is the unpardonable sin / unforgivable sin?


Correct, this is one of the things that makes me frown about christianity, the worse sin has nothing to do with character according to the Bible.

Hence why it's more likely for Hitler to get into heaven than Ghandi.
As long as Hitler was Baptized, which he was, he'd go to heaven. This is but one problem I have with Christianity.

Everyone interprets the Bible as they choose. I do not believe you go to heaven just because you get Baptized. I also believe in purgatory, which is where I expect we will all spend some time working off our sins.
Now that's some top notch fearmongering right there, even in today's day and age.

Better wake up ,this world is headed for trouble because of religion i spoke about it earlier.

Babylon the great is on the verge of explosion.

I understand how important it is to get people to live at the same level of fear that you live with, but I'm sorry it isn't working and never will with me.

Fear really, no you read me wrong that is just a fact. Remember Jesus said when you see these things hold your heads up because your deliverance is near. So you completely are wrong about your claim of fear.
Ohh it will be a big theatrical event?

will he look like a smeitic/arabic person both in skintone and dress?

I just cannot see many on the far right falling down and worshipping an arabic looking person.

Yes, I'm sure you see racism here and there. But true worshippers in Christ are worshipping Him in Spirit and truth and not looking at skin color, nor are we to be looking at others skin color, we all know that's just plain wrong. I can't help my skin color, nor can anyone. The message is to Love the Lord our God, and love others, all the rest falls under.

Yes, you see people fail at it. We all will be held accountable. Though part of the love, is that we forgive others, as we would want to forgive. Love covers a multitude of sins.


There is only one race of mankind thank you evolutionist for trying to divide us.
how the hell do WE divide people
Are Christians sawing peoples heads off ?
uhhhhhh, why do you ask? was that part of your initial thread post?

believe it or not, murdering someone is equal in sin to coveting another man's goods, or stealing or adultery or lying or any sin.....

we all fall short of the glory of God....

so, your statement of sawing off people's heads is meaningless, when it comes to your initial post with inquiry in this thread.

The reason is your fear of Christians. Christians don't say convert or die so your fear of Christians seem's like an over reaction.
I have no fear of Christians, I AM a Christian....

uhhhhhh, why do you ask? was that part of your initial thread post?

believe it or not, murdering someone is equal in sin to coveting another man's goods, or stealing or adultery or lying or any sin.....

we all fall short of the glory of God....

so, your statement of sawing off people's heads is meaningless, when it comes to your initial post with inquiry in this thread.

The reason is your fear of Christians. Christians don't say convert or die so your fear of Christians seem's like an over reaction.
I have no fear of Christians, I AM a Christian....


The Christians led by Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively are scary. Michelle Bachmann is a Christian extremist running for POTUS. Yikes.
Hmm..?? From what I understand suicide is a sin, yes, but there is only one unforgivable sin -said in the Bible - blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Question: "What is the unpardonable sin / unforgivable sin?"

What is the unpardonable sin / unforgivable sin?


Correct, this is one of the things that makes me frown about christianity, the worse sin has nothing to do with character according to the Bible.

Hence why it's more likely for Hitler to get into heaven than Ghandi.
As long as Hitler was Baptized, which he was, he'd go to heaven. This is but one problem I have with Christianity.

Some Christians believe once saved always saved but I'm not one of them. Because you're baptized does not give you the right to commit murder or other sins. Faith without works is death.
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You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.
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You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.

Thank you. You've restored my faith in humanity and Christians. There are some wonderful people here who are Christians who I love and respect.
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You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.

Talk about spewing,how many Christians use the f word. Can you be specific I back my beliefs all the time unless you can't read.
You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.

Thank you. You've restored my faith in humanity and Christians. There are some wonderful people here who are Christians who I love and respect.

Did you notice he said that most of his friends were Jews, then later said most of them were atheists or agnostics? I'm wondering which it is. Truth is that most of my friends are whatever...I don't usually discuss religion when I meet someone unless I KNOW they are from a different religion, such as when my son had a Muslim caregiver. I talked to him about his religion so that I could learn more. We ended up calling him Muslimish because he never did pray to Mecca 5 times a day. I'll bet most don't.

He was very informative though, did you know they can marry Christians, but they can't marry Jews?
Almost. They are calling for homosexuals to be executed in Uganda.

Maybe, like Obama, they are secretly Muslims? Calling for executions of anyone is against Christ's teachings.

Tell that to the Christians who want to execute gay people. Somehow you expect non-christians to tell you guys apart? The Christians who want to execute gays call themselves Christian, and they do not think that calling for the execution of gay people is against the bible.

I can't speak for all Christians but can you provide further information ?
Maybe, like Obama, they are secretly Muslims? Calling for executions of anyone is against Christ's teachings.

Tell that to the Christians who want to execute gay people. Somehow you expect non-christians to tell you guys apart? The Christians who want to execute gays call themselves Christian, and they do not think that calling for the execution of gay people is against the bible.

I can't speak for all Christians but can you provide further information ?

Google Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively. The Bible has many quotes that justify killing gays.
Yes, I'm sure you see racism here and there. But true worshippers in Christ are worshipping Him in Spirit and truth and not looking at skin color, nor are we to be looking at others skin color, we all know that's just plain wrong. I can't help my skin color, nor can anyone. The message is to Love the Lord our God, and love others, all the rest falls under.

Yes, you see people fail at it. We all will be held accountable. Though part of the love, is that we forgive others, as we would want to forgive. Love covers a multitude of sins.


There is only one race of mankind thank you evolutionist for trying to divide us.
how the hell do WE divide people

Many moons ago some evolutionist taught that black people were less evolved.
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You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.

Thank you. You've restored my faith in humanity and Christians. There are some wonderful people here who are Christians who I love and respect.

Did you notice he said that most of his friends were Jews, then later said most of them were atheists or agnostics? I'm wondering which it is. Truth is that most of my friends are whatever...I don't usually discuss religion when I meet someone unless I KNOW they are from a different religion, such as when my son had a Muslim caregiver. I talked to him about his religion so that I could learn more. We ended up calling him Muslimish because he never did pray to Mecca 5 times a day. I'll bet most don't.

He was very informative though, did you know they can marry Christians, but they can't marry Jews?

The main point he made is that most of his friends AREN"T Christian, and that some of the Christians posting on this thread,with their intolerance do not represent his views.

Many of my Buddhist friends are Jewish. They are Buddhist and Jewish. They practice Buddhism and they are cultural Jews and practice some of the Jewish holy days.

I doubt you can speak for MOST Muslims any more than I can speak for MOST Christians or MOST Buddhists.
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uhhhhhh, why do you ask? was that part of your initial thread post?

believe it or not, murdering someone is equal in sin to coveting another man's goods, or stealing or adultery or lying or any sin.....

we all fall short of the glory of God....

so, your statement of sawing off people's heads is meaningless, when it comes to your initial post with inquiry in this thread.

The reason is your fear of Christians. Christians don't say convert or die so your fear of Christians seem's like an over reaction.
I have no fear of Christians, I AM a Christian....


Did you say you fear Christians ? Sorry if I misunderstood you.
The reason is your fear of Christians. Christians don't say convert or die so your fear of Christians seem's like an over reaction.
I have no fear of Christians, I AM a Christian....


The Christians led by Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively are scary. Michelle Bachmann is a Christian extremist running for POTUS. Yikes.
I dont know who the first 2 guys are, and I KNOW that most christians will not vote for Michelle Bachman for president, and I seriously doubt she will be around in the presidential race after the first month of the primaries....she could be another Republicans vp candidate, which could help another candidates run about as much as sarah palin helped mccain....some will lean towards the candidate, but others will flee from voting for them because of the choice in vp' my prediction of the whole thing.

In addition to this, there shall be no religious test for presidential candidates according to our constitution....this covers a multitude of things, but it also covers michelle bachman's RIGHT to her own religious beliefs and her right to run for the presidency, without being prevented from running by people who differ with her own religious it seems that you are calling for....? I think the woman is loony, on more than one account, some of her religious stances included.....that does not mean that I think we should stop her from running for the office of president....she can have a shot at it, as much as the next guy or gal....that is eligible.
Thank you. You've restored my faith in humanity and Christians. There are some wonderful people here who are Christians who I love and respect.

Did you notice he said that most of his friends were Jews, then later said most of them were atheists or agnostics? I'm wondering which it is. Truth is that most of my friends are whatever...I don't usually discuss religion when I meet someone unless I KNOW they are from a different religion, such as when my son had a Muslim caregiver. I talked to him about his religion so that I could learn more. We ended up calling him Muslimish because he never did pray to Mecca 5 times a day. I'll bet most don't.

He was very informative though, did you know they can marry Christians, but they can't marry Jews?

The main point he made is that most of his friends AREN"T Christian, and that some of the Christians posting on this thread,with their intolerance do not represent his views.

Many of my Buddhist friends are Jewish. They are Buddhist and Jewish. They practice Buddhism and they are cultural Jews and practice some of the Jewish holy days.

I doubt you can speak for MOST Muslims any more than I can speak for MOST Christians or MOST Buddhists.

You have a good point. I don't know "most" muslims so I can't speak for them. Maybe my point was people tend to use "most" when they mean "many".
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