Zone1 How would you feel about God if he

There is no evidence that the universe has an edge. The part of the universe we can observe from Earth is filled more or less uniformly with galaxies extending in every direction as far as we can see - more than 10 billion light-years, or about 6 billion trillion miles.

Universe Dark Energy-1 Expanding Universe
The curve changes noticeably about 7.5 billion years ago, when objects in the universe began flying apart as a faster rate. Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling galaxies apart.

What was before the first universe?

There has always been something. Think about that. Stop putting god in a box. Are you saying God and universes were born 14 billion years ago? What was god doing 15 billion years ago?

This is not the only universe in the universe. I know that's hard to wrap your brain around. It's easier for you to believe the god creation stories. You're still very primitive.
One cannot wrap a brain around something that has no objective evidence.......nothing is nothing.

I believe in reason, logic and the Laws of Physics. In order not to believe in have to present the logical fallacy of an infinite universe without a Creating Cause. According to the Laws of Logic you have but 2 possible equations if you omit a Creating Cause from the equation. (1). The Universe created itself from nothing (Dogma). (2). Or.....the Universe is eternal without beginning without end.....impossible to prove when the Laws of Physics are applied.

The Universe could not have created itself from nothing. The Laws of Physics prove that when you begin with end with nothing when Real Science is Applied ..........the reality of Science upon application demonstrates that the theories such as the Big Bang are fundamentally void of the basic laws of physics and the scientific method when the paradigm of the Big Bang is considered........why? Because such a theory is fundamentally "untestable" via applying cannot produce the observed and reproducible evidence that prove the Universe is eternal or the CAUSE of the supposed Cosmic ball of energy that exploded and produced YOUR BIG BANG. The only law of physics that is applicable is the First Law of Thermodynamics which proves that nothing can be created without a superior cause. If you attempt to argue that the Laws of Physics do not apply and did not exist prior to the Big Bang and the Cosmic Egg of energy that suddenly appeared without a Cause........then you must be asked, How did the first law of physics...thermodynamics write itself into existence.......Who made these laws?

The Universe is not infinite or eternal......according to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. All the available evidence from science concludes (when and where science can be applied) is wearing proven via the decay of the Stars which is observable.....stars can be observed in a state of decay.......most such star (Beatlejuice) has been observed in a state of exhausting its energy source.

If you can.........produce the name of one NEW BORN STAR.....not a theory that suggests new stars come are being created in star nurseries called such as the Orion Nebula. Show me ONE NEWBORN STAR.

Logically... the source or matrix of the material world... the mind of God so to speak.

On a side note I was just offered a consulting job at $200 per hour to come out of retirement. Think I should take it?
Hell yes. I just saw the Intern with Robert Deniro. Ever see it? His wife died and he was bored to death. Even working for free he'd rather do that then be bored.

So $200 hr? Fuck yea.

My brother is a millionaire and burned out. I bet when he finally retires he will go back after 6 months and "consult".

When I'm ready to retire I'm going to tell my company I will do what I do for them but only 4 hours a day not 9. And they never have to give me a raise ever again. So make around $100K a year working 20 hours a week. Plus healthcare.
One cannot wrap a brain around something that has no objective evidence.......nothing is nothing.

I believe in reason, logic and the Laws of Physics. In order not to believe in have to present the logical fallacy of an infinite universe without a Creating Cause. According to the Laws of Logic you have but 2 possible equations if you omit a Creating Cause from the equation. (1). The Universe created itself from nothing (Dogma). (2). Or.....the Universe is eternal without beginning without end.....impossible to prove when the Laws of Physics are applied.

The Universe could not have created itself from nothing. The Laws of Physics prove that when you begin with end with nothing when Real Science is Applied ..........the reality of Science upon application demonstrates that the theories such as the Big Bang are fundamentally void of the basic laws of physics and the scientific method when the paradigm of the Big Bang is considered........why? Because such a theory is fundamentally "untestable" via applying cannot produce the observed and reproducible evidence that prove the Universe is eternal or the CAUSE of the supposed Cosmic ball of energy that exploded and produced YOUR BIG BANG. The only law of physics that is applicable is the First Law of Thermodynamics which proves that nothing can be created without a superior cause. If you attempt to argue that the Laws of Physics do not apply and did not exist prior to the Big Bang and the Cosmic Egg of energy that suddenly appeared without a Cause........then you must be asked, How did the first law of physics...thermodynamics write itself into existence.......Who made these laws?

The Universe is not infinite or eternal......according to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. All the available evidence from science concludes (when and where science can be applied) is wearing proven via the decay of the Stars which is observable.....stars can be observed in a state of decay.......most such star (Beatlejuice) has been observed in a state of exhausting its energy source.

If you can.........produce the name of one NEW BORN STAR.....not a theory that suggests new stars come are being created in star nurseries called such as the Orion Nebula. Show me ONE NEWBORN STAR.

And I can't give you the evidence you want to disprove a creating cause. And you can't give me the evidence of a creating cause. The fact is we don't know enough to come to a conclusion.

Remember, we don't know what was here before our universe got started. Do you know one day all the stars in our universe will die? The entire observable universe black. What happens then? I suspect another big bang. But who knows?

If you believe in God you can't seriously say he didn't exist before our universe was born and you can't rule out that he has other universes besides ours. That's what you can't wrap your brain around.

Our observable universe is not infinite correct? Yet the universe is infinite. Agreed? No end. No beginning. No need for a god.
Hell yes. I just saw the Intern with Robert Deniro. Ever see it? His wife died and he was bored to death. Even working for free he'd rather do that then be bored.

So $200 hr? Fuck yea.

My brother is a millionaire and burned out. I bet when he finally retires he will go back after 6 months and "consult".

When I'm ready to retire I'm going to tell my company I will do what I do for them but only 4 hours a day not 9. And they never have to give me a raise ever again. So make around $100K a year working 20 hours a week. Plus healthcare.
This gig will last 3 to 5 years and I was told I could work as many or as few hours as I wanted.
And I can't give you the evidence you want to disprove a creating cause. And you can't give me the evidence of a creating cause. The fact is we don't know enough to come to a conclusion.

Remember, we don't know what was here before our universe got started. Do you know one day all the stars in our universe will die? The entire observable universe black. What happens then? I suspect another big bang. But who knows?

If you believe in God you can't seriously say he didn't exist before our universe was born and you can't rule out that he has other universes besides ours. That's what you can't wrap your brain around.

Our observable universe is not infinite correct? Yet the universe is infinite. Agreed? No end. No beginning. No need for a god.
Right now, the scientific consensus is that the universe is not infinite, had a beginning but will fade to quantum fluctuations over eons of time as it expands infinitely. IOW, a one-way ticket with a start and no end. And yes, imagining a universe literally creating itself from nothing violates the physical laws we understand.
This gig will last 3 to 5 years and I was told I could work as many or as few hours as I wanted.
That's probably the best thing a retired person can do. I've watched my parents deteriorate over the 20 years Dad's retired from his medical practice. I think he should have taken a part-time teaching or consulting position to stay sharp. Of course, Mom having Alzheimer's is no picnic, so you do what you have to do.
the spirit is inviolable and no harm in changing life forms -


who would not be thrilled to spend a day as an eagle in flight ... surly a way the heavens would spend their time on planet earth.
Me. Ever seen where they eat ? Fucking dump buzzard
I'll be this
That's probably the best thing a retired person can do. I've watched my parents deteriorate over the 20 years Dad's retired from his medical practice. I think he should have taken a part-time teaching or consulting position to stay sharp. Of course, Mom having Alzheimer's is no picnic, so you do what you have to do.
I've been playing golf for the last two years and pretty much the year before that because of the pandemic. I'm not bored with it because I'm still working at getting better. This is more about being able to purchase a few more rent houses without having to fund it from my retirement accounts.
Shape shifters are evil.
mythology is not your strong suit - or just everything for a christian is evil ... their madeup devil rules their lives.

I didn’t know you were an expert on every culture known to man.

oh, it's not just you it's every culture known to mankind ... or maybe just the phony desert religions and da - evil devil.

* or just hellbilly's.

you never wanted to soar like an eagle ... its ok, a priest cant kick your ass on the internet. speak up.
Right now, the scientific consensus is that the universe is not infinite, had a beginning but will fade to quantum fluctuations over eons of time as it expands infinitely. IOW, a one-way ticket with a start and no end. And yes, imagining a universe literally creating itself from nothing violates the physical laws we understand.
The observable universe. You don't know the difference. Of course the Universe is infinite. The observable universe is not.

Until you know the difference between our observable universe and the UNIVERSE we can't have this conversation because you can't wrap your brain around it.

In physics, we usually distinguish between these two notions of universe as, one, the observable universe, which is everything whose existence we've thus far been able to confirm or observe, or could, in principle, observe if we pointed our telescopes at it, and two, the Universe with a capital U, or the whole universe ...

Funny that religious people can't wrap their brains around the fact the universe goes off in every direction for an infinite amount of time and space. No end.

They can't grasp that. But ask them if God has existed for an infinite amount of time and they'll quickly say SURE!
Me. Ever seen where they eat ? Fucking dump buzzard
I'll be this

hey, from a monkey to a parakeet - i'd keep the change ... also illiterate one, eagles are never seen at a dump - they are though seen eating parakeets.
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.
In science fiction that ability is is referred to as "shape shifting"
And none that I've seen are considered "gods"
Funny that religious people can't wrap their brains around the fact the universe goes off in every direction for an infinite amount of time and space. No end.

They can't grasp that. But ask them if God has existed for an infinite amount of time and they'll quickly say SURE!
Actually it doesn't. You might be confusing the curvature of space time with an infinite distance.

Why are atheists so ignorant of science?
That's just silly.
What? They were saying the universe or our observable universe if flat. Even still, going in every direction there is more universe. I mean beyond our observable universe.

The trite answer is that both space and time were created at the big bang about 14 billion years ago, so there is nothing beyond the universe. However, much of the universe exists beyond the observable universe, which is maybe about 90 billion light years across.

And I would speculate they are wrong too. It's infinite light years across.

They said just like I said, our universe may expand to where it hits other universes expanding, or maybe there is a thick layer of dark matter in between universes.

God can go in any direction faster than expansion right? Faster than the speed of light? Actually expansion is going faster than the speed of light. Did you know that? Well god could catch up and pass it. What's he going into? Dark matter? We don't know. We can only see our observable universe. But common sense says beyond us is just more space and time.

You're putting god in a box.

God sits outside our universe remember? Well that's the space I'm talking about. You'll never see it.
What? They were saying the universe or our observable universe if flat. Even still, going in every direction there is more universe. I mean beyond our observable universe.

The trite answer is that both space and time were created at the big bang about 14 billion years ago, so there is nothing beyond the universe. However, much of the universe exists beyond the observable universe, which is maybe about 90 billion light years across.

And I would speculate they are wrong too. It's infinite light years across.

They said just like I said, our universe may expand to where it hits other universes expanding, or maybe there is a thick layer of dark matter in between universes.

God can go in any direction faster than expansion right? Faster than the speed of light? Actually expansion is going faster than the speed of light. Did you know that? Well god could catch up and pass it. What's he going into? Dark matter? We don't know. We can only see our observable universe. But common sense says beyond us is just more space and time.

You're putting god in a box.

God sits outside our universe remember? Well that's the space I'm talking about. You'll never see it.
That's a pretty huge leap to say the universe is infinite. It's total nonsense. As is everything else in your post. I'm not going to waste my time with garbage, bro. C'mon.

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