How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?


I put no trust in Obama's lying government.

I put no trust in our government any longer. I hate to say it because I voted for him twice, but President Bush broke me of that early in his second term, maybe earlier than that, but I didn't believe anyone could be as arrogant as John Kerry... now, I am not so sure about that.


Bush's first term is very debatable as whether it meant a damn thing. I personally think he was trying hard then. You could tell in 05 after his bid for much needed social security reform failed and the media being on his back for everything that he just gave up. When was that huge prescription drugs for seniors (huge pharma kickback) enacted? That was a joke too.
So 69 Million people have no sense or values? Really? (You know that's how many votes Obama got in 2008, right? More than any candidate in our history.)

According to exit polls in 2008, 20% of self-described conservatives voted for Obama, as did 9% of self-described Republicans.

You need to grow up. Yeah, when I was young, I used to get all excited about elections. I'm old enough now to realize that they are usually a choice between the lesser of two evils and they don't really change all that much, anyway.

Yes, America had lost its virtue by 2008 and it was reflected in the presidential race. I read a quote from a founding father yesterday that explained how the Constitution can be great but it's nothing if the electorate is not virtuous. That is exactly what happened in 2008.

You are not virtuous, TGG. That's the point. You falsify and you lie. That is not virtue.

The Founding Fathers would not associate with you.

This is the truth. The FF would despise you, TGG.
Bush's first term is very debatable as whether it meant a damn thing. I personally think he was trying hard then. You could tell in 05 after his bid for much needed social security reform failed and the media being on his back for everything that he just gave up. When was that huge prescription drugs for seniors (huge pharma kickback) enacted? That was a joke too.

And thus you show why the GOP is in decline... because you say heartless stuff like this.

Yes, it was awful that there was a big kickback to big Pharma instead of bulk buying...

But it made the lives of a lot of elderly people better.

Bush was a conservative, but he had humanity. And oddly enough, a lot of so-called conservatives disdain him for it.

Better to support Romney, a guy who gives you a wedgie before he lays you off.
#98-What Obama lies, moron? Change the channel, dupe. Memorize my sig and start again...
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Bush's first term is very debatable as whether it meant a damn thing. I personally think he was trying hard then. You could tell in 05 after his bid for much needed social security reform failed and the media being on his back for everything that he just gave up. When was that huge prescription drugs for seniors (huge pharma kickback) enacted? That was a joke too.

And thus you show why the GOP is in decline... because you say heartless stuff like this.

Yes, it was awful that there was a big kickback to big Pharma instead of bulk buying...

But it made the lives of a lot of elderly people better.

Bush was a conservative, but he had humanity. And oddly enough, a lot of so-called conservatives disdain him for it.

Better to support Romney, a guy who gives you a wedgie before he lays you off.

The GOP is in decline b/c they legally embezzle money from the government (not b/c I call them out on it). Bush did nothing to check drug prices for the consumer and in fact he increased costs for the everyday man through his reckless measure. I know that a flaming lib like yourself looks at govt. spending and you're like "Oh goody. The govt just needs to throw money at something and we'll all be better." That's not how it works in the real world Joe. I f'ing dare you to go to your local jc and sign up for an economics class so that you can learn and not come on message boards and perpetuate your ignorant falsities.
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I put no trust in Obama's lying government.

I put no trust in our government any longer. I hate to say it because I voted for him twice, but President Bush broke me of that early in his second term, maybe earlier than that, but I didn't believe anyone could be as arrogant as John Kerry... now, I am not so sure about that.


Bush's first term is very debatable as whether it meant a damn thing. I personally think he was trying hard then. You could tell in 05 after his bid for much needed social security reform failed and the media being on his back for everything that he just gave up. When was that huge prescription drugs for seniors (huge pharma kickback) enacted? That was a joke too.

I can't say for sure when it was enacted without looking it up, but if Care4all were still around, I think she probably can. That bill really, really angered her.

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The GOP is in decline b/c they legally embezzle money from the government (not b/c I call them out on it). Bush did nothing to decrease drugs on the consumer and in fact he increased costs for the everyday man through his reckless measure. I know that a flaming lib like yourself looks at govt. spending and you're like "Oh goody. The govt just needs to throw money at something and we'll all be better." That's not how it works in the real world Joe. I f'ing dare you to go to your local jc and sign up for an economics class so that you can learn and not come on message boards and perpetuate your ignorant falsities.

See, guy, I know business from the REAL WORLD. 22 years in the private sector and 12 years as a manufacturing buyer.

Unlike you who've only learned life from college. (Seriously, how old are you, 22?)

Yes, it increased costs because they didn't buy in bulk and dictate to big pharma what price they were going to pay.

The purpose of Medicaid Part D was not to "reduce costs", it was to pay for medications that was still cheaper than treating the illnesses that occurred when granny had to choose between her diabetes medication and eating that month.

Which again, sadly, the current bunch of conservatives like you think is horrible that Granny is being allowed to get something when she isn't making a billionaire richer.

Conservatism has become a form of Stolkholm Syndrome... you guys start to sympathize with your abusers.

Incidently, if you want to get into a tiresome textbook discussion of Keynesians vs. Supply Siders, I would say we were more prosperous in the Keynesian era (1930-1980) than the Supply Side Era (1981-Present.)

Yea you know how competition works in the real world and it's made you bitter. You think the world owes you something now that you haven't became a millionaire and you want to take it out on the so-called rich.

Yea you know how competition works in the real world and it's made you bitter. You think the world owes you something now that you haven't became a millionaire and you want to take it out on the so-called rich.

He does give the impression that he thinks the world owes him, doesn't he?

How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

That would actually be a celebration of Obama leaving office after his second term in 2017.

Also interesting is the animus toward Obama is based solely on his party affiliation, as McCain would have taken the same steps as Obama on the economy, Iraq/Afghanistan, and foreign policy in general, with the exact same results. Indeed, 2012 is very similar to 2008 in that there isn’t a great difference between the two contenders.

Yea you know how competition works in the real world and it's made you bitter. You think the world owes you something now that you haven't became a millionaire and you want to take it out on the so-called rich.

No, I think we should take it out on the rich because we have obligations to our children, to our elderly, to our veterans and to our people in general.

Sure, I'm bitter. Same way I'm bitter when I see a movie where the bad guy wins because some douchebag director thinks he's being edgy.

I don't like seeing the bad guy win.

Yea you know how competition works in the real world and it's made you bitter. You think the world owes you something now that you haven't became a millionaire and you want to take it out on the so-called rich.

He does give the impression that he thinks the world owes him, doesn't he?


I don't ask the world for anything... thank you much.

I've been working since I was 16. Turned 50 this week. Probably will keep working until I die.

I do have some funny idea that if the efforts of my labor produce $100,000, I should actually see more of that than some joker who bought a stock for a week.

And that's the problem with you guys. YOu see a world where 1% has half the wealth, but they certainly aren't doing 50% of the physical labor. They are gaming the system just as much as the welfare queen who figured out that she could get a section 8 mansion with five kids.

And the sad thing is, I bought into that. I let the Limbaughs of the world point fingers at the abusers on one end while working for the abusers at the other end.

Yea you know how competition works in the real world and it's made you bitter. You think the world owes you something now that you haven't became a millionaire and you want to take it out on the so-called rich.

He does give the impression that he thinks the world owes him, doesn't he?


Pure Pubcrappe from dupes/haters. Change the channel. But thanks for the giveaways to big oil, big pharm, big health, big banks, for the depression, and screwing up th recovery with fear mongering BS, division, and paralysis. Brainwashed a-holes. Hoping for your recovery...

One Obama lie, shytteheads? So willfully ignorant, arrogant and STUPID, you're just bad citizens......:eusa_whistle: :cuckoo:

Yea you know how competition works in the real world and it's made you bitter. You think the world owes you something now that you haven't became a millionaire and you want to take it out on the so-called rich.

He does give the impression that he thinks the world owes him, doesn't he?


I don't ask the world for anything... thank you much.

I've been working since I was 16. Turned 50 this week. Probably will keep working until I die.

I do have some funny idea that if the efforts of my labor produce $100,000, I should actually see more of that than some joker who bought a stock for a week.

and then bla bla 1/99 and Limbaugh garble.

Why? There's nothing stopping you from buying stock. What you should have a problem with, is earning money and giving it to the government so that they can divvy it up among people sitting on their asses. Again, you're just bitter because you're a failure and you're under the delusion that big brother's going to make everything okay. You know what they're doing as they buy your vote; just devaluing the money you have earned and taxing your company so that they can't give you a raise that you possibly deserve.
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Yawn. :lol:

The Founding Fathers were great but not unique, kiddo, not divinely tapped, so to speak. The followers of Joseph Smith believe differently, though, but, hey, two out of three abandoned that, so there you go.
The entire generation of the Great Depression and World War II, for starters?

Are you LDS, TGG. I am asking you out rightly. Be honest.

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