Zone1 How would you feel about God if he

How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.

I would recognize that's not God.

And it has nothing to do with my opinion on "trans people".

God is unchangeable, the great I AM
I would recognize that's not God.

And it has nothing to do with my opinion on "trans people".

God is unchangeable, the great I AM
Gods are supposed to be all powerful surely they can appear as anything they want.
You are arguing against the Big Bang.
No. But we don't know what was going on before the big bang. My theory is it was a dead old previous universe after the last star died. So nothing but darkness and then all the rocks and diamonds and everything collapsed back in on itself and started a big bang.

Remember, if you are a fan of the big bang, consider this. It started off really small right? So at one point the observable universe would have only been 1 light year across. Correct? I mean in the way back beginning. Today what is it 900 billion light years bigger? Point is, our observable universe is much bigger than it was when it started. So it's eating into something. That something we are eating into at the edge. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. So every day our observable universe travels into the Universe that you claim doesn't exist.

I thought about you last night. You're an intelligent fish in a fish bowl. From what you can see, the room was made for you. And there is even a god who feeds you and provides everything you need. Seems like the world was made for you. But the universe can't be bigger than the room you are in. You see god leave the room but only god can leave the room. Because he's outside of time and space.

AND he has talked to you. LOL.
You are arguing against the Big Bang.

No. If the big bang started at a very small tight little starting point, and there was "nothing" 2 feet in front of that big bang, and the big bang ate into that nothingness and expanded to what we see today, then it is that nothingness that is beyond our universe. That's the Universe. As we get bigger it gets smaller. But how much is out there? I say infinite in every direction.

I speculate though that there are other universes that spark into life too. Do universes ever break through and touch each other? Maybe. It happens in a lava lamp. Two bubbles sometimes merge.

Infinite. I know you can't fathom that concept unless I ask you if your god has lived and will live for an infinite amount of time. Then you'll be able to wrap your stupid brain around it. You can't associate infinite to the Universe because if you do then what need is there for a god?

Your god is unnecessary except for wishful thinking. Maybe a god exists in the infinite Universe who knows.

In fact, I think that would be a great excuse for you theists to use next time I ask where god is. Tell me he's in the Universe. Not in the universe. That would make sense. More sense than the rhelm you claim your god hides.
Gods are supposed to be all powerful surely they can appear as anything they want.
How about they appear as a cop in a home where a child is being raped? No? Never?

Now that might get me to start believing. If cops told us "I don't know how I ended up there" and the victim tells us how the cop was talking in tongues and seemed possessed with the holy spirit.

Now that might make me believe. But god never does that. But if one person survives a plane crash where 200 die, god gets credit for that? I think not.
No. But we don't know what was going on before the big bang. My theory is it was a dead old previous universe after the last star died. So nothing but darkness and then all the rocks and diamonds and everything collapsed back in on itself and started a big bang.

Remember, if you are a fan of the big bang, consider this. It started off really small right? So at one point the observable universe would have only been 1 light year across. Correct? I mean in the way back beginning. Today what is it 900 billion light years bigger? Point is, our observable universe is much bigger than it was when it started. So it's eating into something. That something we are eating into at the edge. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. So every day our observable universe travels into the Universe that you claim doesn't exist.

I thought about you last night. You're an intelligent fish in a fish bowl. From what you can see, the room was made for you. And there is even a god who feeds you and provides everything you need. Seems like the world was made for you. But the universe can't be bigger than the room you are in. You see god leave the room but only god can leave the room. Because he's outside of time and space.

AND he has talked to you. LOL.
Your theory of an infinite universe is beyond ridiculous. The universe popping into existence in an implausible way being implausibly hardwired to produce intelligence freaks you out.
Your theory of an infinite universe is beyond ridiculous. The universe popping into existence in an implausible way being implausibly hardwired to produce intelligence freaks you out.

I said infinite Universe. You don't disagree do you that the big bang started very small and nothing was around it. Nothing was there before. Okay fine. Well that is the same nothingness that we are eating into now.

Do you disagree the universe is growing and getting bigger at an even faster rate? Faster than the speed of light? Then our universe is eating into that "nothing". How far does that nothing go? Please tell me you believe it ends somewhere. Then tell me what's on the other side of that end?
No. If the big bang started at a very small tight little starting point, and there was "nothing" 2 feet in front of that big bang, and the big bang ate into that nothingness and expanded to what we see today, then it is that nothingness that is beyond our universe. That's the Universe. As we get bigger it gets smaller. But how much is out there? I say infinite in every direction.

I speculate though that there are other universes that spark into life too. Do universes ever break through and touch each other? Maybe. It happens in a lava lamp. Two bubbles sometimes merge.

Infinite. I know you can't fathom that concept unless I ask you if your god has lived and will live for an infinite amount of time. Then you'll be able to wrap your stupid brain around it. You can't associate infinite to the Universe because if you do then what need is there for a god?

Your god is unnecessary except for wishful thinking. Maybe a god exists in the infinite Universe who knows.

In fact, I think that would be a great excuse for you theists to use next time I ask where god is. Tell me he's in the Universe. Not in the universe. That would make sense. More sense than the rhelm you claim your god hides.
God isn't going to be what any of us want God to be. God is. As for "science" you only accept science that suits your purpose.
I said infinite Universe. You don't disagree do you that the big bang started very small and nothing was around it. Nothing was there before. Okay fine. Well that is the same nothingness that we are eating into now.

Do you disagree the universe is growing and getting bigger at an even faster rate? Faster than the speed of light? Then our universe is eating into that "nothing". How far does that nothing go? Please tell me you believe it ends somewhere. Then tell me what's on the other side of that end?
I don't believe you actually understand what infinite means. If the universe were infinite it was always infinite. Which precludes the universe from being spontaneously created which is what every piece of evidence supports. You're wasting my time on this.
I don't believe you actually understand what infinite means. If the universe were infinite it was always infinite. Which precludes the universe from being spontaneously created which is what every piece of evidence supports. You're wasting my time on this.
The Universe is infinite. The observable universe you know is not infinite. You're asking unknowable things. But the answers could be scientific not god. The Universe is eternal just like your god. So no real need for a god.

Can god go in any direction for an infinite amount of space? Can god escape the box you've put him us all in? This one little universe? Because it's all you can know fish in a fishbowl.
I don't believe you actually understand what infinite means. If the universe were infinite it was always infinite. Which precludes the universe from being spontaneously created which is what every piece of evidence supports. You're wasting my time on this.
You only understand infinite if I ask you what amount of time has god existed.

Before 14 billion years ago god existed but no universe did? No where? Maybe we aren't his first universe or his only universe in the Universe?
I don't believe you actually understand what infinite means. If the universe were infinite it was always infinite. Which precludes the universe from being spontaneously created which is what every piece of evidence supports. You're wasting my time on this.
Why did god exist before 13 billion years ago? What was he doing 44 billion years ago? Nothing? Wow. Weird it took him so long to think up a universe and humans.
The Universe is infinite. The observable universe you know is not infinite. You're asking unknowable things. But the answers could be scientific not god. The Universe is eternal just like your god. So no real need for a god.

Can god go in any direction for an infinite amount of space? Can god escape the box you've put him us all in? This one little universe? Because it's all you can know fish in a fishbowl.
If the universe is infinite then it was always infinite and it never began. There's no data to support this. All of the data supports the universe began. The fact that you can't acknowledge the truth PROVES you believe that if the universe began, God created it.
You only understand infinite if I ask you what amount of time has god existed.

Before 14 billion years ago god existed but no universe did? No where? Maybe we aren't his first universe or his only universe in the Universe?
I'm glad you are admitting God exists if the universe began. Time doesn't exist outside of space and time.
Why did god exist before 13 billion years ago? What was he doing 44 billion years ago? Nothing? Wow. Weird it took him so long to think up a universe and humans.
God is incorporeal. Eternal and unchanging. God is infinite. The universe isn't. The universe only exists in the mind of God.
Which suggests something else existed in the mind of God before the universe came to mind?
That's a good question. There is no time outside of our universe so to speak. My take on it is that time is meaningless to God. I believe that God experiences what we would call time all at once. So there is no before or after as far as God is concerned.
If the universe is infinite then it was always infinite and it never began. There's no data to support this. All of the data supports the universe began. The fact that you can't acknowledge the truth PROVES you believe that if the universe began, God created it.
You are right we couldn't possibly have any data to support this. All we have is our little universe small u.

Yes our universe began. Yes it did. And it was very small surrounded by what you would call nothing. And our universe expanded into nothing. It continues expanding in to that nothingness. Where's the edge? It's unknowable. But it's probably infinite just like your god.
If the universe is infinite then it was always infinite and it never began. There's no data to support this. All of the data supports the universe began. The fact that you can't acknowledge the truth PROVES you believe that if the universe began, God created it.

Let's try this. If your god is infinite then it was always infinite and never happened. There's no data to support your god hypothesis. All the data supports god had a beginning. When your ancestors made him up.

The fact that you can't acknowledge the truth PROVES you believe that if the Universe is infinite and just like god is.
You are right we couldn't possibly have any data to support this. All we have is our little universe small u.
We have...
  1. CMB
  2. Red shift
  3. FLoT
  4. Quantum mechanics
  5. Einstein's field equations
All of which point to the universe beginning. So we have tons of data that tell us the universe is not infinite. Because...


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