How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

God is capricious, vindictive and unpredictable where he is supposed to be perfect.

You don't see the contradiction in saying you have free will but if you don't do as I say, I'll kill you?

No i see faulty reasoning on your part.

Man's system leaves us alone if we obey the laws if not you pay a price man allows free will just as God does but don't break the laws.

I thought you couldn't compare us imperfect mortals to god yet you are doing just that.

If god is perfect then his laws are perfect so if man's laws are the same as god's then they must be perfect.

We know that both of those assumptions are wrong.

God kills innocents in his wrath. That is not perfect.

Hey skull,are you ever gonna answer my question.

Are you pro choice or pro life ?
I am a man of science, there is nothing taught by true scientist that contradicts the bible. The only thing taught that contradicts the bible are unproven and unobservable theories.

My specialty in life was molecular biology.

If you were a true scientist, you'd understand that your reasoning above is rife with logical fallacies.

Do you wish to put me to the test ? But first maybe i should ask you a few questions to see if you're worthy of the debate.

Would you like me to destroy Neo-darwinism in a matter of a few minutes i have done it before. I can even explain it in terms that you can understand.

You'd destroy a creationist idea just to prove how worthy you are? Well be my guest.
Who are the anti God Crowd? Atheists? Agnostics?
Or are you speaking of "Libruls"? Truthfully... even with my pro-life but pro choice stance.... my "let gays do what they want because they are Citizens and taxpayers" stance.... in fact, my entire "let God do the judging" stance in general, I'd say that I am closer to the Bible's intent than the screams of "you're going to hell" that I continually hear from the right.

In fact... I think that a liberal stance of helping the poor as a NATION is closer to what God wants of his people than the "why should I have to pay?" selfishness from the right.

Just my opinion.
If you were a true scientist, you'd understand that your reasoning above is rife with logical fallacies.

Do you wish to put me to the test ? But first maybe i should ask you a few questions to see if you're worthy of the debate.

Would you like me to destroy Neo-darwinism in a matter of a few minutes i have done it before. I can even explain it in terms that you can understand.

You'd destroy a creationist idea just to prove how worthy you are? Well be my guest.

You had your shot and you could not defend your position or refute mine.
Who are the anti God Crowd? Atheists? Agnostics?
Or are you speaking of "Libruls"? Truthfully... even with my pro-life but pro choice stance.... my "let gays do what they want because they are Citizens and taxpayers" stance.... in fact, my entire "let God do the judging" stance in general, I'd say that I am closer to the Bible's intent than the screams of "you're going to hell" that I continually hear from the right.

In fact... I think that a liberal stance of helping the poor as a NATION is closer to what God wants of his people than the "why should I have to pay?" selfishness from the right.

Just my opinion.

Wow ,not sure who this was meant for.
How many times in history including the last month fiasco has it been predicted jesus is coming back ?
many many many times how many times has he arrived NEVER
not very reliable is he
you would think he would at least have the decency to at least apologize to his a waiting flock

Anyone who does that is just simply ignorant of the scriptures, sorry to say.

Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour no one knows, no, not the angels of Heaven, but only My Father.

There is a lot of that going around in these churches and they will answer for their transgressions.
so nobody knows ,some who think it may be soon others who think it may be never what gives you the inside scoop that makes you the only correct translations of the scriptures .....
Do you wish to put me to the test ? But first maybe i should ask you a few questions to see if you're worthy of the debate.

Would you like me to destroy Neo-darwinism in a matter of a few minutes i have done it before. I can even explain it in terms that you can understand.

You'd destroy a creationist idea just to prove how worthy you are? Well be my guest.

You had your shot and you could not defend your position or refute mine.

Yet another example of your arrogance. You aren't really here to discuss your religious beliefs. You're here in a cynical attempt to prove your superiority over those who happen not to follow your particular brand of religion. There are few things in life worse than a sanctimonious religious zealot who rams his religion down the throats of others and considers them inferior when they question his statements.
No i see faulty reasoning on your part.

Man's system leaves us alone if we obey the laws if not you pay a price man allows free will just as God does but don't break the laws.

I thought you couldn't compare us imperfect mortals to god yet you are doing just that.

If god is perfect then his laws are perfect so if man's laws are the same as god's then they must be perfect.

We know that both of those assumptions are wrong.

God kills innocents in his wrath. That is not perfect.

Hey skull,are you ever gonna answer my question.

Are you pro choice or pro life ?

you never asked me that before.

And since I am not a woman and I believe that all people have the right to control their own persons including life or death that you would label me pro choice.
Basically God allowed this person that represented himself to be put to death and he was the perfect sacrifice that made up for the perfect man adam.

All of mankind has forgiveness and that is why God no longer wipes out sinful communities.

This is of course until the final battle where all sinful beings not found written in the lambs book of life go to eternal death.

So now jesus was only a person who represented god?

Make up your mind.

Jesus was God in the flesh.

Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Joh 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
Joh 1:3 All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made.

Php 2:5 Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped,
Php 2:7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men;
Php 2:8 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross.
Php 2:9 Wherefore also God highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name;
Php 2:10 that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth,
Php 2:11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

This is why he had to take the lower form.

Exo 33:20 And He said, You cannot see My face. For there no man can see Me and live.

You're not being consistent.

Saying jesus was a person who represented god and then saying jesus was god incarnate are not the same thing.

But then again you religious wackos are comfortable with inconsistencies.
Ohh it will be a big theatrical event?

will he look like a smeitic/arabic person both in skintone and dress?

I just cannot see many on the far right falling down and worshipping an arabic looking person.

who said he would look like an Arabic person?......he just may be in his true form....whatever that may be.....
How many times in history including the last month fiasco has it been predicted jesus is coming back ?
many many many times how many times has he arrived NEVER
not very reliable is he
you would think he would at least have the decency to at least apologize to his a waiting flock

Anyone who does that is just simply ignorant of the scriptures, sorry to say.

Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour no one knows, no, not the angels of Heaven, but only My Father.

There is a lot of that going around in these churches and they will answer for their transgressions.
so nobody knows ,some who think it may be soon others who think it may be never what gives you the inside scoop that makes you the only correct translations of the scriptures .....

Following the words of the prophets Daniel and Ezekiel also Jesus gave us a chronology of the prophecies that have to be fulfilled before the end comes.

I am off to the Dr i will post what Jesus said so you can get a better Picture of what Christ was saying In a little while.
You'd destroy a creationist idea just to prove how worthy you are? Well be my guest.

You had your shot and you could not defend your position or refute mine.

Yet another example of your arrogance. You aren't really here to discuss your religious beliefs. You're here in a cynical attempt to prove your superiority over those who happen not to follow your particular brand of religion. There are few things in life worse than a sanctimonious religious zealot who rams his religion down the throats of others and considers them inferior when they question his statements.

Colin you're wrong but this is what happens when you get into a debate.

When i am asked questions or put to the challenge i respond,it's that simple.

I don't wish to make fun of anyone or hurt anyone ,but i am all about setting the record straight.

My studies of science and the bible allows me to do that.
Jesus was God in the flesh.

So, God had to kill himself in order to forgive mankind so that they can avoid a hell that God himself created?

That makes sense.

According to the Bible the story of God is he created everything including heaven and hell. Then creates man, then sends about 80-90% of humans who have ever existed to hell for being non-believers, and that's a God we're supposed to worship, follow morally, and devote our lives to.

Very difficult to figure out how/why so many people buy into this stuff in this day and age, thankfully it's on the decline.
Very difficult to figure out how/why so many people buy into this stuff in this day and age, thankfully it's on the decline.

It has waxed and waned a few times throughout history.

According to wikipedia, there have been 3 or 4 'Great Awakenings' since the 18th century.

I wouldn't dismiss the very real possibility of another in the not too distant future.
Very difficult to figure out how/why so many people buy into this stuff in this day and age, thankfully it's on the decline.

It has waxed and waned a few times throughout history.

According to wikipedia, there have been 3 or 4 'Great Awakenings' since the 18th century.

I wouldn't dismiss the very real possibility of another in the not too distant future.

The biggest growth of evangelical christianity isnt in the first world, it's in Africa. Given their level of projected population growth, they will soon surpass us as the bastion of Christianity.
Very difficult to figure out how/why so many people buy into this stuff in this day and age, thankfully it's on the decline.

It has waxed and waned a few times throughout history.

According to wikipedia, there have been 3 or 4 'Great Awakenings' since the 18th century.

I wouldn't dismiss the very real possibility of another in the not too distant future.

You're right, but typically the more people become higher educated, the less likely they are to be religious.

With more and more people going to college, I expect the decline to continue for at least a little while.

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