How will the anti God crowd act if Jesus comes soon.

So Jesus will be changed from a hunamitarian while he lived on earth to a war god when he returns?

Heaven must not be a nice place at all to change someone like that.

Well he is not just taking on evil mankind, he is also taking on satan and the fallen Angels.

Who were once angels in heaven. Again Heaven does not sound like a place I would want to hang out. With all the revoloutions and such going on.

Well some people are going to heaven but the meek shall inherit the earth. Oh and those Angels are no longer in heaven they been cast down here on the earth.

Psa 37:11 But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the overflowing of peace.

Isa 45:18 For so says Jehovah the Creator of the heavens, He is God, forming the earth and making it; He makes it stand, not creating it empty, but forming it to be inhabited. I am Jehovah, and there is no other.

Heaven has no more evil in it.

Rev 12:7 And there was war in Heaven. Michael and his angels warring against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels warred,
Rev 12:8 but did not prevail. Nor was place found for them in Heaven any more.
Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, the old serpent called Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
If you were a true scientist, you'd understand that your reasoning above is rife with logical fallacies.

Do you wish to put me to the test ? But first maybe i should ask you a few questions to see if you're worthy of the debate.

Would you like me to destroy Neo-darwinism in a matter of a few minutes i have done it before. I can even explain it in terms that you can understand.

And yet, you can't keep yourself from committing the fallacy of Begging the Question. Curious.
Come on skull think just a little will you.

God gave us freewill,God let's you to decide whether you worship him or not.

God let's you decide how you live your life.

God gave the same choice to the Angels in heaven.

Or do you think he should have given no freewill ?

When people were living the way they wanted he killed them.

The great flood, Sodom, Gomorrah etc

So tell me did he only decide to let us have free will after he killed countless people for living as they wanted?

The word capricious comes to mind.

Bingo, that is the reason for Jesus to come and die for all,there was no proper atonement that allowed them to live and they surely would not repent of their sins.

Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.
So Jesus will be changed from a hunamitarian while he lived on earth to a war god when he returns?

Heaven must not be a nice place at all to change someone like that.

I stand by my diagnosis of multiple personality disorder with illusions of grandeur.
When people were living the way they wanted he killed them.

The great flood, Sodom, Gomorrah etc

So tell me did he only decide to let us have free will after he killed countless people for living as they wanted?

The word capricious comes to mind.

Bingo, that is the reason for Jesus to come and die for all,there was no proper atonement that allowed them to live and they surely would not repent of their sins.

Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

So basically, God killed himself in order to forgive humanity for using the free will he gave them? I'm going for multiple personalities with megalomania as my diagnosis here.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Every Sperm is Sacred‬‏[/ame]
When people were living the way they wanted he killed them.

The great flood, Sodom, Gomorrah etc

So tell me did he only decide to let us have free will after he killed countless people for living as they wanted?

The word capricious comes to mind.

Bingo, that is the reason for Jesus to come and die for all,there was no proper atonement that allowed them to live and they surely would not repent of their sins.

Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

No not true,he gave them free will but he also gave them laws to follow and told them what would happen if they did not obey.

They exercised their free will disobeying God ,and not repenting of their sins and were put to death.

Why is this hard for you to grasp man's system is pretty much the same other then God being just a little more strict with his laws.
When people were living the way they wanted he killed them.

The great flood, Sodom, Gomorrah etc

So tell me did he only decide to let us have free will after he killed countless people for living as they wanted?

The word capricious comes to mind.

Bingo, that is the reason for Jesus to come and die for all,there was no proper atonement that allowed them to live and they surely would not repent of their sins.

Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

I don't believe in the trinity.

I believe God has several different persons he uses to represent himself in a lesser form.

Because man can't see God in his full glory and live.
Bingo, that is the reason for Jesus to come and die for all,there was no proper atonement that allowed them to live and they surely would not repent of their sins.

Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

So basically, God killed himself in order to forgive humanity for using the free will he gave them? I'm going for multiple personalities with megalomania as my diagnosis here.

Basically God allowed this person that represented himself to be put to death and he was the perfect sacrifice that made up for the perfect man adam.

All of mankind has forgiveness and that is why God no longer wipes out sinful communities.

This is of course until the final battle where all sinful beings not found written in the lambs book of life go to eternal death.
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Bingo, that is the reason for Jesus to come and die for all,there was no proper atonement that allowed them to live and they surely would not repent of their sins.

Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

No not true,he gave them free will but he also gave them laws to follow and told them what would happen if they did not obey.

They exercised their free will disobeying God ,and not repenting of their sins and were put to death.

Why is this hard for you to grasp man's system is pretty much the same other then God being just a little more strict with his laws.

Mans system is pretty much the same as gods????

Ahh the arrogance of the human species is without bounds.
Bingo, that is the reason for Jesus to come and die for all,there was no proper atonement that allowed them to live and they surely would not repent of their sins.

Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

No not true,he gave them free will but he also gave them laws to follow and told them what would happen if they did not obey.

They exercised their free will disobeying God ,and not repenting of their sins and were put to death.

Why is this hard for you to grasp man's system is pretty much the same other then God being just a little more strict with his laws.

God is capricious, vindictive and unpredictable where he is supposed to be perfect.

You don't see the contradiction in saying you have free will but if you don't do as I say, I'll kill you?
Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

No not true,he gave them free will but he also gave them laws to follow and told them what would happen if they did not obey.

They exercised their free will disobeying God ,and not repenting of their sins and were put to death.

Why is this hard for you to grasp man's system is pretty much the same other then God being just a little more strict with his laws.

Mans system is pretty much the same as gods????

Ahh the arrogance of the human species is without bounds.

No,some of mankind listened to God by using the conscience that was given to them by God ,and some just warped their conscience.
Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

So basically, God killed himself in order to forgive humanity for using the free will he gave them? I'm going for multiple personalities with megalomania as my diagnosis here.

Basically God allowed this person that represented himself to be put to death and he was the perfect sacrifice that made up for the perfect man adam.

All of mankind has forgiveness and that is why God no longer wipes out sinful communities.

This is of course until the final battle where all sinful beings not found written in the lambs book of life go to eternal death.

So now jesus was only a person who represented god? So you're worshiping a mere mortal?

Make up your mind.
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They can't make up their mind, that is the problem. They prefer to be sheep and to be told what to do.

If it conflicts and makes no sense ohh well it will all be explained, just have faith.
Excuse me but aren't god and Jesus one and the same?

So if god killed people for exercising their free will then by your definition of the holy trinity, Jesus also killed people for exercising free will.

Obviously god did not give men free will but rather told them he gave them free will then killed them for exercising that will.

No not true,he gave them free will but he also gave them laws to follow and told them what would happen if they did not obey.

They exercised their free will disobeying God ,and not repenting of their sins and were put to death.

Why is this hard for you to grasp man's system is pretty much the same other then God being just a little more strict with his laws.

God is capricious, vindictive and unpredictable where he is supposed to be perfect.

You don't see the contradiction in saying you have free will but if you don't do as I say, I'll kill you?

No i see faulty reasoning on your part.

Man's system leaves us alone if we obey the laws if not you pay a price man allows free will just as God does but don't break the laws.
No not true,he gave them free will but he also gave them laws to follow and told them what would happen if they did not obey.

They exercised their free will disobeying God ,and not repenting of their sins and were put to death.

Why is this hard for you to grasp man's system is pretty much the same other then God being just a little more strict with his laws.

God is capricious, vindictive and unpredictable where he is supposed to be perfect.

You don't see the contradiction in saying you have free will but if you don't do as I say, I'll kill you?

No i see faulty reasoning on your part.

Man's system leaves us alone if we obey the laws if not you pay a price man allows free will just as God does but don't break the laws.

I thought you couldn't compare us imperfect mortals to god yet you are doing just that.

If god is perfect then his laws are perfect so if man's laws are the same as god's then they must be perfect.

We know that both of those assumptions are wrong.

God kills innocents in his wrath. That is not perfect.
So basically, God killed himself in order to forgive humanity for using the free will he gave them? I'm going for multiple personalities with megalomania as my diagnosis here.

Basically God allowed this person that represented himself to be put to death and he was the perfect sacrifice that made up for the perfect man adam.

All of mankind has forgiveness and that is why God no longer wipes out sinful communities.

This is of course until the final battle where all sinful beings not found written in the lambs book of life go to eternal death.

So now jesus was only a person who represented god?

Make up your mind.

Jesus was God in the flesh.

Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Joh 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
Joh 1:3 All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made.

Php 2:5 Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped,
Php 2:7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men;
Php 2:8 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross.
Php 2:9 Wherefore also God highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name;
Php 2:10 that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth,
Php 2:11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

This is why he had to take the lower form.

Exo 33:20 And He said, You cannot see My face. For there no man can see Me and live.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Monty Python - Spanish Inquisition Torture Scene‬‏[/ame]
God is capricious, vindictive and unpredictable where he is supposed to be perfect.

You don't see the contradiction in saying you have free will but if you don't do as I say, I'll kill you?

No i see faulty reasoning on your part.

Man's system leaves us alone if we obey the laws if not you pay a price man allows free will just as God does but don't break the laws.

I thought you couldn't compare us imperfect mortals to god yet you are doing just that.

If god is perfect then his laws are perfect so if man's laws are the same as god's then they must be perfect.

We know that both of those assumptions are wrong.

God kills innocents in his wrath. That is not perfect.

Oh boy :eusa_wall:

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