How will you feel when you find you you are paying for "the wall?"

The wall is free as Mexico is paying for it, so let's start there....
$25 says you're wrong. If President Trump imposes a 20% import tax on goods, it will tick off both a lot of business owners and consumers. His historically low approval rating will drop even more.

Poll: Over half oppose Trump’s Mexico wall
Fifty-five percent oppose the controversial proposed barrier in the Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday.

Forty-two percent support the structure, which became a signature pledge from Trump on the campaign trail.
Pollsters also found voters have mixed feelings about Trump’s vow to deport undocumented immigrants

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable
Favorable 42.0
Unfavorable 49.9
Fake news....
Burying your head in the sand won't change Trump's numbers. Same goes for the stock market. As I keep telling the LWLs, let's give this time. I have faith it will all work out in the end even if that end is Trump reversing himself, resigning or being impeached.
Obama got his 60%+ JARs the old fashioned way....

He earned them


So being black is how Democrats believe earning something happens? Interesting, NL.
Rather than labor the fact that you can't read, Red, why don't you (in the largest bold font available to you) tell everyone what "NL" stands for?

I predict that you won't......because you are just another cowardly bag of ignorant gas....

Why don't you tell me what you think it means since you claim to be so smart. If you don't, it will prove you're not as smart as you claim.

I'm not the one kissing Obama's ass, therefore, I can't be a coward. Pucker up, NL.
It is YOUR the fuck am I supposed to know what goes through your simple mind...I have no way to relate....

Man up, you fucking coward......unless you are a slizz, in which case "gird your loins, Lassie!"

Yet you imply you think you know what it means. Guess you really don't know.

I'll mail it to you personally. Provide the necessary information on the open forum is you have the guts.
I'll mail it to you personally. Provide the necessary information on the open forum is you have the guts.

Because you have neither the courage nor the integrity to post what YOU mean, I must demonstrate courage to you by posting personal information?

Clearly you are an even bigger idiot than I suspected, Sniveling Bitch.....

Pucker up, NL.
What do you mean by "NL"?
So being black is how Democrats believe earning something happens? Interesting, NL.
Rather than labor the fact that you can't read, Red, why don't you (in the largest bold font available to you) tell everyone what "NL" stands for?

I predict that you won't......because you are just another cowardly bag of ignorant gas....

Why don't you tell me what you think it means since you claim to be so smart. If you don't, it will prove you're not as smart as you claim.

I'm not the one kissing Obama's ass, therefore, I can't be a coward. Pucker up, NL.
It is YOUR the fuck am I supposed to know what goes through your simple mind...I have no way to relate....

Man up, you fucking coward......unless you are a slizz, in which case "gird your loins, Lassie!"

Yet you imply you think you know what it means. Guess you really don't know.

I'll mail it to you personally. Provide the necessary information on the open forum is you have the guts.
I'll mail it to you personally. Provide the necessary information on the open forum is you have the guts.

Because you have neither the courage nor the integrity to post what YOU mean, I must demonstrate courage to you by posting personal information?

Clearly you are an even bigger idiot than I suspected, Sniveling Bitch.....

Pucker up, NL.
What do you mean by "NL"?

Clearly, you're the coward I expected you to be. You say you don't know what it means but you imply it means something bad. You have to have an idea if you think it's bad. Which one is it? Do you have or not have an idea?

You really don't have a clue, you say you don't know what I'm thinking, but imply it's something it isn't. What you're thinking, despite saying you don't know, isn't anywhere close to what you imply.
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The majority of illegals in this country came across the border.

Your lies are told only to fool yourself.
Majority used to be correct, about 60%. According to National Review, that's switched to over 60% of new illegal immigrants violate some form of legal entry status. Enforcement of our laws should come first before building a multi-billion dollar wall to catch less than half of illegals.

On Immigration, Fighting the Last War
....But even if we were to build a wall, and elect a president interested in using it to protect America’s sovereignty, we’d be missing most of the problem — because the majority of new illegal aliens are actually visa overstayers.

This is the most important — albeit buried — finding in a paper published this year by the Center for Migration Studies, an expansionist outfit run by the Scalabrinian Catholic order that nonetheless does serious work. Co-authored by Robert Warren, head of statistics for the old INS, the paper finds that the share of overstays among new illegal aliens has been rising pretty steadily since the 1980s and surpassed border infiltrators in 2008. The paper’s most recent estimate is for 2012, when nearly 60 percent of new illegal immigrants are believed to have entered legally on some sort of visa (or visa-waiver status, if they’re from a developed country) and then just stayed on after their time expired.

So, because, maybe the percentage of those crossing the border might have dropped below 50% we should NOT take steps to secure that avenue from being used by illegals?

That does not make sense to me.
No. IMHO, it's important to get the facts straight first, then decide what to do second.

Of course we need to fix the illegal immigration problem. I just disagree a multi-billion dollar wall is the best way to do it.

Well, if the facts are the point, I referenced to the current population we have, that mostly came across the border.

Despite the current situation, that "fact" shows that the border is a BIG part of the problem, and a multi-billion dollar Wall might be quite helpful.
You "reason" like a hysterical crack whore....

And the lefty comes in and makes the compelling argument of calling me a name.

Pretty much the best they've got.

My point stands,

The open border is a problem and the Wall is a solution.
Well, if the facts are the point, I referenced to the current population we have, that mostly came across the border.

Despite the current situation, that "fact" shows that the border is a BIG part of the problem, and a multi-billion dollar Wall might be quite helpful.
Being "helpful" is not enough justification to run up the national debt. Yes, let's resolve the illegal immigrant issues, and there are several, but let's first try enforcement of current and new laws before building any white elephants.

Any program to deal with the problem will have a dollar cost.

Helpful to solving a big problem is justification to spend money.

Focusing on this small couple of billion dollars as the reason for our debt, is not reasonable, considering the already existing size of our debt, the size of our current budget and the size of our current deficit.
So being black is how Democrats believe earning something happens? Interesting, NL.
...I'm not the one kissing Obama's ass, therefore, I can't be a coward. Pucker up, NL.
You're just the typical Obama NL.
What does "NL" stand for, Conservative65?

Why don't you say what you think it means. You imply it's negative. What are your thoughts?

I'll give you a hint. It's an acronym referencing a term in the Indonesian language.
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How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

Oh, suddenly you don't like complex tax codes?

Want to support ending them?

Do I like tax codes that make the taxpayer compensate Trump for losing almost a billion dollars in bad investments?

No, I don't

So, you going to join me in supporting a National Sales Tax, or just bitch about this issue when you can use it to smear your enemies?
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

Oh, suddenly you don't like complex tax codes?

Want to support ending them?

Do I like tax codes that make the taxpayer compensate Trump for losing almost a billion dollars in bad investments?

No, I don't
It's even worse than that......Trump lost the bank's money....then, mysteriously, wound up with a nearly 1 billion dollar loss carry forward...

You try that, Home Gamers....

Investing in real estate is risky. Any banker that doesn't know that, is incompetent and should be fired.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Americans are used to taxpayer-funding of anti-Christian and leftwing talk radio at NPR. Why would a step towards border security bother US?
The RW has been using NPR as a whipping boy for over 20 years. It is primarily self-funded with only about 16% coming from Federal, State and local government sources.

Public Radio Finances

Don't Forget the Facts About NPR Funding

So, they don't really need our money.


I won't lie and say I wish them well.

I hope they fail to make up the money and all end up as beggars.
So being black is how Democrats believe earning something happens? Interesting, NL.
Rather than labor the fact that you can't read, Red, why don't you (in the largest bold font available to you) tell everyone what "NL" stands for?

I predict that you won't......because you are just another cowardly bag of ignorant gas....

Why don't you tell me what you think it means since you claim to be so smart. If you don't, it will prove you're not as smart as you claim.

I'm not the one kissing Obama's ass, therefore, I can't be a coward. Pucker up, NL.
It is YOUR the fuck am I supposed to know what goes through your simple mind...I have no way to relate....

Man up, you fucking coward......unless you are a slizz, in which case "gird your loins, Lassie!"

Yet you imply you think you know what it means. Guess you really don't know.

I'll mail it to you personally. Provide the necessary information on the open forum is you have the guts.
I'll mail it to you personally. Provide the necessary information on the open forum is you have the guts.

Because you have neither the courage nor the integrity to post what YOU mean, I must demonstrate courage to you by posting personal information?

Clearly you are an even bigger idiot than I suspected, Sniveling Bitch.....

Pucker up, NL.
What do you mean by "NL"?

It's an acronym for an Indonesian term. Look it up if you want to know.
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

Oh, suddenly you don't like complex tax codes?

Want to support ending them?

Do I like tax codes that make the taxpayer compensate Trump for losing almost a billion dollars in bad investments?

No, I don't

So, you going to join me in supporting a National Sales Tax, or just bitch about this issue when you can use it to smear your enemies?

Fuck a National Sales Tax
It unfairly hits the poor because a greater portion of their income goes to purchases
Snowflakes are very concerned with government spending, we know.
The flip-flopping since November 8th has been most amusing to me. 2017 is going to be a great year!
Flip flopping took place between 1/20/09 and 1/20/17. How many times did Obama say he didn't have the authority to do with immigration what he eventually did with immigration? Just one example.
Snowflakes are very concerned with government spending, we know.
Yo, Colonel....

Can you post the annual growth rates of federal spending (in nominal dollars) for the following








Just the numbers.......I'll figure out their ordinal ranking....
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

Oh, suddenly you don't like complex tax codes?

Want to support ending them?

Do I like tax codes that make the taxpayer compensate Trump for losing almost a billion dollars in bad investments?

No, I don't

So, you going to join me in supporting a National Sales Tax, or just bitch about this issue when you can use it to smear your enemies?

Fuck a National Sales Tax
It unfairly hits the poor because a greater portion of their income goes to purchases

If everyone is taxed on an equal percentage, isn't that fair? I thought you lefties said doing the same thing was fair?
How might Trump pay for his wall? He's suggested a tax on goods imported from Mexico. Great, right? Well, just who buys goods imported into the U.S. from Mexico? It's not Mexicans or Canadians.

Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

Oh, suddenly you don't like complex tax codes?

Want to support ending them?

Do I like tax codes that make the taxpayer compensate Trump for losing almost a billion dollars in bad investments?

No, I don't
It's even worse than that......Trump lost the bank's money....then, mysteriously, wound up with a nearly 1 billion dollar loss carry forward...

You try that, Home Gamers....

Investing in real estate is risky. Any banker that doesn't know that, is incompetent and should be fired.

Real estate was booming at the time. Trump lost money on his casinos and Trump Airlines
But, lucky for him, the taxpayers will make up the difference
Why am I expected to pay for the Great Wall of Trump while Trump isn't?

Oh, suddenly you don't like complex tax codes?

Want to support ending them?

Do I like tax codes that make the taxpayer compensate Trump for losing almost a billion dollars in bad investments?

No, I don't

So, you going to join me in supporting a National Sales Tax, or just bitch about this issue when you can use it to smear your enemies?

Fuck a National Sales Tax
It unfairly hits the poor because a greater portion of their income goes to purchases

If everyone is taxed on an equal percentage, isn't that fair? I thought you lefties said doing the same thing was fair?


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