How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

I have no fear of Christians, I AM a Christian....


The Christians led by Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively are scary. Michelle Bachmann is a Christian extremist running for POTUS. Yikes.
I dont know who the first 2 guys are, and I KNOW that most christians will not vote for Michelle Bachman for president, and I seriously doubt she will be around in the presidential race after the first month of the primaries....she could be another Republicans vp candidate, which could help another candidates run about as much as sarah palin helped mccain....some will lean towards the candidate, but others will flee from voting for them because of the choice in vp' my prediction of the whole thing.

In addition to this, there shall be no religious test for presidential candidates according to our constitution....this covers a multitude of things, but it also covers michelle bachman's RIGHT to her own religious beliefs and her right to run for the presidency, without being prevented from running by people who differ with her own religious it seems that you are calling for....? I think the woman is loony, on more than one account, some of her religious stances included.....that does not mean that I think we should stop her from running for the office of president....she can have a shot at it, as much as the next guy or gal....that is eligible.

You missed my point. Of course, Bachmann can run. The fact that this EXTREMIST is being taken seriously as a POTUS candidate tells us ALOT about the power of Christian theocrats in this country.

As for a religious litmus test, HW Bush said no atheist should vote or run for office. No Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu will ever be elected POTUS.

At this time, being a Christian is a litmus test for running for POTUS.
I have no fear of Christians, I AM a Christian....


The Christians led by Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively are scary. Michelle Bachmann is a Christian extremist running for POTUS. Yikes.
I dont know who the first 2 guys are, and I KNOW that most christians will not vote for Michelle Bachman for president, and I seriously doubt she will be around in the presidential race after the first month of the primaries....she could be another Republicans vp candidate, which could help another candidates run about as much as sarah palin helped mccain....some will lean towards the candidate, but others will flee from voting for them because of the choice in vp' my prediction of the whole thing.

In addition to this, there shall be no religious test for presidential candidates according to our constitution....this covers a multitude of things, but it also covers michelle bachman's RIGHT to her own religious beliefs and her right to run for the presidency, without being prevented from running by people who differ with her own religious it seems that you are calling for....? I think the woman is loony, on more than one account, some of her religious stances included.....that does not mean that I think we should stop her from running for the office of president....she can have a shot at it, as much as the next guy or gal....that is eligible.

Amen to that.
The Christians led by Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively are scary. Michelle Bachmann is a Christian extremist running for POTUS. Yikes.
I dont know who the first 2 guys are, and I KNOW that most christians will not vote for Michelle Bachman for president, and I seriously doubt she will be around in the presidential race after the first month of the primaries....she could be another Republicans vp candidate, which could help another candidates run about as much as sarah palin helped mccain....some will lean towards the candidate, but others will flee from voting for them because of the choice in vp' my prediction of the whole thing.

In addition to this, there shall be no religious test for presidential candidates according to our constitution....this covers a multitude of things, but it also covers michelle bachman's RIGHT to her own religious beliefs and her right to run for the presidency, without being prevented from running by people who differ with her own religious it seems that you are calling for....? I think the woman is loony, on more than one account, some of her religious stances included.....that does not mean that I think we should stop her from running for the office of president....she can have a shot at it, as much as the next guy or gal....that is eligible.

You missed my point. Of course, Bachmann can run. The fact that this EXTREMIST is being taken seriously as a POTUS candidate tells us ALOT about the power of Christian theocrats in this country.

As for a religious litmus test, HW Bush said no atheist should vote or run for office. No Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu will ever be elected POTUS.

At this time, being a Christian is a litmus test for running for POTUS.

You think Bush was a Christian?????

Do you also believe Obama is one?
Tell that to the Christians who want to execute gay people. Somehow you expect non-christians to tell you guys apart? The Christians who want to execute gays call themselves Christian, and they do not think that calling for the execution of gay people is against the bible.

I can't speak for all Christians but can you provide further information ?

Google Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively. The Bible has many quotes that justify killing gays.

I assure you I will look into it but I can't see any true Christian doing such a thing. But I do know sharia law calls for their death.
Did you notice he said that most of his friends were Jews, then later said most of them were atheists or agnostics? I'm wondering which it is. Truth is that most of my friends are whatever...I don't usually discuss religion when I meet someone unless I KNOW they are from a different religion, such as when my son had a Muslim caregiver. I talked to him about his religion so that I could learn more. We ended up calling him Muslimish because he never did pray to Mecca 5 times a day. I'll bet most don't.

He was very informative though, did you know they can marry Christians, but they can't marry Jews?

The main point he made is that most of his friends AREN"T Christian, and that some of the Christians posting on this thread,with their intolerance do not represent his views.

Many of my Buddhist friends are Jewish. They are Buddhist and Jewish. They practice Buddhism and they are cultural Jews and practice some of the Jewish holy days.

I doubt you can speak for MOST Muslims any more than I can speak for MOST Christians or MOST Buddhists.

You have a good point. I don't know "most" muslims so I can't speak for them. Maybe my point was people tend to use "most" when they mean "many".

Many doesn't work either. How many? The best we can say is 'some' if we're speaking truthfully.,
I can't speak for all Christians but can you provide further information ?

Google Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively. The Bible has many quotes that justify killing gays.

I assure you I will look into it but I can't see any true Christian doing such a thing. But I do know sharia law calls for their death.

These guys think they're true Christians. Don't worry. The only people who have to concern ourselves about them are gay people. If this kind of Christian can't convert us, they'll kill us. That's one way of wiping homosexuality off the face of the earth. Kill all the queers.

Try and make us believe the "sin" of loving who we love is equivalent to being murderers.

It's sad. Most Christians are not like these people. These guys give Christianity a bad name. They spread lies about gay people, such as we were responsible for the Holocaust. They seem to erase the truth that many homosexuals were sent to concentration camps and murdered by the Nazi's. Wearing a pink triangle was a lower status than the yellow star of a Jew. Some so-called moderate Christians support these extremists to use hate speech. They would rather protect free speech than save a life.
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Google Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively. The Bible has many quotes that justify killing gays.

I assure you I will look into it but I can't see any true Christian doing such a thing. But I do know sharia law calls for their death.

These guys think they're true Christians. Don't worry. The only people who have to concern ourselves about them are gay people. If this kind of Christian can't convert us, they'll kill us. That's one way of wiping homosexuality off the face of the earth. Kill all the queers.

Try and make us believe the "sin" of loving who we love is equivalent to being murderers.

It's sad. Most Christians are not like these people. These guys give Christianity a bad name. They spread lies about gay people, such as we were responsible for the Holocaust. They seem to erase the truth that many homosexuals were sent to concentration camps and murdered by the Nazi's. Wearing a pink triangle was a lower status than the yellow star of a Jew. Some so-called moderate Christians support these extremists to use hate speech. They would rather protect free speech than save a life.
well, in my Christianity, one person already shed His blood, once and for all, for my sins and your sins, whatever they may one else dying is needed....

Stop reading those hate sites sky.....why even give them that? I am certain there are some horrible hate sites out there against christians....I just don't bother myself with them....too much negative energy being doled out and too much of my own positive energy being wasted....

I betcha Buddha would agree! :tongue:
You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.

Talk about spewing,how many Christians use the f word. Can you be specific I back my beliefs all the time unless you can't read.

You know, I don't know details on how Final Judgment Goes, But I think God will take more into an account on whether someone swore from time to time, although i am sure He would like our language more pure.
I hope you are that passionate when the Muslims try to make us an Islamic theocracy. Believe it or not, that is coming.

Now that's some top notch fearmongering right there, even in today's day and age.

Why is it fearmongering when there are a number of Muslims who want exactly that and will say so in their own words?
Are Christians sawing peoples heads off ?

How many people have Christians killed in absolutely horrific ways?

The Inquisition

There is no precise date for the beginning of the Inquisition, most sources agree it manifested during the first 6 years of the reign of the catholic pope, Gregory IX, between 1227 and 1233. Pope Gregory IX who ruled from 1227-1241 is often referred to as the "Father of the Inquisition."

The Inquisition was a campaign of torture, mutilation, mass murder and destruction of human life perpetrated by xtians. The church increased in power until it had total control over human life, both secular and religious.
The Vatican wasn't satisfied with the progress made by regional leaders in rooting out heresy. Pope Innocent III commissioned his own inquisitors who answered directly to him. Their authority was made official in the papal bull of March 25th, 1199.7Innocent declared "anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of god which conflicted with the church dogma must be burned without pity."

In 1254, to ease the job of the inquisitors, Pope Innocent IV decreed that accusers could remain anonymous, preventing the victims from confronting them and defending themselves. Many churches had a chest where informants could slip written accusations against their neighbors. Three years later, he authorized and officially condoned torture as a method of extracting confessions of heresy.


The Judas Cradle


The Rack


The Pear of Anguish

Shall I go on?
What's the problem here? No problem. I point out that you are proselytizing Christianity in this thread with LONG bible quotes.

It's the truth. Should I not speak the truth?

You'd rather I just let you use this forum to push Christianity. You apparently have the right to do this, just as I have the right to point it out.

You don't win people over to Christianity this way.

When people see facts, it sometimes has a way of changing minds and hearts.

Youve seen the facts and youre still blind.

isnt that the truth for all of us though?
I don't agree with the movement to turn America into a Christian theocracy. Do you?

I have no problem with individual evangelicals doing their thing, including proselytizing on this forum. I just want them to be honest about it.

That's why I spoke up. You don't that, too bad.

I have just as much right to post on this forum as you do.

Encouring Christians to live their faith and inviting others to learn and live through Christ is turning America into a Christian theocracy now? Christians desiring to share their beliefs in public create an American theocracy?

I never claimed you don't have the right to post on this or any other forum so much as the owners allow us. I just think becoming angry at others while claiming you are a victim of them forcing themselves on you when you have a choice whether to participate in the discussion is disengenous, dishonest, and done not for the sake of discussion but for ego.

You aren't a victim because someone shares their faith or beliefs. Nor is anyone else a victim because you share yours. Stop pretending to be what you are not and start taking responsibility for yourself. Let others take care of themselves.

You're wrong, Christianity is dropping in numbers in this country.

Christians are beginning to rise up and speak their minds.

How can i be wrong? I never mentioned anything about the number of Christians in this country.
I have been clear from the start i am no part of an organized religion. They were mans creation and they're described as the great harlot of babylon the great.

Abraham didn't need organized religion nor did job and many others that were called God's friends.

So you think a God of Order will not organize His people?

In the last days all things will be made one.
You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.

Not trying to be personal here. I am merely curious. What makes you think you stand for Christ better than they do? Do you know the specifics of their heart?

We all have faults. Maybe one day we will accept that we are human.
BTW i have to say I very much like the fact that as this thread has been proceeding we have all come to be in a better harmony together. I doubt we have as many differences as we always harp on.
Are Christians sawing peoples heads off ?

How many people have Christians killed in absolutely horrific ways?

The Inquisition

There is no precise date for the beginning of the Inquisition, most sources agree it manifested during the first 6 years of the reign of the catholic pope, Gregory IX, between 1227 and 1233. Pope Gregory IX who ruled from 1227-1241 is often referred to as the "Father of the Inquisition."

The Inquisition was a campaign of torture, mutilation, mass murder and destruction of human life perpetrated by xtians. The church increased in power until it had total control over human life, both secular and religious.
The Vatican wasn't satisfied with the progress made by regional leaders in rooting out heresy. Pope Innocent III commissioned his own inquisitors who answered directly to him. Their authority was made official in the papal bull of March 25th, 1199.7Innocent declared "anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of god which conflicted with the church dogma must be burned without pity."

In 1254, to ease the job of the inquisitors, Pope Innocent IV decreed that accusers could remain anonymous, preventing the victims from confronting them and defending themselves. Many churches had a chest where informants could slip written accusations against their neighbors. Three years later, he authorized and officially condoned torture as a method of extracting confessions of heresy.


The Judas Cradle


The Rack


The Pear of Anguish

Shall I go on?

No one expected the Spanish Inquisition.

BTW, you had to go back 800 years to find anything like that in the Christian Church, and for the record: They were wrong. How far back to find such things in the Islamic faith? Remember 9/11?

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