How will the Ds screw Themselves This Time?

How Will the Ds screw themselves?

  • Go too far left in the nomination race

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Impeachment backfires

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • They lose their tax base

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Barr's special counsel sends D elected leadership to jail

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
Never under estimate a left loon's ability to shoot themselves in the date nothing has worked for them in their quest to get Trump and given the clowns running against him doom looms for them
OMG, the only way 2020 could be more delicious is if Hillary gets into the race!!
Never under estimate a left loon's ability to shoot themselves in the date nothing has worked for them in their quest to get Trump and given the clowns running against him doom looms for them
If the Ds are missing a trick to reelect Trump I am unaware of it.
Never under estimate a left loon's ability to shoot themselves in the date nothing has worked for them in their quest to get Trump and given the clowns running against him doom looms for them
If the Ds are missing a trick to reelect Trump I am unaware of it.

Listen to them.... they're unhinged and think pushing a far left agenda is going to work? Not a chance.

They don't have anyone to beat him
They'll just keep talking like they have been...That's bad enough to sink anyone.
The biggest part is I only see the vote dem no matter what crowd voting for any of them.
Most people are not going to vote for losing their job.
Most are not going to vote to bankrupt the country.
Most are not going to vote to increase their federal income taxes by double or more.

If you look at say Warrens campaign, she seems to be the current front runner.
Medicare for all.
Breakup tech companies.
Higher taxes on companies and millionaires.
Free collage.
Greater dependance on foreign oil.
The New Green Deal.
Someone did an analysis of the costs. 45 Trillion dollars. Even if we double taxes that is 38 Trillion in debt in four years.
That does not take into account higher unemployment.
I foresee the Democrat Party becoming a 3d party if they continue with their socialist progressive plans.

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