Zone1 How would you feel about God if he

What if God said you were too much of a prick to get into heaven?
He already did. That's what salvation is all about. You know, you really shouldn't ask a Christian that question if you're not prepared to hear the Gospel. So, should I continue or do you want to let this drop?
He already did. That's what salvation is all about. You know, you really shouldn't ask a Christian that question if you're not prepared to hear the Gospel. So, should I continue or do you want to let this drop?
So you aren't going to heaven?
So you aren't going to heaven?
Oh, good, you opted to hear the Gospel. Good choice.

See, none of us are headed to eternity in God's presence based on our efforts alone. You might as well line everyone up on the beach in California and tell them they're all going to swim to Hawaii. Some would make it 10 yards off the beach before they drowned, some would make it mile or so before they were eaten by a shark, and a handful of well conditioned, experienced swimmers might make it a few dozen miles before they too finally drowned, but no one would make it to Hawaii. Meanwhile, Jesus is standing by on a cruise ship, calling out to everyone that they have free accommodations on board, all they have to do is grab the rope from the lifeboat that's 10 feet away.

We all have sinned, we all have evil in our minds and hearts, we all act selfishly. Absolutely none of us has the right to demand that God has to accept us into his presence for eternity because we're so good, and since God is complete justice, the penalty for that sin has to be paid. The penalty is death and eternal separation from God. This is, however, where it gets really good. Jesus paid that penalty. He put the cruise ship there, and all we have to do is get on board. We're free to refuse, of course, and try swimming all the way to Hawaii, but nobody would make it.

That's why I can confidently say that God told me I'm never going to be good enough to be with Him for eternity, but because of Jesus I don't have to be. I can be there because He invited me in.

Now, I'll be glad to continue this. All you have to do is indicate you want to hear more. Or you could just let it all drop and let this stand.
I'm trying to point out the fatal errors in your thinking when you say them.
But you haven't. The universe did begin. It popped spontaneously into existence. It did so in an unnatural way for paired particle production, It has the only structure of matter that makes life possible out of an infinite number of structures that can't. Intelligence arising was written into the fabric of matter and the laws of nature. Everything is made manifest by mind. All true statements and not one has been refuted. So, no. You haven't shown me any errors yet.
No wonder you prematurely come to false conclusions.
I've been studying it for 20 years. You're the one who has only started looking at it now. And that was because of me. You'll have to excuse me if I don't accept your bullshit responses. You don't know jack shit about this, son.
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.
Is it true? They place photo's of trans-sexuals on cartons of half & half? :huh1: To address your "hypothetical" nonsense....its best to ask, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Truth.......All sins, carry the same wages, perverts are not targeted anymore than the thief, the adulterer, the drunkard...etc., Guess What? There is not a person on earth that is worthy of salvation (Romans 3:10), God would have all men/women find salvation by coming to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:3-4).

God gives us everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Christ Jesus (2 Peter 1:3)

God loves His greatest creation (mankind) to the point that He gave His only begotten Son in order to offer the world salvation from their sins. (John 3:16)

If you think there is a path provided to mankind's salvation in any other are mistaken, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me (Jesus Christ)." -- John 14:6

No one that practices an alternate lifestyle is any different than any other person on earth, To find salvation you must attempt to walk in the LIGHT of the gospel truth, Jesus is the light that guides the path toward salvation (John 8:12)

If you say you have no sin, regardless of your preferred lifestyle..........YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF as is all those who claim they are not sinning, "But if we walk in the light (knowledge), as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins; and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:7-9). are not the only one on earth walking in sin. "........wide is the gate, broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction and many there be that go in thereat." -- Matthew 7:13

Its a struggle, that at times even threatened to make an Apostle fall from Grace and not receive the reward for running the race called life. Paul walked in fear of himself each and every day, and walked one day at a time. (1 Cor. 9:24-27)

As long as there is life there is HOPE...........that is the difference between a Christian and those who refuse to walk in the light.............we are commanded to reveal when asked why HOPE remains in our answer everyone that might ask (1 Peter 3:15).
How would you feel about God if he shown you his powers when you stood before him and he changed into a woman and then several different kinds of animals and then changed back. Would you lose respect for him and act like you do with trans people or would you be in awe of his abilities.
I would lay off the whiskey
How do all the planets, moons, meteors, comits turn back into gases? They say the big bang started from gasses.

Maybe when they condense they crush all the matter so that all the matter left can fit in the pin of a needle?

that's a stretch, fit in a pinhead - the cyclical event at that time all matter is converted to energy from the compaction of the reconvened matter when the reversal, moment of singularity, once again occurs.
But you haven't. The universe did begin. It popped spontaneously into existence. It did so in an unnatural way for paired particle production, It has the only structure of matter that makes life possible out of an infinite number of structures that can't. Intelligence arising was written into the fabric of matter and the laws of nature. Everything is made manifest by mind. All true statements and not one has been refuted. So, no. You haven't shown me any errors yet.
Yea but what was here before the big bang? We don't know. And what is beyond out universe. We don't know. And what was going on before our universe. We don't know.

You're wrong if you think your evidence proves intent.
mythology is not your strong suit - or just everything for a christian is evil ... their madeup devil rules their lives.

Many so called Christians don't get it when they believe in ghosts, angels among us, devils, etc. Jesus said the next time someone out of this world will visit is when he returns. So no your loveones can't talk to you through those people who fake like they are talking to your love ones? Bullshit artists. And you have never seen a ghost. They don't exist. Nothing comes back from the dead, until Jesus does.
Many so called Christians don't get it when they believe in ghosts, angels among us, devils, etc. Jesus said the next time someone out of this world will visit is when he returns. So no your loveones can't talk to you through those people who fake like they are talking to your love ones? Bullshit artists. And you have never seen a ghost. They don't exist. Nothing comes back from the dead, until Jesus does.

mythology is the spiritual content of the metaphysical physiology that is the harbinger of life on planet earth ...

physiology will never occure in a test tube because it can not survive without a spiritual guide. unless one, a spirit might be passing by.
I's not the only logical answer, dumb fuck. I'm trying to point out the fatal errors in your thinking when you say them.

No wonder you prematurely come to false conclusions.
This is human nature.

When humans are faced with a puzzle they cannot solve they tend to make up an explanation. These explanations endure sometimes even after the puzzle is solved. We have yet to understand how the universe came to be and how life appeared but humans in their hubris refuse to believe that these things my be beyond our intellectual capacity to understand
This is human nature.

When humans are faced with a puzzle they cannot solve they tend to make up an explanation. These explanations endure sometimes even after the puzzle is solved. We have yet to understand how the universe came to be and how life appeared but humans in their hubris refuse to believe that these things my be beyond our intellectual capacity to understand
I saw a great How the Universe Works. They too believe our universe isn't the only universe. Our universe was created when the big bang happened but something was before us and there also must be more beyond our observable universe. But we will never know that. Can't know that. So we are too limited to know all the things theists claim to know. And what they agree we don't know, must be god. Even proves god.

It's very easy to say god explains what we don't understand. But then we figure it out and god turns out was not the answer. There was a scientific answer. This is called God of the Gaps.
I saw a great How the Universe Works. They too believe our universe isn't the only universe. Our universe was created when the big bang happened but something was before us and there also must be more beyond our observable universe. But we will never know that. Can't know that. So we are too limited to know all the things theists claim to know. And what they agree we don't know, must be god. Even proves god.

It's very easy to say god explains what we don't understand. But then we figure it out and god turns out was not the answer. There was a scientific answer. This is called God of the Gaps.
Circular Reasoning? Regardless of how many "alternate" or "multi-universes" might exist.............there must have been a FIRST ONE that could not have created itself from nothing. Reasoning such as this due to the ignorance of mankind is much like kicking the can down the road.
Circular Reasoning? Regardless of how many "alternate" or "multi-universes" might exist.............there must have been a FIRST ONE that could not have created itself from nothing. Reasoning such as this due to the ignorance of mankind is much like kicking the can down the road.
Nope. There was never a first one. The universe has always existed.

And I'm not talking about our observable universe. There's a difference.
Circular Reasoning? Regardless of how many "alternate" or "multi-universes" might exist.............there must have been a FIRST ONE that could not have created itself from nothing. Reasoning such as this due to the ignorance of mankind is much like kicking the can down the road.

There is no evidence that the universe has an edge. The part of the universe we can observe from Earth is filled more or less uniformly with galaxies extending in every direction as far as we can see - more than 10 billion light-years, or about 6 billion trillion miles.

Universe Dark Energy-1 Expanding Universe
The curve changes noticeably about 7.5 billion years ago, when objects in the universe began flying apart as a faster rate. Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling galaxies apart.

What was before the first universe?

There has always been something. Think about that. Stop putting god in a box. Are you saying God and universes were born 14 billion years ago? What was god doing 15 billion years ago?

This is not the only universe in the universe. I know that's hard to wrap your brain around. It's easier for you to believe the god creation stories. You're still very primitive.
Yea but what was here before the big bang? We don't know. And what is beyond out universe. We don't know. And what was going on before our universe. We don't know.

You're wrong if you think your evidence proves intent.
Logically... the source or matrix of the material world... the mind of God so to speak.

On a side note I was just offered a consulting job at $200 per hour to come out of retirement. Think I should take it?

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