How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.

Talk about spewing,how many Christians use the f word. Can you be specific I back my beliefs all the time unless you can't read.

All you do is patronize and judge.
uhhhhhh, why do you ask? was that part of your initial thread post?

believe it or not, murdering someone is equal in sin to coveting another man's goods, or stealing or adultery or lying or any sin.....

we all fall short of the glory of God....

so, your statement of sawing off people's heads is meaningless, when it comes to your initial post with inquiry in this thread.

The reason is your fear of Christians. Christians don't say convert or die so your fear of Christians seem's like an over reaction.
I have no fear of Christians, I AM a Christian....


yeah, but you're not an ignorant nutter like he is, so he thinks you're not the right "brand" of christian.
Are Christians sawing peoples heads off ?

How many people have Christians killed in absolutely horrific ways?

The Inquisition

There is no precise date for the beginning of the Inquisition, most sources agree it manifested during the first 6 years of the reign of the catholic pope, Gregory IX, between 1227 and 1233. Pope Gregory IX who ruled from 1227-1241 is often referred to as the "Father of the Inquisition."

The Inquisition was a campaign of torture, mutilation, mass murder and destruction of human life perpetrated by xtians. The church increased in power until it had total control over human life, both secular and religious.
The Vatican wasn't satisfied with the progress made by regional leaders in rooting out heresy. Pope Innocent III commissioned his own inquisitors who answered directly to him. Their authority was made official in the papal bull of March 25th, 1199.7Innocent declared "anyone who attempted to construe a personal view of god which conflicted with the church dogma must be burned without pity."

In 1254, to ease the job of the inquisitors, Pope Innocent IV decreed that accusers could remain anonymous, preventing the victims from confronting them and defending themselves. Many churches had a chest where informants could slip written accusations against their neighbors. Three years later, he authorized and officially condoned torture as a method of extracting confessions of heresy.


The Judas Cradle


The Rack


The Pear of Anguish

Shall I go on?

Yes,there have been Christians that did not do justice for God,and they acted on their own.

And i have said that organized religion is gonna pay for their transgessions.

Satan has used religion to mislead.

2Co 11:14 Did not even Satan marvelously transform himself into an angel of light?
Encouring Christians to live their faith and inviting others to learn and live through Christ is turning America into a Christian theocracy now? Christians desiring to share their beliefs in public create an American theocracy?

I never claimed you don't have the right to post on this or any other forum so much as the owners allow us. I just think becoming angry at others while claiming you are a victim of them forcing themselves on you when you have a choice whether to participate in the discussion is disengenous, dishonest, and done not for the sake of discussion but for ego.

You aren't a victim because someone shares their faith or beliefs. Nor is anyone else a victim because you share yours. Stop pretending to be what you are not and start taking responsibility for yourself. Let others take care of themselves.

You're wrong, Christianity is dropping in numbers in this country.

Christians are beginning to rise up and speak their minds.

How can i be wrong? I never mentioned anything about the number of Christians in this country.

But you said they're trying to turn this country into a theocracy they can't do that if their numbers are dropping.
I have been clear from the start i am no part of an organized religion. They were mans creation and they're described as the great harlot of babylon the great.

Abraham didn't need organized religion nor did job and many others that were called God's friends.

So you think a God of Order will not organize His people?

In the last days all things will be made one.

Yes God will have his people organized but it will not happen under satans or man's rule.

He has to cleanse the earth to have order.

When he returns it will be total chaos.
What do you think you will say to Jesus ?

How do you think you will act towards Jesus ?

Will you ask for forgivness ?

I think I would ask the dude who is his baseball team.

I would treat him like I treat all people, he don't get a free ride. If he is hungry, go get a job or get on the welfare dole.

Forgiveness for what?:cuckoo:
Yep a damn liberal hippy arab.
Heck they are so much against Arabs they would not even let him in the USA.

he wasn't an arab. he was a hebrew. :eusa_whistle:

that said, they would absolutely call him a lib and a leftie hippie freak. lol.

He was an arabic person a semetic person.
All the jews were origionally.

In any case he would appear physically as an arab.
That would be enough for the righties to hate/fear him.

the fair haired/skinned Jesus in an impossibility.
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You know...I'm reading this thread,. AS A BELEIVER, and it helps me realize just how crazy and/or incredible stupid some of my fellow believers really are.

I mean are you people completely retarded, or what?

Have you actually fucking read the new testament, you fucking you psuedo-christian nitwits!?!?

You fundies spew stuff in the name of JESUS that must make Jesus weap!

You know, I'm a Christian and I realize that most of friends are Jews.

Gee, I wonder why?

I'm a believer and I also realize that most of my friends are atheists or agnostics.

Gee, I wonder why?

Do you folks have the slightest indea how embarrassing you are to a real followers of the teachings of CHRIST?

Your hatemongering smug, holier than thou, so-called Christian dogma is the antithesis of everything the prince of peace stood for and died for, too.

Shame on the lot of you.

Talk about spewing,how many Christians use the f word. Can you be specific I back my beliefs all the time unless you can't read.

All you do is patronize and judge.

Believe as you wish but i do back my beliefs and you know this.
Abe Lincoln thought the blacks to be an inferior race, but he was still against slavery. He did not however end slavery in the USA. Only in the confederate controlled areas of the USA.
it isn't arrogant to believe what you believe. it IS arrogant not to understand that everyone else, no matter what their beliefs, feels the same way.

Not everyone does feel the same way. So why would we presume that?

because people wouldn't subscribe to the beliefs they hold if they DIDN'T feel that way.

I thought that at one point myself. It is the logical conclusion. However, I've learned since than that people aren't always logical and their beliefs aren't always consistant with reason.

So since then ive decided not to assume anything.
You're wrong, Christianity is dropping in numbers in this country.

Christians are beginning to rise up and speak their minds.

How can i be wrong? I never mentioned anything about the number of Christians in this country.

But you said they're trying to turn this country into a theocracy they can't do that if their numbers are dropping.

I said nothing of the sort. I said the exact opposite that it's absurd to believe that any Christian is advocating a Christian theocracy simply because they are exercising their God given right to free speech and free religion.
I have been clear from the start i am no part of an organized religion. They were mans creation and they're described as the great harlot of babylon the great.

Abraham didn't need organized religion nor did job and many others that were called God's friends.

So you think a God of Order will not organize His people?

In the last days all things will be made one.

Yes God will have his people organized but it will not happen under satans or man's rule.

He has to cleanse the earth to have order.

When he returns it will be total chaos.

When He returns, He will have a people He has already organized to meet Him.

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