How's Mr. Trump Enjoying His Day?

TRUMP is a mans man Braveheart you may imagine if you like. Did we expect him to sound like a monk? So what about what he said on the bus! Anybody here is so lame to suggest that they never knew men could talk dirty? Its not like he acted dirty. And he was on his way to a SOAP OPERA and maybe he was gearing up as actors do. I AM SURE this all is Melanias business and NO he didnt do this as President like baby BILL. This Bitch Hillary is digging up dirt to distract the public from the real misdeeds of the Clintons. And its so lame!
GUYS laughing because its just guys bullshitting!:"...general hilarity and laughter, Trump..."
(Hey, dumbass, just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.):lame2:During the exchange, with the television personality Billy Bush of the program “Access Hollywood,” Mr. Trump recalls how he once pursued a married woman and “moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there,” expressing regret that they did not have sex.
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What just blows the fuck out of all this is that his peeps, defends this shit.....uneffin believable...they're defending this guy????????????? Trump is a man's man, no doubt, he may be this great business leader, this personality, this showman, etc....but he is not, I repeat, is not fit to be president of the United States and for his supporters to feel otherwise, does a disservice to this country, to our past and to human decency.....oh, and I failed to mention, the man isn't qualified!!

Did you vote for Bill Clinton? Twice?
They (libs) will probably start 7. You know they can't start threads on Trump that are on the issues or achievements.
LMAO What issues? What achievements?

Issues? Bulding a multi-billion dollar wall between us and Mexico, a wall that won't keep out illegals and will help bankrupt our economy? An economic plan that, according to all the experts, will destroy our economy? Praising the dictator Putin and alienating our allies? Believing that women who get abortions should be punished? (How Victorian)

What achievements? Losing nearly a billion dollars in one year? Not paying US taxes? Marrying and divorcing 3 times? Cheating on his wives? Marrying younger and younger women each time? Talking about bonking his daughter? Having 5 or 6 bankruptsies? Not renting to black people?

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Suddenly the left is concerned about how a POTENTIAL president may have personally treated women. Too funny.

That's because it shows his character and paints him as a misogynist.

You DO realize that 54 percent of this country is made up of women, right?

Did you vote for Bill Clinton? Twice?
Based on bi-partisan experts -- presidential historians, Bill Clinton is one of the top ten best presidents the US has ever had.
He just created a democrat platform for a democrat political career for Melania as Mrs Donald Trump.
Plenty of Alt-Right men would vote for the first porn president.
And even more democrat alleged men would if she was a democrat.
You're dodging the obvious hypocrisy.
Melania is now the equivalent of Mrs Bill Clinton minus the political career based on the name of her predator husband.
lol, and libs supported Bill AFTER his many bj's, rapes and affairs IN THE WH. Liberal logic. Support Hillary who actually defended a pedophile. Trump SAYS things most guys say and its the worst thing ever- no wonder libs have ZERO credibility. THE FAKE outrage. HYPOCRITES,ALL.
Did he engage in macho type locker room talk heard by every guy who isn't a social reject, or did he do what Hillary did, attack women that her husband raped, abused, and got blowjobs from 18 year old interns in the Oval Office?

Honestly, it was locker room bragging to Billy Bush, where he thought it was private talk that just happened to be secretly recorded. That doesn't change the fact though that it supports the idea he is a misogynist.
This type of talk is very typical of guys when they're hanging around each other. It's just a bunch of meaningless, alpha male, dick swinging "I'm really cool" testosterone impaired lingo. Any guy who hasn't either talked like this or known people who did isn't normal in my opinion.
Mr Trump quickly dismissed it as "locker room banter" and added, Bill Clinton has said far worse than me.

But Trump did apologize over the video tape showing him making off color comments about women

<pffft>. he didn't apologize... what he did was say he was sorry if anyone was offended...NOT for what he actually said. there's a difference. then trying to deflect & turn the spotlight on bill Clinton. when it's on film & audio of slick willy talking trash, then he'll have a point. until & unless that happens... trump is gonna get rightfully skewered over this.
What just blows the fuck out of all this is that his peeps, defends this shit.....uneffin believable...they're defending this guy????????????? Trump is a man's man, no doubt, he may be this great business leader, this personality, this showman, etc....but he is not, I repeat, is not fit to be president of the United States and for his supporters to feel otherwise, does a disservice to this country, to our past and to human decency.....oh, and I failed to mention, the man isn't qualified!!
Sounds like you think an offensive comment is worse than Hillary killing 4 men and exposing our national secrets to our enemies. That makes you an idiot of the first order.
What just blows the fuck out of all this is that his peeps, defends this shit.....uneffin believable...they're defending this guy????????????? Trump is a man's man, no doubt, he may be this great business leader, this personality, this showman, etc....but he is not, I repeat, is not fit to be president of the United States and for his supporters to feel otherwise, does a disservice to this country, to our past and to human decency.....oh, and I failed to mention, the man isn't qualified!!
Sounds like you think an offensive comment is worse than Hillary killing 4 men and exposing our national secrets to our enemies. That makes you an idiot of the first order.

8 benghaziiiiiiiiii investigations later & you all are still trying to tie that lie together with a neat little bow. trump is completely insane & has no verbal or physical impulse control; but your hatred for Hillary will always supersede any logic & coherent brain cell connection you may be capable of.
What just blows the fuck out of all this is that his peeps, defends this shit.....uneffin believable...they're defending this guy????????????? Trump is a man's man, no doubt, he may be this great business leader, this personality, this showman, etc....but he is not, I repeat, is not fit to be president of the United States and for his supporters to feel otherwise, does a disservice to this country, to our past and to human decency.....oh, and I failed to mention, the man isn't qualified!!
Sounds like you think an offensive comment is worse than Hillary killing 4 men and exposing our national secrets to our enemies. That makes you an idiot of the first order.

See, the difference is that Trump actually did what we're accusing him of. While your 'Hillary killed 4 men' is just the helpless shit your ilk tell each other as you watch Trump's poll numbers plummet.

Just keep rocking back and forth, repeating 'the election is rigged......Trump told us the election is rigged'. It won't change the outcome of November 8th. But like the rest of your conspiracy nonsense, it may make you feel better as Trump loses.
What just blows the fuck out of all this is that his peeps, defends this shit.....uneffin believable...they're defending this guy????????????? Trump is a man's man, no doubt, he may be this great business leader, this personality, this showman, etc....but he is not, I repeat, is not fit to be president of the United States and for his supporters to feel otherwise, does a disservice to this country, to our past and to human decency.....oh, and I failed to mention, the man isn't qualified!!
Sounds like you think an offensive comment is worse than Hillary killing 4 men and exposing our national secrets to our enemies. That makes you an idiot of the first order.

8 benghaziiiiiiiiii investigations later & you all are still trying to tie that lie together with with a neat little bow. trump is completely insane & has no verbal or physical impulse control; but your hatred for Hillary will always supersede any logic & coherent brain cell connection you may be capable of.
Trump wasn't a politician 11 years ago. Vote-for-my-vag was. She's responsible for the mess we're currently in, he isn't. Yes I hold her to a higher standard.
What just blows the fuck out of all this is that his peeps, defends this shit.....uneffin believable...they're defending this guy????????????? Trump is a man's man, no doubt, he may be this great business leader, this personality, this showman, etc....but he is not, I repeat, is not fit to be president of the United States and for his supporters to feel otherwise, does a disservice to this country, to our past and to human decency.....oh, and I failed to mention, the man isn't qualified!!
Sounds like you think an offensive comment is worse than Hillary killing 4 men and exposing our national secrets to our enemies. That makes you an idiot of the first order.

8 benghaziiiiiiiiii investigations later & you all are still trying to tie that lie together with with a neat little bow. trump is completely insane & has no verbal or physical impulse control; but your hatred for Hillary will always supersede any logic & coherent brain cell connection you may be capable of.
Trump wasn't a politician 11 years ago. Vote-for-my-vag was. She's responsible for the mess we're currently in, he isn't. Yes I hold her to a higher standard.

Trump isn't a politician now. He's a clown making this shit up as he goes along who alluded to his dick size in a nationally televised debate and just days ago urged his followers to check out a sex tape.

But thanks for revealing what your ilk really mean by 'family values'. Trump is the perfect match to represent the GOP
What just blows the fuck out of all this is that his peeps, defends this shit.....uneffin believable...they're defending this guy????????????? Trump is a man's man, no doubt, he may be this great business leader, this personality, this showman, etc....but he is not, I repeat, is not fit to be president of the United States and for his supporters to feel otherwise, does a disservice to this country, to our past and to human decency.....oh, and I failed to mention, the man isn't qualified!!
Sounds like you think an offensive comment is worse than Hillary killing 4 men and exposing our national secrets to our enemies. That makes you an idiot of the first order.

8 benghaziiiiiiiiii investigations later & you all are still trying to tie that lie together with with a neat little bow. trump is completely insane & has no verbal or physical impulse control; but your hatred for Hillary will always supersede any logic & coherent brain cell connection you may be capable of.
Trump wasn't a politician 11 years ago. Vote-for-my-vag was. She's responsible for the mess we're currently in, he isn't. Yes I hold her to a higher standard.

uh-huh. forget about Hillary.... are you still voting for trump? then your credibility means zero.

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