Zone1 How would you feel about God if he

How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.
God is quoted as once saying, "I am who I am." I would like to see God as He is...not who/what He can change Himself into.

I feel the same about all people. We are who we are. Let's celebrate that.
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.

If G-d, or Allah, or Buddha, or whomever, changed into an actual woman, or a lion, tiger, or bear, But, if the almighty put on a bear costume and told me he was a bear, that wouldn't be very impressive at all.

How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.

How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.

You have no idea about God...

The only thing you seem to know anything about is your genitals. There is a lot more to life than sex....maybe you should find something else to do other than fantasy
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.
Um hypothetically? What if, on the other hand, Donald Trump was right and homosexuality was just simply perversion?
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.

I'd wonder who put the acid in my cheerios
Right. But is able to manifest the material world.
Nope. The material world is eternal. Or it will die and be reborn again. No god necessary.

Think of this universe as just one bubble in a lava lamp. Worlds are manifested and destroyed every second. In our case every 26 billion years give or take 5.
Nope. The material world is eternal. Or it will die and be reborn again. No god necessary.
Stop being silly. The debate is over. The CMB ended that. The universe literally popped into existence - being created from nothing - in an implausible manner implausibly being hardwired to produce intelligence. And that's what mainstream science tells us.
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.
Sick leftist freak scum.
Think of this universe as just one bubble in a lava lamp. Worlds are manifested and destroyed every second. In our case every 26 billion years give or take 5.
Nothing I said precludes multiple creations. But you arguing multiple creations goes against your argument that the universe is eternal. No offense but you don't know what you are talking about. You're just slinging mud against a wall in hopes of some of it sticking. You're all over the map.
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.

God would never deceive anyone like that, and would never lie to you.

The one you're confusing Him with is the devil. He is the one who is a liar, murderer and stealer of souls. Satan can also appear in any form he desires, although he wouldn't waste his time on those like you or I. He has one-third of the fallen angels to do his work for him, and he can't be in more than one place at a time.

Although Satan did appear to Martin Luther, and it's been said that Luther threw an ink well at him.
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.

I would say he/she/it is an illusionist. Someone who cannot be trusted, someone who constantly lies because THEY don't even know who they are by constantly changing shapes/sexes.

And what does any god have to do with mentally incomptent people who have no grasp on reality?

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